Necromancer Guide
The purpose of this Guide is to inform the player as to the abilities and paths you can take while playing the Necromancer in Albion. It is also to answer some frequently asked questions and explain the more confusing aspects of the necromancer class. Specific spec paths however are not covered here as I believe the time is better explaining what you *can* do in each specialization, and then letting you make the decision.
1. Creation
Necromancers are a different class than anything currently available and as such, it should be noted on creation at this exact moment that certain stats for a necro do nothing for you. In comparision, other casters can make use of melee resists and constitution bonuses. We cannot at the moment. When making your necro, keep this in mind. You can either put more points into intelligence or dexterity, but con at this moment is worthless. You can plan your character ahead and put points into con in the hopes that this will affect the pet in the future some day, but thats a risk you'll have to take. Race is all a matter of preference, in the end it makes little difference. Bottom line is for dex, pick Saracen. For int, pick Inconnu. For balanced, pick Briton.
2. Caer Gothwaite
Caer Goth as I like to call it, is a great place to start out. I wont cover much here, since really levels 1-5 is as fun as watching paint dry. Either kill task through it, or just attack blues and yellows while casting your heal-over-time on your pet. I wouldn't recommend spending any of your points until 5, so you can make your choice then. The choice points of leveling are outside Caer Goth to the east and north, or outside Goth Harbor to the west. The coast to the west will get progressively harder as you move up it. You can also take the purple portal out in the Harbor to Avalon Marsh, where Briton casters start. Georgia's Isle of Glass leveling guide is a good guide to use, and there is a link down in the F.A.Q.
3. Feeding and care of your pet.
Some rules of the necro pet:
The pet you get is 7/8ths of your level. This means at certain levels your pet will not level with you. The pet will end up at level 44 when you are level 50.
Some things are applied to the pet through you, unlike other pet casters. For one, your _magic_ resists are applied to the pet. Only +items at this time, not racial bonuses. Also, the pet casts spells as if it were your level, but seems to be on a harsher resist table, as if it was a lower con (which it is) or there is a double resist check. Also damage is capped at the pets level.
Treat your pet with kid gloves. Never let it out of your sight, ESPECIALLY when travelling in Dungeons. When you are travelling in light aggro, always have it on passive. Nothing worse than a green aggroing the pet, you not paying attention, going out of 1500 range, having pet die, and green killing you. If the pet is passive it will just drag the green along with it until you have an opportunity to kill it.
4. Necro spells.
Before I get into specifics on necro spec lines, a little information on how necro spells work. Since necromancers are a fusion of pet and player, some spells are cast by the player, and triggered by the pet at his next available opportunity. These are commonly referred to as "instas" or "shouts" in the necro world. Other spells are 'cast' instantly by the player, but the pet has to cast the spell itself, on the standard 3.0 casting time. These are also referred to as pet casts or pet spells. Necro instas are modified by the shades dex, and the pet spells are modified by the pets dex. Instas will deduct the mana when the spell is cast by the shade, but before the pet triggers it, and Pet spells have the mana deducted the second you push the button, regardless of whether or not the spell is cast.
This is all covered in your delve window, also. So if at anytime you forget just delve the spell and it will show you which is the instant and which is the 3.0 cast time.
My run down of the speclines in Deathservant and Painworking is based on very limited experience and what I have read from other players, so take that for what it's worth.
5. Spec Choices.
Deathsight is the most popular specialization choice, primarily due to powertap.
Deathsight Base
Painworking is a good RvR spec, for those necros who are uncomfortable at the thought of using LOS exploits. AE debuffs, area effect dots, and an unbreakable AE snare round out the spec list.
Painworking Base
Deathservant is the line primarily responsible for healing the pet, damage shielding it, with some PBAOE and direct damage components as well. It is regarded as the poorest spec in RvR, due to no real ranged capabilities. Combined with a buffbot or con buffs from somewhere like pain spec though and it can be a capable spec in PvE. This spec seems the best as a suppliment, not a primary spec. If you plan on RvRing at all, I would not recommend this as a full spec.
Deathservant Base
6. FAQ
Q: Facilitate painworking doesn't work, or works and I can't cast, or really just stinks, whats wrong?
A: Facilitate painworking is a bitch to grasp, but once you do, it is a very useful spell. Keep that in mind. It it is a spell. You cast, and on the next pet action, it will insta buff itself. This buff lasts for 6 seconds, which means that during said 6 second period, you cannot be interrupted unless you are stunned or killed. You do not cast any faster under this duration, but it is possible to cast a spell two times under this duration. The timing of the spell however has to be perfect in order for it to work. Since the pet is only casting the buff, if you do not have another spell queued after Facilitate Painworking, he will take a combat swing. That just wasted approximately 3 seconds of your 'quickcast'. Here are some guidelines:
Q: My PBAOE spells aren't working! It says target not in view.
A: You have to be facing your pet for it to work.
Q: I like to group, but I can't tap these purples and reds the group is fighting.. I am losing more mana than I am gaining!
A: There is no _real_ solution to this. Necro resists are worse than other classes, generally. You can usually do well though by using a lower powertap. I usually use my powertap two spells lower, as full deathsight. You still gain the same amount of power roughly, but you spend half the power, increasing your possible gain when you DO stick a spell. The other solution is to choose small groups, where you can be of the most benefit, and have target mobs in the orange/low red con. The resists are still heavy but you can tap through it for positive mana gain overall.
Q: What spec do I choose? Which is the best?
A: This question is asked quite a bit, and my disclaimer answer is always the same. All specs are equally valid, under different circumstances. A deathsight necro is terribly inefficient against 5 blues, whereas a deathservant or painworking necro could rip them up, for the most part. Combo specs would fare better against fights like that. However, a deathsight necro is more capable of chaining yellows under ideal conditions. In either case, enough deathsight to powertap should never be ignored. That all being said, I believe deathsight is the best spec opportunity as this point. If you find you want to spec different later, you can level to 40 easily and then respec to your new path.
Q: Where do I hunt?
A: Specific places to hunt are a guide in itself, however I have found that the things weakest to spirit are golems, most ethereal mobs, and undead. If it casts or shoots, consider that as well. If it casts in groups, avoid it unless you are full of manual dexterity and able to bounce the pet from caster to caster while simultaneously keeping your pet alive. Show me, also. If it procs with any frequency, avoid it.
Q: What spec do I choose? Which is the best?
A definite guide to check out would be at Give props to Georgia for this guide =)
Q: For some reason when I spam the cast button, my mana disappears, and the pet only casts one of the spell!
A: When you cast a spell, the mana cost is deducted before the you send the spell command to the pet. The pet has the same queue as you, and any spell thats cast will overwrite the spell waiting to be cast in queue, with no refund. This doesn't apply for instants, only for pet cast spells. It can work to your advantage, for instance with casting a powertap and then queueing a lifetap, you will get the mana for both the powertap and the lifetap back. Just dont spam that cast button.
Q: My pet is green? Mythic nerfed me!
A: At level nine, and ONLY level nine, your pet will con green to you. This is due to the scalability of the con system at low levels. Since your pet can sometimes not gain levels with you due to rounding of the 7/8ths equation, this can happen. Once you hit level 10, your pet will still be two levels below you, but will now con blue.
Q: My pet bar isn't updating, or is updating slowly, or is just freaking out in general, whats wrong?
A: Some issues with latency can cause the bar to update slower on your screen than on the target window, or other players health. Also, sometimes the bar is just plain wrong. Sometimes the game will suddenly get IDs confused and start checking the HP of another player in the zone. One time it even got the health bar of deamon emerald seal, when that player had zoned. The only solution to this is to resummon the pet, or wait it out, sometimes it can correct itself.
Q: I saw this Mentalist Realm Ability called Severing the Tether, should I be worried?
A: No, because in effect the necro is more than a pet class. Other classes can function without the pet, and regulary do. A necro NEEDS the pet to play, and Mythic is against any class that would completely dominate another class with no possible way to resist or cure it.