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Where can i buy arrows and crossbows??
Added the following: Skyros Shell Bracer, Cyclone Bracer, Mystic-Cyclops Bone Vest, Sleeves of the Cryth, Smoldering Ash Sleeves, Helm of the Cryth, Pants of the Transfixer, Lightning Etched Studded Pants, and Mystic Cyclops-Bone Gloves. Updated the following: Belt of the Twilight, Blackened Wrap, Necklace of Clouds, Statuesque Heart, Naxos Ablone Bracer, Volurgon Locks, and Desmona's Ring. Removed the folling (ROG): Arcane Bolster Cloak, Bold Gladiator Cloak, and Adroit Briny Coral Jerkin.
Add weapons from ML Raids and ToA Encountners/Quests. Add Artifacts. Conitnue Additions to current listing, and continue corrections from feedback.