Author Topic: Difference between greater necro servents and abom's?
Elistan420  1411 posts
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Date Posted: 2/14/06 12:15pm Subject: Difference between greater necro servents and abom's?
Please keep in mind that this is for powerleveling..

I seem to be having a slightly harder time with my abom as far as casting speed and quickcast goes..

with my grtr.servent I would cast faster, and have no problem timing my quickcasts.. then when i got my abom, I would notice a little dropoff on casting speed, along with the fact that i cant buff my abom with my baseline and specline dex, only one or the other, meanwhile I can buff my servent with both.

and my biggest gripe with the abom is timing the quickcast.. I would do everyhting correctly, wait until he finishes a swing, then I would load up QC and cast manatap for example, the sound woudl go off but he would just stand there like a retard.. meanwhile my servent would cast the QC without a problem 99% of the time.

so.. all of this boils down to the question, what exactly does an abom have over a servent? because if its not much, im going to switch to the servent for good.


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Move_HG  16722 posts
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Date Posted: 2/14/06 12:24pm Subject: RE: Difference between greater necro servents and abom's?
Elistan420 posted:
Please keep in mind that this is for powerleveling..

with my grtr.servent I would cast faster, and have no problem timing my quickcasts.. then when i got my abom, I would notice a little dropoff on casting speed, along with the fact that i cant buff my abom with my baseline and specline dex, only one or the other, meanwhile I can buff my servent with both.

Its true the greater casts faster, but imo, this makes it HARDER to hit FP. You have a smaller window to fit it into. With the bommy swinging slower, you have more time to hit FP correctly, and queue up your power taps.

I don't get why you cant buff the bomm with both dex's though. I can. I think.

Elistan420 posted:
Please keep in mind that this is for powerleveling..

and my biggest gripe with the abom is timing the quickcast.. I would do everyhting correctly, wait until he finishes a swing, then I would load up QC and cast manatap for example, the sound woudl go off but he would just stand there like a retard.. meanwhile my servent would cast the QC without a problem 99% of the time.

You might be seeing some queue issues. Since the greater swings faster, its easier for him to dump out your instas, like your short range spec lifetap, or baseline HoT. With the bommy swinging slower, they tend to sit around in the queue longer, which may throw you off if you're just used to the previous timing. Remember: You queue MUST BE EMPTY. Make sure all your HoT's and LifeTaps are all dumped out of the queue before hitting your fp/lifetap.

Elistan420 posted:

so.. all of this boils down to the question, what exactly does an abom have over a servent? because if its not much, im going to switch to the servent for good.

I *think* the bommy is a higher level pet, and therefor experiences less damage against pve mobs and players alike. Whether thats a lie or not, he definitely parries and hits harder with his 2 handed sword. Your greater won't parry.


Array - Black Orc - Volkmar
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Sephiiroth_FireyHot  9963 posts
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Date Posted: 2/14/06 1:26pm Subject: RE: Difference between greater necro servents and abom's?
Greater Necroservant caps at level 37, Abom caps at level 44.
GN swings 1h, Abom swings 2h and can Parry.


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Redh_armor  2945 posts
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Date Posted: 2/14/06 3:01pm Subject: RE: Difference between greater necro servents and abom's?
Abomination has about 210 more HP
Abomination takes a bit fewer hits/attack (scaling like mobs)
Abomination does more melee damage.

GNS is easier for most folks to control.
GNS in melee has a shorter delay to the start of the first spell.

I've pulled pygmies with both.
For high level mobs the abomination is a better choice.


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