Author Topic: Do Sporespawns Interrupt?
BanzaiBard  2133 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 3:10pm Subject: Do Sporespawns Interrupt?
One of the great underutilized shrooms is the sporespawn which casts a PBAE debuff. Does it interrupt? If so, it would be a great shroom to drop by enemy casters, choke points, etc.


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Lothuv  391 posts
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Date Posted: 6/20/05 8:03am Subject: RE: Do Sporespawns Interrupt?
I tested this once sort of freelance(i dueled someone).

It seems they do interupt, but they have a hard cap casting speed of 3.0s. Fortunately they never stop casting the debuff if somethings in range.

Good for corners and niche areas where you know casters are going to come through, gives you a period to lt or get bombers up.

Also good for shutting down archers for just long enough to lt them to death.

I could be wrong though(several spells work different from duels and non-duels).

Just try it out next keep defense your in.



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Elkad  3940 posts
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Date Posted: 6/20/05 8:43am Subject: RE: Do Sporespawns Interrupt?
I suspect they can detect stealthers as well. If no mobs/enemies are around, they don't pbaoe. Cast one in an open field, and it just sits there without casting 'till someone gets close. If a steather gets close, they start to pbaoe. I used them as a sort of radar/pnode in the battlegrounds. Drop one, if it just sits there, you are safe to sit down to regen power. And even with mobs in the area so it's continually casting, you should see the resist message in time to sprint/strafe and spoil a perf (doesn't help on archers tho).


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