Just some general RA testing I did on Pendragon. Im pretty sure their are some inaccuracies as my maths isnt that good and there seem to be some pretty complicated formulas behind some of the stuff but it should give a reasonable general idea of what your getting. Its all done on a dwarf skald.

Aug Strength

Base strength = 168
Base weapon skill = 979

Strength = 174 (+6)
Weapon skill = 997 (+18)

Strength = 180 (+6)
Weapon skill = 1016 (+19)

Strength = 186 (+6)
Weapon skill = 1034 (+18)

+ Ws from weapon =

39+15 = 979 weapon skill
39+14 = 969 weapon skill

So each level of aug strength is equal to 1.8/1.9 points of weapon overcapping 50.


Aug con

At level 50 RR5 dwarf Skald has:

Base constitution = 149
Base hit points = 1352

Constitution = 155 (+6)
Hit points = 1375 (+23)

Constitution = 161 (+6)
Hit points = 1397 (+22)

Constitution = 167 (+6)
Hit points = 1420 (+23)

At level 25 a Norse Skald has:

Base con = 77
Base hit points = 448

448/77 = 5.8 hps per con
5.8hps*6con = 34.9 hps

however when I do aug con 1 I get:

Aug con 1:
Constitution = 83 (+6)
Hit points = 460 (+12)

Not 483 hit points (+35) as would be expected.

Anyone know what the reason for this is? A cap for being lower than 50 or RR5 is the only reason I can see. I was hopeing to find a direct link for 1 con = ## hps.


Armour of Faith

Base AF = 643

AoF 1 = 707 (+64)
AoF 2 = 770 (+63)
AoF 3 = 834 (+64)

Edit: I'll add some more in like AP test once ive copied over another character