Well here it is again. :P Since last I posted this we have more information on AoM, AP and AF. I still need to look at stat caps for the augmented stat RAs.
This is a repost of a guide containing all we know about the various Realm Abilities. More information and testing is needed at several places. Please give me your comments. Comments from other players are listed separately from my own analysis - some of which will be controversial.
However, things are starting to shape up. This guide now contains a recommendations section followed by an analysis of each realm ability.
Must Have Skills
Purge: The best skill to have in my opinion.
First Aid One and Two: Needed for the second best skill to have. Also useful in BG and while leveling.
Ignore Pain: The second best skill to have.
Longwind One: I think this will be Midgard's skill that all classes will need to take. Perma-sprint is too good to miss.
Important skills
Toughness One: 3% increase in hit points per point.
Avoidance of Magic One: 1.8% reduction in damage per point.
Augmented Constitution One: 1.5% increase in hits per point
Toughness Two: 1% increase in hit points per point.
Augmented Acuity One: 1% Increase in overall damage per point.
Augmented Strength One: 1% Increase in overall damage per point.
Mystic Crystal Lore One
Avoidance of Magic Two: 0.6% reduction in damage per point.
Avoidance of Magic Three: 0.3% reduction in damage per point.
Augmented Strength Two: 0.3% Increase in overall damage per point.
Augmented Acuity Two: 0.3% Increase in overall damage per point.
Mastery of Arms One: Increases Damage by 0.75% per point if you have Aug Str 2
Mastery of Arms One: Increases Damage by (1.75/4) = 0.4% per point if you do not have Aug Str 2
Mastery of Parrying One: Reduces Damage by 0.8% per point if you have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Parrying One: Reduces Damage by 0.15% per point if you do not have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Pain One: Increases Damage by 0.61% per point if you have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Pain One: Increases Damage by 0.12% per point if you do not have Aug Dex 1+2
Toughness Three: 0.5% increase in hits per point
Augmented Constitution Two: 0.5% increase in hits per point
To many skills I assign a factor that indicates a multiplying value to its effect. This factor is based on the following assumptions: (The assumptions are only approximate - don't place too much faith in them.)
The damage done by a skald is split as follows: 25% weapon damage, 25% style damage, 10% damage add, 40% DD shout. The damage taken by a skald is 60% magical (is this too high?) and 40% physical. Normal hits critical 5% of the time.
For example: take Augmented Acuity. A 6 point increase in charisma, results in the shout DD increasing by about 2.5%. Shouts are only about 40% of your total damage, so The factor for this ability would then be 0.4 or 40%. Your total damage increases by about 0.40 * 2.5% or 1% increase in total damage.
Augmented Strength
A passive ability that increases your strength by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 3 is required for Mastery of Arms.
Factor: 50%. Can someone run tests to determine the effect of strength on weapon damage and weapon style damage? Until I get that information, I am assuming a 2% increase in melee damage for this skill. Overall damage increase: 50% * 2% = 1%. Probably good to add 1 here.
Augmented Dexterity
A passive ability that increases your dexterity by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 2 is required for Mastery of Blocking, Mastery of Parrying, Mastery of Pain.
Factor: not assigned. Dexterity affects your chance to block and parry. If you have 17 or more into parry, this may be a viable choice to take to level 2 where you can move to Master of Parrying, and also Mastery of Pain.
Augmented Constitution
A passive ability that increases your constitution by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 3 is required for Avoid Pain, Armor of Faith, Second Wind.
At level 50, it is reported that you get about 20 points per level of this skill by friars. A level 50 skald confirms that figure.
"Wasted point. Would have been better off putting it in Toughness. And Toughness is a wasted point."
Factor: 100%. I don't think this is a wasted point. My 50 skald's unbuffed hitpoints are close to 1300. A 20 point increase is 1.5% (buffed increase will be less - need to test.) for one point. Not the first priority - but I will put points here.
Augmented Quickness
A passive ability that increases your quickness by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor: 25% plus evade help. From the hunter FAQ: "... it takes 5 points of QUI for an exactly 1% reduction off the weapon's delay." Augmented quickness will give you approximately 1.2% reduction in delay, which increases your weapon's damage 1.2% It does not increase your weapon style damage, though, because that is figured as a constant DPS adder. The increase in total damage for 1 level in augmented quickness is then: 1.2% * 25% = 0.3%. increase in overall damage. A 0.3% increase is probably not worth it.
Quickness has an effect on evade ability, though, so possibly it could get a point late in my career.
Augmented Acuity
A passive ability that increases your charisma by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 2 is required for Serenity, Mastery of the Arcane.
Factor: 0.40%. Based on the work by Roseanne (pub36.ezboard.com/fteamsk...=10.topic) I approximate the DD increase as 2.5% for a 6 point increase in charisma. The increase in total damage for 1 level in Augmented Acuity is then: 2.5% * 40% = 1% increase in overall damage.
A 0.75% increase in overall damage for one point is pretty good later in the realm rank tree. Probably put one point here.
Long Wind
A passive ability: Your character can sprint for a longer period of time than normal. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Friar test show 20 seconds of sprinting with no Long wind. 25 at level 1, 35 at level 2, 54 at long wind 3.
Another person said: I have Longwind II and Tireless II and I can run forever. I think others have said this is not true, though.
Factor: not assigned. I think this is the new must-have skill for Midgard. If you group with a shaman that has 32 Aug, then Longwind I gives you the ability to sprint forever without losing endurance.
A passive ability: Your character regenerates endurance in combat. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I have tireless 2, in combat it regens slightly, I get about 1 extra styled attack than I used to. From absolutely no endurance...13 seconds sitting down gets me a full green bar."
"Tireless, even as low as at level 1 is priceless. The amount regenerated is not huge, but the real advantage of the skill is that its allow you to regenerate stamina (albeit at a slow rate) in circumstances when you normally don't regenerate AT ALL, namely fighting and especially running. So when travelling, running all over Briefine and Emain, you slowly refresh your stamina pool, almost reducing to zero (with purity of mind and heals available) the time you have to spend sitting, in an environment when you are vulnerable to stealth attacks and need moving quickly."
"I ran from huginfel to Yggdra gate at Warrior speed and had only regained half my endurance.. thats close to a 5min run."
"Tireless 1. I have it. I would suggest skalds NOT get this unless they plan on going higher, 2 and preferably 3 from what I've read. I am going to test Tireless 2 and 3 myself on Pendragon soon. Tireless 1 regens your endurance on the run sure. But its still incredibly slow and there is no noticeable effect in combat."
Factor: Not assigned. Does not regenerate endurance while sprinting. Take Longwind One instead.
A passive ability: Your hit points regenerate faster than normal. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Reports say it reduces time to regenerate by about 10% per level. Only works while sitting.
Factor: Not assigned. Since it only works while sitting, not a help in combat. Not worth it.
A passive ability: Your spell points regenerate faster than normal. Requires Augmented Acuity level 2. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I originally had Serenity II and it was great and helped alot. Though when I got MCL the use of Serenity was pretty non-existent. With just one level of MCL I rarely run out of power."
Factor: Not assigned. Probably not worth it.
A passive ability: Increases maximum hit points by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor: 100%. I go against the grain on this one. A 3% increase in overall damage rocks for only one point. This is a no brainer.
Mastery of Water
A passive ability: Increases swim speed by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
I have seen a friend use it (he bought it when Mythic said they were going to wipe the abilities) to great effect in the BGs where people are crossing the moat. I don?t think it is very useful in real RvR though.
Avoidance of Magic
A passive ability: Increases resistance to all damage types of magic by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor assigned: 60%. Testing seems to show that this does not stack with your resistances, but rather figures in AFTER the resistances. The description says works against magical damage, but testing appears to show that it works with mezzes.
This RA will reduce whatever damage you take from magic by 3% (making it less effective as your resistances go up (and the damage you take from magic goes down. If we assume that you take 60% of your damage from magic, then the effect of the RA is 0.60 * 3% = 1.8% reduction in overall damage. To me, this is a no brainer.
A passive ability: 20% additional maximum carrying capacity per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I know of a low 40ish troll thane who could carry an entire ram by himself with lifter 1. What needs to be tested : can a level 50 skald with a typical strength attribute be able to do the same thing with lifter 1. If the answer is yes, this ability is definitely worthwhile. Good RA for craftmen too."
Factor assigned: None. I don't think so. Maybe if you need to carry ram parts. Another important point is that it will reduce the chance of becoming encumbered if your str is debuffed. If this is a problem for you, spend the one point to help out.
Veil Recovery
A passive ability: Reduces duration of resurrection sickness by 10% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor assigned: None. This seems pretty worthless. At ten points, you can reduce the duration of rez sickness by 30%, or get purge and reduce it to zero every 30 minutes (with other bonuses.)
Mastery of Blocking
A passive ability: Increases chance to block by 3% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 20% (see parry) Does not seem to me as good as Mastery of Parrying. You can parry with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, plus you can spec parrying.
Mastery of Parrying
A passive ability: Increases chance to parry by 3% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 20%. You can parry with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, plus you can spec parrying. If you take 40% of your damage from melee, you need to adjust parry to account for that. However, parry needs to be adjusted further, because the chance to parry is halved against two-handed weapons, divided by the number of opponents attacking you, and is ineffective when meleed from behind. I am going to adjust by 0.67 (say 2/3 melee are two-handed) * .75 (multiple opponent adjustment) * .40 (melee adjustment) = 20%. If you spec parry to 17 and have items that give +9 to parry skill, then your chance to parry moves from 22% to 25%, and your overall damage is reduced 20% * (1- .75/.7
= 0.8%.
Mastery of Pain
A passive ability: Increases chance to critical with melee attacks by 5% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 50%. Increases chance to critical with melee attacks by 5% per level. I have heard that critical hits range from 1-50% of weapon damage, but am unsure if this means total weapon damage, or unstyled weapon damage. Let's assume that it is total and say the average critical hit is for 25%. Let's further assume that the chance to critical without MoP is 10%. The increase in melee damage for 1 level in Mastery of Pain is then: {1- [1 + 15% * 25%] / [1+ 10% * 25%]} = 1.22%. The increase in overall damage = 1.22% * 50% = 0.61%
Special Analysis
Many experienced players LOVE this skill and highly recommend it. Most of them are much more experienced than I am, but I disagree. Here is the reason I think they all love this skill. Assume you hit for an average of 100 per hit (to make things easy) and have Augmented Strength One and Respec to MoP One. While using AS One, in the course of 100 hits, you get an average of 102 damage per hits, or 200 extra damage is done In addition, you get 5 criticals that are 25.5 average damage for 2.5 more extra damage. The total increase in damage is 202.5 points, but you did not notice any of it. It was buried in the numbers, and spread out too far to notice. With MOP One, you get 10 criticals (5 from MoP One and 5 that you would have gotten anyway) and each averages 25 points. This gives you 125 extra damage for MoP One. However, you notice each piece of extra damage, because it is printed of a separate line. Also, you tend to credit all 10 criticals to MoP, even though 5 of them would have occurred anyway. Therefore, I do not like MoP that much. All that being said, many players much better than I am disagree.
Mastery of Arms
A passive ability: Additional 3% per level attack speed with melee weapons. Please note that the minimum allowed combat attack timer is 1.5 seconds - this ability will not allow you to go below this hard cap. It will, however, reduce the attack speed of slower weapons, which do more damage per hit. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Strength at level 3.
Factor assigned = 25%. As was the case with Augmented Quickness, the weapon style damage is not increased. The increase in total damage for 1 level in Mastery of Arms is then: 3% * 25% = 0.75%. increase in overall damage.
Mastery of the Arcane
A passive ability: Your buff spells will be 3% more effective per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Acuity at level 2.
This is said to result in a small run speed increase but not affect any other of our buffs. Not worth it.
First Aid
Factor Assigned: None. An active ability on a 15 minute timer: Self heal that heals approximately 30% hit points per level gained in the ability. It cannot be used in combat. Please note that this ability will heal a different amount of hit points based on what class your character is. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10. Required for Ignore Pain.
"I get around 200 healing with FA 1 ... Not too bad at all. Maybe not completely worth it by itself, but definitely a good prerequ for ignore pain."
"LOVE IT! Even @ level 1, I got about 400 HP restored, unbuffed, @ level 2, it's more like 800 Unbuffed... Can't wait to get Ignore Pain..."
The 15-minute timer is not too bad, but it cannot be used in combat. However, if you leave combat, it is a very short time before you can use it even while being hit. Also, if you mez and drop out of combat, you can use it. This makes it nice for a Skald. If you solo a lot, a great way to reduce downtime. Somewhat useful when rezzed in RvR. Finally, it is the prerequisite to Ignore Pain, so it gets points to level 2.
Avoid Pain and Armor of Faith
These are similar abilities. THey are both active abiltities on a 15 minute timer. Avoid Pain: 60 second boost to physical damage absorption, 10% per level per level of this ability. Armor of Faith: 60 second 150 boost to armor factor. Both cost (per level): 3, 6, 10. Both require: Augmented Constitution at level 3.
(by Misanthrope - pub36.ezboard.com/fteamsk...416.topic)
AP2: (243.4 - 173.9) / 243.4 = 28.5 % dmg decrease
AF2: (243.4 - 196.2) / 243.4 = 19.4% dmg decrease
AP2 + AF2: (243.4 - 153.4)/ 243.4 = 37% dmg decrease
AP3: (243.4 - 161.9) / 243.4 = 33.4% dmg decrease
AP3 + AF2: (243.4 - 138.5) / 243.4 = 43.1 % dmg decrease
AP1: (58.53 - 45.6) / 58.53 = 22.1% dmg absorb
AF1: (58.53 - 52.4) / 58.53 = 10.48% dmg absorb
AP1 + AF1: (58.53 - 43.9) / 58.53 = 25% dmg absorb
AP3 = 38% dmg absorb
AF2 = 12.85% dmg absorb
AP3 + AF2 = 45.8% dmg absorb
My calculation
Average damage reduction for AP1: (28.5/2 + 33.4/3 + 22.1)/3 = 15.8%
AF1: (19.4/2 + 10.48 + 12.85/2)/3 = 8.9%
They do not seems to stack well, and I don't want too many active abilities on my speed bar. Of the two, I would chose AP (obviously.) A 15 minute timer is not too bad, it will probably usually be available - say it's available 60% of the time. Factor Assigned: 0.60 * 0.40 (melee factor) * 15.8% = 3.8% for three points or 1.3% per point if you have Aug Con three. If you have Aug Con 2, then the return for Aug Con 3 and AP1 is: 3.8% damage reduction + 1.5% increase in hit points for 6 + 3 points = 5.3% / 9 points or 0.6% return. Definitely worth considering but only deep into the realm rank tree.
Second Wind
An active abiltity on a 15 minute timer: Completely restores your character's endurance. Cost is 10. Requires: Augmented Constitution at level 3.
Factor Assigned: None. 15 minutes is not too bad a timer. Completely restoring endurance could save me many times. Expensive, though, because you need to spend 10 points on Augmented Constitution first. I am thinking about this one.
Ignore Pain
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Self heal that heals all your hit points (I guess the web site has been wrong on this), and can be used in combat. Cost: 14. Requires: First Aid at level 2.
Factor Assigned: None. This is a nice-looking skill. The 30-minute timer is long and the cost is high, but what a get-out-of-jail card. The realm ability to get second (after purge.)
Rain of Fire, Rain of Ice, Rain of Annihilation
An active abiltity on a 15 minute timer: Adds a 10% per level heat/cold/spirit damage-add to non-magical attacks for 60 seconds. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10.
Factor Assigned: 50%. Despite the documentation, these do not actually add 10% damage, but rather appears to be a constant DPS add. For a 50 Warden, damage add was about 13 with a 4.0 speed weapon. The three "Rains" do not appear to stack with each other.
Not worth it.
The Empty Mind
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: 10% per level boost to all magic resistances for 60 seconds. Cost per level is: 6, 10, 14.
Factor Assigned: None. I am not sure about this one. I think 10% boost for 2 minutes an hour is not enough to spend 6 points on.
Mystic Crystal Lore
An active abiltity on a 5 minute timer: Self-only boost to power, not usable in combat. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10. Required for Raging Power.
It is reported that the first level adds about 20% to your power. One report says the second level adds 70%. Comments from users are uniformly very positive. Most say that it should be the first points spent.
Factor Assigned: None. The 5-minute timer is not too bad. Getting your power from 0% to 20% can really cut your downtime. (Power regenerates the slowest when below 50%.) This one looks like a possibility.
I have seen one person that says forget this one and use totems instead. I will look into that.
Raging Power
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Full power heal, usable in combat. Cost is 10. Requires: Mystic Crystal Lore at level 2.
Factor Assigned: None. Not sure how important this is for a Skald. Our DD spells are on a timer. Resetting our power to 100% is nice, but won't turn a fight. I don't think that I will be taking this one.
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc. Cost is 10.
"Except for a healer there is no use for any other class to use Purge since what is the use of being the only one not mezzed against a whole group? it might be ok for solo rvr but most of us except stealther are doing more group related rvr then head to head, right?"
"Many times when our battleline gets pushed through, and we have to retreat, I have been mezzed. As the large wave approaches, I purge and continue running away! If I hadn't had purge, I'd have died 3 times the last time I went RvRing..." "Everytime I see purge criticized, it always come down to the CC argument (BUT what if I am the only one un-mezzed ? BUT what if I get mezzed againt ?). Yes purge is primarily a tool against crowd control, but not only. It can get rid of all negative effects. Not a skald issue, but caster and archers complaining about nearsight ? purge away. Nasty cabalist AA AE-DoT ? purge. New 1.51 patch "uber"-DoTs ? purge. Poisoned by a rogue, slowly dying ? purge. Rezzed on the battlefield, battle still rages, you can't do anything due to rez effects ? purge. Champion think he can duel you and dumps a stack of debuffs on your head ? purge. Diseased, can't run, trouble to be healed ? purge. Rogue, LW champ, shield melee slammed you with their long duration stuns ? purge."
"Sure the timer is a bit long, but it is one of the most versatile "get out of the jail free" AA. 30 minutes may seem a bit much, but it takes that long to release, get back to Svasud and wait for the Gothis ..."
Factor Assigned: None. Some don't like it and have not bought it. Others have bought it and like it. My thoughts: the first realm ability you should get.
Fury of the Gods
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: A group damage-add spell that lasts for 30 seconds and stacks on top of other damage-add effects. This ability is percent-based, so its damage goes up with the user's level. Does not stack with Triple Wield or Rain of Fire/Ice/Annihilation. Cost is 14.
How much damage does it add?
"I did try our Unique realm ability at the first time it came out and lets just say if it only cost 3 points, I would still not waste the 3 points.. heck I probably wouldn't waste 1 point on it. It lasts very short of time and can only be used every 30 minutes. When i used it with my 2hd sword it did about as much damage as my regular damage add for maybe 4 swings which added up to about 100 damage at level 41 (something like that)."
Factor Assigned: None. Forget this skill.
This is a repost of a guide containing all we know about the various Realm Abilities. More information and testing is needed at several places. Please give me your comments. Comments from other players are listed separately from my own analysis - some of which will be controversial.

However, things are starting to shape up. This guide now contains a recommendations section followed by an analysis of each realm ability.
Must Have Skills
Purge: The best skill to have in my opinion.
First Aid One and Two: Needed for the second best skill to have. Also useful in BG and while leveling.
Ignore Pain: The second best skill to have.
Longwind One: I think this will be Midgard's skill that all classes will need to take. Perma-sprint is too good to miss.
Important skills
Toughness One: 3% increase in hit points per point.
Avoidance of Magic One: 1.8% reduction in damage per point.
Augmented Constitution One: 1.5% increase in hits per point
Toughness Two: 1% increase in hit points per point.
Augmented Acuity One: 1% Increase in overall damage per point.
Augmented Strength One: 1% Increase in overall damage per point.
Mystic Crystal Lore One
Avoidance of Magic Two: 0.6% reduction in damage per point.
Avoidance of Magic Three: 0.3% reduction in damage per point.
Augmented Strength Two: 0.3% Increase in overall damage per point.
Augmented Acuity Two: 0.3% Increase in overall damage per point.
Mastery of Arms One: Increases Damage by 0.75% per point if you have Aug Str 2
Mastery of Arms One: Increases Damage by (1.75/4) = 0.4% per point if you do not have Aug Str 2
Mastery of Parrying One: Reduces Damage by 0.8% per point if you have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Parrying One: Reduces Damage by 0.15% per point if you do not have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Pain One: Increases Damage by 0.61% per point if you have Aug Dex 1+2
Mastery of Pain One: Increases Damage by 0.12% per point if you do not have Aug Dex 1+2
Toughness Three: 0.5% increase in hits per point
Augmented Constitution Two: 0.5% increase in hits per point
To many skills I assign a factor that indicates a multiplying value to its effect. This factor is based on the following assumptions: (The assumptions are only approximate - don't place too much faith in them.)
The damage done by a skald is split as follows: 25% weapon damage, 25% style damage, 10% damage add, 40% DD shout. The damage taken by a skald is 60% magical (is this too high?) and 40% physical. Normal hits critical 5% of the time.
For example: take Augmented Acuity. A 6 point increase in charisma, results in the shout DD increasing by about 2.5%. Shouts are only about 40% of your total damage, so The factor for this ability would then be 0.4 or 40%. Your total damage increases by about 0.40 * 2.5% or 1% increase in total damage.
Augmented Strength
A passive ability that increases your strength by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 3 is required for Mastery of Arms.
Factor: 50%. Can someone run tests to determine the effect of strength on weapon damage and weapon style damage? Until I get that information, I am assuming a 2% increase in melee damage for this skill. Overall damage increase: 50% * 2% = 1%. Probably good to add 1 here.
Augmented Dexterity
A passive ability that increases your dexterity by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 2 is required for Mastery of Blocking, Mastery of Parrying, Mastery of Pain.
Factor: not assigned. Dexterity affects your chance to block and parry. If you have 17 or more into parry, this may be a viable choice to take to level 2 where you can move to Master of Parrying, and also Mastery of Pain.
Augmented Constitution
A passive ability that increases your constitution by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 3 is required for Avoid Pain, Armor of Faith, Second Wind.
At level 50, it is reported that you get about 20 points per level of this skill by friars. A level 50 skald confirms that figure.
"Wasted point. Would have been better off putting it in Toughness. And Toughness is a wasted point."
Factor: 100%. I don't think this is a wasted point. My 50 skald's unbuffed hitpoints are close to 1300. A 20 point increase is 1.5% (buffed increase will be less - need to test.) for one point. Not the first priority - but I will put points here.
Augmented Quickness
A passive ability that increases your quickness by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor: 25% plus evade help. From the hunter FAQ: "... it takes 5 points of QUI for an exactly 1% reduction off the weapon's delay." Augmented quickness will give you approximately 1.2% reduction in delay, which increases your weapon's damage 1.2% It does not increase your weapon style damage, though, because that is figured as a constant DPS adder. The increase in total damage for 1 level in augmented quickness is then: 1.2% * 25% = 0.3%. increase in overall damage. A 0.3% increase is probably not worth it.
Quickness has an effect on evade ability, though, so possibly it could get a point late in my career.
Augmented Acuity
A passive ability that increases your charisma by 6 each level. Cost per level is 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Level 2 is required for Serenity, Mastery of the Arcane.
Factor: 0.40%. Based on the work by Roseanne (pub36.ezboard.com/fteamsk...=10.topic) I approximate the DD increase as 2.5% for a 6 point increase in charisma. The increase in total damage for 1 level in Augmented Acuity is then: 2.5% * 40% = 1% increase in overall damage.
A 0.75% increase in overall damage for one point is pretty good later in the realm rank tree. Probably put one point here.
Long Wind
A passive ability: Your character can sprint for a longer period of time than normal. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Friar test show 20 seconds of sprinting with no Long wind. 25 at level 1, 35 at level 2, 54 at long wind 3.
Another person said: I have Longwind II and Tireless II and I can run forever. I think others have said this is not true, though.
Factor: not assigned. I think this is the new must-have skill for Midgard. If you group with a shaman that has 32 Aug, then Longwind I gives you the ability to sprint forever without losing endurance.
A passive ability: Your character regenerates endurance in combat. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I have tireless 2, in combat it regens slightly, I get about 1 extra styled attack than I used to. From absolutely no endurance...13 seconds sitting down gets me a full green bar."
"Tireless, even as low as at level 1 is priceless. The amount regenerated is not huge, but the real advantage of the skill is that its allow you to regenerate stamina (albeit at a slow rate) in circumstances when you normally don't regenerate AT ALL, namely fighting and especially running. So when travelling, running all over Briefine and Emain, you slowly refresh your stamina pool, almost reducing to zero (with purity of mind and heals available) the time you have to spend sitting, in an environment when you are vulnerable to stealth attacks and need moving quickly."
"I ran from huginfel to Yggdra gate at Warrior speed and had only regained half my endurance.. thats close to a 5min run."
"Tireless 1. I have it. I would suggest skalds NOT get this unless they plan on going higher, 2 and preferably 3 from what I've read. I am going to test Tireless 2 and 3 myself on Pendragon soon. Tireless 1 regens your endurance on the run sure. But its still incredibly slow and there is no noticeable effect in combat."
Factor: Not assigned. Does not regenerate endurance while sprinting. Take Longwind One instead.
A passive ability: Your hit points regenerate faster than normal. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Reports say it reduces time to regenerate by about 10% per level. Only works while sitting.
Factor: Not assigned. Since it only works while sitting, not a help in combat. Not worth it.
A passive ability: Your spell points regenerate faster than normal. Requires Augmented Acuity level 2. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I originally had Serenity II and it was great and helped alot. Though when I got MCL the use of Serenity was pretty non-existent. With just one level of MCL I rarely run out of power."
Factor: Not assigned. Probably not worth it.
A passive ability: Increases maximum hit points by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor: 100%. I go against the grain on this one. A 3% increase in overall damage rocks for only one point. This is a no brainer.
Mastery of Water
A passive ability: Increases swim speed by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
I have seen a friend use it (he bought it when Mythic said they were going to wipe the abilities) to great effect in the BGs where people are crossing the moat. I don?t think it is very useful in real RvR though.
Avoidance of Magic
A passive ability: Increases resistance to all damage types of magic by 3% per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor assigned: 60%. Testing seems to show that this does not stack with your resistances, but rather figures in AFTER the resistances. The description says works against magical damage, but testing appears to show that it works with mezzes.
This RA will reduce whatever damage you take from magic by 3% (making it less effective as your resistances go up (and the damage you take from magic goes down. If we assume that you take 60% of your damage from magic, then the effect of the RA is 0.60 * 3% = 1.8% reduction in overall damage. To me, this is a no brainer.
A passive ability: 20% additional maximum carrying capacity per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
"I know of a low 40ish troll thane who could carry an entire ram by himself with lifter 1. What needs to be tested : can a level 50 skald with a typical strength attribute be able to do the same thing with lifter 1. If the answer is yes, this ability is definitely worthwhile. Good RA for craftmen too."
Factor assigned: None. I don't think so. Maybe if you need to carry ram parts. Another important point is that it will reduce the chance of becoming encumbered if your str is debuffed. If this is a problem for you, spend the one point to help out.
Veil Recovery
A passive ability: Reduces duration of resurrection sickness by 10% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
Factor assigned: None. This seems pretty worthless. At ten points, you can reduce the duration of rez sickness by 30%, or get purge and reduce it to zero every 30 minutes (with other bonuses.)
Mastery of Blocking
A passive ability: Increases chance to block by 3% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 20% (see parry) Does not seem to me as good as Mastery of Parrying. You can parry with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, plus you can spec parrying.
Mastery of Parrying
A passive ability: Increases chance to parry by 3% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 20%. You can parry with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, plus you can spec parrying. If you take 40% of your damage from melee, you need to adjust parry to account for that. However, parry needs to be adjusted further, because the chance to parry is halved against two-handed weapons, divided by the number of opponents attacking you, and is ineffective when meleed from behind. I am going to adjust by 0.67 (say 2/3 melee are two-handed) * .75 (multiple opponent adjustment) * .40 (melee adjustment) = 20%. If you spec parry to 17 and have items that give +9 to parry skill, then your chance to parry moves from 22% to 25%, and your overall damage is reduced 20% * (1- .75/.7

Mastery of Pain
A passive ability: Increases chance to critical with melee attacks by 5% per level. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Dexterity at level 2.
Factor assigned: 50%. Increases chance to critical with melee attacks by 5% per level. I have heard that critical hits range from 1-50% of weapon damage, but am unsure if this means total weapon damage, or unstyled weapon damage. Let's assume that it is total and say the average critical hit is for 25%. Let's further assume that the chance to critical without MoP is 10%. The increase in melee damage for 1 level in Mastery of Pain is then: {1- [1 + 15% * 25%] / [1+ 10% * 25%]} = 1.22%. The increase in overall damage = 1.22% * 50% = 0.61%
Special Analysis
Many experienced players LOVE this skill and highly recommend it. Most of them are much more experienced than I am, but I disagree. Here is the reason I think they all love this skill. Assume you hit for an average of 100 per hit (to make things easy) and have Augmented Strength One and Respec to MoP One. While using AS One, in the course of 100 hits, you get an average of 102 damage per hits, or 200 extra damage is done In addition, you get 5 criticals that are 25.5 average damage for 2.5 more extra damage. The total increase in damage is 202.5 points, but you did not notice any of it. It was buried in the numbers, and spread out too far to notice. With MOP One, you get 10 criticals (5 from MoP One and 5 that you would have gotten anyway) and each averages 25 points. This gives you 125 extra damage for MoP One. However, you notice each piece of extra damage, because it is printed of a separate line. Also, you tend to credit all 10 criticals to MoP, even though 5 of them would have occurred anyway. Therefore, I do not like MoP that much. All that being said, many players much better than I am disagree.

Mastery of Arms
A passive ability: Additional 3% per level attack speed with melee weapons. Please note that the minimum allowed combat attack timer is 1.5 seconds - this ability will not allow you to go below this hard cap. It will, however, reduce the attack speed of slower weapons, which do more damage per hit. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Strength at level 3.
Factor assigned = 25%. As was the case with Augmented Quickness, the weapon style damage is not increased. The increase in total damage for 1 level in Mastery of Arms is then: 3% * 25% = 0.75%. increase in overall damage.
Mastery of the Arcane
A passive ability: Your buff spells will be 3% more effective per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires: Augmented Acuity at level 2.
This is said to result in a small run speed increase but not affect any other of our buffs. Not worth it.
First Aid
Factor Assigned: None. An active ability on a 15 minute timer: Self heal that heals approximately 30% hit points per level gained in the ability. It cannot be used in combat. Please note that this ability will heal a different amount of hit points based on what class your character is. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10. Required for Ignore Pain.
"I get around 200 healing with FA 1 ... Not too bad at all. Maybe not completely worth it by itself, but definitely a good prerequ for ignore pain."
"LOVE IT! Even @ level 1, I got about 400 HP restored, unbuffed, @ level 2, it's more like 800 Unbuffed... Can't wait to get Ignore Pain..."
The 15-minute timer is not too bad, but it cannot be used in combat. However, if you leave combat, it is a very short time before you can use it even while being hit. Also, if you mez and drop out of combat, you can use it. This makes it nice for a Skald. If you solo a lot, a great way to reduce downtime. Somewhat useful when rezzed in RvR. Finally, it is the prerequisite to Ignore Pain, so it gets points to level 2.
Avoid Pain and Armor of Faith
These are similar abilities. THey are both active abiltities on a 15 minute timer. Avoid Pain: 60 second boost to physical damage absorption, 10% per level per level of this ability. Armor of Faith: 60 second 150 boost to armor factor. Both cost (per level): 3, 6, 10. Both require: Augmented Constitution at level 3.
(by Misanthrope - pub36.ezboard.com/fteamsk...416.topic)
AP2: (243.4 - 173.9) / 243.4 = 28.5 % dmg decrease
AF2: (243.4 - 196.2) / 243.4 = 19.4% dmg decrease
AP2 + AF2: (243.4 - 153.4)/ 243.4 = 37% dmg decrease
AP3: (243.4 - 161.9) / 243.4 = 33.4% dmg decrease
AP3 + AF2: (243.4 - 138.5) / 243.4 = 43.1 % dmg decrease
AP1: (58.53 - 45.6) / 58.53 = 22.1% dmg absorb
AF1: (58.53 - 52.4) / 58.53 = 10.48% dmg absorb
AP1 + AF1: (58.53 - 43.9) / 58.53 = 25% dmg absorb
AP3 = 38% dmg absorb
AF2 = 12.85% dmg absorb
AP3 + AF2 = 45.8% dmg absorb
My calculation
Average damage reduction for AP1: (28.5/2 + 33.4/3 + 22.1)/3 = 15.8%
AF1: (19.4/2 + 10.48 + 12.85/2)/3 = 8.9%
They do not seems to stack well, and I don't want too many active abilities on my speed bar. Of the two, I would chose AP (obviously.) A 15 minute timer is not too bad, it will probably usually be available - say it's available 60% of the time. Factor Assigned: 0.60 * 0.40 (melee factor) * 15.8% = 3.8% for three points or 1.3% per point if you have Aug Con three. If you have Aug Con 2, then the return for Aug Con 3 and AP1 is: 3.8% damage reduction + 1.5% increase in hit points for 6 + 3 points = 5.3% / 9 points or 0.6% return. Definitely worth considering but only deep into the realm rank tree.
Second Wind
An active abiltity on a 15 minute timer: Completely restores your character's endurance. Cost is 10. Requires: Augmented Constitution at level 3.
Factor Assigned: None. 15 minutes is not too bad a timer. Completely restoring endurance could save me many times. Expensive, though, because you need to spend 10 points on Augmented Constitution first. I am thinking about this one.
Ignore Pain
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Self heal that heals all your hit points (I guess the web site has been wrong on this), and can be used in combat. Cost: 14. Requires: First Aid at level 2.
Factor Assigned: None. This is a nice-looking skill. The 30-minute timer is long and the cost is high, but what a get-out-of-jail card. The realm ability to get second (after purge.)
Rain of Fire, Rain of Ice, Rain of Annihilation
An active abiltity on a 15 minute timer: Adds a 10% per level heat/cold/spirit damage-add to non-magical attacks for 60 seconds. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10.
Factor Assigned: 50%. Despite the documentation, these do not actually add 10% damage, but rather appears to be a constant DPS add. For a 50 Warden, damage add was about 13 with a 4.0 speed weapon. The three "Rains" do not appear to stack with each other.
Not worth it.
The Empty Mind
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: 10% per level boost to all magic resistances for 60 seconds. Cost per level is: 6, 10, 14.
Factor Assigned: None. I am not sure about this one. I think 10% boost for 2 minutes an hour is not enough to spend 6 points on.
Mystic Crystal Lore
An active abiltity on a 5 minute timer: Self-only boost to power, not usable in combat. Cost per level is: 3, 6, 10. Required for Raging Power.
It is reported that the first level adds about 20% to your power. One report says the second level adds 70%. Comments from users are uniformly very positive. Most say that it should be the first points spent.
Factor Assigned: None. The 5-minute timer is not too bad. Getting your power from 0% to 20% can really cut your downtime. (Power regenerates the slowest when below 50%.) This one looks like a possibility.
I have seen one person that says forget this one and use totems instead. I will look into that.
Raging Power
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Full power heal, usable in combat. Cost is 10. Requires: Mystic Crystal Lore at level 2.
Factor Assigned: None. Not sure how important this is for a Skald. Our DD spells are on a timer. Resetting our power to 100% is nice, but won't turn a fight. I don't think that I will be taking this one.
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc. Cost is 10.
"Except for a healer there is no use for any other class to use Purge since what is the use of being the only one not mezzed against a whole group? it might be ok for solo rvr but most of us except stealther are doing more group related rvr then head to head, right?"
"Many times when our battleline gets pushed through, and we have to retreat, I have been mezzed. As the large wave approaches, I purge and continue running away! If I hadn't had purge, I'd have died 3 times the last time I went RvRing..." "Everytime I see purge criticized, it always come down to the CC argument (BUT what if I am the only one un-mezzed ? BUT what if I get mezzed againt ?). Yes purge is primarily a tool against crowd control, but not only. It can get rid of all negative effects. Not a skald issue, but caster and archers complaining about nearsight ? purge away. Nasty cabalist AA AE-DoT ? purge. New 1.51 patch "uber"-DoTs ? purge. Poisoned by a rogue, slowly dying ? purge. Rezzed on the battlefield, battle still rages, you can't do anything due to rez effects ? purge. Champion think he can duel you and dumps a stack of debuffs on your head ? purge. Diseased, can't run, trouble to be healed ? purge. Rogue, LW champ, shield melee slammed you with their long duration stuns ? purge."
"Sure the timer is a bit long, but it is one of the most versatile "get out of the jail free" AA. 30 minutes may seem a bit much, but it takes that long to release, get back to Svasud and wait for the Gothis ..."
Factor Assigned: None. Some don't like it and have not bought it. Others have bought it and like it. My thoughts: the first realm ability you should get.
Fury of the Gods
An active abiltity on a 30 minute timer: A group damage-add spell that lasts for 30 seconds and stacks on top of other damage-add effects. This ability is percent-based, so its damage goes up with the user's level. Does not stack with Triple Wield or Rain of Fire/Ice/Annihilation. Cost is 14.
How much damage does it add?
"I did try our Unique realm ability at the first time it came out and lets just say if it only cost 3 points, I would still not waste the 3 points.. heck I probably wouldn't waste 1 point on it. It lasts very short of time and can only be used every 30 minutes. When i used it with my 2hd sword it did about as much damage as my regular damage add for maybe 4 swings which added up to about 100 damage at level 41 (something like that)."
Factor Assigned: None. Forget this skill.