Author Topic: The various pets
Trademark-  5405 posts
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Date Posted: 12/30/05 4:50pm Subject: The various pets
Is there any difference in the pets other than looks? All the places I've looked don't mention any particular traits that are specific to the various pets; visually it appears that the Abomination has higher AF than the previous pets, but is that true? Could a level 50 necro run the level 1 pet with just as much effectiveness as the level 45 pet?

Thanks; sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, just been wondering this for the past couple of weeks.


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Galac_Usul  3469 posts
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Date Posted: 12/30/05 5:32pm Subject: RE: The various pets - Date Edited: 12/30/05 11:51pm (1 edits total) Edited By: Galac_Usul
The capped HPs on the pet is one thing, as well as the con of the pet.

The level 1-32 pets are all the same in attack types/times, for the base. The abomination is the only unique one of the batch, as it is a 2 hander (harder hits, but slower), and it can parry.

[Edit - In other words, your level 1 pet will cap around level 5 or so, and even at 50, will be that level. A greater necroservant will be green to a 50. Some people dont care, cause absorption #s are the same, and theyre already hitting a lower con pet.


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Sephiiroth_FireyHot  9963 posts
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Date Posted: 12/31/05 4:51am Subject: RE: The various pets
yes, but the other thing you have to take into account is the level of the pet...for example if you're using the Greater Necroservant (Level 32 summon), it caps out at level 37. That means that your pet is going to take *somewhat* more damage because damage does take into account the level of the attacker vs. the level of the the lower level your pet is, the easier it is for your opponent to cap damage against you.

That's a BAD thing...use the Abomination =)

it would probably be very nice if Mythic would allow Greater Necroservants to cap at level 44 just liek the abom so that we could have the option of choosign a faster swinging, 1h wielding pet or a slower swinging, 2h wielding, parrying pet.

Versatility wouldn't hurt =)


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mozah  887 posts
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Date Posted: 12/31/05 8:53am Subject: RE: The various pets
Some variety would be nice. Even if it was just for the sake of not having to stare and the same servants back every single time.


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DAOCDRAGON  123 posts
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Date Posted: 1/3/06 12:27pm Subject: RE: The various pets - Date Edited: 1/3/06 12:27pm (1 edits total) Edited By: DAOCDRAGON
Does anyone know if the pve catacombs +parry% transfers to the abomination pet? Has there been any testing on this?


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Sephiiroth_FireyHot  9963 posts
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Date Posted: 1/3/06 6:36pm Subject: RE: The various pets
I think the safe assumption is NO that it does not, but afaik it hasn't been extensively tested


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