Author Topic: DMG type for Enchanter Pets
spaceghostly  1457 posts
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Date Posted: 3/11/05 4:33pm Subject: DMG type for Enchanter Pets
How can you tell what damage type your enchanter pet will do to mobs? (for SM pets you can see the weapon and know - but hard to tell for me here in hib) and what's the best/most efficient pet for FDS?


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Eloren_BT  931 posts
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Date Posted: 3/11/05 5:04pm Subject: RE: DMG type for Enchanter Pets
In my experience they've always been slash, but I've heard they do switch, so as long as that's the case, there's no way to tell.

Best pet for focus pulling is the Ally. When AF buffed it takes less damage than the Compatriot and its self-buff, and if aggro falls off the pet, it can heal and regain aggro that way.


Eloren, Void Eldritch of Gawaine
Everybody sing, like it's the last song you will ever sing
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Alright so you think you're ready, okay then you say this with me,
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GotharNW  25819 posts
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Date Posted: 3/11/05 8:07pm Subject: RE: DMG type for Enchanter Pets
I believe each time you spawn a pet it has a chance to do a random type of melee damage. It works that way for Spirit Champions.

My basis for my argument is because Eramai pbaes if you attack him with slash damage. However, I've had times when my pet has not caused him to pbae. Therefore, I believe what I assume. happy


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