Valewalkers are cloth-wearing Hibernian mages who are given the ability to wield a large Scythe as a weapon. They are the strong arm of the Sylvan community - they are the primary fighters of this natural magic-using people. Valewalkers wear i mage-like cloth robes, which they can augment by casting armor-absorption and armor factor self-buffing spells. They also can evade and parry attacks.
Valewalker combat styles center around their magical nature, and augment their scythe's damage with magical effects.
To become a Valewalker, Sylvan, Firbolg, and Celt characters must first choose a new "Way" - the Way of the Grove" - and become a Forester. Then, Foresters join a new path, that of Affinity. Both Valewalkers and Animists share the path of Affinity.
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