Author Topic: Druid pets...
brostyn  2221 posts
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Date Posted: 9/7/05 11:12pm Subject: Druid pets...
On the herald there used to be a list of what spells the pet recieved as it gained levels. Can't seem to locate that now. Does anyone know? Also, do pets level with you or with your nature line? It seems my pet goes up even though my nature is 1, atm. Will I just have to spec 32 nature to have the blue pet? Thank you.


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Liloe  1238 posts
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Date Posted: 9/8/05 2:07am Subject: RE: Druid pets...
pet level depends on your lvl and on the pets speclvl

1 - cap lvl 7
7 - cap lvl 12
12 - cap lvl 20
20 - cap lvl 32
32 - no cap, but at lvl 50 it's 37 only sad ( and the pet is green, not blue

now the pet abilities:
1 - nothing, hahahahaha =))
7 - self spec AF buff
12 - self s/c buff ( it's pretty good actually, only capped s/c can overwrite it )
20 - stun
32 - self bladeturn

the abilities stack ofc, so a lvl 32 pet has all of them =)


Liloe - Woodelf Ranger
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brostyn  2221 posts
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Registered: Aug '03
Date Posted: 9/8/05 9:57am Subject: RE: Druid pets...
Thank you. happy


Sorc nukes you for 456.
Sorc nukes you for 650.
Sorc nukes you for 600.
Sorc nukes you for 475.
You died again, moron.
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