Author Topic: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
Rezen73  2372 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 12:28pm Subject: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
Is there a quantifiable amount of time it will increase one's sprint duration?

The RA calcs I see say that LW1 increases sprint duration by 1: 1 what? 1 second?

Tireless1 increases sprint duration by 5 seconds. I'm curious as to the effect of LW1.



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Tiesto422  6718 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 1:01pm Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
its pretty easy to figure out. its linear, with 20% duration increases at each level. so by level 5 you have perma sprint.


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Eloren_BT  931 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 1:02pm Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
What Long Wind does is reduce the amount of end spent per second. Normally, a character can sprint for 20 seconds--it costs 5 end a second while sprinting. Long Wind 1 bumps that down to 4, increasing sprint time to 25 seconds. I believe it's the same as having an equivalent-level end regen going. Long Wind V is perma-sprint.


Eloren, Void Eldritch of Gawaine
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lwlu98  723 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 1:34pm Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
While the above analysis is partially correct, it doesn't take into account end regen (like Tireless) or +fatigue bonuses. For a magician class that isn't wearing something like Snatcher's or the Astral Belt of Negative Energy it's right on.


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Elkad  3794 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 2:04pm Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
Saying 'equivalent to having end-regen going' is kinda misleading, since it doesn't actually return endo when you aren't sprinting.

For most characters, it is a straight reduction in the endo cost per 3second 'tick' of sprinting. Classes with tireless, or an end use reduction buff (wardens, friars, or albs grped with friars) get some wierd effects from it due to rounding (LW is LESS effective when combined with endo reduction).

Bottom line, its always worth a spare RA point, but not more than that, for most people. For playing solo without endo regen, LW3 gives you perma-sprint if you pop a endo-regen potion.


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Eloren_BT  931 posts
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Date Posted: 3/2/06 5:06pm Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
Saying 'equivalent to having end-regen going' is kinda misleading, since it doesn't actually return endo when you aren't sprinting.

I suppose I just assumed that most reading this would be able to understand at the most basic level what the RA did, and figure out from context that perhaps I meant, "you can sprint as long as you'd be able to with a level of end regen equal to a given level of Long Wind," but that just seems, pardon the pun, a little longwinded.

For anyone who I may have misled, my apologies, and the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.

Otherwise, yeah, you're right, it interacts differently with characters that have end-reduction.


Eloren, Void Eldritch of Gawaine
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larboski  1104 posts
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Date Posted: 3/3/06 8:59am Subject: RE: How much does Long Wind RA actually help?
Get LW 2 imo


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