Author Topic: Question on pet charming
LukeRev  994 posts
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Date Posted: 8/30/05 2:25pm Subject: Question on pet charming
I have always been a mana ment and was wondering if someone could give me the goods on how much you need to put in to get a good pet and keep it. Things like what is involved in the break charm check and such.


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.Dotty.  2638 posts
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Date Posted: 8/30/05 2:54pm Subject: RE: Question on pet charming
I would suggest wading through the huge amount of info in the sticky thread up top. Here's my brief pet info blurb...

<copies and pastes her charm spell info>

What you can charm:
4 - humanoids
10 - humanoids, animals
17 - humanoids, animals, insects
25 - humanoids, animals, insects, magical
33 - humanoids, animals, insects, magical, undead
42 - anything charmable

Always use lowest charm to save power.

Safety level formula:
(level * .66) + (spec level * .33)
spec level includes: trainings, items, and realm rank

Mastery of Focus:
Mastery of Focus affects SPELL level. Notice that SPELL level is not included in the above formula. SPEC level is important. If you raise the lvl 4 charm up to lvl 20 it makes NO difference to what you can charm.

Current charm bugs:
- Porting has the chance to completely break your charm if there is a delay in porting. Pet will show up at portal location very very mad.
- Porting also causes your pet to completely disappear. Walk away and it should reappear. Maybe

I'm unable to duplicate these, and have not had them happen to me. Yet.
- pet may vanish
- pet may take off into aggro w/o notice or reason
- more than 6 attackers might cause the pet to vanish

NOT A BUG, working as intended
- Artifact chants (Cloudsong, Crown, etc.) will interfere and overwrite your charm.


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SerapisPhoenix  952 posts
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Date Posted: 9/3/05 9:43am Subject: RE: Question on pet charming
BAH... Dotty always beats me to the punch on questions like this...

Only thing I'd kind of change from the above post is that the safety formula is rounding off a little too much (had someone make a big arguement and it turned out it was because of that). Should really look more like this:

((2 * Level) + Spec) / 3 (Basically just replace .66 with 2/3 and .33 with 1/3, although the rounded version is actually a little more conservative so using it will be just fine)


<GM of Phoenix Ascending, Hibernia Iseult>
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