Here is a guide to the Defenders' of Albion epic quest Feast of the Decadent Part 2 for those who reach Level 45.
1. Return to Elvinia Dareal at Caer Witrin. She asks you to kill two foci that are disrupting the bwcas and gives you a scroll to take to a female NPC in Snowdonia Fortress after you have killed the first focus.
The first focus is named Dathmul (Loc=49k,25k in Snowdonia). He is a named hollow man that spawns north by northeast of Caer Hurbury in Snowdonia. He was a red con at 45 so bring a friend or two. There were no adds even though I had two level 50 guildmates grouped with me. He was already there, so if he is not killing hollow men will probably not make him spawn.
2. Return to Snowdonia Fortress and give the scroll to the Vera Astyrian. She reads from the scroll and determines the second focus is the Wizard Lichas in Stonehenge Barrows. You are asked to seek and destroy him and then see Arly Camden in Castle Sauvage.
3. Once you enter Barrows head west past the decayed zombies. Continue down the hallway until you must turn right (north), and then turn left(west) into the room with the phantoms in it. Turn right (north) immediately while staying close to the wall to avoid aggro. Go straight north into the corridor. You will be looking into the room where Lichas spawns. He spawns on top of the big boulder or whatever in the middle of the room. He was orange con to 45 and casts some mean fireballs. With two level 50's in group we got one add.
4. Next see Arly Camden at Castle Sauvage. He praises you and deems you worthy of a reward. He gives you a level 47 magical cloak based on your class and asks you to return later (Level 48). At 45 I was rewarded with a bubble of experience along with the cloak.
There are two valleys separated by a hill N-NE of Hurbury with Hollow Men; one with some trees and a small spawn on the right of the hill, and another with a bigger camp, some trees and a small camp fire... Dathmul is in this last one.
I have been at the Hollow Men looking for this damn mob. Cant find him :((
Does he spawn at a certain time of day??
I've tried killing many of his friends but this does not seem to make him spawn. Any help would be most appreciated.
I think you need to have the person who got the quest run into the center of the ring to make him spawn.... that or you're just getting pissed on by the Spawning Gods ;)
Def-Con Owl Traps. Kills owls dead.
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