Does anyone know how this works? Very very bizarre RA. I casted it before the duel and like a normal buff, it appears at the top of the screen and has no timer on it. Apparently I'm supposed to fill it up with heals. So I heal myself even though I'm at full mana just to see and it comes up with 'you are already fully healed'. So I duel someone who hits me repeatedly and it doesnt proc heal. I heal myself back to full health and it still doesnt go off. They then accidentally killed me but I came back to life with it STILL on me So what does Battery of Life actually do? If it's only meant for others in your grp then why do you get it appearing at the top of your screen. <-------confused
aye, it doesnt actually seem to heal Heard it was quite good from some1, have heard its absolutely diabolical from others. Thought the only way to test it is to try it myself. So here I am, with 10 points spent on literally nothing? lol, i hope not
From what I remember it heals a total of 1k HPs to members of your group - but not yourself. Why does the icon appear when it doesnt affect you? Hmmmm, incase your memory span is too short to remember you pressed the button I assume For 10 points its of fairly limited use, but I can see it could be useful occasionally. Seems like a luxury RA for the cleric with everything else already
It won't heal yourselves. Only heals groupmembers. It can heal groupmembers till it is 'empty' and it contains around 1000 hp. From what I've heard it is 1000, but I dunno that for sure. If it's 1000 it's pretty expensive imo. I didn't take it on my druid, got 1 RA-respec left and want to use that one to get MOC.
Well considering a cleric should probalby get moc, rp, bof, purge, and all the prerequists... I dunno what rr I would have to be to consider this ra Ofc other people might like it
I've got BoF,purge, MCL2, RP, of which I see all more important then MoC. I've now got BoL as well as other small abilities until i have enough realm ranks for MoC. If BoL proves to be more worth it then MoC then I'll keep it but 1000 hp's isnt really a lot for a 30 minutes RA :/ Oh well, time to test it on a grp
That's the first one who thinks BoL is good then General opinion is that it's only good if you really really don't know what to do with your points (like when you're RR10l10 or something) and can't spend your points on anything else but a decidedly seriously underpowered RA .
The idea is that its a sort of pool of healing power, whenever someone in your group is injured it automatically heals them from this pool up until the value of the pool is reached, which is somewhere just over 1K of hit points. Advantages are that it requires no casting, you simply activate it, and it stays on until it has exhausted the pool of hit points, so you can activate it at ATK before you leave and there it is healing away, and when it runs out you can activate it again in advance after half an hour. Disadvantages are that it will NOT heal YOU, i.e the Cleric. Hence why it did nothing for you during your duel, its strictly for your party members only. This is designed deliberatly by Mythic as they did not want clerics having another 'instant' heal. Its an ok RA but not healing the Cleric takes away alot of its potential, also the pool of healing power it has is really quite small for its cost. People that use it report alot of annoying quirks about it, such as people taking a little falling damage on steps and therefore taking away some of its power, and then doubling up on healing when you start healing someone but then the pool heals them before you get chance to etc. BTW 1070 has been quoted as the total HP value of the pool.
Well I can very easily heal for over 1k with moc, and rez which is v useful, BUT it takes power and ofc there is a huge amount of ra points involved. Right now I really love MoC, I can't wait til I have RP too. My big problem is running out of power and not being able to use MCL because of combat... and like the man said, you don't get healed from it Cleric = second target in tank groups
I guess the advantage is that even if you are the first to die, the thing is reactivated (without having to recast) the second you are ressed but kinda wishing I didn't get it now Don't worry, as soon as I can afford MoC, I'll prob sub it out again for it. But RP/MCL2/BoF I saw more important after 750k rp's with MoC (aye, I got it too early but I was a smiter ) purge I'm kinda in 2 minds about. I seem to be getting mezzed less and less often and when I do, it's not for very long. I'm basing that purely down to luck and newbie people who have swapped realm to roll savages and break every mezz in sight. So it'll probably get worse...but purge isn't fantastic in my eyes...rarely has it won our grp a battle :/
been testing it tonight, and as some1 rightfully said, it only heals other people in your grp. So heres what it does in full and how to use it fully: It's on a 30 minutes timer but when cast, it will not be used until needed. If you die before the full use of it is used then when you are ressed, it will carry on as if you haven't died. The pulse timer is about 0.2 secs so nothing to worry about there. Basically, whilst it is up, unless a group member gets one hit killed, they will not all. If you active it before a mezz is landed on you, it will still work whilst you are mezzed. It only heals the amount needed on the char to restore them to 100% life. Use it just before coming into contact with an enemy OR if you are in a very relyable group that isnt going to go near a milegate wall, jump off the side of a cliff or HEALTH BUFF. Unfortunately, yes it does get used if any of the group receive falling damage or get health buffed.....If in a very reliable group, then once all are 100% buffed, you can activate it. Then the gap before getting the next one will be reduced. Main drawback is of course that it is only for 1070 life ...not each but in total :/ So only heaels for about as much as a single instant. And of course, it wont heal the user. Think thats it all covered. For a cleric, i'd say its probably about as useful as MoC when you bear in mind MoC can be stopped if you are mezzed/stunned and the 15 seconds generally doesn't last as long because the count down after you have been hit doesn't go instantly so often you only get 12 seconds use if you are lucky. Thats jsut my view though, view it as you will order for active RA's: MCL--->BoF--->MCL2--->raging power--->purge--->BoL/MoC if I had my time again.
That was me. I got it when it came out and almost insta-respecced out of it again. It heals for a total of 1070hp, although whether this is affected by MoH I don't know (had level 2 at the time). It won't heal you, and to be honest, with the new stat caps (or not) it won't even heal a tank for half. Pointless RA, imo, when you consider a spread heal could heal upwards of 4k. BOF, Purge, MCL2, RP, Acuity 3, MoArt2, WH1 < my current RAs (just respecced) and I love them. Egg out
nice RA, combined with BOF Edit: might be quite nice if you are smite/rejuv cleric, and wanna burn some mana smite0rzing