Author Topic: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
Nyog-Tha  8571 posts
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Date Posted: 5/18/05 1:11pm Subject: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
When you use this, do you simply just press the style button and it activates as the shield version? And does it only block all arrow shots from just that one archer or ALL archers in your frontal arc?


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Grajik  156 posts
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Date Posted: 5/18/05 2:04pm Subject: RE: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
Im pretty sure it's ALL archers within your frontal arc, but im not sure if there's a cap on how many you can block at once. I say this because 3 months ago I saw a VW in Wilton taking on literally 8 different scouts. Probably one of the funniest things i've ever seen on DAoC- 8 scouts shooting at one Valewalker and barely hit him. Some arrows did get through though, but they only brought him to 75% after about 25+ seconds grin

As for how to activate it, im not totally sure, I tested on some guard scouts and im pretty sure you have to have a target clicked on before you can activate it (like all styles) works while on the run too, which is great. However, I think it will deactivate when you start casting, but you can still use the dot/snare instant for interrupts happy

Hope that helped.


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Drathius_a_z  212 posts
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Date Posted: 5/18/05 4:04pm Subject: RE: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
Before the stealth nerf on Nature's Shield, 90+% of the time if you had the archer within your frontal 90* Degree arc you would block their shot, unless they were firing from way above you (Top of a tower with you right at the base). Now its more like a 75-80% chance to block it (at least from my personal experiences).

And in order to active Nature's Shield, you have to have a target when you select it for it to stay up. I just typically target myself then exact combat mode and forget about it.


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Date Posted: 5/19/05 9:50am Subject: RE: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question - Date Edited: 5/19/05 9:53am (1 edits total) Edited By: DarkSnaker
on 200 arrows only 10 arrows hitted me :P
it's a very nice ability happy

you must have a target to activate it tho (example: You click yourself and press Nature's shield (after you get the msg: You perform a Nature's Shield; you can target anything you want, 'cause then it's active... and it will stay on (you can go out of combat, run around, cast spells[while casting spells you won't be blocking arrows tho], etc...) but when you melee someone, you will perform a Nature's Shield on your target :P -> the shield is gone when you melee


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Ferrix_WGW  1231 posts
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Date Posted: 5/19/05 11:23am Subject: RE: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
It seems that any arrow that procs a DoT is not blocked by thie style...same issue with my shield tank. All DoT procing arrows get through.


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Kyrthos  5475 posts
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Date Posted: 5/19/05 2:06pm Subject: RE: VW Archer "Engage" Style Question
There is a bug where all of the proc'ing arrows get through.


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