Author Topic: problem with necro's final pet
Yates_Bast  1843 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 10:39am Subject: problem with necro's final pet
I'm level 45 now and just got my final necro pet. But since I got the new pet, facilitate painworking doesn't seem to 'quickcast' as well. Have you heard others with this problem and is there a solution?


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Talanara1  471 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 11:11am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
Get more dex, better buffs, or talk someone into haste buffing your pet.

The problem you're running into is that the abomination has a 2h weapon as opposed to the greater necroservant swinging one-handedly. Which translates into a longer cool-down period after swinging. So the timing for doing things with the abomination will be slightly different from what you're used to. Listen for the sound effect of FP going off before you start casting more spells.


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Nokekula  560 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 11:15am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
i had the same problem at 45. by 47 i had gotten used to the new timing. before abom, i used passive mode almost entirely. after, i put them into defensive and hit FP right after they swing followed by the spells.


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doodah7  4277 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 11:46am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
The timing of the bommie vs greater necro servant is different. The bommie is a 2h weapon user, where has the greater necro servant attacks much much faster.

Easiest way to get used to it, is to do what has been suggested many times before.

1) Wait til pet swings
2) Hit FP
3) Wait 1/2 second
4) Hit Power Tap/LifeTap/Pbaoe whatever
5) when animation is halfway through, repeat #4 as many times as possible.

Once you get used to the new timing of the bommie, you can experiment with whatever makes you feel comfortable.


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Scott_Freitas  831 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 12:36pm Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
Any real reason to switch to the abom over the greater necroservant? I like the fast speed of the necroservant and am hesitant to switch to the abom when I hit 45 (I'm level 37 now, first necro ever).

Just curious...


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Kraize5  3264 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 12:37pm Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
The greater will be lower level then the abom.

Just get used to the abom.


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ProtoCell  1913 posts
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Date Posted: 9/29/05 9:47pm Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
For me I always wait for the boom after I hit FP. This will guarantee that I get my 2-3 spells off. Also do not forget swing time of the mob is important. If you are fighting a slow swinging mob and you usually only get 2 spells off wit hFP then you can get three on slow swinging mobs. The boom you hear like I said will guarantee you get your 2 spells off though.


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doodah7  4277 posts
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Date Posted: 9/30/05 8:52am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
"Any real reason to switch to the abom over the greater necroservant? I like the fast speed of the necroservant and am hesitant to switch to the abom when I hit 45 (I'm level 37 now, first necro ever). "

Well, your pet is always 6 levels below you. When you get your new pet (lvl 45) you can actually choose between the greater necro and the bommie. But, after that, the greater necro will cap out in level, I believe at level 39, whereas the bommie will cap out at level 44.

The new pet is a different beast, but you might as well get used to playing with it, since that's what you are going to be forced to use.


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ZingerMaker  1086 posts
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Date Posted: 10/1/05 12:16am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
well I have leveled several necros and I always hated the greater, especially in barrows <wink> when I pull 10+ mobs it is sometimes hard to see the pet swing, I just love the huge sword swinging as my trigger for FP



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rmbaldwin  5686 posts
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Date Posted: 10/2/05 1:43pm Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet
I had the same problem when I hit 45. You'll get used to it though. Now I'm 50 and have a solid template, I can get 3 pbaoe's off in my sleep during FP.


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Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 10/3/05 1:11am Subject: RE: problem with necro's final pet

You get used to it ... but you never like it.

Simple solution: Only pve with your abom, pvp with your greater necroservant! It works. (trust me grin )


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