These maps are new, so it maybe missing some named mobs.
Midgard Side (Dodens Gruva): ... mageId=353
Albion side (Hall of Corrupt): ... mageId=354
Hibernia Side: ... mageId=344 ... mageId=347
Summoner's Hall: ... mageId=351
Some early experiences:
Aros the Spiritmaster is a very high lvl SM who has about 3 DF Pale Guardians as pets (those huge ghost mobs in Legion room). The key to remember is he can't attack you outside his room, so the best thing to do is sprint and run cross it, hoping none of your rezzer get one shotted.
Thane Dyggve (I have his screenshot on Torgo's thread) can be taken with a full group of high lvl with 50s tanks, and I heard a group of 4 50s has done it before. He cast ALL of thane's spells including Mjollnir aoe, wears Thane's epic armor and has evade, good parry skill and hammer styles.
Jarl Omar is maybe a lower in level from Thane Dyggve because we were able to kill him easily with 6 people (4 50s).
Summoner's hall is like DF but very and VERY dark (even with torch on, it's as if you're in myrkwood without torch on). The mobs in Summoner's Hall have new AI, where most (except agro wolves and Summoner) are neutral to everyone BUT healing classes. Once you go past the wolves, you'll meet some Sidhe *something* in the grand hall that are probably at the same lvl as the dukes in DF (or it felt like it). We had 2 full groups of 50 but a couple of 48+, and they wiped everyone.