Author Topic: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
spx_bard  533 posts
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Date Posted: 3/8/06 12:55pm Subject: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
so i let my compatriot get killed by mobs...and then count up the damage he took (to get an estimate
of his hps) - 1900hps. i then buff him with my +36 str/con (enchantments line) and +26 con (cl ability)
and repeat the experiment - no change still 1900hps.

i repeated the test with the ally and both times his hps were about 1600.

so i guess i just dont understand what buffing the pet actually does?

somepeople say each buff on pet is like a generic af buff...but i know that the damage add and damage shield
(baseline one) do what their supposed to, becuase the log tells me so ('your pet did an extra y damage'
in blue)

so some buffs work as delved and others dont...what gives?


AoC - The Fold
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MottLee  456 posts
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Date Posted: 3/8/06 1:44pm Subject: RE: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
The pet won't gain HPs from con buffs, but they will gain abs.

Unbuffed pet gets hit for 100 by a mob.
You con buff the pet and then the pet gets hit again, but for only 80 damage.

Almost every buff on a pet increases abs a little.
Even the aquity buff on a tanking pet will shave off a few points of damage taken.


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spx_bard  533 posts
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Date Posted: 3/8/06 9:46pm Subject: RE: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
ok cool ty for info.

one more question...some people swear by the ally because he can be fully buffed (including AF),
whereas the compatriot has its own AF buff at the point of conception - which can't be removed.
so does a druid's higher AF spell translate to higher abs?
or any higher spell for that matter (cl line spec buffs vs. druid specs buffs vs. enchantments line spec)
mean better abs..?


AoC - The Fold
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vn_melric  3257 posts
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Date Posted: 3/9/06 10:42am Subject: RE: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
Yes, druid AF buff translates to higher abs.


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Miradorm  417 posts
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Date Posted: 3/9/06 5:56pm Subject: RE: enchanter pet buffing effectiveness ??
Goto here
under testing section look for my name and I did a comparison of ally vs compatriot that was just me and no druid.
Spec is 50 enchanment mastery and CL buffs on pets.


Bann Sidhe Legion Nimue
Miradorm 50 ranger
Miraneum 50 chant specced enchanter
Alb Gareth Miradorm 50 Friar Holy Order of Lunar Knights
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