Plain and simple. There are many posts bashing the changes and many others applauding them. I would like to get a general idea of how the Archer community feels. Not the most scientific poll, I understand, but I think it can provide at least some insight. The poll is open for only two days because I would like it to be based only on the changes thus far. Perhaps when there are more changes, a new vote will be in order. VOTE!
Archery changes, worst idea ever imo. As I mentioned in another thread, the problem is not the mechanics of shooting the bow, the problem is all the anti archery crap and the pathetic DPs. Mythic to buy a clue imo.
I dont play an archer but have one. Why would an archer want to become a caster? There really is nothing wrong with the mechanics of the current system it just needs a boost and some added shots would be cool. But changing them to caster just seems like the lazy way out IMO
82% of DAoC's players are archers? Who'd have thought it! 90% of people claiming to be archers mean that they have an archer alt in the lowbie BGs somewhere, more like. Guys, if you don't mainly play an archer, or have at least 10 days /played on one, you probably should stop claiming to "be" one, neh?
These changes are going to be a disaster. Well, they're already a disaster but it's not going to get any better. If Mythic had any sense they'd admit they were wrong and give up on the idea of creating an entirely new archery system.
The problem is if they admit they were wrong and give up these changes, the archery community will have to wait through 5 more patch cycles before Mythic can figure out how they can correctly code the changes we've been asking for. Lose lose situation.
I'm an archer and i'm against this Tonight News AT 11 Mythic announces due to the huge amount of feedback with the current Archery system they will proceed forward even tho the majority of the community feels its wasting time. We go live to Mary Cheatemmore live at Mythic headquarters.....mary Yes we're here live and as you can see the protesters are gathering in numbers with torches and pitchforks chanting burn the witch burn the witch. Now back to the studio... In other news the world ends tomorrow LoL
I think that most of the people even reading this thread play or have played an archer. Personally, if it were a Mentalist poll, I probably wouldn't read it as I have no real interest in the class. I know it's not going to be as accurate as everyone would like, but hopefully after two days or so, we'll at least have at least an idea of how most people feel about the changes in general.
Yea I gotta go with "Archer and do NOT liek the new changes". This Arcehry revamp is not an improvment to Archery at all...its one wide scale class ruing nerf after another after another. Let me put it this way. If they insist on nerfing my Archer all the way into the ground yet again screw em they wont get my money. Crit Shot Damage is nice but the "from stealth" aspect is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE! The range on all shots is 500-750 units too short. PERIOD They took PD away without so much as a comment about doing that. They replaced PD with NOTHING! Where is the MoC for an Archer? Oh yea we are supposed to just stand there while a MoCed caster blows us to bits cause we dont have any heals since we have no ffin group utility whatsoever. There is a little advertised 3second tmer that has to run before you can switch from melee to Bow now. So much for Slam and going to bow for point blank shots. Our Slam stun will have run out by the time we get a shot away. FFIN Brilliant there Mythic. This is not Archery at all...this is we are too lazy to give Archers what they have been asking for for five years..but we had to do something because there are other games right around the corner and we dont want to lose anyone to the competition so we'll hype it up at the roundtables even lie about when its coming so we can adjust to our competitors release dates then surprise everyone who was anxiously waiting with ONE BIG FFIN NERF to their preferred class...Archers! Does that about sum it up for everyone now? As an Archer here is what i wanted from the beginning: 1. My Critshot at 50 bow spec to go straight through BT for full damage 100% of the time. PERIOD! 2. Removal of /targetlastattacker or change its range to under 1000 units. 3. A RA like MoC for archery. Sureshot was a joke. 4. My scout's shield to be good for something besides decoration. ( They actually got that one right) 5. A restealth timer comensurate with the ultra fast cast times of today's game..3 seconds and no more. 6. Some sort of genuine Escape ability on my Scout. Saying Slam is a suitable escape ability is pure horsesh_t!! 7. Removal of the 250 Qui cap for Archers. 8. Arrows that can serve up DoT type interrupts and the like. It was not rocket science and implementing these things was possible. Just look at Galvorne's Bow for example. There is an archery based DoT..which they said couldn't be coded way back when. I do NOT want to be a Caster and I sure as hell do NOT want to be a caster without access to the primary caster RA MoC!!!
All they had to do was give us a visible quiver on our toons and we'd have been good. "6. Some sort of genuine Escape ability on my Scout. Saying Slam is a suitable escape ability is pure horsesh_t!! " Hey, at least slam is 9s. Try having your RR5 be an even more useless 5s stun that makes you unable to get away OR attack for 30s.
Heh, I think it's rather obvious that Mythic won't proceed with this unless they drastically overhaul their overhaul. The problem as someone already said is the fact that they're likely to scrap it altogether now, and leave us waiting another 5 years to get changes. This boys and girls is what happens when you fail to communicate with your customers, and fail to listen to the TLs of the people who actually play the class you're changing. It's damage-control time at Mythic HQ! Grab some pop-corn and watch the show, it's going to be a painful ride...especially since they stealth nerfed your PD.
I (rarely) play a scout. I like the concept of simplifying the keystrokes to shoot arrows and removing the need to carry around thousands of arrows, but I'm much less thrilled with range based styles. Those sound awkward and hard to use in RvR. The special arrow types don't sound very useful either. Getting buffs and a speed spell will be a very nice addition to scouts, though.
I think a mix of the new and old system is in order. For one, the old system of two clicks of draw and fire should be retained.
i dont play an archer and i dont think these changes are good becuse i think they will be heavily overpowered when they are done.
What do you think we live in? a democracy? where votes count and all that stuff? popular votes don't even work in government, <wanted to make a presidental joke here, but he does enough himself> why should they work here.
I wanna see another poll. Vote: 1. I want Mythic to continue to make system-wide changes to DAoC. Major changes like Archery overhaul, casting interrupt system rebuild, CC revamp, and wholesale class changes. 2. I want Mythic to limit game changes to merely maintain what systems there are now, fix bugs, trade-up and tweak abilities, and only small changes from here on out. I have 5 accounts voting for #2.
Mythic really missed the boat on this change. They never should have referred to changing it to a "caster" type system. Then never should have let the messages say casting, never should have had the RAs look like caster RAs. They should have realized that all archers hate casters. No matter how much in the end the system might be better than the previous, if archers feel they are being turned into casters they are not going to like it. It is really a spin fiasco. Had they never done those things, had the animations been in that showed the archer shooting and arrow flying, had the messages archer specific, etc...these things would be going over a lot better. Really if you can overlook some of these things many of the changes are very good. I don't totally understand why they needed a new system, instead of tweeking the old one. But, it seems that it must be done. I am going to pull out my hunter and give these changes a chance. I expect even if a quite a few people quit playing archers, many more will try them out again.
You are assuming that is an option. What if the option is 2. Leave archers like they are currently and move to next class. That could very well be what the real option would be.
I have a 49 archer that i will never play again. I don't like these changes. Thats what i put i dont play one and i dont like it. You know my main concern? Once again Mythic is changing the game without input from their players and in the face of bad feedback from their changes. Listen to your players.
all i saw was a nerf to my hunter because the speclines were split with no compensation i have a lower pet, and lesser melee AND lesser buffs,,shield and CD can be modified with +s BC cannot how is that an improvement?
Hopefully Kat, they are taking that into consideration. There has been a ton of feedback, complaints, etc...about what this is doing to hunters. It would seem a little absurd to me they leave BC like it is now. But, we will see, I wouldn't have thought they would leave Supp BDs like they did either.
Player input? Well look at what the archers request on these boards: Better DMg Better Range Better Defense Better Melee Better Shield spec Better Pets Better Escapability Better Groupability Better Soloability Better Utility I mean is there one aspect of DaoC that archers havn't thought they should have? Clearly a lot of VN archers want everything, they want to be a heavy tank, a hybrid, a stealther, a support class and oh yea a caster too. If you ask for everything than whatever mythic does they are giving you what you want. If the archer community would unite on a limited amount of idea's rather than being as general as they are they might get more changes they like.
But what is the vast majority asking for, Fanglo? It looks to me like many of them are asking to go back to the old system, even if it means we have far less "improvements" to look forward to. I'd greatly prefer the old hard-coded near-unchangeable system to the new terribly-flawed system any day of the week. Dump this caster system and get back to the drawing board. Even if it means you have to put the patch off for a few weeks or even months. Your Archers deserve better than a repackaged system that's filled with bugs. Why work harder trying to make the caster system look like the archery system when you have a perfectly good archer mechanic already in place? Think of how many man-hours it will take to rework every bow that currently exists in the game to mirror the changes! How will you solve the damage add problem? How will offensive procs work? Will they? Can they? You've opened Pandora's Box here. But luckily, there's still time to close it and forget this all ever happened.
Only way I'll stay around is if they dump the caster mentality, and after today's patch getting moc too, it looks very doubtful. And why shouldnt we break every bubble or every block, Elds/Wizzy's/Runies do and basically crit shot is nothing more then a mere bolt now. But everyone things "Archery" still but has no clue that there is no such thing anymore. Bow is merely a staff, rest is just pure caster BS. Look at the RA's and tell me that its FE (archery), no PD (archery), now have wild power (caster), now have MoC (caster). What a crock.
quote from Fanglolayer input? Well look at what the archers request on these boards: Better DMg Better Range Better Defense Better Melee Better Shield spec Better Pets Better Escapability Better Groupability Better Soloability Better Utility I mean is there one aspect of DaoC that archers havn't thought they should have? Clearly a lot of VN archers want everything, they want to be a heavy tank, a hybrid, a stealther, a support class and oh yea a caster too. If you ask for everything than whatever mythic does they are giving you what you want. If the archer community would unite on a limited amount of idea's rather than being as general as they are they might get more changes they like. __________________________________ Better DMg There are indeed several archers begging for better damage. That is because old archery damage was pathetic at best. Core problem was (and still is) to do ANY damage with archery. Well at least the Crit will hit now if not blocked or missed...Most archers were not asking for MORE damage but to actually HIT something! Better Range Range was ok in old archery. There was one main gripe here (and still is) and that was (is)nearsight. This ability was (is) able to shut down a ranged class for 2 minutes and this by an investment of what? 12 Skillpoints? New archery range was NOT (with new delves range seems ok now) ok because it was nerfed heavily. Better Defense Rangers and Hunters are asking for this. Since the dawn of BT/BG/MoC/InstaCC/Overpowerd RR5 caster RAs/and so on their defens (evade 3 and studded armor) is weak. There, well were, however several options to decrease the damage dealt to of those options was just taken away. Better Melee Since archers are only able to defeat themselves (and ocasionally an assassin if they timer-dump and use every ability they have) in melee this is a valid complain. Better Shield spec ? Who asked for this? Especially after the shield love. Better Pets ? Since Pet love Hunters were pretty happy with their new friends. However they (the pet) seems to get nerfed again patch upon patch... Better Escapability On ToA not a big deal. On Classic a main concern for archers since they do not have any getaway tools once in melee. Well, they have one, their rr5... Better Groupability Only Scouts provide a marginal groupability and this is their shield and the option to block for a groupmate. Rangers and Hunters have...ughm....nothing? Better Soloability Since the groupability is somewhat low for archers there should be some compensation for it, shouldn't it? Better Utility Every hybrid class has better utility than an archer. The Hunters come out top here with the pet and Scouts make a close second with their shield and rangers...well...poor guys imho. Utility comes along with groupability and soloability and both are very weak. But all that fades away and there is one thing left (most) archers are asking for and that is scrapping the revamp. Ye know, there are many archers out there (at least more than I thought were left) and all of them have their very own playstyle (archer/melee/hybrid/kiter) and class/relam-unique (scout/ranger/hunter/not only ARCHER) problems. It shouldn't be surprising that every class is asking for different things. /shrug Compare what a Thane, a Valewalker and a Reaver "demands" (after all they are hybrids (fighter/mage) and therefor all equal eh?) and tell me what you find there...
Well, now that mythic updated archers in the latest update your poll has just become invalid. I stand by what I posted earlier, with archers focusing on nearly aspect of their toon, they are leaving room for mythic to do nearly anything and mythic can say "see you asked for this and we gave it to you." I think the changes mythic is making will be good overall for archers, but I will have to see later how it affects RvR. My concern is archers becoming FOTM to such an extent that every battle I fight I get some random archer critshotting me for 900+. I don't see archers abandoning zerging and am very concerned about the balance implications that stealth has on this game.
Most archers were not asking for MORE damage but to actually HIT something! -------------- i dont get this as most archers that shoot on me hit me almost every time.
ROFL least they could do is give us mom so then the magery would be complete. Also our arrows might be like bolts, but they hit like a lvl 30's bolt not a lvl 50 rr5+ crit shot is horrible damage and rapid is 1/3 what it was on live server. This patch so far is not looking good.
Eurhet "82% of DAoC's players are archers? " Safe to assume that a lot more archer players pays attention to a topic like this than the remaining player base This the high archer representation in this poll. Nothing surprising about that, nor does it reflect the real distribution among the player base at all
Katbird "all i saw was a nerf to my hunter because the speclines were split with no compensation i have a lower pet, and lesser melee AND lesser buffs,,shield and CD can be modified with +s BC cannot how is that an improvement?" Good for you that you are retired then
Jocke-Percival wrote: i dont get this as most archers that shoot on me hit me almost every time. ___________________________ What class are you refering to Jocke? A caster? First two arrows will hit blade-turn and bg and you can use a small shield with cl3 as EVERY class out there can. My unspecced small shield blocks (with old archery) about 25% of all arrows yours will do the same. Sure, someone just standind around in the field doing nothing will get hit by arrows...all others will have at least a 25% chance to block combined with two not to get hit abilities or other forms of defens like evasion. An archer shoting me will hit me about 50% (small shield and evade 3 + round about 5% miss-rate) which negates half of his damge. This gives me enough time (have 2400 hitpoints, a single hit will take about 250-300 if the archer is very high bow specced, one shot needs 2-3 seconds to draw lets say here 2.5 seconds, because of 50% miss said archer has to do 4800 damage to kill me which is 16 shots which will take him about 40 seconds) to decide wether to charge or to retreat. As caster you have 3 seconds. First two will be rapid fire so your bg and your blade-turn will fall fast. The next one is very likely a crit or a normal shot. The crit takes 3-4 Seconds, lets say 3.5 the normal shot 2.5 seconds. So you have from 4.5 seconds (three rapidfire shots) up to 6.5 seconds (two rapid, one crit) to react before you get hit ONCE. Enough time in todays game for a caster to do something.
Heh I hope lots of archers actually believe this complaining and reroll something else so that I can have more targets for my ranger ;p Archery dps and accuracy have both been drastically improved in this pend version. Dps has been doubled-tripled. Crit shots can now be done on moving targets and ignore all forms of defense, including bladeturns, brittle guards, shield, intercept, guard, etc. No arrows from any type of shot can be evaded anymore, either. The shield bonus vs arrows has been removed. The interface has also been cleaned up a lot, no more "you can't get a good shot yet" or crap like that.
All that is fine Vilna but the mechanics of how archers fired their shots was never something we asked to be changed. Hunters,Rangers and Scouts now play just like casters instead of true archers. I don't think any of us asked to have the mechanics changed, so why did Mythic feel they needed to "reinvent the wheel"?? (I know that keeps coming up but it has yet to be given a straight answer)
"I don't think any of us asked to have the mechanics changed, so why did Mythic feel they needed to "reinvent the wheel"?? (I know that keeps coming up but it has yet to be given a straight answer) " You've been given the ansswer by mythic. ..the problem is ya'll just don't like the answer.
Where in any of the feedback (aka. complaints, whining) was it mentioned we wanted archer mechanics to be that of how casters worked?
vilna wrote: "Heh I hope lots of archers actually believe this complaining and reroll something else so that I can have more targets for my ranger ;p Archery dps and accuracy have both been drastically improved in this pend version. Dps has been doubled-tripled. Crit shots can now be done on moving targets and ignore all forms of defense, including bladeturns, brittle guards, shield, intercept, guard, etc. No arrows from any type of shot can be evaded anymore, either. The shield bonus vs arrows has been removed. The interface has also been cleaned up a lot, no more "you can't get a good shot yet" or crap like that." well lets take this one sentence at a time shall we mr/miss TL! "Heh I hope lots of archers actually believe this complaining and reroll something else so that I can have more targets for my ranger ;p" if more folks quit you will have less targets. not very smart of a tl to say something like this now is it? "Archery dps and accuracy have both been drastically improved in this pend version" have you done any testing? if you have you would not be saying that dps and accuracy have been improved. 1st dps a) crit shot: 1) the damage has been "REDUCED" 2) getting alot of misses also b) after crit shot: 1) does go thru all defenses when it hits 2) the damage is atleast 300 damage less than old system 3) it does not break the defenses 4) an archers next 2 shots ( 1 for BT and 1 for BG's) is useless. they "can" face you as soon as the crit hits so by the time you have gone thru those next 2 shots the caster is on you shutting you down. old system that did not happen. this crit shot mess is ass backwards and needs to be fixed. 2nd accuracy the miss rate of arrows have gone from almost none when using marish gloves to a 20% increase from testing notes of some folks that is documented on critshot forums. THAT IN ITSELF IS AN UNBELIEVABLE NERF! "Dps has been doubled-tripled" show me proof where this has been done. a tl "should not" be throwing out numbers that they have no proof of! "Crit shots can now be done on moving targets and ignore all forms of defense, including bladeturns, brittle guards, shield, intercept, guard, etc" you got one right w00t "No arrows from any type of shot can be evaded anymore, either" w00t you got 2 right! "The shield bonus vs arrows has been removed" you are on a roll keep it up!! "The interface has also been cleaned up a lot, no more "you can't get a good shot yet" or crap like that" ah you were doing sooo good. this is wong. mythic stated they are in the process of cleaning up the chat logs. it should be in the next round of notes. i suggest tl's do some testing before they come to the boards and make outlandish alligations! i have done alot of pend rvr lately testing this out. it has taken awhile to get used to it because i have played a scout using the same hotbar/qbind setup for 5 years. now, almost everything is having to be reinvented on my keyboard. i hate that. it sucks. i think it is BS that i and anyone else that has played one spicific toon the whole time have to do something like this but i am trying to get used to it. i do like some of the changes but there is alot of crap i do not like still which has been addressed by our tl and hopefully they will fix that before going live. this patch is more of a nerf than anything atm. hopefully they will get it right before going live.
Poor Jocke probably forgot he has a BT spell and may not bother to put up brittle guards. Vilna, I don't know where you're getting your data from, it sure doesn't show in any of my testing. As stelmar pointed out, damage on crits is reduced about 30% WHEN IT HITS. Standard shots appear to be 30% lower too. I can easily shift from rapid fire-crit shot-shot-shot as I use now to crit shot-rapid fire-shot-shot under 1.88G but here's the difference: many casters don't notice their BT has been broken in the heat of battle, certainly their healers don't see it. Said target's whole group will know when he takes a crit shot and then have additional 3-4 seconds to heal the target and get on me before I can get the damaging standard shot off. Under the current system, my second shot is often on its way when the crit shot hits. What's the difference? Survivability for one, effectiveness of the archery shot for another. I'm not quitting but I will argue the point that this is any kind of boost to archery by providing facts from actual testing. Examples: [01:00:02] You hit Xtspy for 594 (-97) damage! [01:00:05] You prepare a Poison Shot 8 [01:00:07] You hit Xtspy for 178 (-27) damage! [01:00:07] You hit Xtspy for 59 damage! [01:01:25] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:01:25] You target [Razhhur] [01:01:25] You examine Razhhur. He is a member of an enemy realm! [01:01:27] You are no longer hidden! [01:01:27] You missed! [01:01:28] You prepare a Poison Shot 8 [01:01:31] You hit Razhhur for 200 (-22) damage! [01:01:31] You hit Razhhur for 65 damage! [01:01:31] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [01:01:33] You hit Razhhur for 223 (-14) damage! [01:01:33] You hit Razhhur for 71 damage! [01:01:33] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [01:01:35] You are afflicted with vicious poison! [01:01:35] Xtspy hits you for 82 damage. [01:01:35] You can't cast this spell! [01:01:37] You hit Razhhur for 228 (-15) damage! [01:01:37] You hit Razhhur for 71 damage!
I'm tired of trying to explain anything to idiots. So I'm just going to copy and past. I will say this I may not like how Stelmar plays the game but I couldn't agree more with him about these changes. If you like the changes then you’re a person that either hasn't played an archer or hasn't played a max bow spec archer for the last 5 years. I have and I can say without a doubt that I dislike the changes. If you like the changes then you must like: 1. 30-40% reduction in your critshot damage at 50+ bow spec 2. No more double critshot 3. No more TS shot to break BT and do damage followed up by a Critshot and rapid fire. (This was my bread & butter technique to take down a solo caster or a caster in a small group) 4. Less range 5. Lower damage against towers and keeps 6. Ability to switch bows for procs and speed 7. Being far less competitive overall as a bow spec archer in rvr 8. Inability to have an arrow ready to fire when a target comes in range 9. etc. etc. If you like all the above or haven't a clue what a bow spec archer could do then yeah I'd say you'll love the changes. Otherwise you’re in the same boat with the rest of the archers that see this as nothing more than a major nerf. Those that doubt this will see an increase in the rate of population leaving daoc. Btw you can see a larger than normal decline in population since these changes have started. Many long term archers that I knew are either canceling or rolling a visible toon. The fotm people will try archers then when they realize their visible casters are far more competitive in rvr (in 3 months) they will go back.
More data that's fun for comparison: [00:43:31] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [00:43:32] Jarl Bryma uncovers you! [00:43:32] You are no longer hidden! [00:43:34] You hit Jarl Bryma for 8 (+1) damage! [00:43:34] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:43:34] Lorgex's vampiiric agility fades. [00:43:36] You missed! [00:43:37] You prepare a Poison Shot 8 [00:43:40] You missed! [00:43:40] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:43:43] You missed! [00:43:43] Erwhan prepares a shot! [00:43:44] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:43:46] You missed! [00:43:47] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:43:50] You missed! [00:43:50] You prepare a Poison Shot 8 [00:43:53] You missed! [00:43:54] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:43:56] You missed! [00:43:57] You prepare a Poison Shot 8 [00:44:00] You missed! [00:44:01] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 Now for melee (33 + 18 pierce): [00:44:05] You enter combat mode and target [the Jarl Bryma] [00:44:05] You prepare to perform a Ice Storm! [00:44:06] You are now preparing to perform a Hurricane style as a backup for Ice Storm! [00:44:06] Jarl Bryma parries your attack! [00:44:06] You attack Jarl Bryma with your sword and hit for 13 (-3) damage! [00:44:06] You hit Jarl Bryma for 13 extra damage! [00:44:06] Jarl Bryma attacks you and you evade the blow! [00:44:07] You prepare to perform a Diamondback! [00:44:07] You are now preparing to perform a Hurricane style as a backup for Diamondback! [00:44:08] Jarl Bryma parries your attack! [00:44:09] You prepare to perform a Diamondback! [00:44:09] You are now preparing to perform a Hurricane style as a backup for Diamondback! [00:44:10] You perform your Diamondback perfectly. (+8) [00:44:10] You attack Jarl Bryma with your spear and hit for 31 (+3) damage! [00:44:10] You hit Jarl Bryma for 16 extra damage! [00:44:10] You miss! [00:44:10] The Jarl Bryma is stunned! [00:44:12] You attack Jarl Bryma with your spear and hit for 21 (+2) damage! [00:44:12] You critical hit for an additional 20 damage! [00:44:12] You hit Jarl Bryma for 16 extra damage! [00:44:12] You miss! [00:44:12] You prepare to perform a Diamondback! [00:44:12] You are now preparing to perform a Hurricane style as a backup for Diamondback! [00:44:13] You were strafing in combat and miss! [00:44:13] You miss! [00:44:14] You prepare to perform a Ice Storm! [00:44:15] Jarl Bryma recovers from the stun. [00:44:15] Jarl Bryma hits your leg for 326 (-267) damage! [00:44:15] The strands of darkness lash out at Jarl Bryma doing 14 damage! [00:44:15] You fail to execute your Ice Storm perfectly. [00:44:15] You attack Jarl Bryma with your spear and hit for 22 (+2) damage! [00:44:15] You hit Jarl Bryma for 16 extra damage! [00:44:15] You attack Jarl Bryma with your sword and hit for 10 (-2) damage! [00:44:15] You hit Jarl Bryma for 13 extra damage! [00:44:16] You are too fatigued to perform the Tempest style! [00:44:17] You miss! [00:44:18] You miss! [00:44:18] You attack Jarl Bryma with your sword and hit for 9 (-2) damage! [00:44:18] You hit Jarl Bryma for 12 extra damage! So looks like bow shot against keep lords is acting like casters beating on them with staves. Really funny that my damage shield from CTD's summoned Blade Shadow did more damage than my crit shot. Tonight there were people with lower resists than last night: [00:54:49] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [00:54:51] You are no longer hidden! [00:54:51] You hit Elesm for 788 (-128) damage! [00:54:51] You prepare a Long Shot 8 [00:54:53] You hit Elesm for 233 (-38) damage! [00:54:53] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:54:56] You hit Elesm for 239 (-30) damage! [00:54:56] You critical hit for an additional 40 damage! [00:54:56] You just killed Elesm! [00:55:17] You prepare a Fire Shot 9 [00:55:20] You ready a Long Shot 8 as a follow up! [00:55:20] You hit Imnotazerker for 598 damage! [00:55:20] You critical hit for an additional 137 damage! [00:55:20] You prepare a Long Shot 8 [00:55:22] You hit Imnotazerker for 252 (-28) damage! [00:56:06] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [00:56:09] You are no longer hidden! [00:56:09] You hit Imnotazerker for 725 (-81) damage! [00:56:09] You prepare a Long Shot 8 [00:56:11] You hit Imnotazerker for 214 (-24) damage! [00:56:12] You prepare a Long Shot 8 [00:56:13] You missed! [00:56:15] You prepare a Acid Shot 8 [00:56:17] You hit Imnotazerker for 241 damage! [00:56:17] You critical hit for an additional 72 damage! [00:56:17] You just killed Imnotazerker! [01:04:38] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:04:39] You ready a Standard Shot 9 as a follow up! [01:04:41] You hit Bowandjarldean for 396 (+12) damage! [01:04:41] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:04:41] You ready a Standard Shot 9 as a follow up! [01:04:43] You hit Bowandjarldean for 427 (+12) damage! [01:04:43] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:04:43] You ready a Standard Shot 9 as a follow up! [01:04:45] You hit Bowandjarldean for 427 (+12) damage! [01:05:18] You target [Siniste] [01:05:18] You examine Siniste. He is a member of an enemy realm! [01:05:20] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:05:22] You are no longer hidden! [01:05:22] You hit Siniste for 750 (-65) damage! [01:05:23] You prepare a Long Shot 8 [01:05:25] You hit Siniste for 250 (-22) damage! [01:07:19] You target [Elesm] [01:07:19] You examine Elesm. She is a member of an enemy realm! [01:07:19] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:07:21] You are no longer hidden! [01:07:21] You hit Elesm for 788 (-128) damage! [01:12:18] You target [Elesm] [01:12:18] You examine Elesm. She is a member of an enemy realm! [01:12:19] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:12:21] You are no longer hidden! [01:12:21] You hit Elesm for 770 (-125) damage! [01:12:21] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:12:23] You hit Elesm for 389 (-63) damage! [01:12:24] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:12:25] You hit Elesm for 389 (-63) damage! [01:12:25] You critical hit for an additional 46 damage! [01:12:26] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:12:28] You hit Elesm for 398 (-65) damage! [01:12:28] You critical hit for an additional 47 damage! By the way, notice that while the shots are far more consistent, there IS variance. As a point of comparison, a cloth target with resists as bad as hers would have been hit for over 1100 with a crit and 500 or so with standard shot in live. On the other hand, my shots were going off in less than 2 seconds, a shade faster than on live -- that's NOT insignificant. [01:17:34] You target [Quickwolf] [01:17:34] You examine Quickwolf. She is a member of an enemy realm! [01:17:34] Target is not in view. [01:17:34] Your target is not visible! [01:17:36] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:17:36] Quickwolf's skin erupts in open wounds! [01:17:37] Quickwolf is poisoned! [01:17:38] You are no longer hidden! [01:17:38] You hit Quickwolf for 782 (-87) damage! [01:17:38] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:17:38] Quickwolf is bleeding! [01:17:41] Quickwolf's skin erupts in open wounds! [01:17:41] You can't see your target from here! [01:17:41] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:17:41] Quickwolf is poisoned! [01:17:43] You ready a Standard Shot 9 as a follow up! [01:17:43] You hit Quickwolf for 395 (-44) damage! [01:17:43] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:17:44] You ready a Standard Shot 9 as a follow up! [01:17:45] Bowandjarldean hits you for 773 damage. [01:17:45] You hit Quickwolf for 395 (-44) damage! [01:18:30] You target [01:18:30] You examine Bowandjarldean. He is a member of an enemy realm! [01:18:30] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:18:32] You are no longer hidden! [01:18:32] You hit Bowandjarldean for 826 (+24) damage! [01:18:32] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:18:35] You hit Bowandjarldean for 396 damage! This one is interesting ... same target I shot a lot tonight but much higher damage ... rez sick? [01:32:27] You prepare a Critical Shot 9 [01:32:28] You are no longer hidden! [01:32:28] You hit Elesm for 805 (-131) damage! [01:32:28] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:32:31] You hit Elesm for 411 (-67) damage! [01:32:31] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:32:32] You hit Elesm for 398 (-65) damage! [01:32:33] You prepare a Standard Shot 9 [01:32:35] You hit Elesm for 398 (-65) damage! [01:32:35] You critical hit for an additional 75 damage! This is what I mean by Volley: [01:21:09] You prepare a Volley 8 [01:21:11] You are no longer hidden! [01:21:11] You hit Elesm for 231 (-38) damage! [01:21:11] You critical hit for an additional 108 damage! [01:21:11] You hit Bowandjarldean for 233 (+7) damage! [01:21:12] You must wait 29 seconds to reuse this type of shot! [01:21:17] You must wait 25 seconds to reuse this type of shot! I tried multiple ways of lighting off the second volley to no avail. 233 damage on volley now is just enough to break mezzes or roots. Volley SHOULD be doing standard bow damage (600 on live with her low resists).