Prove Kobold Helen's Innocence  

Submitted by:Lothund Vennavander
Start Zone: Jordheim
Start NPC:Trainer
Related Quests:
  Traveler's Way (Mid)
  Runes of Darkness
  Grenlock Clan
  Coplin's Spirit
  Siv's Spirit
  Fallen Warrior
  Forgotten Journey
  Saving the Clan (level 43)
  Saving the Clan (level 50)
  The Three Sisters
  Saving the Clan (level 45)
  Saving the Clan (level 48)
Related Zones:
  Svealand East
Min Level:11
Max Level:50
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:No
(From 1 rating)
Related NPCs:
  Escort Sentry
  Kobold Dirge
  Kobold Helen
  Sentry Litenberg
Last Updated:Mon Sep 11 19:23:42 2006
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

04.06.05 Per Patch 1.75:
- Prove Kobold Helen's innocence - Kobold Helen, her escort guards and Sentry Litenberg have been moved to the guard tower near Dvalin.

Characters that were created after Patch Version 1.79 do not receive this Epic quest.

This quest was given to my Spiritmaster at lvl 11 by the trainer in Jordheim.

You are sent to speak to Sarry in Ft. Atla. Sarry tells you that his niece has been accused of attacking travelers and to please prove her innocence.

Sarry says, "Hail! I have a small problem. A niece of mine, a pleasant child, is accused of [attacking travelers] on the road at night!"

Sarry says, "Aye! I haven't had time to talk to her; the guards took her away. Perhaps you could [speak with Sentry Litenberg], at Dvalin, and see what needs to be done to free her. I'm not sure she's there yet; the escorts came for her."

You have been given the Prove Kobold Helen's Innocence quest.

Sarry says, "They won't let you speak to her for long, though, so speak with Sentry Litenberg."

[Step #1] Sentry Litenberg in Dvalin knows more about what happened to Kobold Helen.

Speak with Sentry Litenberg, who is outside the guardpost by Dvalin (He is located at 13513, 52663)

Sentry Litenberg says, "Sarry send you? Kobold Helen to die in morning. You [wish her to live]?"

Sentry Litenberg says, "Fine. You prove she not kill travelers at night, she go free. Have 'til morning, or she die here in tower. Speak with her, if you haven't already. If she not here, she on road to here."

[Step #2] Talk to Kobold Helen, either on road or at guard tower.

Kobold Helen will either be in the tower, on the road between Fort Atla and Dvalin, or in Fort Atla.

The Kobold Helen says, "Did my Uncle Sarry send you? Can you prove it wasn't me? They say she is a twin to me! Aye, she wanders between the two roads to the south, a little ways off at night. Find her, and bring something of her to my guards to free me."

The Kobold Helen says, "Please hurry! You haven't much time!"

[Step #3] Find Kobold Helen's twin south of the guard tower and prove her innocence somehow.

The Kobold Dirge roams east of Dvalin tower before Rock Crab bridge at 25000, 53000

She cons neutral so you will have to attack her.

You receive a tattered flesh.
The Kobold Dirge drops a bag of coins.
You pick up 2 silver, and 28 copper pieces.

[Step #4] Return this odd bit of tattered flesh to Escort Sentry. Quickly.

You give Escort Sentry (there are two, doesn't matter which one) the tattered flesh.

You are awarded experience
You receive a Spirit Staff from the Escort Sentry!

The Escort Sentry says, "Ah. You do well. You prove Kobold Helen innocent. This cloth belong to old witch! I recognize it. You kill dirge that attack travelers. You take this. Now, go speak with Kobold Helen. She want to thank you. Then we escort her home."

[Step #5] Let Kobold Helen express her thanks.

The Kobold Helen says, "My thanks! Now I am free!"

You have finished the Prove Kobold Helen's Innocence quest.

  Spirit Staff (Spiritmaster)
  Bedevilled Sleeves

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Prove Kobold Helen's Innocence
# Sep 11 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
Characters that were created after Patch Version 1.79 do not receive this Epic quest.
what lvl
# Jun 16 2002 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
Im a lvl 11 spiritmaster and i didn't get this quest.
RE: what lvl
# Jun 17 2002 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
must do traveler's way first
A probleme in the french version of this quest
# Feb 04 2002 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
When I try to speak to the gard, he don't recognise the key word.
Does some body here remember the english key word?
# Jan 29 2002 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
I read on another message board that you must have completed the first Spiritmaster quest (Traveler's Way given by the master trainer) before you are assigned this one. I had completed the first one and was given the quest in Atla when I reached level 11.
where this starts
# Jan 02 2002 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
guys this quest starts at the spiritmaster trainer in Fort Atla, Galn only tells you to go there, that is why u arent getting the quest ...
Not getting this quest!
# Dec 17 2001 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
I just turned 11 and tried to get this quest. Both trainers in Jord. tell me to come back when I'm more powerful!

Please help.
Starting quest
# Nov 19 2001 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
You can start this quest in fort alta too.
See Galn
# Nov 18 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
You need to speak to spirit master Galn upstairs from the other spirit master in same building
Not getting this Quest
# Nov 13 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
I'm a level 15 spiritmaster and the Trainer in Jord is not giving me any Quest. Including this one.
RE: Not getting this Quest
# Nov 15 2001 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
Mind that there are two Spiritmaster trainers in Jordheim: Dyre and Galn. Only one of the two is giving quest (can't remember which one). Just make sure you talk to both, and you will get your quest.

-- Thorstein <Heimdal>, Pellinor
Bonus Meaning
# Nov 07 2001 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
The bonus point on the staffs mean that for every spell below that spell level, you will require less mana to cast. It has been said that that amount is 20% less mana than the original value.

Easy quest
# Nov 07 2001 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
Kobold Helen cons yellow to my lvl 11 spiritmaster... totally easy kill for any spiritmaster imo. I just wonder what the lvl bonuses really mean on this staff....

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