Author Topic: bones and shammys dots
tuppe  1917 posts
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Date Posted: 5/5/07 10:17am Subject: bones and shammys dots
working 8.7 step and groupped whit shammy.
cast bones single (base) dot and shammys single (base) dot against self maintaining statues and notice they stacked.
bones dot is matter and shammys body.
read long time ago aedots whit shammy/bone stacks but had image base single dots dont stack.
bones aedot + single base allso stacked, no idea thou spec single.

someone other notice this base single dot stacking stuff? or can test to proove.


Valewalker TL: "You don't like it? Don't pay."
lvl 50 Bers/2xhealer/sham/bone/hunter/rm/warrior/Valk/2xsm/Sb
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jello1717  3462 posts
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Registered: Mar '03
Date Posted: 5/7/07 11:12am Subject: RE: bones and shammys dots
Firstly, I'm pretty sure shaman's dot is matter, not body, but that's neither here nor there. I'm pretty sure that this has always been like this.

All DoTs will stack with all other DoTs with the following exception:
DoTs from the same spell line will not stack with each other (for AOE DoTters, the spec single target and spec AOE are from the same spell line).

This means that BD single target spec DoT and AOE spec DoT won't stack with eachother or with the spec DoTs of any other BD (they're the same spell line). They will stack with anything from a shaman, however because they're different spell lines.

So, you could stack the following on a mob:
1 shaman baseline
1 shaman spec
1 BD baseline
1 BD spec (ST or AOE)
1 warlock spec

or, if on Mordred or Gaheris or what have you:
2 shaman DoTs (baseline and spec)
2 BD DoTs
1 warlock DoT
2 cabbie DoTs
1 sorc spec DoT (the sorc's baseline DoT is same spell line as cabbie, so it won't stack with the cabbie's baseline DoT)
2 mentalist DoTs


Inconnu Sorc - MLF, Kobie Warlock - Merlin(retired)
Frostie Dark SM - Merlin(retired), Luri Light Eld - Lancelot(retired)
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