Whats the record for least number of ppl on a keep take in thid? We did it with 11 last night cos we got ... um... bored Was funny watching the mages staffkill the gate
For bg1... as far as i recall 5 4Paladins 1Cleric BG2 ... erh... does Anybody ACUTALLY GO HERE? bg3 dunno never been there, dont want to either not until tomorrow..
Did it with 6 or 7 one night when i had my champ in there vs about 2-3 defenders. Died a few times but none of the defenders could fix the gate so we just kept comin back and breakin it a bit more. This was pre-siegemaster too so i had to get the 2 rams i used on doors from outside the bg and try to carry them in with only 6 or 7 lvl 24's to share the enc around. Think the grp composition was me (champ), warden (only healer, was main reason we kept diein and havin to come back), firby spear hero, ranger and 2 chanters i think.
Lynx the 4 pallies and 1 cleric was for BG2 They did it over the space of two days, one door each day, had that been BG1 it would have been repaired or taken by the mids/hibs.
When the server resets and the keep is neutral, it's not owned by any realm, but it's defended by renegade guards. At that point it's quite possible to solo a keep.
Well the only keep raids I've been in that have worked have had about 20-30 people so I can't really say if it could have worked with less. Have tried to organise keep raid with less, but since everyone normally decides to ignore me and run around and get themselves killed, it's never worked. I did hear of the 5 people taking a keep, but I thought that was BG2 as well...
When i was in the 6 or 7 that took the ck in thid i turned up a bit tipsy <cough> after the pub on sunday night to find a ck keep raid in fulll swing, i joined in but we failed. But by that point stubborn drunken me had got it in his head that we were gonna get the ck. So i cracked a 6 pack outta the fridge, got some rams off a guildy and got what was left of us back to the ck (was 6 or 7, less than a fg is all my drunken memory remembers reliably ) to find only a couple of albs/mids (can't even remember who had the ck...damn maybe i drink too much ) were left defendin. Like i mentioned before we kept diein, but after a couple of times comin back to find that the doors were still as damaged as we left em we thought who cares if we keep diein, we're gettin in that keep. Anyway, drunken stubborness, 5 hours of bashin and an aborted attempt on the lord later we ported back to thid to a ck with open doors and no defenders (had killed em on our way to gettin ganked at lord first time) we charged the lord again, a few people died in the epic battle that ensued but finally we got the lord down and claimed the ck for our own......then promptly collapsed into a drunken unconciousness. Was fun, just wish i could remember more of it
Blimey you reply fast. And i try not to worry when i don't remember things...otherwise i'd be a nervous wreck by now.
I'm not allowed to stop drinking. I'm a student AND i live in scotland... it would break some fundamental law of the universe if i was to not........well, atleast that's what i tell myself.
Ahh yes, completely understand. Me giving up drinking also coincided with me stopping being a student