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Messages - Venoid

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Corrupted threads / Re:Want to kill the Grand Summoner...
« on: 13/08/2003 15:31:57 »
With my limited experiance and vast research, these are the strategies/things to watch for that Im aware of, of course if anyone knows of something Ive missed, or can elaborate in areas feel free, I will update my notes and assimilate everything you say :P (resistance is futile!).

Grand Summoner Govannor :-

Ive never seen this guy (great start huh), nut heres what I know.
He has a variety of spells, a form of pbae is the most devestating one (but no where near on par with the big scaley ones.)  Ive read rumors that he splits into 5 at one spot, but I dont know how true this is, most ppl focus pull him, so imo his attacks really cant be that devestating whatever they are.

What I do know is that at around 55% he IPs.  This is a pain in the arse, and is what turns a 10minute gank into a 1 hour endurance run.  HOWEVER, this can be countered ;).

In order to counter his IP, he can be stunned at around 55%.  That means all you Stunners/Annihilation/Slam specialists should be spamming your skills at this stage to keep him from IPing.

he may IP again at another stage...if this is the case I will be keeping note of the % level and will call it out ready for the stun specialists to strike next time.

Other than that he doesnt appear to be difficult at all.

Once the GrandSummoner is down we may go for the other 3mini summoners (max out our Realm Respec stones etc).

Hibernian Summoner (Dont know his name). :-

As per most Mythic developments, the Hibernia version is weak and simple compared to his Albion/Midgard equivalents.  His only real threat is that he constantly summons yellow-orange con mobs to aid him.  The thing is these mobs have like 50HP max, so 1 hit is normally enough to kill them.

To deal with this guy the force should try and stay as close to the Summoner as pos.  This way the mobs all move to 1 area, and a few pbaoes deal with them nicely. Other than that, hack and slash and he should fall relatively easily.  He has a few magic spells, maybe a DoT here or there, but all in all hes like a tree and we are the fire :P.

Albion Summoner Roesia :-

This woman is a right b****, in every sense of the word.  Upopn triggering her aggression she summons 4-6 floating bows.  These are rather hard purple cons, fortunately once they die they dont come back again until she de aggroes.  These should be dealt with asap once the battle begins.

Once these are destroyed everyone should focus on Roesia.  She is the living impersonation of an Albion, in that she has everything.  You name it shes got it.  DoTs, nukes, aoes, superior mellee, parrymaster, and if thats not bad enough she has a very nasty HoT spell, coupled with a high defense and HP.

When she gets to around 10-20% health she will cast HoT.  This basically gives her back 15-20% of her energy bar, and can result in a never ending battle.

If we get around to fighting this wench, (she will be the last 1 on my list of summoner kills), then Im going to try and implement the stun tactic as soon as she reaches 20%, other than that just do your best :).

Midgard Summoner Cunovinda :-

Never fought him, but Im sure that he cant be any harder than Roesia, so we will deal with him as we see fit if we get to engage him ;).

Thats it for now, if I find anymore info I will update.

Corrupted threads / Want to kill the Grand Summoner...
« on: 11/08/2003 01:29:18 »
And wondered if you guyz aloing with some others wanted to help me do it?

Will probably be this Friday, around 8PM BST (thats uk time) kick off.

Am thinking of going there via Hall of the Corrupt (Albions entrance), and dont worry if your aggro to the mobs inside, have a plan to have you kamikaze through and some1 rez you the other side ;).

PS not a hunt for those that value their experiance levels.

Corrupted threads / Re:Roses guild house
« on: 11/08/2003 01:24:06 »
What Id go for is a binstone (can literally go anywhere from house so is a nice central area to bind in.
A vault per level (guild house obviousness)
1 of each of the craft machines (you kinda plug them into the wall, so even tho you can only have 1 per level, you can just buy them, stick them in the vault, then get em out and plug em into their slot whenever you want to use them (fold up forge anyone? :D))
The need for a hastener is slim, maybe if you got the money tho (not likely any1 will be running from the housing zones)
Emblemer, smiths, rechargers, enchanters waste of money.
You want a teleporter to ever possibly place, consignment merchent if you have lotsa crafters or like to hunt and sell drops.
You want a healer if you intend to make the bindstone your centre of movement.
As for merchents, maybe the lower level ones, but siege merchents/high level merchents arnt really necessary, and an awful lotta money for what they are.  AF is easily accessable and with people around is more fun to craft in, and you can easily outquip a vault with siege weapons if needed for a desperate case, or even fill up ur normal vaults with them.

Thats my 2 cents :P, personally the rest of the room is just trophy space ;).

Corrupted threads / Farm Zerg.
« on: 06/06/2003 03:16:04 »
Right, heres my new goal .

I want to form 2 groups for a couple of hours 1 or 2 nights a week, basically like a zerg, except the levelling side of it is not the focus.  People that join adhere that they will try to make every hunt where they can, and will give me advance notice where they cant.

The idea of these hunts is to farm monsters for decent drops that can either be used by the participants, or dished out around their guilds where pos, if not sold on Prydwen forums for cash.  There may be a lot of focus pulling for certain bosses, but every1 will play an active role and will need to stay alert at all times in places.

Hunts will vary from simple melancholic fairies, Siabra queen, SH, DF, CF, Summoners, Fomor/Tur Suil, the boss under the waterfall in Cothrom Gorge, and as far as we can go with just 2fgs.  On occasion it may be possible to bring others along, and maybe we can go for a big raid like in the past.

Group layouts are as so, note that in some cases maybe only 1fg will be needed, so you may not have to attend EVERY hunt, but a good 90% where pos would be appreciated.  Once I have a list of the people interested, then we will sort out a good day/time each week that every1 can handle.

Group 1 :-
Bard - Blackfoxx
Warden (6sec pbt and heal as well if pos)
Tank - Venoid
Tank - Wolfshead
Focus Chanter
Pbaoe/Gtaoe mage

Group 2 :-
Bard - Ethaine (subject to change where necessary.)
Warden (6 sec pbt)
Druid (Buff/heal specced where pos)
Tank (Hero, BM, Champion, VW)
Tank (Hero, BM, Champion, VW)
Focus Chanter
Mentalist (Crack 5)
Pbaoe/Gtaoe mage

Note that Ethaine can also be a tank or a warden where necessary, so if a bard is interested there is still space :).

All participants must be 45+.  Any/all that are interested post and Ill update the layout, also pls give times of when you are available so i can pick the best day/time for this event to take place each week.

Its also possible to note, that if any1 that joins wants, or knows some1 that wants a particuler drop for a template, then the hunts will focus strongly on the area to attain that drop for them.

Corrupted threads / No more events, soz.
« on: 04/06/2003 22:54:16 »
Soz guyz, Ive thought long and hard about it, and Im not gonna do anymore planned hunts.  Their just too much stress.  As such Im cancelling the Galladoria raid on Saturday.

It seems that they have grown stagnent, I post a week in advance, and still no1 knows about it, or just dont care.  When I get to the hunt Im /sent can I bring my lvl25 alt?  I dont have any objections but tbh it pisses me off when people bring some1 to level when they have a higher level that can participate more.

My hunts were designed to experiance new areas, and more to the point to get rare items, and to equip people with great gear, at the same time having fun and killing tough monsters.  But I feel like people see them as a cheap plvling session.

I invited Oaks to come along a week ago, and tbh its been a total embarrassment.  I invited another guild to join in, in hopes of increasing 3fgs, to 4fgs, yet im still struggling to get 3, of which the lvl50 participants are getting lower and lower, so i can only assume ppl have lost interest now.

I set times to leave, and people only start to make their way 10minutes after we were sposed to leave, so Ive given up.  Its too much stress for what its worth, and to top it off, ppl are complaining about loot splits now, and thats just not on.

Instead Im going to look at a different event, that if people are interested can come along on, Ill post tomorrow what its about, but from now on dont expect to see any more hunts from me in the near future. Sorry :(.

Corrupted threads / Re:Tur Suil Wednesday 4th June
« on: 30/05/2003 00:07:44 »
Dont laugh :(, just make sure ur there :P

I find it irreparably denting my ego that the realm can have 2 uber successful hunts there and I wasnt leading :(

How dare they cut in on my territory ;p

3rd arm anyone?

Corrupted threads / Tur Suil Wednesday 4th June
« on: 29/05/2003 21:24:26 »
We go Tur Suil

We kill Fomorians

We kill Balor

We dance on his chair

nuff said :D

Leaving AF 7:30

Corrupted threads / Saturday 7th June - Galladoria
« on: 25/05/2003 14:37:58 »
This is it, a big big bounty hunt.

Will be leaving Necht Saturday 7th June at 7PM.  Will need as much attendance as pos, and am hoping to have another 2guilds with us.  We will kill as much as we can, until finally we get overpowered , I like this dungeon, because of the way you can take it apart piece by piece, as from what I gather mobs do not respawn until you have left it ;).

For those that have had bad experiances with past Galladoria raids (there have been some piss boring ones tbh), let your fears aside, we will not be taking tiptoes up every corridoor, and certainly will not yell at people for pulling mobs, as the normal mobs are somewhat over-rated to say the least.

Theres a 2week warning for this, as it is important we get full attendance, if you cant make it, or have some problems, please let me know and maybe I can arrange another day.  Assuming we dont get wiped we are looking for a 3hour minimum hunt.  Im hoping we can clear everything, and have looksie behind the waterfall, as doubtful as it is I can but hope :D.

Due to the capacity of these drops, they will come to me as they are dropped.  I will then read out what it is, and IF you have to go early, and you see a drop you fancy, let me know and I will roll on your behalf.  Also this is 1 of the rarer hunts where all drops will be so good that I will only allow 1 drop per person.  You may roll for more drops, but if you win, you will have to give the original 1 back for a re-roll.  Policy on alts is unchanged.

Corrupted threads / Dodens Gruve 8PM Sat 31st May
« on: 25/05/2003 14:19:04 »
8PM Saturday 31st May, meet at Ligen.  That means leave at 7:30 to be there FOR 8 , or try log there the last time ur online before so ur straight away there if u log on at 8 ;).

We're going back to Summoners Hall :D.  This time Via Midgards entrance.  We will cut the Glacier Giant down to size :P, and work our way to Dodens Gruve, there we will most likely encounter farming Mids, with their buffbots, so a bit of rps will be nice :).  Monsters we will face are ghost versions of most mid classes, an uber Thane and Spiritmaster boss as just a taster.

Once through Dodens we will take out the Midgard mini Summoner, then skip across the hall and give Hibernias another pasting as hes so pathetic :).  We will bypass Albions this time ;), and then move straight on to the Grand Summoner, to see exactly what hes got, and why he tends to leave the hall full of Midgard graves :D.

Mental note for Player killing.  Exp deaths are not funny, or worthwhile, and hence avoidance of them should be taking at all costs.  We will outnumber most Mids that are inside Dodens, so there is no need to hit everything that moves.  If Mids are in conflict with a monster, kill the monster 1st, and then kill the Mid that was engaged with it IF he fights back.  Killing their friends is fine, but theres no point killing a Mid beaten down by a beastie and causing an exp death, as all it does is give us bad names, and doesnt reap any rps for a reward.

Corrupted threads / Re:Inter Guild raid Lootsplit rules
« on: 25/05/2003 01:13:20 »
That is precisely my theory Black, something I didnt mention, but as is my theory, with the amount of raids, I dont class any item unique, in fact I hope the guilds participating will be the most well equipped guilds in the realm.

We just had some issues, and I want them cleared up before the next raid :) tbh I hate loot splits, and I think f it as a resounding success that Ive led 3 raids and had 3 perfect loot splits.  A lot of ppl I know anyway dont even stay for them, which I think is a shame tbh.

The thing is I participate on a lot of realm hunts, and Ive seena  lotta crap in my time, whether it be TS raids, Galladoria raids, Summoner raids, Legion raids or Dragon Raids, imo the rules are definately favoured in ppl keeping themselves and their friends well equipped.  One I especially hate is the only lvl50 can roll for so and so, because that is the biggest pile of beep and hunt turn-off factor ive ever seen, and will NEVER as long as I have a shred of decency enter into my hunt rules ;).

I dont wanna seem to be b!tching, I just want every1 to be happy, I know its not possible all of the time, but I try :)

Corrupted threads / More ppl :)
« on: 24/05/2003 01:40:47 »
Right I feel better now for my moan ;), please forgive me I get like that at times, I read far too much =/, and as it stands every Warden in game is out for my blood atm :P

Right, it appears to me that a few more people wouldnt go amiss.  Atm we are getting around 3-4fgs a time, which is good, and Im pretty sure can  floor Balor with ease, but are not really optimum for massive Summoner/Hydra/Galla raids, as we are missing a fair few classes at times.

So nows the time to invite more guilds into the fold.  Im currently interested in Green Peacekeepers, and Order of the Sacred oak, as both these guilds have tagged along on 2 hunt occasions, and have proven to be a professional and friendly bunch.

What I need to invite a guild, is a link to their forum, that way I can contact them and discuss things with them :). Alternatively if they do not have a forum, get some1 from it to contact me ingame, and we can talk about it :)

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Corrupted threads / Re:Inter Guild raid Lootsplit rules
« on: 24/05/2003 01:11:27 »
Now it would appear some people are contesting the alt roll policy, and others are trying my patience to take the piss.  You may consider this an opportunity to speak your mind and air concerns / changes you would like.  However I will point out that I will NOT take away my policy on alts, as I refuse to have people bringing characters who they cannot use as effectively for pve, just to roll for a drop.  I will also not deter ppl from coming to hunts, by making them use characters that would benefit the hunt more, than letting them bring characters that can roll for drops, it just doesnt work.  Also what about drops for classes that are not available on the hunt?  We were missing VWs and heroes for a start, am I sposed to put those items up for salvage?  Or maybe I should auction them on Prydwen for my own benefit like other hunt leaders have in the past.  Doesnt work for me, Im sorry.

Now for the benefit of those that dont have the common sense to know what a valid alt is.
A alt imo is classed as a character that is of or nearing 40+, that is used at least 2 or more times a week, and who actually needs the item, and will equip and use it as soon as they have hold of it.
It is NOT a lvl18NS as was stated, it is NOT a character ur thinking of making, and it is NOT a character who is fully kitted in SC with all the works and who may equip the item if they need a spare while their normal item is being repaired.

For the record, the Hammer I won tonight (thank you all as I feel some held back rolls just so I had it) is something I WILL be using a lot, in fact it will be my hammer of choice, as the 1 I had was just a common drop from a normal Fomorian.  I also rolled for the cloak, something I knew Nogribando dropped, and something that Ive had my eye on for a while.  Both items are things I physically will use at this time, and hence their Dura will lower at some stage before I would upgrade them.  That is what I consider rolling for an item you will USE.  At this stage now, my Hammer is pretty uber, so any Hammer drops in the future will have to be pretty damn nice for me to roll for them.  You are not rolling because you have a class that uses the item, you are rolling because you are going to EQUIP that item.

That said I hope this sorts out the confusion.  I may begin restricting rolls to 1 drop a person as some areas pose to have a significantly less drop rate, than the original Tur Suil hunt that started it all.  At this stage you will then have the ability to trade ur old drop in if u win 1 u more desire.

Remember these rules are on trust, Im not giving drops away to people to fund crafting and to make their BG characters uber.  Altho I dont agree only hunting for drops, I also dont agree feeding the selfish ****s in the world who only give a damn about themselves.  The whole point of my loot splits being as "lax" as they are, is because you are invited through your guild.  I put trust that if you see some1 in your guild taking the piss, I will be informed and they will be disciplined.  If I do find out people are taking the piss, then they WILL never roll again, it will discredit their guild, and I may well never invite the guild along to hunt again.  Everybody is free to dispute who gets a drop, or in fact any problems they found on my hunts, that made it less than fun for them, I for 1 will be bitching on the Blades forums regarding the continuous "are we there yet" chants, which really did piss me off.  I will listen, unlike many raid leaders, and I will look into it with a matter of urgency and resolve any problems you may have, I want people to have fun, and if people are not happy with the way a loot split goes, then thats a problem for me that i will have to sort out.

Corrupted threads / Inter Guild raid Lootsplit rules
« on: 24/05/2003 00:53:15 »
Great Hydra hunt, but the 1st lousy loot split of all hunts to date, and I wanna rectify the problem.  For every1's benefit, here are the loot split rules again :-
"Quote from last post:-
1 :- Loot will be read in no particular order, so ul have to stay active at the computer to participate, there will be no going back to an item if some1 who would like is afk.
2 :- Every1 who participated on the hunt has the right to roll for every piece (altho large amounts of low lvl appearances will be deemed suspicious), with no restrictions on lvl/classes, the winner will be the person with the highest random 100
3 :- There will be 2 rolls for any 1 item. The 1st will be ONLY for ppl that wish to use the item. In failing to get any1 that needs the item, then a 2nd roll will commence for salvage purposes/selling/giving away to friends
4 :- You CAN roll for alts, as long as that alt is active. Ppl will not be penalized for rolling on items that an alt can use, but their hunt participating char was a better choice for pve. There is however restrictions. The alt HAS to be able to use the item, ie cannot be a roll in preparation for an alt-to-be, and the alt has to be of a moderatly active status, ie used once a week.
5 :- You may roll for more than 1 item. Due to quantities of loot made, it is not fair to limit 1 item per char, as ppl are not aware of the stats on items yet to be rolled for. However discretion is advised, altho you will not be penalized, try not to be greedy.
6 :- After winning an item, you find out it is not for you, or you gain huge quantities of other items, you may return it with confidence for others opportunities if you so desire. This is in no way an obligation, and comments against a person such as "they rolled for something they didnt want" will NOT be tolerated.

I would much rather an item go to a character that will actually use the item. Afterall if ANY char can improve themselves with an item, it is a benefit for the realm and ppl they group with as much as it is for them. That is why my rules are considered "slacker" than normal, but I tend to find they are very effective. Obviously I put a lot of trust into the ppl rolling, which is why my hunts are invite only over /as asking. Break that trust, and u may find urself unviable to participate on future loot splits and possibly even hunts."

Corrupted threads / Re:Hydra Revisited ;)
« on: 24/05/2003 00:42:38 »
Was a good hunt :)
Sorry Blackson u fell throught the floor :(
Thank you all you came in support, hope you had fun.
Please post your experiances here, so we may learn and strategise for the next attempt ;)

My experiance with the ballista :-
I was hitting 3-4heads/body a shot, damaged ranged between 15-25, but was sometimes missing completely.  Due to his twisting, I was not hitting all heads as I hoped to.  Possibly changing tactics to a Trebuchet with Grapefruit shot may be an alternative, at any rate learnt the importance of hitting everything, since his health regen is a major factor if a heads is not being engaged.

Focus pets worked well, as a pity as it is, 5focus pets may be the best way to kill him.

Was not aware of transferal of health between heads, but he was certainly heling somehow, as the 4th went up to 55% from 40 at 1 stage.

All in all an excellent attempt :).  For 3 fgs to do what we did, thats summin to be proud off, needless to say the last real attempt had 5fgs, and they didnt do as much as we did this time ;)

Corrupted threads / Re:Going Epic hunting :)
« on: 21/05/2003 00:26:46 »
Aye was a late desperation posting by me ;p soz.

We did pretty good tho.  1fg took out Orey twice, Uefas, Vindy and Skeag.  And I reckon we could of killed Juggy too, but he kinda snuk up on us with that massive mach 7 stride of his =/.

Definately learned the Value of PBT on these monsters tho.....

You were hit by Uefas Cappell for 702damage
You were hit for an additional 742damage

1444 crit hit woooot, Im only a brittle elf :(

We got nice Uber healer gem, a hammer and a sword, (Vindy and Uefas didnt drop boooo)

We def go back again ;) there drops arnt uber, but they make good pve gear, and the jewlry can be incorporated into any SC template ;)

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