Author Topic: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
heat32  4062 posts
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Date Posted: 11/15/04 5:20pm Subject: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
everytime i'm focussing a pull and the baseline damage shield drops, my focus shield hits the mobs for more. it appears that baseline and focus do not stack and are just totallying what the focus shield would do if the baseline shield was off.

ex. focus (w/o baseline)
100 dmg

focus with baseline
10 dmg, 90 dmg

any thoughts?


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Date Posted: 11/15/04 6:02pm Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
I hadn't noticed the focus damage being lower. I did notice the baseline spell was doing about half the normal amount. Still, you might be right about that. It's not something I would put past them to do.



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Date Posted: 11/15/04 6:25pm Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield - Date Edited: 11/15/04 6:25pm (1 edits total) Edited By: Jaapi
I always thought that if you use damage and focus shield, it calculates the average damage done by them.
So focus shield alone would do more damage than both together.


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Argentt  567 posts
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Date Posted: 11/15/04 7:57pm Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
i think it's supposed to do full dmg with your focus shield and then the stacked dmg shield does half of its regular damage. the disadvantage to using dmg shield on top of focus is not being able to mcl when something is on the pet.


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MottLee  456 posts
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Date Posted: 11/16/04 8:14am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
Base damage shield and focus should not ever be used together.

Stacking damage shields (and damage adds) halve the value of each and stack them.

If your base returns 16 damage, and your spec returns 80 damage, then stacked would return 48.

The numbers are affected by other things as well, so the numbers aren't exact.


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Galeolith  916 posts
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Date Posted: 11/16/04 10:40am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
Just tested on Pendragon with a full mana specced enchanter.

Base shield alone: 23.4
Spec shield alone: 190.6
Base/spec/total shields stacked: 10.4/167.8/178.2

Only did ten hits for each though, got tired of having to wait for mana to regen and the person kept dying, so the variance might affect it a bit.


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Date Posted: 11/16/04 5:48pm Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
Not sure its possible to pop mcl or take hits of FOP with the base dmg shield on and pet on passive. At least i have never been able to do it. And that hurts on some arti/epic mobs or when you didnt realize you pulled with no power. With such little plus or minus dmg variance I would never suggest putting the base one on.


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Speak-pkhq  7500 posts
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Date Posted: 11/17/04 12:22am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
wow so much misinformation in this thread!

i've done sooo much focus pulling

i keep the DS up as much as possible. it does not halve the FDS damage.

the damages aren't averaged either.

the damage returned to the mob is always based on how hard the mob hits the pet in the first place. how many times have you had a mob hit you for 100 and then the same pet hits you for either a LOT MORE or a LOT LESS? it happens all the time.

in order for a decent test, dont test 10 hits happy test 1000 or more please. 10 wont give you anything.

yes if you have the DS on the pet, you cant regen power via MCL or powerfont even if the pet is passive.
if you have no DS on the pet, then drop the FDS and set the pet to passive, you can pop pots, mcl, regen from PF (generates agro) and whatnot.



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MottLee  456 posts
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Date Posted: 11/17/04 7:18am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
>Supposedly, patch 1.61 fixed the problem, though extensive testing by vn_Thalore showed that the problem was improved, though not solved; the damage with both DS and FS running is still slightly less than just using Focus Shield by itself.

That was a note from an earlier post about this.
Yes, the stacking bug has supposedly been fixed, so that the values aren't being halved, but its easy to see that they don't stack properly.
You WILL do less damage if you also use the baseline ds.

On a mana specced (almost made me sick to do it) copy on pendragon last night, I dueled my bot and pulled mobs using both methods and the damage is consistantly lower if both are used.


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Danord  108 posts
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Date Posted: 12/11/04 3:08am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
I've tested alot on mid with sm fs + castable shield i killed cyrek about 30% faster using both... Not sure if baslie shield works the same way as sm castable dmg shield.


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ParrotGoA  7431 posts
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Date Posted: 12/15/04 10:01am Subject: RE: baseline dmg shield and focus dmg shield
"Stacking damage shields (and damage adds) halve the value of each and stack them."

Yeah, ummmm no.

The smaller of the two get halved, not both. If you have a skald dmg add with the shaman dmg add the skald does full damage and the shaman's does half.


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