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1.1. General Update Info Note: Making a lot of (slow) changes to the FAQ stay tuned for more updates!
01-06-04 - Partial ToA Gear and Quest Information sub-sections were added!
12-29-03 - Added ToA Gear, ToA Quest and Spell Crafting Sections.
12-17-03 - Moved and Split the sub-section on Suggested Specs into multiple sub-sections under 2.9 thru 2.12!
12-03-03 - Updated sections 2.1 thru 2.4!
04-14-03 - Damage Add updated!
04-15-03 - Mastery of the Art Calcs added to Realm Ability Section
04-15-03 - Kryak / Shaman TL - 1.61 Report
04-30-03 - Buff Cap info added
05-15-03 - Shaman FAQ | Formula Theory added!
07-10-03 - Updated Section: How does +Spec affect spec spells (Cave, Aug, Mend) and what are the caps?
07-11-03 - The Truth behind Mending Specialization added! ^ Back to Top
1.2. Sources Alvis - Mainly permission to use his format and the bulk of knowledge.
Seraphym - The Original and Third Team Lead information from her original Shaman FAQ.
DAoC Warcry - DAoC & SI Quest/Epic Information
Vision of Sages - ToA Artifacts and Quest Information
Everyone else - Guildmates and DAoC VNboard Shaman crew!
Special Thanks To: Cob - Our guilds website designer/programmer for hosting and making this FAQ much more user friendly! ^ Back to Top
1.3. Overview The Shaman is the primary buffing class and secondary healer in Midgard. However, unlike their Albion and Hibernia counterparts, the Shaman carries all of the Clerical/Hybrid-Clerical Class weaknesses. The Shaman Class is very versatile and at the same time can have minimal impact on the outcome of any battle. While most of the Shaman Class best attributes are passive we can become an annoyance to enemies when specializing in Cave. Therefore, the usual question of what is the "best" specialization, or race, or play style are all answered in the same way: What kind of Shaman do you want to be?
This Shaman FAQ can be found at: http://ballistic.desolation.org/shaman/ ^ Back to Top
1.4. Shaman FAQ "Theory" Behind the Equations There are many formulas that have been produced based on in game testing and results. These are all "Best Guess" senarios.
The Theory behind the Shaman FAQ formulas is that Mythics cut and paste formulas are correct just the actual in game values either are misinterpreted or misrepresented by the developers themselves.
Second part of the Theory is that everything is based off of "Base Delve" values. Whether its casting speed or damage; the Base Delve value is always constant and referenced in the final analysis.
Finally, I would like to say, "This is my "Best Guess" based on information provided to everyone by Mythic and from test results. Should someone have their own "Best Guess" formula. Please click Submit your logs! ^ Back to Top
1.5. Vorard's Epilogue Introduction
Why did he pick Midgard? Why did he pick the Shaman Class?
Well first of all I started on Lancelot - Hibernia as Firbolg Druid. Healing appealed to me in the magic realm. Soon I learned from many many old friends (From: Ultima Online, Everquest and Diablo) that they called Galahad - Midgard home. I looked at the original website with the class descriptions (currently re-routes to The Camelot Herald now).
Shaman Profession - Patrons of Ymir, the ancient god whose body comprises the world of Midgard, Shaman are Trollish and Kobold tribal spellcasters who specialize in a variety of healing and combat magic.
I thought to myself, cool, I can be a Troll (Almost as ugly as a Firbolg), a healer and a spell casting damage damage dealer. Little did I know then what I was getting myself into.
First thoughts @ release.
I kept saying to myself "Wow, beautiful game." Interface, controls, diversity and everything was just NEW! This lasted a year and when PvP rewards created imbalances due to the nature of the class and realm design. I as well as many others tried to appeal using the Class Team Lead system that Mythic put in place. Little did we know this means of communication would bear no fruit.
Final Comments
For those of you that still read this FAQ let it be know that things have changed in DAoC since last I played and may have most likey affected many of the formulas listed in the post. I don't plan on comming back to DAoC at all and have found a new home in another MMORPG and am extremely happy and enjoying life.
This FAQ is an accomplishment of not one person but the community of DAoC Shaman past and present. It is a monument of what was and has remained atleast for the time being.
Google it!
Last Edit: March 17, 2005 ^ Back to Top
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2.1. Origins of the Shaman?
Seer Beginnings - Kobolds, Trolls and Frostalfs must start off as Seers upon creation. Once attaining level 5 Kobolds, Trolls and Frostalfs must chose to become a Patron of Ymir.
Shaman Profession [Old Description #1] - Patrons of Ymir, the ancient god whose body comprises the world of Midgard, Shaman are Trollish and Kobold tribal spellcasters who specialize in a variety of healing and combat magic.
Shaman Profession [Old Description #2] - Patrons of Ymir, the ancient god whose body comprises the world of Midgard, Shaman are Trollish and Kobold tribal spellcasters who specialize in a variety of healing and combat magic. Their healing abilities are primitive in comparison with the cultured Healer class, but good enough to serve as a primary healer in a group when needed. They are best known for their buffing abilities. They have a large selection of buffs they use to enhance the battle abilities of their comrades.
As with most healers, the Shaman is not without an offensive option. The Shaman has a spell line, which composes primarily of lightening magic and damage-over-time spells, which slowly decompose the bodies of the enemy. They rely on their tribal training to guide them into battle.
Shaman Profession [Newest Description] - Patrons of Ymir, the ancient god whose body comprises the world of Midgard, Shaman are Trollish and Kobold tribal spellcasters who specialize in a variety of healing and combat magic. Their healing abilities are primitive in comparison with the cultured Healer class, but good enough to serve as a primary healer in a group when needed. They are best known for their buffing abilities. They have a large selection of buffs they use to enhance the battle abilities of their comrades.
As with most classes, the Shaman is not without an offensive option. The Shaman has a spell line, which composes primarily of fungal magic and damage-over-time spells, which slowly decompose the bodies of the enemy. They rely on their tribal training to guide them into battle. ^ Back to Top
2.2. What are the differences between the three races?
Kobold - Mischievous, quick, and small, Kobolds are natural at any task involving feats of dexterity, sneaking, and other Rogue-ish skills. The higher Dexterity of this crafty race comes at the price of their Strength and Constitution (and thus hitpoints).
Starting Stats: 50 Str | 50 Con | 70 Dex | 70 Qui | 60 Int | 60 Piety | 60 Emp | 60 Cha
Troll - Huge, strong, and slow, the Troll is one of the largest races in all three Realms. Due to their large size, Trolls have a natural advantage in physical combat. Trolls gain more Strength and Constitution at the cost of Dexterity.
Starting Stats: 100 Str | 70 Con | 35 Dex | 35 Qui | 60 Int | 60 Piety | 60 Emp | 60 Cha
Frostalf - Slightly smaller then the Norse in stature, the Frostalfs are neither slow like the huge Troll, nor quick like the small Kobold. They are somewhat of a middle ground between both of the original races. What they lack via Str/Con (Trolls) and Dex (Kobolds) they gain it back from a natural higher Piety. Naturally higher Piety makes Frosalfs the suitable choice to become Cave Shamans.
Starting Stats: 55 Str | 55 Con | 55 Dex | 60 Qui | 60 Int | 75 Piety | 60 Emp | 60 Cha ^ Back to Top
2.3. Cons and Pros of Shaman Races?
Kobold - Pros: Slightly faster casting time, and small size makes you harder to target in RvR. Cons: Lower starting strength and constitution results in less hit points at level 50 and lower weapon skill and Melee damage with Hammers. In general the Kobold race is seen as a soft target and is usually targeted first along with cloth casters. Line of sight issues are common in Keep Battles and Hilly areas due to the small stature of the race.
Troll - Pros: High starting strength plus constitution results in better hit points, higher weapon skill with Hammers and at level 50, avatar size makes it easy to see over ramparts and other objects blocking view. Trolls are also easily mistaken for melee types when carrying a 2-H Hammer. Cons: Lower starting dexterity results in a longer casting time. Being a large target in RvR makes it easier for an enemy to target you.
Frostalf - Pros: Highest starting Piety of all three races benefits this race as a Cave Shaman. As a DoT class your Spell will do more damage and champion over other races DoTs. Cons: No real Cons to this class other then being in the middle of the road in all the other categories. ^ Back to Top
2.4. What stats should I spend my creation points on?
Points spent in STR results in more melee damage and and higher weapon skill with strength based weapons; as well as greater encumberence.
Points spent in CON results in more hitpoints.
Points in DEX results in more melee damage and and higher weapon skill with dexterity based weapons; as well as faster spell casting.
Points in QUI results in faster swinging of melee weapons.
Points in PIE results in more conc, power and spell damage.
Before you start remember that putting more than 10 creation points into a single stat results in diminishing returns. The next 5 points in the same stat gives you a return of +1 stat per 2 creation points spent. Any additional points in the same stat gives you +1 stat per 3 creation points spent. Spending all 30 creation points on one stat which would give that stat a maximum bonus of +18 points.
Spread your creation points wisely and spend them based on your expectations including the races stat weaknesses and strengths. ^ Back to Top
2.5. How does +DEX affect casting speed? Taken straight from the Camelot Herald Friday Fun - The Grab Bag!
Q: Would you please give more detail as to how dex affects a caster? For instance, I understand that when I have my dex maxed I will cast 25% faster. How does this work incrementally?
A: From a dex of 50 to a dex of 250, the formula lets you cast 1% faster for each ten points. From a dex of 250 to the maximum possible (which as you know depends on your starting total), your speed increases 1% for every twenty points.
By the way, this same explanation works for the quickness stat for weapon users.
Example: Shaman Bolt – “4” second casting time
Kobold at creation | (70-50)/10=2.0% | .02*4=.08 | 4-0.08= 3.92 Secs. | 4.00 Sec. - 3.92 Sec. = .08 Sec. faster at creation.
Special Note: In game tests suggest that the 1% increase is actually a 1.5% increase. Which results in a maximum of 35% faster casting speed then the current value of 25% suggested in the above friday grab bag. ^ Back to Top
2.6. What about +PIE? PIE affects Shaman in two instances, one by increasing the overall power pool and secondly by increasing maximum damage.
Using the above theory on DEX, PIE works in a similar way to calculate damage for all mage type classes.
DDs - Every +10 PIE that is greater then 50 but less then or equal to 250 will grant the caster to a 3% increase in damage done. Also, every +20 PIE that is greater then 250 will give you an additional 3% increase in damage done.
DoTs - Every +10 PIE that is greater then 50 but less then or equal to 250 will grant the caster to a +1 Damage increase in per tick. Also, every +20 PIE that is greater then 250 will give you an additional +1 Damage increase in per tick.
Bolts - Every +10 PIE that is greater then 50 but less then or equal to 250 will grant the caster to a 3% increase in damage done. Also, every +20 PIE that is greater then 250 will give you an additional 3% increase in damage done. ^ Back to Top
2.7. How does piety convert into power? There have been a few Shaman that suggest +1 Piety = +1 Power.
I currently don't have an answer for this question nor have I personally done enough tests on this matter. ^ Back to Top
2.8. How should I spec my character (what template should I shoot for?) Before you choose a specialization I suggest you consider these questions and brief answers below, before making your final decision.
What type of server (PvP, RvR*, or Co-op) are you planning to play on?
PvP - On a FFA server the major sticking points would be to kill your enemy first and survivability of your character. In this case a Cave or a Cave/Aug Shaman would be the optimal choice.
Co-op - In a PvE setup all your really playing against is computer AI, no more assist trains. All specs shine in this senario especially Frigs from the Shaman Mend line. Aug, Aug/Mend, Mend and Mend/Aug are viable options in this enviornment.
RvR - In this case you would need to answer these (2) questions below by yourself.
RvR.A - What do you want out of the class and what should you expect?
This is a loaded question and many Shaman realize that we do lack the final pieces of the puzzle to complete the class. As a 1.0x spec Clerical class we lack the Primary Healers spec line, not to mention the worst true secondary Mending spec as compare to Friars/Bards. As a Cave Shaman the class lacks stackability when more then one Shaman is in the group. Quite often a second wheel (Shaman with lower Cave spec) just sits there and wonders when his timers will be up. Augmentation spec indirectly benifits a group and doesn't require a person to be attentive. So while groups may want your indirect involvement, via buffs, it doesn't mean that you directly affected the battle in anyway.
RvR.B - What type of role would you like to play in contributing to your group?
There are 3 rules of the land to active Shaman specs that almost everyone can agree on. #1 - 22 Augmentation Min. for End Regen 3. #2 - 27 Cave Min. for PBAE Disease. #3 - 7 Mending Min. for Cure Disease and Cure Poison. You can achieve all of this and not be a "Buff Bot" or an "Evil Shaman" (Cave Shaman with no Cures). Keep Defenders (46+ Cave) sacrafice a few buffs in order to be able to cure disease/poison. Group oriented specs dominate the battlefield of which the majority are quite often Cave/Aug and Aug/Cave Shaman. While Balanced spec'd Shaman are not the norm, an average player will have greater influence and directly impact a groups chances of winning a battle more so then the best Full Aug. (47+ Aug) Shaman.
* = RP servers fall in this category ^ Back to Top
2.9. Shaman Suggested - Cave Specs
41 Cave | 32 Aug | 14 Mend "Popular" Spec
Summary: Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Group Endurance Regen 4 [32 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, +8% Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, +16% Heat Resist Buff [30 Aug], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Substandard Single Target Frigs [14 Mend].
41 Cave | 27 Mend | 22 Aug
Summary: Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Substandard Specialization Buffs, First Level Group Frigs [26 Mend], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [27 Mend].
41 Cave | 31 Aug | 16 Mend "Pre-End Regen" Spec
Summary: Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, +8% Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, +16% Heat Resist Buff [30 Aug], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre-Substandard Single Target Frigs [16 Mend].
41 Cave | 27 Aug | 21 Mend
Summary: Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, +8% Heat/Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
46 Cave | 22 Mend | 17 Aug
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Single Target Endurance Regen 2 [12 Aug], Substandard Specialization Buffs, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
46 Cave | 28 Aug | 4 Mend
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, and +8% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs.
46 Cave | 25 Aug | 13 Mend
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, +8% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs, and a Substandard Single Target Frigs [9 Mend].
46 Cave | 23 Aug | 16 Mend
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre-Substandard Specialization Buffs, +8% Heat Resist Buff, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre-Substandard Single Target Frigs [16 Mend].
47 Cave | 22 Aug | 14 Mend
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Best PBAE Disease [47 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre-Substandard Specialization Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, and a Substandard Single Target Frigs [14 Mend].
47 Cave | 23 Aug | 13 Mend
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Best PBAE Disease [47 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre-Substandard Specialization Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, +8% Heat Resist Buff, and a Substandard Single Target Frigs [12 Mend].
46 Cave | 22 Mend | 17 Aug
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Single Target Endurance Regen 2 [12 Aug], Substandard Specialization Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
46 Cave | 27 Mend | 8 Aug
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], First Level Single Target Endurance Regen 1 [2 Aug], Substandard Specialization Buffs, First Level Group Frigs [26 Mend], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [27 Mend].
46 Cave | 26 Mend | 10 Aug
Summary: Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Single Target Endurance Regen 1 [2 Aug], Substandard Specialization Buffs, First Level Group Frigs [26 Mend], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
44 Cave | 22 Mend | 22 Aug "Type 1 Plevel" Spec
Summary: Best Damage Shield [43 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre-Substandard Specialization Buffs, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
37 Cave | 32 Aug | 22 Mend
Summary: Second Best DD and Bolt Spells [35 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Second Best PBAE Disease [37 Cave], Mediocre AE Root [31 Cave], Group Endurance Regen 4 [32 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, +8% Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, +16% Heat Resist Buff [30 Aug], Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
41 Cave | 25 Aug | 24 Mend
47 Cave | 25 Aug | 8 Mend
Summary: Best DD and Bolt Spells [41 Cave], Best AE DoT [46 Cave], Best PBAE Disease [47 Cave], Second Best AE Root [39 Cave], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialization Buffs, +8% Heat/Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, and Cure Disease/Poison.
47 Cave | 25 Aug | 8 Mend
39 Cave | 26 Aug | 26 Mend
39 Cave | 32 Aug | 18 Mend
40 Cave | 26 Mend | 25 Aug ^ Back to Top
2.10. Shaman Suggested - Augmentation Specs
38 Aug | 36 Cave | 12 Mend "Popular"
Summary: Second Best DD and Bolt Spells [35 Cave], Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], First Level PBAE Disease [27 Cave], Mediocre AE Root [31 Cave], Group Endurance Regen 4 [32 Aug], Second Best Specialzation Buffs, +16% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, and a Substandard Single Target Frigs [12 Mend].
48 Aug | 24 Mend | 6 Cave "Popular" "Buff Bot #1" Spec
Summary: +24% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs, Best Group Endurance Regen 5 [42 Aug], Best Specialization Buffs, Substandard DD and Bolt Spells [5 Cave], Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Substandard Damage Shield [5 Cave], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
48 Aug | 17 Mend | 17 Cave "Buff Bot #2"
Summary: +24% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs, Best Group Endurance Regen 5 [42 Aug], Best Specialization Buffs, Substandard DD and Bolt Spells [15 Cave], Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Mediocre Damage Shield [16 Cave], and a Mediocre-Substandard Single Target Frigs [16 Mend].
47 Aug | 26 Mend | 5 Cave "Type 2 Plevel"
Summary: +24% Cold/Heat Resist Buffs, +16% Matter Resist Buff [38 Aug], Best Group Endurance Regen 5 [42 Aug], Best Specialization Buffs, Substandard DD and Bolt Spells [5 Cave], First Level Group Frigs [26 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Substandard Damage Shield [5 Cave], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
44 Aug | 26 Mend | 17 Cave
Summary: +24% Heat Resist Buff [43 Aug], +16% Cold/Matter Resist Buffs, Best Group Endurance Regen 5 [42 Aug], Best Acuity Buff [42 Aug], Best Damage Add Buff [44 Aug], Second Best Dual Buffs, Substandard DD and Bolt Spells, First Level Group Frigs [26 Mend], Cure Disease/Poison, 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], Mediocre Damage Shield [16 Cave], First Level AE DoT [17 Cave], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
42 Aug | 33 Mend | 7 Cave
42 Aug | 27 Cave | 20 Mend
42 Aug | 29 Cave | 17 Mend
38 Aug | 37 Cave | 9 Mend
38 Aug | 27 Cave | 27 Mend
38 Aug | 35 Mend | 15 cave
37 Aug | 29 Cave | 26 Mend
37 Aug | 36 Cave | 15 Mend
37 Aug | 35 Mend | 17 Cave ^ Back to Top
2.11. Shaman Suggested - Mending Specs
Mend Spec
46 Mend | 28 Aug | 4 Cave "Type 3 Plevel"
Summary: Best Major Heal [42 Mend], Best Single Target Endurance Regen 3 [22 Aug], Mediocre Specialzation Buffs, +8% Cold/Heat/Matter Resist Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, Best Group Frigs [46 Mend], First Level Damage Shield [2 Cave], Substandard DD & Bolt Spells [4 Cave], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], and a Best Single Target Frigs [43 Mend].
46 Mend | 27 Cave | 8 Aug
Summary: Best Major Heal [42 Mend], First Level End Regen 1 [2 Aug], Substandard Specialzation Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, Best Group Frigs [46 Mend], Mediocre DD & Bolt Spells [25 Cave], First Level PBAE Disease [27 Cave], First Level AE Root [22 Cave], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], and a Best Single Target Frigs [43 Mend]. ^ Back to Top
2.12. Shaman Suggested - Balanced Specs
36 Cave | 28 Aug | 28 Mend
36 Cave | 35 Mend | 19 Aug
37 Aug | 37 Cave | 13 Mend
36 Cave | 32 Aug | 24 Mend
Summary: Second Best AE DoT [36 Cave], Group End Regen [4 Aug], Mediocre Specialzation Buffs, Cure Disease/Poison, Second Best DD & Bolt Spells [35 Cave], First Level PBAE Disease [27 Cave], Second Level AE Root [31 Cave], 10% Power/30% Hit Point Resurection [15 Mend], and a Mediocre Single Target Frigs [21 Mend].
33 Cave | 32 Aug | 28 Mend
35 Mend | 32 Aug | 25 Cave
36 Mend | 32 Aug | 24 Cave
33 Mend | 32 Aug | 28 Cave
35 Cave | 32 Aug | 25 Mend
38 Mend | 38 Aug | 5 Cave ^ Back to Top
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3.1. What do the various spell lines do? All specialization lines come with Base spells and Spec spells. As your character levels, Base spells are earned upon attaining the required level to use that spell. However, Spec spells are attained by using specialization points you recieve and choosing career path you would like to take for your character and what you will contribute to the realm in the form of damage, healing or augmentation.
Augmentation Spell Lists: Base List | Spec List
Mending Spell Lists: Base List | Spec List
Cave Spell Lists: Base List | Spec List ^ Back to Top
3.2. What effect does specialization level have on base spells? Specializing in a spell line has two effects. Most obvious is that it grants you access to the spells in that specialization. You will get new, more powerful versions of each spell as you add spec levels.
Specialization also affects the damage done by your "base" spells (the ones you get just by gaining experience levels). Here's how it works:
If you don't put any points into a specialization, then base spells in that specialization will vary wildly in damage, doing 25-125% of their nominal, or listed damage.
Putting points into a specialization will gradually raise the "damage floor." this means that, if you specialize to 2/3 your character's level, base spells will do 75-125% of their nominal damage.
Specialization points above 2/3 your character level will increase both the floor and ceiling on damage. A fully specced character (one with specialization equal to character level) will do 100-150% of nominal damage with spells.
Specializing above your character level will continue to increase the damage floor, but you will see diminishing returns.
Note that skill points from items (for example, a ring that gives +1 Darkness) count in the damage calculations, but they do not give you access to higher level spells.
Also, specialization-only spells will always start out at 100% spec level, because you have to specialize to have access to those spells in the first place. ^ Back to Top
3.3. How do I calculate Minimum variance on my Base Healing Spells? By: Lemo D = Delve value of spell
L = Spell level
M = Mending spec (including item/rank bonuses)
Minimum heal = D * [M / (L + 1) + 0.25]
Below are two examples of popular Shaman Specs. using this formula and the popular Base Heal, Emendation (lvl 46).
38 Aug | 37 Cave | 9 Mend, +RR5, +11 Items
Minimum heal = 231 * [24 / (46 + 1) + 0.25] = 175 (Rounded)
41 Cave | 32 Aug | 14 Mend, +RR5, +11 Items
Minimum heal = 231 * [29 / (46 + 1) + 0.25] = 200 (Rounded)
Thank you Lemo for the above information. ^ Back to Top
3.4. What's up with bolts and being "blocked by an attacker?" Bolts have a long range and do a lot of damage. The downside is that they have a long casting time, a 20-second timer, and can be blocked either by a target wielding a shield, or because a target is engaged in melee combat.
The latter is cause for much annoyance to runemasters, because the definition of being "engaged in melee combat" doesn't seem to make sense at all. When you solo, bolts will never be blocked in this manner. But when grouped, a bolt can be blocked by a healer stun spell, a debuff, an archer's arrow, or...nothing at all.
Bolts are also affected by a targets Armor Factor which is shown graphically on this Bolt Damage Curve Chart. ^ Back to Top
3.5. How do resists work? There are actually two factors at play when talking about resists. The first, when a target "resists the effect," is referred to by Mythic as the "chance of a spell landing." That is, there is a chance that a spell will fail to affect the target at all. This is based on a comparison of your level to that of the target, with a few modifiers.
Per The Camelot Herald, No, I Didn't Forget Grab Bag Night
Q: Spell resists. Can you give me more details as to how the system works?
A: Here’s the answer, straight from the desk of the spell designer:
"Spells have a factor of (spell level / 2) added to their chance to hit. (Spell level defined as the level the spell is awarded, chance to hit defined as the chance of avoiding the "Your target resists the spell!" message.) Subtracted from the modified to-hit chance is the target's (level / 2). So a L50 caster casting a L30 spell at a L50 monster or player, they have a base chance of 85% to hit, plus 15%, minus 25% for a net chance to hit of 75%. If the chance to hit goes over 100% damage or duration is increased, and if it goes below 55%, you still have a 55% chance to hit but your damage or duration is penalized. If the chance to hit goes below 0, you cannot hit at all. Once the spell hits, damage and duration are further modified by resistances.
"In general, RvR is between opponents within 1 quanta of each other (in the frontiers for example, L45-50), and the spells cast are L40+. This results in a 2.5-5% modifier, which is somewhat lost in the noise of the bonuses from Int/Acuity, realm abilities, and modifiers from resistances. For characters using spells around L30, they will see a more significant reduction however, and this factor is part of it."
OK, that's one kind of resist. The second (the one that Mythic calls resists) is the bonus or penalty that a creature gets against a particular damage type. This can be affected by innate racial bonuses, by armor type, by items, by debuffs and by buff spells. It is important to note that these bonuses have no effect whatsoever on the chance of a spell landing; they affect only the damage or duration of a spell that lands.
So, let's sum this up. Say there is a monster that is the same level as you, and that has a 10% resistance to matter. You have the basic percentage chance to land your Cave based DD spell. When it lands you will see a message stating that you hit for 90 (-10) damage. That (-10) means that the spell would have hit for 100 points, but the 10% matter resistance on the monster knocked your net damage down to 90. ^ Back to Top
3.6. What damage types can I cast? This information is now available in the delve information for each spell. In a nutshell:
Cave spells are Matter based damage with one exception being the base DoT delves as Body based damage. ^ Back to Top
3.7. Do Shaman DoTs stack? Unlike cloth casters Shaman base and spec DoTs do not stack with each other. Shaman DoTs will overwrite each other only if the same or another Shaman lands a higher damage DoT per tick, otherwise you get a message "Target already has this effect!" All realms DoT spell casters tick 6 times over 24 seconds. ^ Back to Top
3.8. Does my Augmentation Damage Add spell (such as 'Ultimate Force of the Deep') stack with the Skald damage add song? and why? Yes, as per 1.61b the Shaman Damage Add Buff now correctly stacks with the Skalds Damage Add Chant.
Previously, the formula for damage add stacking was taking the dps value of the "buff" and halfing the "chant" which meant the Skalds song that was more powerful was halfed of what it would be if it were not stacked. If your damage add spell did not add more than half of what the Skald song adds (when not stacked) then it was not worth casting the Shaman Damage Add when you have a Skald in your group. As a general rule, you prior to 1.61b you would only want to cast damage add when no Skald is grouped. ^ Back to Top
3.9. How does the Shaman Bolt and DD compare to cloth casters? Shaman Cave spec Bolt and DD function exactly like cloth casters similar spells. However, since Shaman are not a cloth caster both spells lack "two" things. First of all, the Bolt and DD spells lack the ability to hit a target with critical damage; what you see is what you get. Secondly, the Bolt and DD spells lack a higher specialization version of the spell (Shaman recieve their last Bolt and DD at 41 Cave Spec) that are commonly recieved by cloth caster classes @ or around 46-50 Spec., which results in less damage done. ^ Back to Top
3.10. Are the Shaman Bolt and DD spells on a timer? Yes, both the Bolt and the DD are on two seperate 20 Sec. timers. ^ Back to Top
3.11. What are the maximum increases to a stat that you can achieve with buffs? Single stat buffs can increase your desired stat (STR, CON, DEX) up to +50, Double stat buffs can increase your desired stat (STR, CON, DEX) up to +75. ^ Back to Top
3.12. Does the Augmentation Acuity buff affect Shaman in any shape or form? Yes, in its highest form (Augmentation Spec 'Vision of the Deep') will cost a Shaman 15 concentration points. Stat bonuses (+INT or +PIE) from Acuity Buffs only affect cloth casters! Casting an acuity buff on your Shaman will result in "-15 conc points" and a "0" stat increase to your Piety. ^ Back to Top
3.13. What combination of Endurance Regen and Realm Abilities are equivlent to Sprinting without loss of Endurance?
End Regen 4 + Long Wind 1
End Regen 3 + Long Wind 2
End Regen 2 + Long Wind 3
End Regen 1 + Long Wind 4
Note: Endurance Regen on Shaman is currently the only buff in game that has a range of 1500 units. If you were to travel outside of that range you would no longer be affected. Sprinting with any of these combinations makes you 'Longwinded' as long as the Shaman is alive and within 1500 units of your character. 'Perma-Sprint' can only be attained with Long Wind 5 Realm Ability. Updated 09-25-03! ^ Back to Top
3.14. What are the new color codes for negative effects on group members? Information taken from The Camelot Herald on December 12, 2003: Happy Birthday, Dear Grab Bag
Q: I saw a patch note about mini-group window colors indicating the status of your group mates. I was wondering, what happens when more than one thing applies to a group member?
A: The order of precedence (meaning situational colors on the top of the list apply over things lower on the list) is:
- linkdead (blue)
- dead (red)
- mezzed (cyan)
- diseased (orange)
- poisoned (green)
- out of zone (grey)
- nominal (white) ^ Back to Top
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4.1. What are the current Buff Caps and what Spec + Mastery of the Arcane do I need to attain these values? Shaman, L50 RR5 (Updating)
42 Augmentation + 8 (RR +4 & Equipment +4) + Master of the Arcane 3
Baseline AF = ?
Baseline STR = 59
Yellow Baseline CON = 62
Yellow Baseline DEX = 62
Yellow Specline Combo STR/CON = 93
Yellow Specline Combo DEX/QUI = 93
Red Specline Acuity = 89
Resist Buffs cap at 26% with 48 Augmentation + Mastery of the Arcane 3 ^ Back to Top
4.2. Buffs? Self Buffs by class, who should be given what buffs, and prioritization? Class Specific Buffs & Self-Buffs
Note: Buffs that are given by level are noted by: [lvl ?]. Buffs that are given by spec level are noted: [? Spec]. ? = Level/Spec Level needed to attain these spells.
Don't Assume every character has all these buffs. In fact, most of these Buffs are seperated by different Spec lines; which results in maybe gaining one higher version of the buffs in one line while getting a much lower form of another buff in a second line.
Information below is for buffing comparisons only; and will be used to help the Shaman class determine: Who should get what buff?
I. Mystic - Bonedancer, Runemaster, and Spiritmaster
I.a. Bonedancer - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Pet +45 Str/Con Buff [44 Dark], Pet +44 Dex/Qui Buff [43 BA], Pet 11.3 DPS Damage Add Buff [50 BA], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], and a Single Target 9% Absorb Buff [46 Sup].
I.b. Runemaster - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], and a Single Target 7.9 DPS Damage Add Buff.
I.c. Spiritmaster - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], Self-only 8.2 DPS Damage Shield Buff [49 Sum], Pet 33.9 DPS Focus Damage Shield Buff [50 Sum], Pet +43 Str/Con Buff [42 Sum], and a Pet +44 Dex/Qui Buff [43 Sum].
II. Seer - Healer and Shaman
II.a. Healer - Single Target 52 AF Buff [lvl 42], Single Target +44 Str Buff [lvl 43], Single Target +48 Dex Buff [lvl 48], Single Target +47 Con Buff [lvl 47], Self-only 10.9 DPS Damage Shield Buff [48 Aug], Self-only +73 Str/Con Buff [49 Aug], Self-only 11.1 DPS Damage Add Buff [49 Aug], Single Target 5 Power Regen Buff [45 Pac], Group +24% Body Resist Buff [46 Aug], Group +24% Energy Resist Buff [48 Aug], Group +24% Spirit Resist Buff [47 Aug], Single Target +20% Haste Buff [50 Aug], and a Group +22% Haste Buff [44 Aug].
II.b. Shaman - Single Target 52 AF Buff [lvl 42], Single Target +44 Str Buff [lvl 43], Single Target +48 Dex Buff [lvl 48], Single Target +47 Con Buff [lvl 47], Single Target 4.5 DPS Damage Shield Buff [43 Cave], Single Target +69 Str/Con Buff [46 Aug], Single Target +70 Dex/Qui Buff [47 Aug], Single Target 4.6 DPS Damage Add Buff [44 Aug], Single Target +52 Acuity Buff [42 Aug], Group +5 Endurance Regen Buff [42 Aug], Group 24% Cold Resist Buff [45 Aug], Group 24% Heat Resist Buff [43 Aug], and a Group 24% Matter Resist Buff [48 Aug].
III. Viking - Savage, Skald, Thane, Warrior
III.a. Savage - Self-only +39% Haste Buff [48 Savagery].
III.b. Skald - Group 7.6 DPS Damage Add Chant [46 BS], Group 20% Body Resist Chant [44 BS], Group 20% Spirit Resist Chant [45 BS], Group 20% Energy Resist Chant [46 BS], Group 20% Heat Resist Chant [47 BS], Group 20% Cold Resist Chant [48 BS], and a Group 20% Matter Resist Chant [49 BS].
III.c. Thane - Self-only +50 Str/Con Buff [50 SC], and a Self-only 9.4 DPS Damage Add Buff [46 SC].
III.d. Warrior - None.
IV. Rogue - Hunter and Shadowblade
IV.a. Hunter - Self-only 52 AF Buff [42 BC], Self-only +42 Str/Con Buff [41 BC], and a Self-only +50 Dex/Qui Buff [50 BC].
IV.b. Shadowblade - None.
Who should get what buffs? Don'ts and Prioritization by class!
I. Mystic - Bonedancer, Runemaster, and Spiritmaster
I.a. Bonedancer
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Bonedancer. As shown above the Bonedancer already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff.
Bonedancer Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, Damage Shield, and Str. The Bonedancer is the only exception out of all Mystic Classes that should be given the Damage Shield.
Pet Notes: The Bonemasters Commander can/should be buffed as well. Depending on the situation PvE/RvR, if in a group, and "How the Bonemaster is Spec'd?" will determine what buffs the Shaman will hand out depending on conc reserves.
I.b. Runemaster
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Runemaster. As shown above the Runemaster already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff. DO NOT! cast a Damage Shield Buff on a Runemaster. Runemasters have only one form of crowd control, with one exception of a Suppression Runemasters Snare DD, Damage Shield will break roots! Damage Shield also creates additional aggro in PvE; and if an add attaches itself to the Runemaster the groups tank will have a much harder time peeling it just because of the Damage Shield buff.
Runemaster Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, and Str.
I.c. Spiritmaster
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Spiritmaster. As shown above the Spiritmaster already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff. DO NOT! cast a Damage Shield Buff on a Spiritmaster. Spiritmasters have two forms of crowd control but a Damage Shield buff will break roots!Damage Shield also creates additional aggro in PvE; and if an add attaches itself to the Spiritmaster the groups tank will have a much harder time peeling it just because of the Damage Shield buff.
Spiritmaster Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, and Str.
Pet Notes: The Spiritmasters Spirit can/should be buffed as well. Depending on the situation PvE/RvR, if in a group, and "How the Spiritmaster is Spec'd?" will determine what buffs the Shaman will hand out depending on conc reserves.
II. Seer - Healer and Shaman
II.a. Healer
DO NOT! buff a Healer with a Piety Buff. Piety Buffs are only useful for cloth casters. High Augmentation spec'd Healer's should not be buffed with anything other then Dex/Qui!
Healer Class Buff Prioritization! - Dex/Qui, and if the Healer is not Aug spec'd then Str/Con, Con, and Dex could be added.
II.b. Shaman
DO NOT! buff a Healer with a Piety Buff. Piety Buffs are only useful for cloth casters. DO NOT! cast a Damage Shield Buff on a Shaman. Just like most Mystic classes Shaman main form of crowd control revolves around a Single Target root and an AE root. Damage Shield will break roots! Damage Shield also creates additional aggro in PvE; and if an add attaches itself to the Shaman the groups tank will have a much harder time peeling it just because of the Damage Shield buff.
Shaman Class Buff Prioritization! - Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Con, and Dex. If the Shaman has left over conc after buffing the group follow up with Str and AF Buffs.
III. Viking - Savage, Skald, Thane, Warrior
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4.3. Mystic Buffs - Bonedancer, Runemaster, and Spiritmaster
a. Bonedancer - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Pet +45 Str/Con Buff [44 Dark], Pet +44 Dex/Qui Buff [43 BA], Pet 11.3 DPS Damage Add Buff [50 BA], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], and a Single Target 9% Absorb Buff [46 Sup].
b. Runemaster - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], and a Single Target 7.9 DPS Damage Add Buff.
c. Spiritmaster - Self-only 250 AF Buff [lvl 50], Self-only 10% Absorb Buff [lvl 41], Self-only 8.2 DPS Damage Shield Buff [49 Sum], Pet 33.9 DPS Focus Damage Shield Buff [50 Sum], Pet +43 Str/Con Buff [42 Sum], and a Pet +44 Dex/Qui Buff [43 Sum]. ^ Back to Top
4.4. Seer Buffs - Healer and Shaman
a. Healer - Single Target 52 AF Buff [lvl 42], Single Target +44 Str Buff [lvl 43], Single Target +48 Dex Buff [lvl 48], Single Target +47 Con Buff [lvl 47], Self-only 10.9 DPS Damage Shield Buff [48 Aug], Self-only +73 Str/Con Buff [49 Aug], Self-only 11.1 DPS Damage Add Buff [49 Aug], Single Target 5 Power Regen Buff [45 Pac], Group +24% Body Resist Buff [46 Aug], Group +24% Energy Resist Buff [48 Aug], Group +24% Spirit Resist Buff [47 Aug], Single Target +20% Haste Buff [50 Aug], and a Group +22% Haste Buff [44 Aug].
b. Shaman - Single Target 52 AF Buff [lvl 42], Single Target +44 Str Buff [lvl 43], Single Target +48 Dex Buff [lvl 48], Single Target +47 Con Buff [lvl 47], Single Target 4.5 DPS Damage Shield Buff [43 Cave], Single Target +69 Str/Con Buff [46 Aug], Single Target +70 Dex/Qui Buff [47 Aug], Single Target 4.6 DPS Damage Add Buff [44 Aug], Single Target +52 Acuity Buff [42 Aug], Group +5 Endurance Regen Buff [42 Aug], Group 24% Cold Resist Buff [45 Aug], Group 24% Heat Resist Buff [43 Aug], and a Group 24% Matter Resist Buff [48 Aug]. ^ Back to Top
4.5. Viking Buffs - Savage, Skald, Thane, Warrior
a. Savage - Self-only +39% Haste Buff [48 Savagery].
b. Skald - Group 7.6 DPS Damage Add Chant [46 BS], Group 20% Body Resist Chant [44 BS], Group 20% Spirit Resist Chant [45 BS], Group 20% Energy Resist Chant [46 BS], Group 20% Heat Resist Chant [47 BS], Group 20% Cold Resist Chant [48 BS], and a Group 20% Matter Resist Chant [49 BS].
c. Thane - Self-only +75 Str/Con Buff [50 SC], and a Self-only 9.4 DPS Damage Add Buff [46 SC].
d. Warrior - None. ^ Back to Top
4.6. Rogue - Hunter and Shadowblade
a. Hunter - Self-only 52 AF Buff [42 BC], Self-only +42 Str/Con Buff [41 BC], and a Self-only +50 Dex/Qui Buff [50 BC].
b. Shadowblade - None. ^ Back to Top
4.7. Mystic Buffing Prioritization - Bonedancer, Runemaster, and Spiritmaster
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Bonedancer. As shown above the Bonedancer already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff.
Bonedancer Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, Damage Shield, and Str. The Bonedancer is the only exception out of all Mystic Classes that should be given the Damage Shield.
Pet Notes: The Bonemasters Commander can/should be buffed as well. Depending on the situation PvE/RvR, if in a group, and "How the Bonemaster is Spec'd?" will determine what buffs the Shaman will hand out depending on conc reserves.
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Runemaster. As shown above the Runemaster already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff. DO NOT! cast a Damage Shield Buff on a Runemaster. Runemasters have only one form of crowd control, with one exception of a Suppression Runemasters Snare DD, Damage Shield will break roots! Damage Shield also creates additional aggro in PvE; and if an add attaches itself to the Runemaster the groups tank will have a much harder time peeling it just because of the Damage Shield buff.
Runemaster Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, and Str.
DO NOT! cast an AF Buff on a Spiritmaster. As shown above the Spiritmaster already gets a AF buff that increases by their level and greatly exceeds any Shaman/Healer AF buff. DO NOT! cast a Damage Shield Buff on a Spiritmaster. Spiritmasters have two forms of crowd control but a Damage Shield buff will break roots!Damage Shield also creates additional aggro in PvE; and if an add attaches itself to the Spiritmaster the groups tank will have a much harder time peeling it just because of the Damage Shield buff.
Spiritmaster Class Buff Prioritization! - Acuity, Dex/Qui, Str/Con, Dex, Con, DPS Damage Add, and Str.
Pet Notes: The Spiritmasters Spirit can/should be buffed as well. Depending on the situation PvE/RvR, if in a group, and "How the Spiritmaster is Spec'd?" will determine what buffs the Shaman will hand out depending on conc reserves. ^ Back to Top
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5.1. How do focus staves work? Focus staves reduce the amount of mana it takes to cast a spell. If you "delve" for information on a spell (right-click on the spell icon, and then hit shift-I), you will see a power cost listed. That cost is affected by use of a focus staff as follows:
Spell costs 80% of power when item focus is greater or equal to spell level.
Spell costs 90% of power when item focus is '3/4' to spell level.
Spell costs 100% of power when item focus is '1/2' to spell level.
Spell costs 110% of power when item focus is '1/4' to spell level.
Spell costs 120% of power with no item focus at all, in the appropriate specilization.
Special Note: Currently there are no "Focus Staffs" for healing classes. I am leaving this information in because it is good to know how it works and also for hope in the future that Mythic will make this available to all Healing Classes. ^ Back to Top
5.2. My armor just turned blue. Should I get new armor? One advantage of playing a healing type of class is that we rarely solo. Being able to get into a group no matter the spec., Shaman are not required to maintain their equipment. However, if you do a lot of soloing be ready to make hefty investments in your armor and weapon(s). Soloing Shaman will need to keep their armor preferably yellow con or higher but in an economic stand point this is not possible unless you have funds to keep this up. You don't have to buy new armor just because your current stuff turned blue, because the AF on a piece of armor is secondary to the stat bonuses or resists that it provides. This is not to say that AF is irrelevant; only that it should be secondary to the other bonuses that an item provides.
So, don't replace armor just because it turns blue. Balance the stat bonuses, skill bonuses and resist bonuses on the piece of armor against the AF it provides. Most armor should be replaced once it turns green, and sometimes you will have to replace a blue-con item. But it's not nearly as imperative to keep your AF up there as it is for melee classes. ^ Back to Top
5.3. Is it OK for me to use equipment that is purple to me? Purple-con equipment (items that are way above your character's level) can be very useful to a Shaman. The benefit to using higher-level items is that they will usually have better stat bonuses.
The only downside to high-level items is that they wear out more quickly. For Shaman a Hammer and/or staff will wear out based on how many times you swing it in battle. Armor, however, only seems to have a chance of losing CON when you are attacked in melee. There is also a point at which an item is too high a level for you to see any benefit. If this happens, you will see a message when you equip the item, saying, "The magic of the SuchandSuch fails to affect you!"
Higher-level items are thus generally a Good Thing for Shaman who don't solo very much. ^ Back to Top
5.4. I have a Weapon (Staff/Hammer) that has Spell Proc. on it. How do I make the Proc. work? First of all the weapon has to be yellow to you (i.e. the same level) for it to work. Check this by delving on the staff (right-click the staff and hit shift-I) and checking the level requirement. Then you have to Melee with the weapon & the spell will cast randomly. ^ Back to Top
5.5. I have a Weapon (Staff/Hammer) that has Spell Charges on it. How do I use them & can I recharge them afterwards? Follow these steps to use any charged item.
#1 - You first need to find out what your 'Use' key is set to. Do this by typing /keyboard. It defaults to ‘E’.
#2 - Equip the item in the appropriate slot. It won’t work from your inventory; you have to wield it or wear it.
#3 - Place a copy of the Icon for your Weapon on your Hotkey Bar.
#4 - Now whenever you want to use a charged item press the 'Use' Key & then the Hotkey Button of your weapon & you will use a charge.
This applies to any charged Item.
You can only use a charged item once every 2 minutes. If you switch charged items (for example, if you equip a different charge staff), the 2-minute timer still applies. So, don’t go into a battle thinking you will chain insta-cast with your bag full of charged staves.
Charged Items can be recharged at a 'Recharger' NPC. There are several of these NPC's around Midgard, such as in Jorheim at Gna Faste. Recharging items is not cheap so make sure you have plenty of money; staff charges cost anywhere from 10-50 gp.
A Spellcrafter tradesman will eventually be able to recharge items via his tradeskill. ^ Back to Top
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6.1. General Information It is imperative that you buff yourself before venturing out on your own. These can mean the difference between life and death for you. Getting your spells off is critical to your taking down a yellow. If your Cave spec is high enough and you have the appropriate bonuses to hit/resist, this is possible. When you are jumped, this can be detrimental to your survival so keep an every watchful eye on where you are and your surroundings. Knowing the pathing of mobs is helpful though not something you need to study and memorize. ^ Back to Top
6.2. How should I solo as a Cave/Balanced-specced Shaman? Here are a few suggestions on how to solo as a Shaman. While Method #1 may produce the most damage it may not be the most efficient in overall effectiveness when comparing downtime for mana to regen.
Method #1
#1 - Move to maximum bolt range (1875) and Cast Bolt
#2 - Cast Root
#3 - Cast Disease
#4 - Wait for Bolt timer to reset/Run to maximum bolt range
#5 - Cast Frigs on yourself
#6 - Cast Bolt
#7 - DoT
#7 - DoT again if time
#8 - Melee target to death
Method #2
#1 - Move to maximum bolt range (1875) and Cast Bolt
#2 - Cast Root
#3 - Cast Frigs
#4 - Cast DoT
#5 - Cast DD
#6 - PBAE Disease
#7 - Melee target to death
Method #3
#1 - Move to maximum bolt range (1875) and Cast Bolt
#2 - Cast DoT
#3 - Cast DD
#2 - PBAE Disease
#3 - Melee target to death
Method #4
#1 - Move to maximum bolt range (1875) and Cast Bolt
#2 - Cast DD
#3 - Cast Root
#2 - Cast Disease
#2 - Cast Frigs
#2 - Cast DoT
#2 - Cast Bolt or DD, time permitting
#3 - Melee target to death
There are many other combinations that work when it comes to soloing. Make sure you pick fights with the right mobs with the least amount of resists. Yellows can definately be done when most of the chain of spells land. I do suggest that you plan an escape route should you need to run from adds and/or bad luck. ^ Back to Top
6.3. How should I solo as an Augmentation/Mending-specced Shaman? Soloing as an Aug/Mend Shaman is like suicide. You can still pull with your low level Bolt and cast your base DoT. Still, your basically stuck with meleeing your target (with atleast 75% of its life still intact) down with a weapon. I would recommend sticking with a steady flow of blue and green cons. ^ Back to Top
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7.1. Why can't I get a group(Cave/Mending Shaman)? Ever since Endurance Regeneration was introduced to the Shaman class its been both a Bane and a Blessing. Its negative effects have caused an onslaught of "buff bot" type Shaman to sprawl all over Midgard. Groups would prefer a full Augmentation Shaman over other types. The effect of spell on the realm has turned the bulk of the population ignorant to other skills that a Cave/Mending Shaman can bring to the table. Unfortunately, the only way around this is to "make friends," group frequently and become a known commodity. Just because a Shaman has "no" Endurance Regeneration spell (or Little Augmentation Spec)doesn't mean he can't perform other duties to support and enchance a groups overall performance in PvE and RvR. ^ Back to Top
7.2. What do I need to change in a group versus soloing? First of all, bolts are still broken for grouping. Unless you are pulling for the group, you should just forget about using bolts -- and even when pulling, it's usually better to pull with a root or disease spell, so that you don't' generate huge aggro or even a Call for Help by doing lots of damage with your first cast.
Other than that, it's all about aggro management and mana management. You don't want the monsters attacking you, and you don't' want to be the one everybody is waiting for between pulls. Mana regenerates much slower than does the endurance that melee classes use for styles, so just remember do not chain Heals unless absolutely necessary and use Frigs to supplement Healing in a way to cut back on downtime. ^ Back to Top
7.3. Why do I keep dying when I group (aggro management 101)? In a group, you generally want the tanks (warriors, thanes, even skalds) to get the attention of the target before you start nuking. This is because, in a group, you are usually fighting orange, red or purple-con creatures that can squash you like a bug if they get into melee range. It therefore is vital that as a Shaman, do not DoT or DD a target too early in the battle. For most orange or red con targets, 1 DoT will do when target is at 3/4 or less life, and will save your mana for the next encounter. A purple con target may require a combination of DoT's and DD's but do so as a last resort. Remember, the more damage done and/or damage healed by the Shaman that is greater then the damage delt by the tank will result in aggro. To be safe, always make sure your tanks are using a "Taunt Style" every swing in melee combat! ^ Back to Top
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8.1. What's the most important thing to know about RvR? As Midgard's main buffing class its always important to have everyones buffs up and running before you venture out. Timed buffs (Endurance and Resists) should be recasted at every "safe" resting point. That way if your group is ever jumped you will always have fresh buffs up and running and not have to worry about them dispelling mid battle.
Most Importantly, Keep moving!
If you stand still, you become a target for assassins. You stay in range of archers and other casters. You can be rushed by melee types. You can be watched by the corpses of your victims.
Keep moving!
When you are in a big battle, move (or at least turn a bit) between each spell you cast. When you complete a battle, resurrect your dead and move out of sight of the enemy corpses. When you run down a road zig-zag, jump and just vary your path and movements. Never stand still!
Keep moving!
One other thing: KEEP MOVING!! ^ Back to Top
8.2. What can a Shaman do in a keep attack? Shaman excel at keep attacks this is when we get to use 100% of our abilities! Depending on whether the keep is defended or not basically decides the role you play in the seige.
First of all, assist with crowd control on spawned guards and patrols surrounding the keep. Secondly, buffs and healing have to do with groups survival. If keep is defended AE DoT keep doors this helps preventing someone to sit behind the doors and repair them as well as uncovers stealthers near doors. Next assist with taking down archers/mages from the ramparts with your full arsenal of spells. Then once most of the guards and defenders have bit the dust, rest a bit by wacking on the keep door with the rest of the tanks and remember to recast those timed buffs! ^ Back to Top
8.3. What can a Shaman do in a keep defense? Keep defense is a little tricky, depending on the size of the defending force gives you more freedom to do different things. Most importantly you need to assist in keeping your group alive as much as possible.
Small Defense Forces vs. Enemy - The safest place in a fort battle in this situation would be to stay towards the back and center of the ground floor. From this spot you can easily target most of your group mates that are up on the ramparts and assist them in an efficient manner. This results in playing more of a passive role; but as the groups main buffer, keeping you alive is more important then RP's. Let your group mates earn you RP's while you keep them alive.
Large Defense Forces vs. Enemy - This is where safe gets thrown to the side and "Lets get ready to rumble!" is heard throught the crowd. Anything goes and there will be more then enough Healers around to help with ressurections should you go down. AE DoT, AE Disease, Bolt and DD the nearest enemy. Do this as fast as possible and then get out of the way to rest. Try not to stand in the open for too long on a rampart, you will become a magnet for simultaneous attacks at once. Hit and Run tactics are a must, then resting in the keeps safe spot for mana regen will keep you alive much longer. ^ Back to Top
8.4. What can a Shaman do in group versus group battles? In group battles Shaman need to assist with crowd control by rooting mages and melee alike. Secondly, you need to interupt casters and slow down the enemies process by casting AE Disease. Once your tanks have the enemy engaged start spewing AE DoTs to create some panic and confusion. Shaman should also Heal when necessary and assist on enemy targets with additional Disease, DoTs and DDs. Should an enemy tank/rogue decide to hack you to bits with his weapon the kiting technique should be used (See how to kite an enemy, below). ^ Back to Top
8.5. What can a Shaman do in large scale battles? The answer to this is best answed in the form of a question. What can't anyone do in large scale battle? The best thing you can do in this situation is to AE DoT, AE DoT, AE DoT and if you still have mana left AE DoT again! It is also recommended that you throw in an AE Disease somewhere in there; otherwise AE DoT again! ^ Back to Top
8.6. How do I kite an enemy in RvR? Kiting is all about time and timing. It can be done on non-ranged aggressors with a lot of patience. It requires that the aggressor continues to follow you around and the Shaman to pull the string.
Note: This is how I did it with my level 50 Shaman (Spec'd 41 Cave 32 Aug 14 Mend) with End Regen 4, Long Wind 1, and PBAE Disease. It is possible to Kite and enemy without all of those abilites just you have less time and less tools to be most effective.
Enemy attacks you in melee range
PBAE Disease
Run away to put distance between you and the aggressor, If only one attacker run through him(better chance that he won't hit you with a snare style which requires a 'back position')
/face the aggressor and imediately cast a DoT
Rinse and repeat till enemy is dead
Depending on the enemy this process could last for a good 5-10 min. of course a higher Cave spec will result in a quicker death to the enemy(Due to tighter damage variance, Bolt and DD Damage). ^ Back to Top
8.7. Keep Bonuses and values Taken from Camelot Herald Patch Notes: Version 1.47 Goes Live
"Keep Bonuses:
We've added bonuses to PvP combat directly relating to the ownership of the various Frontier Keeps. All of these bonuses, as well as bonuses for the Relics, can be viewed by clicking the Bonuses button on your character sheet (this used to be the Resists page).
These bonuses only affect PVP melee damage, PVP spell damage, realm point accrual and bounty point accrual. They are:
- +1% per enemy Keep conquered by your realm in an enemy realm
- +2%xDIFF if your guild is currently holding a keep (DIFF is the outpost difficulty level 1 to 5)
- +3%xDIFF if you are defending a keep that your guild alliance is holding
For example, if your realm has conquered 5 outposts in other realms, you'll always receive a +5% bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are in a guild holding a difficulty 3 keep just across the border, you'll get an additional +6% (total of +11%) bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are fighting in the name region of your held keep you'll get an additional +9% (total of +20%)." ^ Back to Top
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9.1. What are Realm Abilities & how do I obtain them? Straight from the Herald at the begining, "Realm Abilities" basically becomes your reward for participating in Realm vs. Realm warfare.
"Please remember that there are Realm Ranks and Realm Levels. There are 100 Realm levels, which are divided into 10 Realm Ranks. For the Realm Ability system, each player will receive one Realm Skill Point for each Realm Level attained - giving the player a maximum of about 100 points to spend on these new abilities.
In order to "spend" Realm Ability Points on a skill, you'll go to your standard class trainer. The Realm Abilities available to your class will be listed there. Please note that you do not have to have a high number of Realm Levels to be able to take advantage of these new abilities - in almost all cases, a character that has just a few realm levels can purchase at least a couple of new abilities.
There are two types of realm abilities: Passive and Active. Passive realm abilities are always on, and can affect your character in small ways, generally 3% per level (high levels of passive realm abilities grant substantial bonuses, however). Active abilities have re-use timers between 5 and 30 minutes, and are either instant effects or duration effects lasting between 30 and 60 seconds. Each class has a list of abilities tailored to them, and each class has an ability unique to them.
Some realm abilities have multiple levels, and each level will add more bonus. For example, the Augmented Strength realm ability awards 6 Strength points per level of the ability purchased, and there are five levels. So, in our example, a Level 3 Augmented Strength would give +18 Strength to a character.
The costs for each level of ability, as well as the advanced abilities increase with the level you are trying to attain. Also, please note that some Realm Abilities have pre-requisites that must be purchased before you can buy them. Pre-requisite skills may have to be purchased to a given level before an advanced skill can be trained." ^ Back to Top
9.2. What is 'Ichor of the Deep' and how does it work?
"Radius direct damage plus root, which means that any enemy in the spell’s area is damaged and rooted."
Ichor of the Deep
15 min. reuse timer
Insta spell (Requires a target)
Costs 14 Realm Ability Points
Combination Root and DD Spell
Root lasts 30 secs and Damage from DD varies
Range for the spell is atleast 'bolt range'
Ichor is very simple to use. Select a target and click on the hotkey. Damage on Ichor varies based on the targets location within the radius of the spell. The further additional enemies are from the center of the radius the less damage they will take from the DD component of the spell.
This realm ability can be used both offensively and defensively depending on the situation. Just remember that Ichors root component makes the target immune to your castable root spell should you let it expire, so use it wisely. ^ Back to Top
9.3. How much does 'Mastery of the Art' actually increase your casting speed? Mastery of the Art Passive N/A 1 3 6 10 14 Augmented Acuity 3 Additional 3% per level casting speed when casting spells. Please note that the minimum allowed spell casting timer is 2 seconds – this ability will not allow you to go below this hard cap.
Note: The results can be interpreted in different ways to fit various formulas and theories. The end results provided below are not how the original author/tester interprets them; but rather how it fits with the Shaman FAQ - Theory.
Thank you Moby for these test results!
Test Spell: Infectious Spores, 3 sec. Casting Time
Test Mob: Wildling
Senario #1 - 125 Dex
125 Dex, "No" MotA: 245 Sec. / 91 Casts = 2.69 Sec/Cast
125 Dex + MotA 5: 245 Sec. / 105 casts = 2.33 Sec/Cast
Senario #2 - 245 Dex
245 Dex, "No" MotA: 263 Sec. / 123 Casts = 2.13 Sec/Cast
245 Dex + MotA 5: 245 Sec. / 131 Casts = 1.87 Sec/Cast
Senario #3 - 256 Dex
256 Dex, "No" MotA: 279 Sec. / 137 Casts = 2.03 Sec/Cast
256 Dex + MotA 5: 253 Sec / 146 Casts = 1.73 Sec/Cast
Revised - 05-27-03!
Thank you to Aydsneth for the following information!
Speed is a ratio of action to time, and in a stoichiometric calculation, the ratio can be used as presented or as a reciprocal, depending on what units you are trying to calculate. Just as "60 miles per hour" is the same as "one hour per 60 miles" are the same, despite being represented as different numbers. i.e.
60 != 1/60
60 mph == 1/60 hpm
So when they refer to "cast speed" without defining the exact unit of measurement, it is totally ambiguous what a "3% increase" is in each of these cases.
Senario #1 - "No" MotA: 2.69 Sec/Cast vs. MotA 5: 2.33 Sec/Cast
2.69 / 1.15 = 2.3391
Senario #2 - "No" MotA: 2.13 Sec/Cast vs. MotA 5: 1.87 Sec/Cast
2.13 / 1.15 = 1.8522
Senario #3 - "No" MotA: 2.03 Sec/Cast vs. MotA 5: 1.73 Sec/Cast
2.03 / 1.15 = 1.7652
Conclusion: Current Casting Speed / (1 + MotA%)
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9.4. What are the recommended Realm Abilities? and in what order should I get them? There are a various combinations of Realm Abilities that work for everyone and no one needs to get them in any specific order. Instead I'm going to list the realm abilities based on how they benefit effect each Spec. An overview of the remaining realm abilities that are needed by all Shaman no matter the spec.
Official lists are provided on the herald Shaman Realm Abilities!
Cave Spec
Wild Arcana - Grants 5% chance per level to critical with duration-based attack spells like dots, debuffs, etc. Please note that "binary" effects like root, stun, and mesmerize are either on or off, and as such are not affected by this ability.
Ichor of the Deep - Radius direct damage plus root, which means that any enemy in the spell’s area is damaged and rooted.
Aug Spec
Avoidance of Magic - Increases resistance to all damage types of magic by 3% per level of this ability.
Mastery of Blocking - Increases chance to block by 3% per level.
Mastery of the Arcane - Your “buff” spells will be 3% more effective per level of this ability.
Tireless - Your character regenerates endurance in combat.
Second Wind - Completely restores your character’s endurance.
Armor of Faith - 60 second 50 boost to armor factor per level of this ability.
The Empty Mind - 10% per level boost to all magic resistances for 60 seconds.
Lifter - 20% additional maximum carrying capacity per level.
Toughness - Increases maximum hit points by 3% per level of this ability.
Mend Spec
Wild Healing - Grants 5% chance to critical with direct heal spells per level of this ability.
Mastery of Healing - Your healing spells will heal 3% more damage per level of this ability.
Regeneration - Your hit points regenerate faster than normal.
Mystic Crystal Lore - Self-only boost to power, not usable in combat.
Raging Power - Full power heal, usable in combat.
Purge - Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc.
First Aid - Self heal that heals a set amount of hit points per level gained in the ability. This value increases with the character's level. At level 50, it heals approximately 300 hit points per level. It cannot be used in combat.
Ignore Pain - Self heal that heals 100% of the user's health, and can be used in combat.
Veil Recovery - Reduces duration of resurrection sickness by 10% per level.
Serenity - Your spell points regenerate faster than normal.
While we can't all agree how or what and in which order should we get the Realm Ability; we do agree to some sense that Mystic Crystal Lore, Augmented Acuity(for obvious reasons) and Long Wind should be purchased early. From there enchance your current spec's Strengths and Weaknesses alike with complimentary Realm Abilities.
Currently, the consensus believe that 'Ichor of the Deep' is an attempt to balance the Shaman Class with an ability that should have been provided within the Cave Spec Line. 14 Realm Ability Points are a hefty price to pay for a much needed spell. Nonetheless without this Realm Ability we are very susceptable against long range attacks via Archers and Casters with QC.
Here is a helpful tool in selecting your next Realm Ability based on Realm Rank: RA Calculator ^ Back to Top
9.5. Where can I find a Realm Point Chart with Titles? Ask no more! Realm Ranks and Titles! ^ Back to Top
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10.1. Oceanus Armor from Quests! Barnacle Encrusted Boots - [Feet]
Quest: Priceless Antiques
Shaman/Healer Lvl 50
Armor Factor: 102 | Absorb: 27%
Con: 100% | Dur: 100% | Qua: 100% | Bon: 35%
Magical Bonuses: Con +13 pts. | Spirit +6%
Bonus to Acuity Cap: +7
Bonus to Constitution Cap: +7
Water-worn Gauntlets - [Hands]
Quest: Broken Communications
Shaman/Healer Lvl 50
Armor Factor: 100 | Absorb: 27%
Con: 100% | Dur: 100% | Qua: 100% | Bon: 35%
Magical Bonuses: N/A
Bonus to Healing Effectiveness: +5%
Bonus to Stat Buff Effectiveness: +5%
Bonus to Duration of Spells: +5%
Bonus to Acuity Cap: +5
Bonus to Armor Factor Cap: +10
Sun Scorched Helm - [Helm]
Quest: Seed Pouch
Shaman/Healer Lvl 50
Armor Factor: 102 | Absorb: 27%
Con: 100% | Dur: 100% | Qua: 100% | Bon: 35%
Magical Bonuses: N/A
Bonus to Healing Effectiveness: +6%
Bonus to Stat Buff Effectiveness: +6%
Bonus to Casting Speed +6%
Bonus to Duration of Spells: +6%
Wind Hardened Leggings - [Legs]
Quest: Origins of the Harpies
Shaman/Healer Lvl 50
Armor Factor: 102 | Absorb: 27%
Con: 100% | Dur: 100% | Qua: 100% | Bon: 35%
Magical Bonuses: All Magic Skills +3
Bonus to Piety Cap: +5
Bonus to Dexterity Cap: +5
Bonus to Magic Damage (Requirement: vs Giants): +10%
Bonus to Armor Factor: +8
Ancient Wrought Hauberk - [Torso]
Quest: Wicoessa's Proposition
Shaman/Healer Lvl 50
Armor Factor: 102 | Absorb: 27%
Con: 100% | Dur: 100% | Qua: 100% | Bon: 35%
Magical Bonuses: N/A
Bonus to Stat Buff Effectiveness: +5%
Bonus to Healing Effectiveness: +5%
Bonus to Constitution Cap: +5
Bonus to Dexterity Cap: +5
Bonus to Armor Factor Cap: +6 ^ Back to Top
10.2. Oceanus Items from Quests!
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10.3. Oceanus Weapons from Quests!
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10.4. Oceanus Artifacts!
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11.1. Priceless Antiques Starting NPC: Nydimeth
In Oceanus Hesperos Loc. = 15.1k, 14.3k
Level Requirement: Lvl 50
Comments: You need atleast 2 people to complete this quest.
[Step #1] - Seek out Bradigen in Haven of Aerus
[Step #3] - Dig for some treasures - 10k/53k, under a rock in a cave, bottom of the ocean, "Rock Cave"~. After digging for about a minute, a red/purple con mob will appear that hits pretty weak and is probably barely soloable by most.
[Step #4] - kill the guy
[Step #5] - give the chest to Bradigen
[Step #6] - Give the key to Bradigen
[Step #8] - return to Nydimeth, get your boots. ^ Back to Top
11.2. Broken Communications Starting NPC: Talk to Rin Hesperos Haven, loc 14.6k, 16.1k.
Level Requirement: Lvl 50
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Some say can do solo, some say need to be grouped
1. Talk to Rin loc 14.6k, 16.1k.
2. Travel to Volcanus Haven, talk to Frearwen, loc 54, 25 in Oceanus Anatole (loc provided by Seekor). say Eloitlan's name to Frearwen.
3. Find Dockmaster Richards and /s late.
4. Travel to 15195, 48672, anatole and /search at the very bottom when you get the You have entered Scattered Ship Wreckage. You won't see any ship wreckage.
5. Travel back to Frearwen, show her the ruins of the ship
7. Travel back to Rin in Hesperos and give him the note from Frearwen
8. Give him the ruins of the ship
9. Listen to his story and receive the reward ^ Back to Top
11.3. Seed Pouch Starting NPC: Astoissi at 11.6k,12.1k in Oceanus Hesperos
Level Requirement: Lvl 50
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You need two people for this.
From Stygia, go South-SouthEast to the Boat Dock and take the Song of the Sea outbound. Jump at 20000,35000 in Oceanus Borneo and swim due east.
There are 3 stones on the island, two are tall and one flat. You must plant seeds at all 3 and then harvest from all three. The Dust Devils con Yellow to Orange, are aggresive, have long aggro range and pop extreemly fast. Almost impossible to solo this step. Dust Devils ignore pet unless you dive out of range. Then when they get low on health, the run from pet.
If you are to do this with just 2 people, one can get both Dust Devils aggro on him and swim out a bit from the island then dive just beyond reach. The Dust Devils will hover over the water above them and will hit you underwater if you are near the surface, but not if you dive down far enough. Then the one doing the quest can go in and try to /plant and /search at each of the three rocks. Note that there are 3 Dust Devils on the island, but only 2 seem to be aggro and pop within 5-10 second of being killed. ^ Back to Top
11.4. Origins of the Harpies Starting NPC: Riranwyn in Oceanus Hesperos at loc 13.5k, 11.9k
Level Requirement: Level 48. - Papewaiyo
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
sounds like people are doing this solo
the location of where you need to go is Island of Meso 32.5x35.
The four items you need to /forage are Harpy Nest Fragments, Harpy Teeth, Harpy Hair, and Harpy Bones. ^ Back to Top
11.5. Wicoessa's Proposition Starting NPC: Wicoessa at Oceanus Hesperos, loc 8k, 17k
Level Requirement: Level 46
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
can do Solo, someone suggested having two people to deal with agro on the way.
Screenshot of Text of Wicoessa Quest
Site 1 is at 18k, 25k
- Zeltron
Site 2 is at 23180, 27941
- Chez
Site 3 is at 12k, 3k in Oceanus Hesperos
Site 4 is near the island of Evaemos, 2 pillars, loc around 2.4k, 31k
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13.1. What is the anti-kite code? Sometime in the 1.4x patches, Mythic introduced "anti-kite" code (Herald article, New Monster Regen?). The idea was to prevent people from using movement reduction spells (root or snare) to "kite" monsters by nuking a couple of times, rooting, moving back, nuking some more, rooting again, etc. Why this was viewed as a problem isn't clear; it is not mana efficient to kite a monster, and all these spells had diminishing returns on their duration. But enough editorializing; the fact is that anti-kite code is in the game, and you need to know about it.
Monsters who have not been engaged in combat within ten seconds start to regenerate health at an alarmingly fast rate. So, you can't run for more than ten seconds before this code kicks in and you find the monster gaining health quite quickly. This is exacerbated by the fact that there is usually lag between the monster's real health and what you see on his HP bar.
Another part of the "anti-kite" code is that the monster will turn and walk back to its original spot if you get too far away. It will also start to regenerate up to around 3/4 health and if your close it will come back after you, so you better be ready. ^ Back to Top
13.2. Why does power take so long to regen? Power regenerates at different rates, depending on how much you use. If you stay at 75% power or higher, you will see it regenerate quite quickly. At half power or better it is quite palatable. Drop below half power, however, and you can go brew a pot of coffee while you sit and regenerate power. Below a quarter, and you can enjoy a nice nap.
There are two ways to improve power regeneration. The first is to keep your power above 75%. That means resting between each kill while solo, and managing your mana while grouped. It's better to sit for 10-20 seconds between kills while solo, than to kill 3 in a row and have to wait for 2 minutes.
The second way to improve power regeneration is to get a mana buff. These come from healers, in their Pacification spec line. Group with a healer; they need the Shamans offense/buffs/support healing, and you need their mana buff. ^ Back to Top
13.3. How do I calculate maximum damage of a spell? Using the above information on +Pie items and the +Spec information that I have listed below. I will give you a couple examples of how damage is calculated. Information provided below is based on a 41 Cave Spec'd lvl 50 Shaman.
Shaman 41 Spec DD - Shaman with 200 Piety and No + Spec from Items and Realm Rank
DD Base Damage = 148
Piety Bonus = 200 - 50 = 150 | 150 / 10 = 15 x 3% = 45%
Spec Bonus = 41 / 2 = 20.5 | 20.5 x 3% = 61.5%
148 + [148 x (.45 + .615)] = 305.62 Max Damage Per Cast
Shaman 36 Spec DoT - Shaman with 200 Piety and No + Spec from Items and Realm Rank
DoT Base Damage = 65
Piety Bonus = 200 - 50 = 150 | 150 / 10 = 15
Spec Bonus = 41 / 2 = 20.5
65 + 15 + 20.5 = 100.5 Max Damage Per Tick
Special Note: Most of this information is theoretical based on tests in game and base damage values provided on the Camelot Herald. It should also be known that max damages are just that. You still need to minus damage based on resists. Examples: Target has 20% Resist to Matter | "DD" [305.62 - (305.62 x .2)] = 244.496 | "DoT" [100.5 - (100.5 x .2)] = 80.4
Special Note: 'Maximum' damage is not CAP damage. 'Maximum' damage is the theoretical value you should be able to reach lvl 50 vs. lvl 50; minus the Relic and Keep bonuses. ^ Back to Top
13.4. Will Shaman DoTs stack with both "base" and "spec" spell lines of the Bonedancer? and for that matter does it stack with Shadowblade poisons and DoT effects from weapons? Yes, currently the Shaman DoT will stack on top of all those types of DoTs. These DoT effects will also stack with other realm DoT classes. However, no test was done to see if the other effects stacked with each other. ^ Back to Top
13.5. What 'Midgard' class has a debuff that will enchance 'Cave Spec' matter type spells? A Runemaster spec'd in Rune Carving can debuff a target by up to -50% resists in matter. So support your local RC Runies! ^ Back to Top
13.6. DoT Damage Comparison 'Shaman' vs. 'Cabalist' vs. 'Mentalist' Comparisons done are based on BEST case senarios (Spec, Race and Damage). This comparison is also based on being fully buffed (Acuity Buff) with +11 Bonus in Spec. Calculations exclude final piety stat but will include race modifiers in piety/int based calculations. These are 'AE DoT' comparisons.
Very Important: For every 10 Points of Pie/Int, DoT damage is increased by +1 Damage. For every 2 Points of Spec, DoT damage is increased by +1 Damage.
Shaman - 46 Subterranean Spec (Kobald/Troll = 60 Pie)
Spell - 46 Spore Whirlwind Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 83/24 ticks 47 power
Base Damage - 83
Acuity Buff - 0
Spec - 46 + 11 = 57
Piety Bonus - 0 (Compared to the other Races)
Calculations: [83 + (0 / 10) + (57 / 2) + (0 / 10)] = 111.5
Cabalist - 49 Matter Manipulation (Avalonian = 80 Int)
Spell - 46 Lance Spirit Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 83/24 ticks 47 power
Base Damage - 83
Acuity Buff - 50
Spec - 49 + 11 = 60
Piety Bonus - 20 (Avalonian 80 Int - Troll/Kobald 60 Pie = 20)
Calculations: [83 + (50 / 10) + (60 / 2) + (20 / 10)] = 120
Mentalist - 48 Holism (Elf = 70 Int)
Spell - 46 Storm of Insanity Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 83/24 ticks 47 power
Base Damage - 83
Acuity Buff - 50
Spec - 48 + 11 = 59
Piety Bonus - 10 (Elf 70 Int - Troll/Kobald 60 Pie = 10)
Calculations: [83 + (50 / 10) + (59 / 2) + (10 / 10)] = 118.5
Can Shaman do as much damage as cloth casters? No! Thats is a 6-7% increase in damage between cloth casters and Shaman.
Lets not forget to add the fact that Shaman Base and Spec DoTs do not stack like cloth casters DoTs. ^ Back to Top
13.7. Overall Damage Comparison 'Shaman Cave Spec' vs. 'Cleric Smite Spec' vs. 'Druid Nature Spec.' Shaman - Subterranean Spec
41 Fungal Spine - 232 dmg | 4 Sec Cast | 20 Sec Timer
41 Fungal Mucus - 148 dmg | 3 Sec Cast | 20 Sec Timer
48 Fungal Blight - 87 dmg per 6 ticks | 24 Sec | 3 Sec Cast
Cast Bolt (4)[Wait 20] 232 + Cast DoT 1x (3)[Wait 24] 87 + Cast DD(3)[Wait 20] 148 + Cast DoT 4x + 1 Tick(3) 435 + Cast Bolt (4)[Wait 20] 232 + Cast DoT 1x + 1 Tick(3) 174 + Cast DD(3)[Wait 20] 148 + DoT 1 Tick 87 = 1543 over 32 Secs! = 48.2188 DPS
Cleric - Smite Spec
43 Greater Holy Fury - 176 dmg | 4 Sec Cast
42 Annihilate Evil - 118 dmg | Instant Cast | 20 Sec Timer
Cast DD(4) 176 + PBAE(0)[Wait 20] 118 + Cast DD(4) 176 + Cast DD(4) 176 + Cast DD(4) 176 + Cast DD(4) 176 + Cast DD(4) 176 + PBAE(0)[Wait 20] 118= 1292 over 24 Secs = 53.83333 DPS
Druid - 48 Nature Spec
48 Defedation - 87 dmg per 6 ticks | 24 Sec
Pet [50-80 Damage per Swing] [(50 + 80) / 2] / 4(Sec per Swing) = 16.25 DPS
DoT [87 / 3] = 29 + 16.25 = 45.25 DPS ^ Back to Top
13.8. Frigs, how does it work and what are the number values? The regen rate for health is every 3 seconds while sitting, every 6 seconds while standing, and every 14 seconds while in combat. This is important to know because the Friggs spells is an Enchanced Health Regen and not a "HoT"(Heal over Time). Friggs does not draw agro because it only increases the amount of health regained during the normal regen process. Frigs works similar to that of a heal over time, yet not really as efficient. It does not have its own timer, rather it piggybacks itself to the normal health regen cycle. Each health regen cycle must complete itself before the next can begin. This means that if you were in combat (the 14 second timer), and then sit when combat it is over, you must wait for the remainder of the 14 second cycle to finish before the 3 second cycle one starts.
Frigs and Power Leveling - This enchancement to the natural process of hit point regeneration makes this spell the ultimate power leveling tool. Because it works this way and not like a 'HoT' it does not leech any experience when casted on lower level characters.
Pets and Frigs - Frigs does not enchance a pets hit point regeneration. At this time it is unknown why it doesn't work. ^ Back to Top
13.9. How does +Spec affect spec spells (Cave, Aug, Mend) and what are the caps? +Spec Caps - +10 Spec from items is max at level 50. +11 Spec from items is max at level 50 + Realm Rank 5. Realm Ranks add to the total +10 at RR11L0 to give you a maximum of +21 in bonuses.
Cave - The more +Cave Spec you have the more damage you will do they differently depending on the type of spell. DD's get a +3% Damage increase with every +2 Cave. Bolts - get a +3% Damage increase with every +2 Cave. DoT's get +1 Damage Per Tick with every +2 Cave. DD and Bolts cap at 3x delve value which means once you hit these numbers there is no way to increase damage potential further.
Mend - +Mend Spec seems to be broken in that instead of adding healing power to your Spec Heals it only helps with variance on Baseline Heals. See section on variance Click Here!
Aug - +Aug Spec works like +Mend in that it closes the variance on Baseline Buffs; and also just like +Mend has no benefit to Spec Buffs. ^ Back to Top
13.10. The Truth behind Mending Specialization In his section I will explain as to how Mending Spec works and why spending points in Mending as a Shaman is not worth the points spent.
First of all let me explain how Healing Spells work. All Healing Spells are capped at 1.25 time the "Delve" value of the Spell. All Spec Spells will always hit for the capped value. All Base Spells will have a variance based on Mending Spec after +'s from Realm Rank and Items.
What is Variance?
A) The act of varying.
B) The state or quality of being variant or variable; a variation.
C) A difference between what is expected and what actually occurs.
If 2/3 Spec = 75%, then +10% less variance = 85%. Which means every time you cast your base healing spell a person with 2/3 spec will heal for 75-100% of the value and a person with +10 more spec points will heal for 85-100% of the value.
For every 1 point in Mend Spec your variance decreases by 1%. The problem with this is a 1 point increase the higher you spec costs more and more points. Which means your still not going to exceed the cap and all you've done is closed the variance on your Base Heals and Spec Heals do not benefit at all from a +1 in Mend. Now this brings me to how Damage Type Spec's benefit from a 1 point increase.
How do you calculate damage?
As a Shaman we have (3) forms of Damage. Bolt, DD(Direct Damage) and DoT(Damage over Time).
Just like Mend Spec, Cave Spec Spells are based off of the Base Delve and Cave Base Spec Spells are based off of the Base Delve and have variance depending on your Cave Spec.
Cave spells have a High Damage Cap which is 3x Base Delve and they have a Medium Max Damage Cap which is Base Delve x Bonuses. Bonuses are from Spec and Piety.
See section How do I calculate maximum damage of a spell? and section What about +PIE?
In a nutshell +1 Spec adds 1.5% more damage to DDs and Bolts (Base and Spec Spells). +1 Spec adds .5 more damage per tick on DoTs (Base and Spec Spells). +1 Spec also closes the variance on Base Spec Spells.
Return from Investment
+1 Mend = 1% Decrease in Variance to Base Heals
+1 Cave = +1.5% Increase to Max Damage to DDs and Bolts. +.5 Increase to Max Damage per tick to DoTs Base and Spec. +1 Spec also closes the variance on Base Spec Spells. Note: At this time no one has done a test on variance with DoTs other then the fact that 1 Cave will get you a variance of 1 to Max Damage per Tick.
Conclusion: +1 Cave > +1 Mend
Rebuttal: The Cave vs Mend Debate
Just for arguements sake lets compare minus the items and minus the Realm Ranks.
"A" Spec = 41 Cave | 14 Mend | 32 Aug
"B" Spec = 36 Cave | 24 Mend | 32 Aug
Cave = 41 - 36 = 5 pts. = 7.5% more Damage to DDs/Bolts and 2.5 more Damage per tick to DoTs
Mend = 24 - 14 = 10 pts. = 10% less variance on Heals
Would you rather have guaranteed damage & less variance or less variance?
For example very time a person casts a base heal:
If a Character with "A" Spec has a variance of 75 - 100%
A Character with "B" Spec has a variance of 85 - 100%
This means a couple of things.
#1 - Character with "B" Spec will not heal better then a Character with "A" Spec 100% of the time.
#2 - Character with "A" Spec will heal for less on average over time then a Character with "B" Spec.
Every time a person casts a damage spell:
A Character with "A" Spec will do 7.5% more Damage to DDs/Bolts and 2.5 more Damage per tick to DoTs All the time as compared to a Character with "B" Spec.
This means a couple of things.
#1 - Character with "B" Spec will always have their Base and Spec DoTs overwritten.
#2 - Character with "A" Spec will deal more damage 100% of the time then a Character with "B" Spec with Base and Spec Spells.
Once again in Conclusion +1 Cave > +1 Mend
As stated before on VN boards to fix Mend so that +1 Cave = +1 Mend Mythic needs to do a few things.
#1 - Remove/Increase the 1.25x Cap for Base and Spec Spells.
#2 - Allow Piety to increase Healing Max to both Spec and Base Spells.
#3 - Allow +Spec to increase Healing Max to both Spec and Base Spells. ^ Back to Top
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14.1. The Desire of a God - By: Sole_Kay The following Quest is first attained at level 43 and different parts continue as you level to 50!
[Step #1] - Go to Miri in Jordheim. When she asks why you came, ask her if she has had [visions of Loki]
In Jordheim: Loc = 22k, 24k
Note: Miri is located in a building near the Forge
Miri says, "Well hello again, . What brings you to see me again so soon? I can't imagine you need another protection spell for the Rod of Mimir!"
[Step #2] - Talk with Miri about Loki's plans for the Rod of Mimir.
Miri says, "Visions of Loki! I have had some visions, and if you have come to me about this, then my guess is that Inaksha has had visions also. You need not answer me, for I can tell by the look on your face my assumption is correct. This is not good. I had hoped that my visions were falsehoods sent by Loki, but I see now that they were true. He [wants the Rod] of Mimir."
Miri says, "in my vision, I saw a man; he was either made of flames or surrounded by them. He was in a field of white, surrounded by brown and green. The flamming man was bending over, talking to someone in blue and black, or perhaps their skin was blue. Again, it was hard to tell, for my visions aren't always clear. He was handing the other person a flame that danced in his hand. I believe that the flaming man was [a messenger] of Loki."
Miri casts a spell
Miri says, "Since Loki is bound beneath the earth, he must find messengers here in Midgard to do his bidding. We must ensure that beneath the earth is where he stays. This messenger has been able to spread the word to one of the House of Loki. We must stop him from spreading the word any more. Wait! I am receiving [a vision] from Mimir!"
Miri says, "Mimir was not able to reveal to me the identity or location of the flaming man but he was able to show me the man in black. He is a kobald named Vagn. I have heard of Vagn, although I did not realize he had been taken into the House of Loki. At one time Vagn had the potential to be one of the greatest hunters in Midgard, but he displeased Skadi and was [forced to leave] the House of Skadi. Now that I think about it, he would be an excelent target for Loki's attention.
[Step #3] - Seek out Vagn and his followers in Yggdra Forest. Head northeast into the mountains from Vindsaul Faste. Vagn is not far from an isalf camp. Do not go alone!
In Yggdra Forest: Loc = 61k, 51k
Note: Vagn is yellow con to a lvl 50, with 4 green friends.
Miri says, "When he was forced to leave, Vagn ended up taking a small group of people with him. They fled Jordheim and rumors said they were near Grallarhorn Faste, but those rumors are wrong. Vagn is hidden in the mountains of Yggdra Forest, not far from the isalf camp. If you pass through Vindsaul Faste and head northeast into the mountains you will find Vagn and his followers. You must stop them from leaving Yggdra Forest. Use any information you may obtain - read any notes, talk to any survivors. Do not go alone, for Vagn will have his forces with him You must stop Loki from obtaining the Rod of Mimir!"
[Step #4a] - Miri said to use anything obtained from Vagn. Perhaps the dancing flame does something if it is used.
Note: Use the Dancing Flame [Drop Flame Icon on Quick Bar, press your Use Item key then click on Flame Icon]
Experience Reward for using the dancing flame correctly.
[Step #4b] - Miri said to use anything obtained from Vagn. Perhaps if you use the note, it will reveal something to you.
Note: Read Vagn's note [Right Click Note then Shift-I].
Experience Reward for reading the Vagn's note.
A vision of a man surrounded by flames appears in front of your eyes, and a maniacal laugh echoes through your head.
The Vagn's note reads, "Vagn, I am entrusting you with this task. After you have spread the word to your followers, you must seek out Thorkatla the Hag. She resided in Uppland, where the cold and snow preserve her dead flesh. To her you must reveal her duty as put forth by the god of Fire and Treachery. She is to take the forces she has gathered and venture to Haggerfel, where the woman Inaksha keeps the Rod. She is not to use the Rod when she obtains it or Loki will be furious. She is to return to her hiding place until I contact her. Loki has promised to reward his loyal followers once he has obtained the Rod. Remember, she is northeast of the place called Fensalir Faste. May Loki's hand shadow you from the view of those who seek to opose us. I shall be in contact soon. - L."
[Step #5] - Stop Thorkatla from attacking Inkasha. Thorkatla and her forces can be found in Uppland, northeast of Fensalir Faste.
In Uppland: Loc = 29k, 42k
Note: Thorkatla is yellow con to a level 50 with 5 green/blue con friends.
Thorkatla says, "You may have killed me, but others will be sent to rid the world of the woman Inaksha! Warn her if you will, it will do no good!"
[Step #6] - Return to Inaksha in Haggerfel.
for a reward. She asks for the Note and Flame. Inkasha gives you a riddle to solve[Move to next step].
7 - Go to Vasudheim and speak with Jana
Missing Information Here!
12 - Go to Yggdra and kill Fjall a Werewolf that roams around near gate. Hes orange to 50 with 4 green friends.
[Step #13] - Return to Inaksha in Haggerfel.
[Step #14] - Give Inkasha the dancing flame
[Step #16] - Travel to Fort Atla and speak with Lyngheid. Tell her [Loki seeks to cause trouble]
[Step #17]
[Step #18] - Travel to Skona Ravine. At night, find Storslange and her offspring in the water near the camp of the sidhe draoi.
Go to Skona Ravine and at night find Storslange at 8k, 49k, spawns in water sometimes with 4 green friends. He is red to 50.
18 - Use flame
19 - Go to vanern and kill ulfketill at 1k, 29k. has a yellow to 50 friend with him, he is red.
[Step #20] Go to Vanern Swamp near the joutons and seek out Ulfketil. Stop him and his forces from leaving swamp.
21 - Use flame
[Step #22] - Return to Inkasha in Haggerfel.
26 - go to raumarik and kill loken near 45k, 26k. Purple to 50, 2 yellow WWs spawn when you attack, later more spawn. Be sure to be far away cause he could spawn during fight and cause alot of aggro. More WWs pop during the fight, about 5-6 aggroed us.
27 - Return to inaksha
30 - Bring pouch to miri in jordheim and get armor reward
Healer Rewards:
Healer's Touch Necklace (healer only)
Lvl 45, Wt 0.3lbs, ?/?/?/?
+3 Pac, +12 Pie, +6 Str
Healing Hand Pin[Jewelry Slot]
+2 Augmentation, +2 Mending, +9 Piety, +7 Constitution
Valhalla Touched Boots AF:100 CON:12 DEX:12 QUI:12 HIT:21
Valhalla Touched Coif AF:100 PIE:18 POW:6 augme:4 slas:4%
Valhalla Touched Gloves AF:100 PIE:16 POW:6 pacif:4 crus:4%
Valhalla Touched Hauberk AF:100 CON:16 PIE:16 cold:8% heat:10%
Valhalla Touched Legs AF:100 STR:15 CON:15 ener:10% spir:10%
Valhalla Touched Sleeves AF:100 STR:13 PIE:15 mendi:4 matt:6%
Shaman Rewards:
Fungus Covered Belt - [Waist]
Level 45 Item, Wt 0.3lbs, 100/100/100/35
+3 Cave, +12 Piety, +6 Dexterity
World Engraved Pin - [Jewelry Slot]
Level 47 Item, Wt. 0.2 lbs. 100/100/100/35
+2 Augmentation, +2 Mending, +9 Piety, +7 Constitution
Shaman Epic Armor
Subterranean Boots AF:100 DEX:13 QUI:13 HIT:39
Subterranean Coif AF:100 PIE:18 POW:6 mendi:4 thru:4%
Subterranean Gloves AF:100 PIE:18 POW:6 cave:4 crus:4%
Subterranean Hauberk AF:100 CON:16 PIE:16 heat:8% matt:10%
Subterranean Legs AF:100 STR:16 CON:16 cold:8% spir:10%
Subterranean Sleeves AF:100 STR:12 PIE:18 augme:4 ener:6%
Note: Still some information is missing will try to fill in the blanks eventually!
Edited by: Vorard 03/18/03! ^ Back to Top
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15.1. Links Dark Age of Camelot: This is the home page for the game.
The Camelot Herald: The portal leading to updates to the game.
DAoC Tradeskills: DAoC Tradeskills TL forums.
Allakhazam’s Magical Realm: DAoC fan site loaded with all sorts of goodies including maps and an item compendium.
DAoC Catacoombs: This site provides you with a Character Builder to help you pre-plan your characters spec paths at various levels.
DAoC Warcry: To learn what quests are available to you and their details.
Camelot Vault: Class Boards, Developer Boards, Server boards, as well as Team Leads post here to interact with the gaming community.
Keltor's Latest Worksheet: Keltor has given up on updating his woksheet but the fans insist on keeping it alive! Thanks to Odlaw we have the most updated version. ^ Back to Top
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16.1. DoT Kiting - By: Eyke I will give some examples on 1 on 1 encounters that might happen to you on the battlefield.
1. In an even fight you find yourself left alone with 1 opponent, a melee class.
2. You find yourself left alone with a caster class.
3. Attacked by an archer.
4. Attacked by a backstabber.
5. Attacked by a bard/minstrel/skald type.
1. If you have time Root, then disease him, if not use PBAoE disease when he gets close and sprint, this should be done at same time. Keep running, make sure he is diseased. If your disease didn’t stick, try again. If the tank wants to keep up with you he will sprint as well, sooner or later he will run out of endurance, so will you if you don’t have a nice endurance regen buff or a high enough Long Wind realm ability. Sooner or later your target will be diseased. Once disease has taken effect, outrun him, use your /face macro, DoT him, turn around quick and run again. You have 24 secs till the DoT has run its full course. After about 10-15 secs, stop, /face, and redot him. Keep doing this till he is dead. If the fight last very long, you might have to disease him again. If he flee’s, do reverse DoT kiting, meaning you chase him with your DoT’s. This will only work though if you have him diseased and/or you have endurance and he dosen’t. Watch out for shield slams and rear snare melee styles. Sometimes its better to run through you target and away then to just turn around and run away.
2. Tactic One Cast DoT, directly after cast DD or Bolt, then sprint away. Get out of range of his spells. The DoT and the DD or Bolt might be enough to kill him; but if not, Bolt him from far range.
Tactic Two Start off with a DoT, then cast a DD then charge him with your hammer. (Note: Charging casters with Lifedrain DD's is a big no-no!)
Tactic Three Cast DoT, then DD, then keep chaincasting DoT (the first tick on the DoT interrupts, so keep chain casting it), hoping he will not interrupt you and hoping you will keep interrupting him.
Tactic Four If you can't get a spell off charge the caster with your hammer (or staff), and use PBAoE disease to keep him from running away. You will need Purge to have a decent chance against casters should you decide to charge. (Disclaimer: PBaoe Disease does not interupt casters.)
3. This is a hard... only one tactics here is to run “out of sight” or “out of range” of his arrows. If you can manage that he will prolly start chasing after you till he gets very close. Let him get in DoT range, /face, cast a DoT, then directly after cast DD. If the archer stops to load an arrow, keep chain casting dots on him since this will interrupt his shots. If he charges you with his melee powers, simply kite him like a tank. Note that you have to watch him, cause if he stops to load an arrow, you will have to stop as well to cast a DoT on him again or DD, then continue to chain cast DoT. If he charges you again you run, and simply repeat till he is dead. The thing with archers is that once you get out of range, the archer will probably charge you, and he will stop to load an arrow very close to you, in your spell range. So as soon as he gets in spell range you /face him and cast on him.
(Note: If you have the Realm Ability 'Ichor of the Deep' /face the archer run towards the target to get in DoT Range. Cast DoT, Disease, DD, then Chain Cast DoT)
4. Not much you can do here if you can’t purge those poisons away to be able to run away and kite him. If you get snared by a poison, you need to use the Realm Ability 'Purge', then PBaoe Disease and simply sprint away like a tank. Remember to watch what the the assassin does, he might not wanna follow you and hide instead. If so you need to stop and cast a DoT on him. Now his stealth will be disabled, and he'll be slightly snared. Make him chase you like a tank so you can kite him like one.
'Purge' isn't always a must in this situation but your best defense against stealthers is to "KEEP MOVING!."
5. Their run speed, insta DD's and CC is the problem with these type of classes. If you have time, cast a DoT on him at once and follow up with Disease. If not you have to wait till either he hits you or uses his instant DD’s on you, he will prolly mez you shortly after those instant DD’s to let the timer on the DD’s reset. Right after he use his insta's you need to sprint away and create space between you and the attacker. These spells vary on timer lengths but they all lack range. Use this as an advantage keep the space and attack frequently to keep the Run Song/Chant off. So sprint, /face and cast DoT reapply Disease as necessary. Sometimes the bard/ministrel/skald will sit and regen while you are mezmerized, and they wont get up untill they notice your mez has broke... so while you are mezmerized, keep pressing that DoT button so if he waits for the mez to break you can cast a DoT on him when it finally dispells. Also if you have Purge, you wait a few seconds to make him belive you don’t have it, then purge the mez away and directly cast a DoT. Also, you can finish these classes off with melee if you have HP’s. You'll need Purge and Ichor of the Deep to have a very good chance in this situation. Ignore Pain will increase your chances as well of course.
Edited: By Vorard 01/06/03! ^ Back to Top
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17.1. Disease Strength Debuff Tests #1 Disease Test by Vorard - Non Buffed Oponent 100 Str.
Casting Spec 27 PBAE Disease "Mold Cloud"
-21% STR
Casting Spec 37 PBAE Disease "Mold Burst"
-28% STR
Casting Base Spec 5 Single Target Disease "Sickening Spores"
-9% STR
Casting Base Spec 47 AE Disease "Plague Spores"
-34% STR ^ Back to Top
17.2. Disease Strength Debuff Tests #2 By: Moby
test: determine effect of buffs/item bonuses on pbae disease's str debuff component
tested under 1.62c on pendragon
test subject: lvl 49 kobold sm
test shaman: lvl 50 19aug, 7mend, xx cave shaman (xx = 27,37,47)
test method:
1. disease, cure, repeat 9 times
2. buff with base str, disease, cure, repeat 9 times
3. buff with base and spec str, disease, cure, repeat 9 times
4. respec to higher cave repeat
buffed/unbuffed - str -> debuffed values
27 +13 cave:
items - 64 str -> 44, 46, 44, 44, 44, 46, 45, 45, 44, 45
items+base - 101 str -> 62, 61, 64, 62, 62, 62, 63, 62, 63, 62
items+base+spec - 147 str -> 107, 109, 109, 107, 106, 107, 105, 107, 104, 109
37 +13 cave:
items - 64 str -> 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36
items+base 111 str -> 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60
items+base+spec 157 str -> 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101
47 +13 cave:
naked - 50 str -> 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
items - 64 str -> 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30
items+base - 111 str -> 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54
items+base+spec - 157 str -> 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89
-debuffed value has a variance, most likely based on effective cave lvl and target lvl
-str debuff component, like other in game debuffs, does not factor in item stat bonuses, but does factor in buff stat bonuses
-resist rate difference was not noticeable (very small sample size though), but power cost difference was very noticeable; 47 pbae is a power whore
-i hear debuffed value <= 68% * delve value (at least on unbuffed components), so i'd guess delve values are ~29, ~41, and ~50 ^ Back to Top
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- | WoW: Stormreaver (PvP), Horde |
- | DaoC: Galahad, Midgard |
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| when he died dill he crush anyone :) |
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