Posts : 623
General Info for Charming Pets |
09/24/03 3:41 PM |
Spell Description for Each Charm # - lvl - PC - Name............ - Type 1st - 04 - 1 - Illusory Enemy.. - Humanoids 2nd - 10 - 2 - Fabricated Enemy - Humanoids, Animals 3rd - 17 - 3 - Imaginary Enemy. - Humanoids, Animals, Bugs 4th - 25 - 4 - Phantom Enemy... - Humanoids, Animals, Bugs, Magical Creatures 5th - 33 - 5 - Ghostly Enemy... - Humanoids, Animals, Bugs, Magical Creatures, Undead 6th - 42 - 7 - Dream Enemy..... - Anything that is charmable in the game First there are two main formulas for determining what a safe pet lvl would be to charm. both are about the same 1. ((Your level * 2)+ Light Spec Level + Bonuses))/3 Example LvL 50 Light Ment 50 Light +12 = ((50*2)+50+12)/3 = 162/3 = 54 2. ((Your level *.6)+ ((Light Spec Level+ Bonuses)*.4))Example LvL 50 Light Ment 50 Light +12 = (50*.6)+((50+12)*.4)= 55.5 These seem to be pretty close but not exact Hibernia Main Empyrean Elder: One of the best pet for RvR and PvE. Buffs you and your group with cleric tier 4(yellow) Str/Con, Dex/Qui, and stackable AF. Will heal you or any group member for 600 or so if they drop below 1/3 (you have to be in range, the pet ignores LOS when she heals). More notes from various other post If you have a druid in group with better buffs then either have them drop them or get a different pet, pet will continually buff until its buffs stick this goes for champs in the group too have them drop their str/con buff, Rangers too would have the same problem with the Dex/Qui buff, and any Druid buffs that are the same level or better. I suggest picking up one of these if you are in a group and needs some buffage. Range from lvl 40-48. Bananach: Kinda low lvl but like to use an instant spirit DD ALOT. Good for interrupting casters. Ranges from lvl 39-46. Earthshaker: Instant snare cold DD, he likes to use it ALOT. Very large so it makes it tough to see when you are on the move. Range from lvl 47-52. Daughter of Medb: Staple tank pet with most mentalists. Blocks, parry’s, and evades. Range from 44-51. Black Wraith: Found in CF at night. They cast a cold DD/snare that hits for 250. Hard to hold. Range from 53-57. Far Dorocha: Dual wielding tank pet, mez and dex debuff. Orange ones are only found in Mt. Collory. Ranges from lvl 53-63. Levian-al: Very large badger. Hard to hold. Ranges from lvl 52-57. Cruiach Demon: Large flying demon. Decent hps and can instant bleed making for good quick interrupts. Ranges from 54-62. Mindworm: Very tough to kill, hard hitting can spam the hib caster's 9 second stun for repeated interrupts. Hard to hold. Ranges from 56-64. Bocaide: Found in Emain near the levians Ranges from lvl 51-56. Unearthed Cave Bear: See Levian-al. Ranges from 47 to 56. Glimmer Giests: Kinda low level 2 dots that stack and a root Glimmer Warshades: with weapons for more damage output. Siabra Waterwalkers: DD and root Azures: with 2 handed hammers Forest poachers: CF level 54 like having your own personal ranger; they are also hard hitting and they parry/evade --- Here's a few in SI I've found that weren't listed above. Wicked Sylvanshade: Likes to cast the mana eld's DD/Snare. Has some decent hp as well. Ranges from lvl 49-56. Corruptor: Casts root and instant casts dot. Overall a good tank pet. Ranges from lvl 45-52. Mirage: A real fun caster pet. Casts baseline DD, 9 sec stun, instant dps debuff, and instant str debuff. Can tank rather well too. Ranges from 45-51. Malignant Sylvanshade: Procs a dot rather often and is good in melee. Ranges from 44-51. Ixithar Doomcaller: Casts a DD, kinda low on the hps though. Ranges from 45-49. Gorge Shriller: Good tank pet and procs a spirit DD and that uber AE DD when it gets low. Ranges from lvl 43-47. --- Also a few in the Albion and Midgard frontier that I like: Great Brown Drake: Very large, very powerful pet. Its size makes it very difficult to see. Likes to spam AE DDs. Hits like a truck too. Ranges from lvl 55-63. Isolastionist Wizard: Fire Bolts, Ice DDs, and roots. Tanks fairly decent. Probably the 2nd best pet in Albion. Ranges from lvl 47-52. Isolastionist Sorcerer: Roots, Dots, and Lifetaps. Also tanks fairly decent. Ranges from lvl 47-52. Isolastionist Scout: Bow and decent melee. Ranges from lvl 47-52. Isolastionist Tanks: All 3 are tank pets. Paladin has his usual AF buff. Mercs double hit often and all 3 are good tank pets. Ranges from lvl 47-52. Priestess: Runs slower than normal speed and has trouble keeping up if you don’t have any kind of speed buff. Also has a few smite spells. Ranges from 40-47. Templar: Tank pet in Albion and found right outside the HPK for easy access. Ranges from lvl 49-61. Ellyll Windchaser: Butterfly looking pet that casts an AE DD(insta?). Ranges from lvl 46-52. Ellyll Sage: Caster pet is fast, hard hitting nukes and bolts. Very small which means the enemy can't spot it right away. Range from 50-61. Icestrider Interceptor: Good pet to find in Midgard. Roots and DDs and has pretty decent hps. Ranges from 48-54. Frost Stallion: pet to find. Instant AE DD cold nukes and likes to use it alot. Has alot of hps as well. Ranges from 52-57. Infomration was compiled from http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=53589835 All information came from the following person. I how ever edited some information. Big Thanks to -----signature----- Jarun Elbrun, 50 hero, MLF Jadeun DeityOfPets, 4x light mentalist, MLF Jarun Elbrun, 3x wizard, Bors Jarun Elbrun, 3x skald, Lancelot Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/25/03 2:46 PM |
Any one have anything to add or correct? And what do you think of the post? Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
(The Vagina Whisperer)
Posts : 2305
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/26/03 1:54 PM |
Seems to all be in order, good work! My forum May the Mighty Arms of Atlas Hold the Heavens from the Earth... |
Posts : 192
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/26/03 9:21 PM |
Pitisch Druid (sp?) in Albion frontier, has root and some other spells. I forget, respecced to mana. Green at 50, but still handy. "You all knew the [TL] reports were being skimmed at best, and not a high priority before he [Mackey] came on board." -- Sanya [ Zerg This Alliance | Hibernia | Lancelot ] |
Posts : 0
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/28/03 7:26 PM |
"Mindworm: Very tough to kill, hard hitting can spam the hib caster's 9 second stun for repeated interrupts. Hard to hold. Ranges from 56-64. " Are you sure you can charm that? I thought max charm lvl was 55? |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/29/03 9:49 AM |
I've never charmed one but I did run with a group member who had one charmed. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 16
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/29/03 3:43 PM |
This is great info! Any suggestions for a Menty specced at only 4 in Light (at level 50)? I'm going 48/28 Mana/Ment. From the formula you gave below, it seems that a level 39 mob should work. Thanks! |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
09/29/03 4:26 PM |
Well Go for Green Huminoid mobs. Thats really the best I can do. For RvR I'd pick up anything that that is capable of hitting you after mez breaks your charm. Anything will work pet is used mostly to get rid of mez and root. I wouldn't expect much from a pet in PvE but with buffs the green pet can be usefull. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 56
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
10/07/03 12:33 PM |
Thanks for the good info! I /leveled a light mentalist and I'm loving it! One quick question. Has anyone ever charmed and used one of the Melancholy Faerie court? There are some orange/yellow guards that have a nasty ranged spell, plus they are small and fly. Crazy pet but I've never heard of one being used. Thanks again! Arlyon, Etheralist, Merlin Framling, Shadow, Merlin |
Posts : 136
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
10/08/03 12:35 PM |
Also there were some good archer pets that I found in Albion (we were relic raiding at the time so I didn't note where) that conned blue and were easy to hold (48 mana, light secondary), but for the pet having to hit you to break mezz, not true that I have found, they only have to swing at you to break the mezz. Althare 50 Enchantress........\ Dotss 50 Mentalist 1162 Tailor | Aihare 47.6 NS 1100 Alc........}All on hold til 2nd Semester Prettycute LostHerMind 4x BB.| ......................................../ All on Galahad |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/11/03 2:25 PM |
Lets just say this is bumped for those of you who ask about pets. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 56
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/17/03 10:11 AM |
Keep this info bumped please or streamline and make it sticky? It is highly useful and thanks again!!! Arlyon, Etheralist, Merlin Framling, Shadow, Merlin |
Posts : 176
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/20/03 3:03 PM |
Someone once told me that keeping a Pet Charmed Drains your power. Is this true? |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/20/03 3:21 PM |
Yes if you have a pet it does drain power, it has a ten second pulsing cost. By the way I'm working on Atlantis Pets. any input would be greatly apreciated. with my 26 light I don't charm a whole lot in atlantis, most of the stuff there would eat me. So any light ments i would love to hear what you got to say about charming pets in ToA. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 134
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/28/03 2:51 PM |
ok...newbie question here...i have just been messing around with a /level 30 ment...i specd in full light. I can charm a blue pet but i loose the pet like crazy mad :( i would think that this should not be...i thought that if you were full light you had mad charming power...how does a blue keep leaving my control??? Can anyone plz help. |
Posts : 0
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
11/28/03 5:00 PM |
Are you running out of power? If you're full light, then you're 0 mana. If you're 0 mana, then you have no power regen. If you have no power regen, then you're going to run out of power sooner or later if you have something charmed- and the higher level charm you're using, the faster that will be. |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/10/03 11:33 AM |
Bump Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 13
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/17/03 5:40 AM |
Tyeldr write : Bananach: Kinda low lvl but like to use an instant spirit DD ALOT. Good for interrupting casters. Ranges from lvl 39-46. I don't know where to find that mob, anybody can help ? For the formulas, i use this : (v 1.63) (Level x 0.75) + ((Spec Level + Bonuses) * 0.25) = Level mob you can charm whithout too much resists I usually prefer to round down the result, that mean if the result is 51.5 i try not to keep mob level 52 Thanks Edit : Sorry for my poor english but what means bg / bgs / bg3 ??? Amodlet, Mentalist 4x (France Carnac) |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/17/03 10:52 AM |
I really don't know based on level i would think its in mid fronteir. Don't always live longenough to keep or make getting a pet in rvr worth wild. All the formulas are pretty close, I only have 26 light and so pets are i've found the two up there to be closer to what i can actually charm safely. I'm level 48 I have 26 + 11 light based on first formula i can charm 44 safely, the second formula i can charm 43.6 safely. your formula sais i can charm a 45 safely. I guess depending on why you find safe. When I say safely I mean doesn't turn, or very very rarely does. I can charm a level 44 MoB with very little chance of resisting, a level 45 mob would revolt on me once every 10 minutes or so, and it would always happen when your pulling at least thats how my luck goes. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 13
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/18/03 12:24 PM |
When a says safe, i mean without double resist for one hour. About the formula, you have to round down the result and it's not then same for each mob. so you have to make your own mind. An advice, if the mob double resist quickly (less then 5 minutes) then say bye bye mob before it be hello bind stone. Don't keep him. Really. Another thing, this formula is not mine. but it was more than tested a approuved by a fameous french mentalist call Dywenx (http://mentaliste.dywen.com). He says that it's work in 95% of case. I have tested it, and for my part, it's work effectively. Amodlet, Mentalist 4x (France Carnac) |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/18/03 3:27 PM |
Bumped with updates added Spell Description for Charm spells... Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 11
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/21/03 8:18 AM |
this is awsome info now can u make a guild on were to hun? lol ~*Before you critisize some one walk a mile in their shoes that way your a mile away and you have their shoes*~ |
(Was never 1337)
Posts : 2088
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/21/03 11:25 AM |
You forgot the isolationist cleric. He does red base con, red base af to group. Heals for like 300-500 I think if below 1/3 health. Has great melee with parry and blocks. He also smites.  | "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." - Franklin AIM qaquariusq member since May 2002 |  | |
Posts : 623
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/22/03 9:55 AM |
Could I get level's and where found? I'll add it! And if anyone knows any ToA Mobs, I have a small list i'm compling of Meso creatures that are charmable, but with my limited charm I can only charm up to level 44 reliable and that leaves lots of ToA Mobs far from my grasp. Jon - Night Elven Druid - Artisan Skinner, LW, Fisher FireStarter - Human Mage Princess - Night Elven Priest - Artisan Tailor, Fisher (Wife) |
Posts : 13
RE: General Info for Charming Pets |
12/22/03 9:58 AM |
Aqua : "You forgot the isolationist cleric. He does red base con, red base af to group. Heals for like 300-500 I think if below 1/3 health. Has great melee with parry and blocks. He also smites." And where can i find him ? do you know the level of the mob and the charm to use ? Amodlet, Mentalist 4x (France Carnac) |