Author Topic: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question
Vuroth  2720 posts
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Date Posted: 11/5/07 7:13am Subject: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question
What can break the snare? Does damage from someone else break the snare? Can it be purged off, with an immunity timer?

How long does the snare last?


This comign from the ranger... possibly the best melee class in the freaking game.
-- Budakan
In my experience the people most like to play support classes are those who can't stand grouping with incompetent people in those positions.
-- Skeggjold
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abmfett  2465 posts
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Date Posted: 11/5/07 8:45am Subject: RE: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question
Q: What can break the snare?
A: Any dmg will break the snare.

Q: Does damage from someone else break the snare?
A: Yes.

Q: Can it be purged off, with an immunity timer?
A: It can be purged, but will not grant immunity (meaning you can snare them again imediately after they purge).

Q: How long does the snare last?
A: I am pretty sure its 30 seconds, probably deminished by resists and det (id have to check if thats true or not).

the only other note i could add is:

Q: What immunity can they have from snare?
A: If they have been rooted (and therefore granted immunity), snares will not affect them. if they are charged/SOSed, snares will not affect them. charge adn sos are chort duration, so your main concern is root immunity. dont cast root ona target you want to snare and you should be fine.


---Albion Tintagel---
Netchel Darksong
(And a bunch of alts)
"In short: Annoy the heck out of your enemies, luv your realm mates. Sounds like sage advice to me." - Grab Bag 2007-07-26
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Vuroth  2720 posts
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Date Posted: 11/5/07 10:09am Subject: RE: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question

Any idea if the snare duration is affected by distance from centre of an AE snare nuke?



This comign from the ranger... possibly the best melee class in the freaking game.
-- Budakan
In my experience the people most like to play support classes are those who can't stand grouping with incompetent people in those positions.
-- Skeggjold
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Laughalittle  93 posts
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Date Posted: 11/16/07 10:53am Subject: RE: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question
its fun to see mids/hibs run try to run away with that snare on them..downright hilarious(i laugh so hard at trolls running away). You know how they always run when they see a larger group of albs than their 8man group? Once you see them(immediately)...sprint...once you are in range /face the closest one, /quickcast+aoe dd/snare. Thats usually enough to slow them down to where your group can take them out:). The aoe is useful as an interrupt too, just position where they don't see you immediately(otherwise you'll get insta interrupted).


Several toons...all albs...on Albion Pellinor:)
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EponOfLance  8950 posts
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Title: Camelot Vault Staff
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Date Posted: 11/20/07 9:46am Subject: RE: Earth Wizard - snare nuke question



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