FYI : XP for bg1 medal

Discussion in 'Battleground Discussions' started by TeslaUK, May 11, 2003.

  1. TeslaUK

    TeslaUK Guest

    Prolly been posted somewhere but, I'll post again....

    I just got the medal for BG1 completion.

    I was awarded 40,046,450 xp.

    This translated to :

    At time of handing it in I was lvl 24 with 3.3 bulb.

    I am now lvl 25 with 2.5 bulb.

    Nice :great:
  2. TeslaUK

    TeslaUK Guest

  3. Asq

    Asq Guest

    There are meds for all bgs?
  4. old.m0000

    old.m0000 Guest

    spent 50g on a ram in bg3 last nite, then when the keep falls i died like 5 seconds before the lord died and get no medallion

    nice one mythic :great:
  5. katt!

    katt! Guest

    changed in 1.61 smth so you get credit for the capture even if you are dead
  6. Kurik BHM

    Kurik BHM Guest

    this medal is given for bg ck capture or capping 350 rp award?
  7. For capture of ck but you cant claim it until you have capped. I think.
  8. TeslaUK

    TeslaUK Guest

    You (currently) have to be alive when the keep is taken and be in the ck area not mooching about at the tk ... (so rez the dead when ya can ;) )

    You also need to max the realm cap for that bg (yes there is one for each bg).

    There is also one for 40-45 as long as your not more than RR2L5.

    When you cap out goto cam and get the medal from Kiser who is near the Mug pub in Camelot. If you stand outside the Mug and look up and to your right he is on the balcony there.

    Take the medal to another guy in the Royal Library (left room) and you get the xp.

    The amount for the bg3 I have posted on here somewhere as well.

    I'll post the 40-45 one when I get it.
  9. Mage

    Mage Guest

    Is it the same for BG0 ? Someone said you have to exp lvl to 20 in the Bg to get the medal. Also heard you need to defend the keewp for 45 mins in addition to being in a keep take.
  10. I dont think you personally have to defend it but if the keep is lost before 45mins of beign taken then you cant complete the quest - so its a good idea to defend it.

    As for the being lvl20, I havent heard anything about that - but then I've never actualyl done this quest so I'm pretty useless... :eek:
  11. halgaard

    halgaard Guest

    hi all.
    would like to correct a few things ;)

    ive gotten about 5-6 medals now with multiple chars.
    you do NOT have to defend the keep at all.
    when you see the message : you have completed the xxx keep quest, then you are done and can go collect the medal, realm points doesnt have an influence at all.
    what level you are i cant say, since all my chars have been at highest bg level ( 19-24-29-34 ) when we took the keeps. but im pretty sure even a level 15 will receive the medal ( i could be wrong but i doubt it :) )
  12. Highest lvl for bg3 is 35.

    Sorry, had to correct that as everything else Ive said in this thread appears to now be wrong.
  13. TeslaUK

    TeslaUK Guest

    Only reason to cap out first (especially BG3) is that most people will be at max level for that bg. As the medal gives you a level, if you get it before you cap ~ you can't get back into that bg ;)
  14. TeslaUK

    TeslaUK Guest

    Battleground and Merchant Keep Medals

    for clarification and help for all :-

    Battleground Keep Medal Quests

    To complete a battleground, you must achieve all three objectives (note that only the keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in standard RvR):

    1. Participating in a successful raid on a central keep that has been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes. When the enemy's banner has been raised at the door of the keep, you should get credit for taking that keep by killing the Keep Lord. If the banner hasn't been raised yet and you take the keep, you won't get credit for taking it. Double check your list of completed quests with the /quest command before you leave the battleground to confirm that you did it correctly. There will be a message to you if you did it correctly.
    Successful Keep Raid must have:
    Ø Enemy in control of Keep for at least 45 minutes
    Ø Enemy’s banner has been raised at the door of the keep
    Ø You must be within radius meaning you should have seen a message that you have entered <insert keep name>.

    2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground
    Ø Levels 15-19 = Abermenai (realm point cap – 125)
    Ø Levels 20-24 = Thidranki (realm point cap – 350)
    Ø Levels 25-29 = Murdaigean (realm point cap – 1375)
    Ø Levels 30-35 = Caledonia (realm point cap – 7125)

    3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.
    Level Ranges:
    Ø Levels 15-19 = Abermenai (realm point cap – 125) thus level 15-20 for the medal to be earned and turned in
    Ø Levels 20-24 = Thidranki (realm point cap – 350) thus level 20-25 for the medal to be earned and turned in
    Ø Levels 25-29 = Murdaigean (realm point cap – 1375) thus level 25-30 for the medal to be earned and turned in
    Ø Levels 30-35 = Caledonia (realm point cap – 7125) thus level 30-36 for the medal to be earned and turned in

    Please note that the realm points need not all be earned in the battleground - they can be gained in standard RvR as well. Once players have participated in a keep raid and reached the required Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in their home city and receive their medal of valor.
    Medal NPCs that give the Medal Reward after completing steps 1-3 above successfully:
    Ø Camelot: Commander Kise can be found on the porch of his house by The Mug.
    Ø Jordheim: Ostaden who is repairing his equipment at the local smithy.
    Ø TirNaNog: Mobryn who resides in a house near the Chamber of Arms.

    Once the medal is in a player's possession, it can be taken to the NPC in the capital cities that accepts the battleground medals. Again, a significant experience reward will be given.
    Battlefield Experience NPCs that take the medal to give experience reward:
    Ø Camelot: Sir Dinairak is in the royal library.
    Ø Jordheim: Aiesill is in the great hall.
    Ø TirNaNog: Rheollyn is in the palace courtyard.

    You can only turn in one medal per battleground. The medal must be turned in while you are in the appropriate level range as stated in step 2 above.


    Merchant Keep Medal Quests

    We have added an experience reward for 2 level ranges outside of the battleground.
    Levels 35-40 = Merchant Keep 1 (realm point cap – 7125 Realm level 2 rank 0)
    Levels 40-45 = Merchant Keep 2 (realm point cap – 25375 Realm level 2 rank 5)
    Ø In order to receive an experience reward you must take a merchant keep in an enemy frontier after it has been controlled by an enemy for at least 45 minutes. You must be in radius meaning you should have seen a message that you have entered <insert keep name>. You must do this once for each level range.

    After taking the keep, if you meet the minimum realm points for that level range, you may go to the medal NPC in the capital cities and receive your Medal of Valor. The medals cannot be saved for use outside of the level ranges listed above, and you can only receive each medal and experience reward only once. *-*

    <! bg0 bg1 bg2 bg3 >

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  15. old.FIN

    old.FIN Guest

    Also in rvr at lvl 45 , when taking 3 merc keeps whats been in enemys hand more than 45 mins, u get medal, thats 5 dots XP what u get from it

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