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liste des killtask

Par Kebero le 15/7/2002 à 11:14:26 (#1807282)

Kill task guards by location: Gna Faste Sentry Thuger, Sentry Crush
Galplen Sentry Gaarun, Sentry Stenbjorntd
Galplen Vault (Myrkwood 10x2) Sentry Stonefist, Sentry Litenburg
Nalliten Flayer Jacq
Fort Atla Digby, Kegnar
Dvalin Flayer Fali
Hugenfel Bork, Angor Crusher, Hurg, Sugnhild
Vasudheim Karl Gat
Audliten Fort Sveck
Fort (Vale of Mularn 18x50) Viking Karl
Vale of Mularn Vic
Jordheim Viking Sentry*
Mularn Viking Hyndla, Kreimhilde
Haggerfel Dwarven Guard Rinda
Fort Veldon Viking Oddnaug

* - the viking sentry in Jordheim is the type of guard who gives out quests, but I've never known her to actually give me a monster to hunt for.

Kill task guards by level, location and assignments. Note that this list is only a compilation of confirmed kill-task assignments for these guards at these levels. These same guards might refuse you (they probably will), and some unlisted guards might reward you (in which case, please post about your level/guard/assignment):

4 Digby Fort Atla Coastal wolves, Fragile skeletons, Dryad Sprout


5 Sentry Gaarun Galplen
5 Karl Gat Vasudheim Huldu Hunter


6 Sentry ??? Galplen
6 Viking Hyndla Mularn, near Jordheim entrance


7 Sentry ??? Galplen
7 Karl Gat Vasudheim


8 Karl Gat Vasudheim
8 Flayer Kegnar Fort Atla Rock Crab, Host of the Earth, Haunt, Carrion Crawler


9 Flayer Fali Dvalin
9 Flayer Kegnar Fort Atla Nacken, Roaming Dirge, Svartalf Outcast, Rock Crab
9 Viking Hyndla Mularn, near Jordheim entrance
9 Bork Hugenfel


10 Karl Gat Vasudheim
10 Bork Hugenfel
10 Flayer Jacq Nalliten
10 Rinda Hagerfel
10 Viking Kreimhilde Mularn


11 Flayer Kegnar Fort Atla
11 Dwarven Guard Rinda Haggerfel
11 Sveck Audliten Fort
11 Viking Karl Vale of Mularn (18x50)


12 Viking Karl Vale of Mularn (18x50) Wood-eater, Envy Drakeling
12 Karl Gat Vasudheim
12 Trader Vik Vale of Mularn
12 Viking Kreimhilde Mularn
12 Viking Oddnaug Fort Veldon
12 Rinda Haggerfel Vendo Shaman


13 Viking Oddnaug Fort Veldon Vendo Warrior, Rabid Wolfhound
13 Viking Hyndla Mularn


14 Viking Kremhilde Mularn
14 Viking Hyndla Mularn Hill Cat
14 Sentry Thuger Gna Faste Perfidious Pook, Tingler


15 Bork Huginfel
15 Angor Crusher Huginfel Wind Sprite, Large Sveawolf, Skogfru
15 Vic Vale of Mularn Grasscat
15 "tower guards" Gna Faste
15 Viking Kremhilde Mularn Rabid Wolfhound
15 Rinda Haggerfel Rabid Wolfhound, Vendo Shaman, Vendo Bone-Collector


16 Karl Gat Vasudheim long hikes
16 "tower guards" Gna Faste
16 Viking Karl Vale of Mularn (18x50) Rabid Wolfhound
16 Sveck Audliten Fort Svartalf Chanter
16 Sugnhild Huginfel Drifting Spirit
16 Bork Huginfel Black Mauler
16 Flayer Fali Dvalin Wind Sprite, Water Sprite, Black Mauler, Minor Fideal, Svartalf Hunter
16 Troll Digby Fort Atla Shadow (!), Blodfelag Henchman, Bloodthirsty She-wolf
16 Sentry Stonefist Galplen Vault Mora Rider


17 Bork Huginfel
17 Hurg Huginfel Wind Sprite
17 Viking Hyndla Mularn Mostly Vendo
17 Jirq Nalliten Archite Webslasher
17 Sentry Crush Gna Faste Soul Sinker, Svartelf Sorceror, Svartelf Watcher, Ridgeback Worg, Arachite Priest, Arachite Webslasher, Mora Rider, Mora Dancer, Tingler
17 Gaarum Galplen Svartelf Hunter
17 Karl Gat Vasudheim Wind Sprite


18 Viking Oddnaug Fort Veldon
18 Vic Vale of Mularn
18 Hurl Huginfel
18 Rinda Haggerfel Mostly Vendo
18 Sentry Thuger Gna Faste Mora Dancer
18 Sentry Stenbjorn Galplen Werewolf
18 Agnor Crusher Huginfel Svart Chanter/Hunter, Wind Sprite, Bloodfelag Svard, Minor Fideal
18 Flayer Kegnar Fort Atla Svart Chanter


19 "tower guards" Gna Faste
19 Sveck Audliten tower Wind Sprite, Savage Lynx, Svaewolf Packleader, Svart Chanter, Blodfelag Svard, Blodfelag Dreng, Blodfelag Wolfwarriors
19 Bork Huginfel Savage Lynx
19 "vault guard" Galplen Vault



It seems that the amount of experience rewarded to you is based on the level you are when you cash in your kill task, not the level you were when you requested it. So if possible, try to level before requesting your reward, you'll get more. It's possible to even hand in a kill-task after level 19, but you can only do it once. I wonder how many levels you could keep it for (hmm, limited by the 2 hour timer)... try and earn your level 19 kill task reward at 21 if you can (I made it to 20)...

I only just noticed recently that one guard responded "I'm sorry, I don't have anything for you right now." rather than the full "I'm sorry ... right now. Come back when you are more powerful.". I will have to keep close watch in my notations to see if any other guards do this. This might explain why mod 4 still works, it's just that at some towns at some levels there is no applicable targets.

It has been said that the kill tasks are always set out for beasts that are blue to you, and the only reason you sometimes find yellow or green beasts for any particular kill task is that beasts often come in a range of levels, and the guard that gave you the kill task actually meant some other beast that was blue to you. I could swear, however, that there have been times when I have been given a kill task for a beast that spawns only in one location, and all the beasties of that type in that location were green to me. I haven't any proof of this, just dim memories. (Addendum - Troll Digby in Fort Atla just gave me a quest for a Shadow, grey to me at 16. Addendum 2 - Stonefist gave me a quest for a Mora Rider, yellow and orange to me at 16.)

Although it's safest to first check with named guards for kill tasks (if you have forgotten to keep this list handy), not all named guards hand out kill tasks (for instance, Viking Gestr at 40x51 in the Vale of Mularn doesn't) and some un-named guards do (for instance, Viking Karl at 18x50 in the Vale of Mularn does).

My suspicion that you can only ever get one kill-task giving guard at any level is incorrect, I got two different guards to give me tasks one level.

There is a thought that groups of guards always give-tasks at the same level, for every single player. If this is true, then following guards are in the same groups (and thus when one gives you task at a particular level, the others in that group will as well):

Viking Karl (18x50 vale of mularn), Sveck, Sugnhild, Bork, Flayer Fali, Troll Digby, Sentry Stonefist
Oddnaug, Sentry Crush, Hurg, Sentry Gaarum, Flayer Jicq, Karl Gat
Hyndla, Viking Sentry in Jordheim*, Sentry Thuger, Sentry Stenbjorn
Vik, Kremhilde, Rinda, Agnor Crusher, Kegnar, Sentry Litenburg

Note that two things that could mess up this theory is if the grouping of guards changes at certain levels, or if the guard groups are randomized per player.
Apparently several patches ago there were six guard "circles", but this was reduced to just four.
Level Experience per Kill Task Copper
13 36200
14 51200
15 72450 1330
16 102400 1542
17 144825 1790
18 204800 2077
19 289625 2407
20 409600 2795 Note: you can't get level 20 kill-tasks, but if you turn in a level 19 after you've leveled to 20, this is what you get.

We can pretty much assume that XP is doled out at 400 * (2 ^ (L/2)) and copper at 143.33 * (1.16 ^ L)...

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