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U.S.-servers |
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Europe-servers |
language |
Serverside patches |
2003-03-14 |
L |
Save the Date For Dragon Testing |
2003-03-12 |
L |
Freitagsnachrichten |
2003-03-09 |
L |
Fridays Grab Bag |
2003-03-08 |
L |
Volle Server |
2003-03-06 |
L |
Fixes - no new stuff |
2003-03-05 |
L |
New features |
2003-03-03 |
L |
New picture-serie |
2003-03-03 |
L |
Freitagsnachrichten - frisch aus der Presse |
2003-03-02 |
L |
Early Grab Bag |
2003-02-28 |
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Serverside patches |
[Source Sanya Thomas (Mythic)]
I know, it's kind of a slow week. We've got stuff cooking, so I think you'll find that when it rains, it pours! Anyway, the read file:
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: We fixed an issue where people killing Lord Heyward in Abermenai possibly would not receive credit for completing the Abermenai keep capture quest.
Save the Date For Dragon Testing |
[Source Sanya Thomas (Mythic)]
Attention, level 45-50 players with a copy of themselves on Pendragon. Not this weekend, but the one after, we need your help! March 21, 22, and 23 are all blocked out for Pendragon Dragon Raids. For more information, check the Testing Calendar (located here).
Forgotten how to copy your character? Check this link for more details.
Freitagsnachrichten |
[Quelle DAoC Europa]
Neue Server :
Die Vorbereitungen für die Hardwareaufrüstung von Ys und anschließend Stonehenge haben Anfang der Woche begonnen, verzögern sich aber leider noch einmal, da eine der sechs Maschinen, aus denen sich das DAoC Universum zusammensetzt, nicht fehlerfrei arbeitet. Wir haben eine Testreihe gestartet, um den Ursprung des Problems festzustellen. Die Aufrüstung von Ys kann deshalb diese Woche, entgegen der Ankündigung von letzter Woche, nicht mehr stattfinden, sondern verzögert sich und somit verschiebt sich auch die Aufrüstung von Stonehenge.
Tausch und Verkauf von Accounts :
Wir möchten wieder einmal ein paar Bemerkungen zum Tauschen und Verkaufen von Accounts machen. Zunächst noch einmal die Regeln. Jeder Account des Spieles gehört nur einer einzigen Person und gemäß der EULA (end user license agreement) ist es verboten, ihn an einen Dritten zu verkaufen, zu tauschen oder auszuleihen. Wenn Ihr das tut, brecht Ihr den Vertrag. Dennoch gibt es ein paar Spieler, die ihre Accounts tauschen, ihre Daten und Passwörter weitergeben. Die meisten nur mit dem Wunsch, einmal andere Charakterklassen auszuprobieren oder andere Reiche kennen zu lernen. Wir möchten Euch auf folgendes aufmerksam machen :
Einige Spieler sind nicht ehrlich, wenn sie ihre Charaktere an Euch verkaufen wollen. Bitte nehmt zur Kenntnis, dass Eure Chancen, Schaden zu nehmen, sehr hoch sind, da der Verkäufer alle Passwörter kennt und Euch daher leicht ausrauben kann, zum Beispiel mit der Ausrede, dass sein Account gehackt wurde. Wenn Ihr Euer Passwort an jemanden zum Testen eines anderen Charakters weitergebt, vertraut Ihr damit jemandem, der alles Mögliche mit dem Account oder den Daten anstellen kann. Und selbst, wenn Ihr nichts Schlechtes von ihm denkt, kann er Euren Account plündern. Ihr würdet nicht glauben, wie viele Spieler ihre Charaktere wegen ihres… "kleinen Bruders" verloren haben.
Mit all dem wollen wir Euch klarmachen, dass es Euer Problem ist, wenn Probleme mit einem getauschten oder verkauften Account auftreten. Gebt Euer Passwort nicht weiter, teilt Euren Account nicht mit Anderen und vor allem kauft keine Accounts. Nehmt zur Kenntnis, wenn wir vermuten, dass ein Account verkauft wurde oder wenn mehrere Spieler behaupten, denselben Account zu besitzen, können wir ihn einfach schließen. Es wäre doch traurig, einen Account zu kaufen und zu sehen, wie er am nächsten Tag gebannt wird…
Ausnutzen von Spielefehlern :
Zusammen mit den neuen Klassen und Fertigkeiten von Shrouded Isles sind wieder einige Probleme mit dem Ausnutzen von Spielefehlern (Bug exploit) aufgetaucht. Lasst uns also noch einmal etwas klarstellen :
Was ist für uns ein Exploit ?
Ein Exploit ist, wenn ein Spieler einen Fehler im Spiel findet und diesen wiederholt zu seinem eigenen Vorteil ausnutzt. Solche Situationen stellen sich in letzter Zeit hauptsächlich im RvR. Der bekannteste Exploit ist, Löcher in der Grafik zu nutzen, um an normalerweise unerreichbare Plätze zu gelangen und von dort ohne großes Risiko jeden Spieler zu töten, der vorbeikommt, da sich dieser Spieler nicht wehren kann, es sei denn, er exploitet selbst. Dies kann mit Dächern, Brücken, Mauern, usw. geschehen. Alle Spieler, die dies nutzen exploiten und werden entsprechend bestraft. Dies beinhaltet auch Pets von Spielern.
Lasst uns nun die aktuelle Sichtlinien-Diskussion bei Pets betrachten. In der momentanen Version können Pets über die Entfernung durch feste Objekte hindurch angreifen. Spieler, die ihre Pets, zum Beispiel bei der Verteidigung einer Grenzfestung auf Gegner schicken und bei denen die Pets durch die Tür oder die Wand gehen, spielen ihre Klasse wie im Moment vorgesehen, daran ist nichts verkehrt. Es zählt sicher nicht als Fair Play, aber es ist in diesem Fall kein Exploit. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass das Sichtlinienproblem zum grössten Teil im kommenden Patch behoben sein wird und damit Vieles lösen wird.
XML Dateien :
Es gab eine kleine Neuerung bei den XML Dateien. Wenn Ihr sie also für Eure Fanseiten nutzen wollt, schaut Euch die kleine Änderung der tags an. Ein "language" tag wurde hinzugefügt und der "type" tag wurde geändert, um die Art des Servers anzuzeigen.
Neue Spieler :
Einige von Euch haben sicherlich den neuen "Entdeckt Dark Age of Camelot" Knopf oben auf unserer Internetseite bemerkt. Dieser Teil der Seite wird den erfahrenen Spieler sicherlich zum Schmunzeln bringen, denn er richtet sich natürlich nicht an ihn, sondern soll neuen Spielern einen ersten Einblick ins Spiel bieten. (Danke, Timmy )
Wir wünschen Euch eine gute Jagd und ein schönes Wochenende. |
Fridays Grab Bag |
[Source Sanya Thomas (Mythic)]
Q: Could you please explain the percentages that each piece of armor is likely to be hit by a mob? Also, does the mob matter? For example, if the mob is a flying monster is it more likely to hit your head/arms/hands and by the same token, is a small mob like a spider or snake more likely to hit your boots/pants?
A: We opted to move a little bit away from realism with this formula, for the sake of our program’s sanity. So the type or size of the creature attacking you doesn’t matter, and the percentages are the same for man and beast: 40% Torso, 25% legs, 15% arms, 10% head, 5% hands, 5% feet.
Q: You told some of us that you’d revisit the shield quality question this week, to be absolutely 100% certain.
A: Well, here's that bitter part - I asked again – and the answer is still that quality does not affect the chance to block at this time. The reason my August grab bag had a different answer was because I did not check with someone who knew the code for the answer – I asked a designer looking at a design document instead. Since August, all my answers have been checked with a programmer looking directly at the game code, and I’ve been trying to revisit questions asked back then. I’m sorry, guys. I know it’s frustrating when I contradict myself in this column, and I do the best I can to update you as soon as I am aware of such a contradiction.
Q: Embarrassing, but I am sure I am not the only one affected. This question pertains to my first character, which I lovingly nurtured to 50. Yup. My pally has 5 points of the initial 30 points in Empathy. (laugh now :)) Why? Well, it was my first char, I knew nothing about the game when I made him other than it seemed like a nice trait for him "empathy, great, why not". Didn’t know better. A mistake made by a Newbie, on his first toon.
I am wondering why it is impossible to change the char's initial specs and correct things like that.
A: Well, you’re definitely not the only one. My very first MMOG, I did the same thing, but with charisma. My only experience up to that point was D&D, and I liked to play characters with high CHA scores.
But the reason we can’t help you fix that is because our CSRs don’t have access to that part of your character. It’s literally welded to your avatar from the first moment that it enters the DAOC world. I’m afraid that this one is going to have to go into your file of "yeah, top THIS" stories for fan gatherings and guild chat, and into our file for "future reference."
Q: Does piety affect a Thane or Skald's power at all?
A Thane's power is affected by piety, but the Skald's power is affected by charisma.
Q: How does the Realm Ability "Avoidance of Magic" know the difference between "damage types of magic" and other forms of magic? As far as I can tell, all types of magic - cold, heat, spirit, matter, body, energy – have both damage spells and crowd control spells.
A: It’s bad phrasing in our documentation as opposed to an omniscient spell - Avoidance of Magic affects all spells.
Q: "Random" loot splitting – I thought whoever got drops was supposed to be completely random. But the last couple weeks have been very frustrating. Let me give one example: Today I was running in a DF group with my roommate. After about an hour with nobody dying, we had equal amounts of gold – but I had no diamond seals and five sapphire seals, and my roommate had eight diamonds and twenty-five sapphires! This has happened to me every day for a few weeks.
So my question is: Is there any chance that your choice of character-class affects your chance of receiving loot, or have I only been darn unlucky for the last few weeks?
A: You have been officially whacked with the bad luck stick. But it really is random – this is one of those things we’ve tested the heck out of, over the course of many hours and many logs. The loot is distributed evenly… over time. The key there is "over time." For example, everyone knows that when you flip a coin, the odds of getting heads or tails is fifty percent, or one chance in two. If you flip the same coin, you will notice "runs" of all tails or all heads. Maybe even twenty-five in a row. The coin is not broken, however! The thing is, no matter how many times the coin landed on heads before, the odds are always one in two every time you flip it.
So even though your friend got twenty-five sapphires, the odds are still one in eight (assuming you guys were in a full group) that he will get the next one. What happened before has no affect on a truly random number generator. If the loot splitter could assign loot based on what happened before, it would not be truly random.
You’re certainly due a run of good luck. The last time I had that much good luck coming to me, I drew the queen to fill out my royal flush. I'm crossing my fingers for you.
Q: I just read your post about that polling booth, and I tried to participate. Now I realize only players playing on the US servers can take part. Is there any chance players from the EU can participate in your polls?
A: The thoughts and feelings of European customers (and all the other DAOC players around the world, in places like Italy and Korea) are important to us. But the thing is, we rely on our partners who provide service to those areas for feedback. An MMOG is both a product and a service. We provide the product to everyone – but we only run the service aspect for customers playing on the servers located here in the U.S.
And the polls are going to help us guide the service aspect for the servers you see listed here on the Herald. (The Herald is an extension of the service, which is why each of our partners has their own Herald-type website.) Also – the polling booth is connected to our database of accounts. We don’t have access to the accounts located on the servers outside the U.S. at all, so we’d have no way of knowing whether or not you had an account or not.
But you are always welcome to send me feedback forms, no matter where in the world you play.
Q: How confidential are your polls? Do you keep records on us as individuals, and do you share the info?
A: The polls will be giving us "the big picture." I am able to see the poll results page, and all it does is tell me the raw number totals – how many people said they were male, how many said they preferred not to answer, etc.
No action would ever be taken against your account based on how you answered a poll. For example – one of the questions in the most recent poll asked if the account was played by one person, shared in a family, or so forth. Account sharing is technically against the EULA, so I can understand why a lot of people chose to select "I prefer not to answer." But my results page doesn’t say "John Doe in Greensboro, North Carolina says he shares the account with his wife." It just says XXX people in total said they share the account.
Our customer information is absolutely private. We may or may not share the raw number totals, but we would have to see a warrant before we’d share anything specific.
Them’s the questions. Speaking of European players, there are a bunch of crazed lunatics planning a tour of "Albion." Seriously. They’re going on a week long camping trip/sightseeing tour/drinking binge, with planned stops at sites found both in game and in real life. It looks like more fun than ANYTHING, and I surely do wish I could go. Their website can’t take the hit a Herald link would bring them, so forgive me for not posting such a link – but I just wanted to give a shout out to Amothus, Sparklehorse, and the rest of the CT crew for coming up with the plan in the first place. If this trip is fun, they’re planning future trips to "Midgard" and "Hibernia."
This particular trip is booked already, with the bus already rented – but just out of sheer curiosity, who thinks that sounds like fun? Would you go if it had less camping and more showering? If you’ve got an opinion one way or the other, write to me with the header TOUR. Seriously interested parties only – if you don’t even have a passport, please wait until the topic comes up again. It probably will.
If you’ve planned a trip like that, or even just a gathering of players at the local Dairy Queen, and you’d like me to announce it, just drop me a line (sanya@mythicentertainment.com) with GATHERING in the header. I’m happy to publicize any event that is really going to happen – please, no "maybes or might bes."
Have a good weekend, everyone! A little bird tells me there will be some updates next week on long awaited things, so watch this space. |
Volle Server |
[Quelle DAoC Europa]
Wie bereits Freitag in den Nachrichten geschrieben, suchen wir nach Möglichkeiten, um zu vermeiden, dass die beliebtesten Server zu den Hauptzeiten überfüllt sind.
Im Zusammenhang damit werden wir in Zukunft Spieler direkter über die Serverbevölkerungsstände informieren. Ab heute werdet Ihr eine Änderung bei der Serverauswahlliste bemerken. Der Flag, der bisher die Sprache anzeigte (zum Beispiel [DE]), wird bei den Servern, die unter Überbevölkerung leiden, durch FULL ersetzt, um neue Spieler dazu anzuhalten, ihre Chars auf den anderen Servern zu erstellen. |
Fixes - no new stuff |
[Source Sanya Thomas (Mythic)]
Dark Age of Camelot
1.60B Release Notes
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
- Couriers will no longer stop on their path when interacted with by a player.
- Minstrels were erroneously given Evade III at 30th level. All Minstrels who were granted Evade III have it removed from their character, and no new Minstrels will be granted the ability.
- We have temporarily removed the merchants that sell siege equipment in the Battlegrounds while we work on some battleground-only siege weapon bugs.
Cooperative Server
- Grand Lord Martel was spawning more quickly than designed at some keeps. This has been fixed.
Hibernia Quests
The Broken Seal - Players should now have an easier time using the talisman in the mouth of Koalinth Caverns.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds
- Fixed an issue where stealth classes could possibly not receive credit for capturing keeps. This should hopefully fix any remaining issues with players finishing the requirements correctly, but not getting credit for it. Remember, if you arent sure you got the requirement, make sure you type /quest and make sure you see the "Keep Capture quest" completed for the appropriate battle ground you are fighting in BEFORE you leave.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
- Fixed a small issue where a few frontier patrols were not grouping correctly.
- Fixed the issue with the Midgard heavy starkakedja helm still wanting to use a circlet pattern.
- Fixed the Albion weighted flail to correctly come out at the appropriate material level/type for the material 9 and 10 recipes.
Midgard Quests
Note: Temporary fix until next patch. Players stuck on Helping the Weaponsmith because they need to speak with the shale golem emissary should now be able to regularly find him next to Yrling.
Albion Monsters
- Svarm will no longer be given as a kill task.
- The Primal of Air encounter has been made slightly easier.
- The Primal of Fire encounter had some minor changes made to its pathing and should now function correctly.
- Fixed a small bug with Aroon the Urlamhai in Galladoria were he would not summon his guards occasionally. |
New features |
Much work has been done in the last days on our DAoC-Portal. We added many informations to our collections and hope that you enjoy the new data.
What has been done?
- Added the new horseroutes
- Updated various classes according to patch 1.60
- Updated the essay about battlegrounds
- Added some links to material-dye, spellcraft-calculator, .. etc.
- Updated the realm-balance-sheet
- Added essay about epic-armor
- Updated the material-table reflecting now all available materials in the game.
If you are interested in providing infos for our site (news, essays, stories, ..) please feel invited to get in contact with us. Send us a mail with some infos about you and we come back to you as soon as possible. |
New picture-serie |
The interest in exploring new areas and new civilisations is nothing we share in common. Some are more interested in that stuff then other people. Therefor we start with a new serie. We show you some places and pictures you may not have seen by yourself already. Enjoy.
 |
Freitagsnachrichten - frisch aus der Presse |
[Quelle DAoC Europa]
Zum Ende der Woche setzen wir uns intensiv mit den Optionen und Herausforderungen voller Server auseinander, dazu kurze Informationen zur Hardware-Aufrüstung, zu den Chroniken und zu Camlann.
Hardwareaufrüstung von Ys und Stonehenge : Unser technisches Team hat uns bestätigt, dass die Server Ys und Stonehenge ihre neuen Dual-Xeon Server gegen Ende der kommenden Woche erhalten werden, die damit verbundene Verbesserung der Leistung wird dort sicherlich herbeigesehnt, zumal beide Server in den letzten Wochen noch einige zusätzliche Spieler gewonnen haben.
Volle Server : Es ist Euch sicher nicht entgangen, dass einige Server zu den besten Zeiten so voll sind, dass sie keine weiteren Spieler herauflassen (Avalon und Lyonesse bei den deutschen Server, Stonehenge auf bestem Weg dorthin). Viele von Euch haben angefragt, was wir gegen die Situation tun können. Werfen wir einen Blick auf die vorgeschlagenen und die möglichen Lösungen :
Das Serverlimit auf über 3.500 Spieler anheben : Es wäre möglich, aber es würde die Qualität des Spieles extrem senken, zum einen durch erhöhte Serverlag und erhöhte Gefahr von Zonenabstürzen, zum anderen durch die Art des Spielen in übervollen Zonen (wie zum Beispiel Emain) oder an beliebten Levelplätzen. Aus diesen Gründen halten wir nicht viel von dieser Möglichkeit, da sie das Problem auch nur aufschiebt. Was sollen wir machen, wenn die Server auch mit 4.000 Spielern voll sind ?
Einen neuen Server eröffnen : Genau das haben wir gerade für die deutschen Spieler getan. Auch für die französischen Server ist es im Gespräch, wenn Orcanie dauerhaft erhöht besucht wird (um die 3.000 Spieler). Was im Moment nicht der Fall ist.
Keine neuen Spieler auf den "vollen" Server zulassen oder für "alte" Spieler bevorzugte Plätze einrichten : Bei dem Vorschlag gibt es wesentliche Einwände : Mit welchem Recht könnte man bestimmten Leuten, den Zugang zu Servern verweigern ? Was ist mit neuen Spielern, die zu ihren Freunden auf den Server (und in die Gilde) wollen ? Wer gehört alles zu den alten Spielern und warum sollte man ihnen Vorrechte einräumen ? Vor allem aber haben wir einen technischen Einwand : Das Spiel lässt es weder zu, neue Accounts auf bestimmten Servern zu unterbinden, noch besteht die Möglichkeit Plätze auf einem Server zu reservieren. Dieser Vorschlag ist also im Moment technisch nicht umsetzbar und wird von uns auch - abgesehen davon - nicht in Betracht gezogen.
Spielercharaktere von einem Server zum anderen transferieren : Das wäre eine interessante Möglichkeit, die allerdings auch einige Probleme stellt. Eine große Anzahl der Spieler will den Server nicht wechseln, da ihre Charaktere in die soziale Struktur des Servers eingebunden sind. Die Spieler, die bereits Charaktere auf dem Server haben, wo weitere hin verschoben werden sollen, stehen einem massiven Zuwachs von neuen Chars mit sicherlich hohem Level (am besten noch in einem der feindlichen Reiche) auch ablehnend gegenüber. All dies sind vielleicht keine schwerwiegenden Hindernisse, aber auch hier stoßen wir auf ein technisches Problem, da wir nicht in der Lage sind, Charaktere einfach von einem Server zum anderen zu verschieben. Die einzige Methode hierzu, die Mythic anwendet um Charaktere auf ihren Testserver zu kopieren, eignet sich leider nicht zum Verschieben bei den Spieleservern, da die Gefahr besteht, dass die Daten korrumpiert werden. Dies ist ein Weg, den wir noch gemeinsam mit Mythic erkunden müssen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich somit sagen, dass es keine Wunderlösung für dieses Problem, dass alle Onlinespiele betrifft, gibt. Wir suchen weiterhin nach der bestmöglichen Lösung. Im Moment bleibt die einfachste und eigentlich sinnvollste Lösung, alle neuen Spieler darauf hinzuweisen, dass es besser ist, neue Charaktere auf den nicht so bevölkerten Servern anzufangen, also für Deutschland : LOGRES und DARTMOOR.
Chroniken : Mit dem Erscheinen der Version 1.57 und Shrouded Isles mussten wir feststellen, dass die Chroniken von Camelot etwas instabil geworden sind (unregelmäßige Aktualisierungen, manchmal seltsame Daten). Es erscheint, als ob der Export der Spieledaten, auf denen die Chroniken beruhen, nicht fehlerfrei funktioniert, ohne dass wir den Grund dafür kennen. Wir arbeiten mit Mythic daran, eine stabilere Version zu erhalten. Leider können wir im Moment überhaupt nicht abschätzen, wie lange es dauern wird. In diesem Punkt müssen wir weiterhin um Geduld bitten.
Camlann : Es gehen Gerüchte um, dass der Server wegen mangelnder Bevölkerung geschlossen werden könnte. Hierbei handelt es sich um nichts weiter als Gerüchte, wir haben nicht vor, Camlann zu schließen. Der Server beinhaltet eine andere Spielweise, die vielleicht nicht allen gefällt, aber die Spieler, die Charaktere auf Camlann haben, haben das selbe Recht zu spielen, wie alle anderen auch. Für diejenigen unter Euch, die nach ihrem ersten Besuch nach dem Start Camlann entsetzt wieder verlassen haben, ist es vielleicht an der Zeit, dem Server eine zweite Chance zu geben. Das "Ambiente" ist verträglicher geworden, obwohl es ein schwieriger Lebensraum bleibt, ist es kein Dschungel mehr wie in den ersten Wochen.
Anmerkungen zu Exploits : Uns erreichten viele Beschwerden über Necromancer, daher hier noch einmal eine Erklärung, was wir als Exploits betrachten :
Wenn Ihr Euer Pet in einem Baum versteckt, wo es vielleicht nicht zu sehen ist, aber mit F8 oder der Maus anvisiert werden kann und noch in der Sichtlinie ist, ist es kein Exploit.
Wenn Ihr aber Euer Pet in einen Brückenpfeiler, eine Mauer oder ein ähnliches, solides Objekt stellt, dass die Sichtlinie nimmt und Euch somit quasi unsterblich macht, ist es ein Exploit. Allgemein betrachtet darf Euer Pet sich an den gleichen Stellen aufhalten, an die auch Spieler dürfen. Wir hatten diese Diskussion bereits mit Spielern, die sich in Brücken und ähnlichem aufhielten. Wenn Euch ein Spieler auffällt, der auf diese Art Fehler im Spieledesign missbraucht, nehmt Euch einen Moment Zeit, um den Namen, den Ort und die Uhrzeit aufzuschreiben und dies, sobald Ihr nicht mehr spielt über RightNow zu melden.
Online-Handbuch : Auf unseren Internetseiten findet Ihr nun eine Online-Version des Handbuchs. Wir laden Euch herzlich ein, diese zu besuchen.
Das wäre es für diese Woche. Wir kommen wieder, keine Frage. Viel Spaß im Spiel und ein schönes Wochenende. |
Early Grab Bag |
[Source Sanya Thomas (Mythic)]
The questions continue to fall like snowflakes in Northern Virginia:
Q: Is the new Minstrel buff "Ablative Armore" supposed to be 100% absorb or 25%?
A: It's set to 100%.
Q: From 1.60: "- Scureol's Belt, from the Ogre's Might Quest, previously had Piety 5 and Constitution 5. Because this belt is given to both Friars and Infiltrators, the 5 Constitution has been changed to Dexterity 5." First thing, his name is Scurceol, I see that the C is missing every time you refer to him. Also, I have stats listed at 7 not 5, from several sources, please look into it. Thanks.
A: You’re quite right, and the patch note is quite wrong. Thanks for the heads up.
Q: What is the difference between Tower and Heater shields (they're both large shields, but is there any difference between the two besides looks)?
A: The difference is strictly appearance - there is no further difference than what can be found in the delve and right click info.
Q: Is there a cap on the chance to block?
A: There is currently no hard cap.
Q: Does shield quality affect your chance to block?
A: Not currently.
Q: Does shield condition affect your chance to block?
A: Yes.
Q: What does enchanting a shield do?
A: Increases chance to block.
Q: Do To-Hit modifiers on styles have any effect on whether your opponent successfully Evades, Blocks, or Parries?
A: Nope.
Q: Is the correct Order of Resolution in combat definitely Evade, Parry, Block (Shield), Guard, Hit/Miss, and then Bladeturn?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the ideal criteria for proving a point through log testing? When attempting to test Melee combat would being fully unbuffed or fully buffed be more accurate?
A: In the exact words of one of our lead programmers: "It really depends on exactly what kind of test you're trying to do. In general, the longer the test the better. Sending one log in which shows you fumbling 3 times in a row doesn't prove that you have a high fumble rate. That test would require setting out to do a test specifically on that. Fight with the same weapon, keep the weapon repaired to the same point, fight against the same creatures if possible, for as long as possible, and detail the number of fumbles you've had at the end of the test. Generally a good solid number like 1000 swings gives decent data. The thing to keep in mind is there really is a lot of luck involved. Both good and bad. You generally don't notice as much when you're having good luck, it's those bad streaks that stick out and make you believe that something's wrong."
So, it’s not so much buffed vs. unbuffed as it is making sure your test is consistent throughout the process, and to repeat the test often enough to create a statistically significant data pool. We have and will continue to take action using in-depth player logs. We run our own tests every day, and we try and stay as close to the scientific method as possible.
Q: How does the Bonus % on a staff affect it? Does it simply effect to-hit when in combat with the staff? Does it affect spells in any way? Does it affect the duration/condition of the staff in any way?
A: Just to hit. It doesn't flow into the duration/condition of the staff to make it more effective in spellcasting.
Q: (Insert question about a technical problem with your computer or a video card or problems logging in or billing and so forth.)
A: Guys, my heart breaks whenever I see a tech question in the feedback forms. Why? Because although I read all the questions, I don’t go through it every day, and had you contacted tech support, you’d probably be taken care of already.
And I can’t just forward your emails due to the way our system works. Every time you send an email to support@darkageofcamelot.com, a customer service ticket is created using the header information on your email. Those tickets exist to make sure a live human being gets in touch with you within 72 business hours (although I’m told we manage same day service 99% of the time). It would not do you any good to have my contact information on your service ticket! So, please, don’t ask technical questions of me – write to the above address.
But as I said in another grab bag, DO use the Herald form for other questions. The Support email address is only for technical issues and billing support – any balance issues or other in-game related things are just deleted.
Q: Why did you change the name appeal system?
A: First off, everybody, let me apologize. There was a miscommunication about when the new system was going live, and I did not explain the new system in advance as I should have. So, my bad. Part of what follows appeared on a message board earlier this week.
The new name appeal system requires you to click on the offending character in order to appeal it. The main concern people seem to have is that they are unable to report names they see scrolling by in zone chat or death spam. Why is this okay? Because while you might not be able to report a particular bad name, believe me, everyone standing next to the guy with the bad name already has. Our new system is designed in part to cut down on duplicate appeals, so that we can read them and respond to them much faster than we have been able to in the past.
Let me give you a classic example. Every case I’ve investigated this week has gone exactly the same way. The first person I worked with is a terrific person, a long time customer, and has submitted more name appeals than any other player ever has in the history of DAOC. She was concerned about a particularly raunchy name, and her fear was that no one had appealed it. (Since she had not been in visual range of the person, and had only seen their name in her text box, she was unable to appeal it herself.) So, she sent a regular appeal – and was told not to do that again. She was pretty mad, and so she and I got in touch. I looked it up for her – and in the time it took her to send one regular appeal, eleven people who had been in visual range had clicked on the raunchy name and appealed it. Eleven in less than two minutes, everybody, using the new system. Just imagine how many appeals we got using the old system!
Now, under the old system, when we got the very first appeal, our "name cops" hopped on it, and changed it. But since we have a policy of reading every single appeal, the ten other appeals needed to be opened and read. And reading those other ten appeals meant that the next name to be appealed had now been in the game for five minutes. That name had fifteen appeals attached to it. So, the name cop changed the second name. All fifteen appeals had to be opened. And the time THAT took meant the third name had twenty five appeals on it. And of course, people who were AFK would come back, see the first name in their text window, and send an appeal, not realizing the bad name was already changed. The CSR would get that appeal, and if enough time and enough other cases had passed, wouldn’t remember the specific case and would need to do research and make sure it had been changed. Add to all that the fact that we do triage – we remove raunchy and racist names first, and then stupid names – and we had a problem that snowballed out of control.
How much did it snowball? Eleven thousand new name appeals for three hundred names. Several dozen of which aren’t even bad at all. In one day. Adding to the backlog the name staff couldn’t get to in days past.
Hence the new system. It’s in place mostly because of the RP servers (indeed, it is to the players of the RP servers that I am speaking to right now :)), although it applies to all servers. We have now had a few days to check it out – every email I have received about a bad name, written by a player who was worried that no one appealed it, has been checked out. Each and every bad name mentioned by email had been appealed by no less than a dozen other players.
The new system allows us to see how many people appealed the same name, cuts down on duplicates, and allows us to "mark" good names so that they cannot be appealed again. This is going to save us SO much time – time that can be better spent on other essential RP server problems. (Which, speaking of, we worry about as much as you do. Channel abuse, immersion breaking people, etc, all things that we’re concerned about, and trying to find solutions.) Try to remember that you not being able to appeal a name is not preventing all the people standing next to the bad name from appealing it. And try to keep in mind that this system is allowing us to make real headway on the huge backlog of bad names. If you’re really, truly worried that no one else has appealed a particular name, or if a name is marked as good and you disagree, you are welcome to email me or send a form through the Herald, and we’ll look it up. But I’ll bet that someone else beat you to it using the new system. Please do not send regular appeals about names.
This is only step one in what we hope will be a whole new approach to these kinds of problems. But the next step, I swear we won’t surprise you with it.
And thus ends the bag for this week. In theory I am going out of town tomorrow (she says as she peers out the window at the gathering storm), hence the early post. For some reason, mother nature thinks this is the frozen tundra of the north and not a climate billed as "temperate," and keeps dumping snow on us, and I am getting a teensy bit annoyed.
Be safe, have fun, see you Monday! |
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