Last Heir (level 45)  

Start Zone: Tir na Nog
Start NPC:Trainer
Related Quests:
  Wug's Jug
  Enchanting Willow
  Cad Goddeau A (level 15)
  Dying Favor
  Cad Goddeau B (level 20)
  Cad Goddeau D (level 30)
  Cad Goddeau C (level 25)
  Morven's Return
  Last Heir (level 43)
  Last Heir (level 50)
  Last Heir (level 47)
  Magical Branches
  Magic for Torrance
Related Zones:
  Bog of Cullen
  Lough Gur
Min Level:45
Max Level:50
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
Related NPCs:
  Fruadan Draoi Manius
  Shrieking Wraith
Last Updated:Tue Mar 31 22:01:00 2009
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Characters that were created after Patch Version 1.79 do not receive this Epic quest.

This was sent to me in Italian and I did my best to translate, please feel free to send in corrections!

Seek out the Shrieking Tree in the Bog, and listen to the shrieking wraiths. Be sure you have gained enough experience so you may better understand the words.

as you get near the tree it spams some text about killing a pohka but the journal then changes to "listen to the shrieking wraith"
couldnt progress beyond that.

You must first kill the Shrieking Wraith defending the Bog 23k, 47k (also found at loc=21618,49922,4925). Your best bet it to wait for night. You may be given miscellaneous kill tasks. Please send in and let us know what you are sent to do.

Better explanation:
Step 4: Kill dullahan till you get a Spirit sword and scalbbard when both are retrieved, return to Donnchadh

Step 8: find and kill the Shrieking Wraith defending the Bog 23k, 47k (also found at loc=21618,49922,4925).

Step 10: speak to Donnchadh about the [Beast]
At the top of a small hill there is the farm and in the house there is the
stranger, name is Donnchadh 57k, 26k.

step 11: kill a pooka in bog of cullen or lough gur

step 12:After you kill a pooka you have to go to Bog and find Fruadan Draoi Manius (52k, 46k - just behind Alainn Bin).

lvl 49 received 2,731,212,567 xp.

  Valewalker's Star Sapphire
  Druid's Jewel
  Mentalist's Jewel
  Animist's Fiery Opal
  Blademaster's Jewel
  Bainshee's Jewel
  Wendigo Belt of the Bright Moon
  Windigo Belt of the Pale Moon

Send a correction
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Vampiir reward
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Vampiir received this:

Wendigo Belt of the Bright Moon
(or something, translated from German)
(level 45 belt)
19 Con
3 Dementia
3 Pierce
40 Hits
Step 11 is part of LVL 47 Quest
# Sep 22 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
14 posts
Talking to Donnchadh is end of LVL 45 portion of thie Epic.
# Nov 13 2004 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
I managed to find an orange Pooka around the lake (west) from Innis Carthaig.

I'm 49 with Dropped/DF/ToA quest gear and no Nature, managed to kill him using only one insta. I was using a staff, they are weak to Crush.
____________________________ - World of Warcraft Hunters
Killing a pooka
# Aug 30 2003 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
I wanted to stay near where Donnchadh was, and I didnt want to bother anyone else with my epics so am trying to solo as much as I can (spec 41reg/35nurt/4NA, Level 50 in full sc kit) so looked around in the Bog for an orange Pooka.
I tried all spots but they all conned red, so I went to the spot at 20K, 34K.
This spot isnt too far from Siopa so the plan was to root a single pooka, run to clipping distance, let it chase me until it starts to give up and root it again so that I could get it closer to Siopa. I would then enter combat and walk backwards to get it close to siopa but not in range of the guards aggro.
Both instas were up, buy the time I had used the second the pooka was under 30% hp and I was on about 40% so I ran off a bit (pooka can only walk due to low hp) and healed myself once with my large spec then set to finish it off.
Not much of a problem here, pookas run just as fast as you, so you can always sprint off if you feel u wont make it.

Edited, Sat Aug 30 19:38:50 2003
Duryn 50 Armsman
Doobieroffcaeks 50 Cleric
Veg Heals 50 Druid
Vegy Baresark XX Blademaster
Got the jewel without killing a pooka
# Apr 30 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I got the jewel and 2.3 Billion xp after completing step 10. My journal still shows step 11, seek out a poka hoof, but I already have the listed reward.
# Aug 30 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Just had another attempt, you have to actually go near the tree and the wraiths will talk, saying that you are the cursed one and the pooka's are hunting you.
I then pulled a wraith, there was 2 oranges and 1 yellows and even as a reg/nurt spec druid I was able to solo the yellow. Upon killing the wraith my journal was updated telling me to talk to Donnchadh about the [Beast].

Edited, Sat Aug 30 19:01:02 2003
Duryn 50 Armsman
Doobieroffcaeks 50 Cleric
Veg Heals 50 Druid
Vegy Baresark XX Blademaster
Help needed
# Aug 30 2003 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
OK I just started the level 45 quest, my journal reads:
Seek out the Shrieking Tree in the Bog, and listen to the shrieking wraiths. Be sure you have gained enough experience so you may better understand the words.

I found the spawn (3 Wraiths around a tree just in the water) but they are aggro to me, I have tried killing them yet have recieved nothing.
I am level 50 so I am definately high enough for this part of the quest, can anybody help?

Duryn 50 Armsman
Doobieroffcaeks 50 Cleric
Veg Heals 50 Druid
Vegy Baresark XX Blademaster
# Jun 29 2003 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
need to post /loc of Fruadan Draoi Manius. I can't find him
RE: Loc
# Jul 04 2003 at 3:38 AM Rating: Default
Loc of Manius is 52k, 46k - just behind Alainn Bin with some other named npc
Druid item
# Jun 27 2003 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Druid recieved Druid's Jewel
3 regrowth
3 Nurture
18 empathy
48 hits
47 level item, 100 qual, 35 bonus
recieved after killing Shrieking Wraith & talking to Donnchadh about the (Beast)
# Jun 04 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
the pooka can also come from the Cursed Forest. Acidentally got the pooka hoof while waiting for a night time spawn in the cursed forest
Epic level 45
# Jun 01 2003 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
After you kill a pooka you have to go to Bog and find Fruadan Draoi Manius

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