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Enchanter pets?
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Sep '00
Date Posted:
12/12/04 10:21pm
Enchanter pets?
Hi, I'm new to the enchanter class and lovin' it so far. Does adding to my enchantment spec increase my pets level? And can someone please give me a rundown of the different types of pets? This is what I gather so far:
Underhill Friend: Offensive melee, like a zerker?
Companion: Caster like a wizard
Ally: Healer/fighter
Compatriot: Defensive melee, like a warrior
Zealot: Don't have it yet
Am I right? And which pets do you all usually use? I find the companion to be most useful most of the time; the damage output is pretty nice.
Also, any other tricks of the trade you can let me in on as a chanter? Any advice is appreciated. BTW, I'm playing on Mordred. Thanks.
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Mar '04
Date Posted:
12/12/04 11:43pm
RE: Enchanter pets?
- Date Edited:
12/13/04 5:33pm (2 edits total)
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The pets arent THAT effective :P
Its more like:
1 Underhill Friend, Basic Tank
Its the starter pet. Almost noone (if any at all) uses this after they have reached lvl 7 it seems.
7 Underhill Companion, Caster, uses a DD
Probably the 2nd most used pet. More common sight in rvr, thanks to its dd having a built in snare. Works quite nice when you need to run from someone, or to get some distance to him/her for nukes. Nukes dont hurt THAT much, but the snare is ace. Would say that dd hits more like a baseline in an unspeced line. Anyways, its far from any wizard- damage :P
12 Underhill Ally, Healer, uses Regen
Probably the most used pet. Healer, and a pretty tough tanker pet. Atleast when buffed. Seems prefered for its healing when stuff gets tricky, and mobs start beating you or a groupmate, instead of the pet. Also, the castable conc-shield sticks on this pet. But im not sure if AF has any effect on pets. Some say it does, some say it doesent. Anyways, its healing come in very handy at times. I would say it heals like a shaman, rather than a healer. One with very little speced in mending, if any at all. But its heals nevertheless.
20 Underhill Compatriot, Enhanced Tank with Self Shield
Supposedly a tougher pet than the rest, thanks to its selfshield, which it recast automaticly each 20 minutes or something. The ally seems to be the prefered tanker pet anyways. Not really sure why. Might be about the shieldbuffs?
32 Underhill Zealot, Enhanced Caster, uses a DD w/ Debuff
Our 2nd caster pet. It casts a heat based dd and also casts a 10% heat debuff (correct me if im wrong). More people seem to use the companion rather than this one. Maybe because they feel they get more out of their own debuff/nuke. Maybe because of the snare.
I use either the ally, or the companion most of the times.
Good luck
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Feb '04
Date Posted:
12/13/04 12:14am
RE: Enchanter pets?
underhill friend kicks ass. dont listen to that shmuck.
buff it up and it does the most melee dmg of all the pets. i use it all the time personally, but i have ml9. for instance, my friend had bases and my spec level 6 and 7 enchantment pet buffs and i popped ml9 on it. it hit a shadowblade for 600 a pop. this without druid specs at all. but then again since you dont have ml9, its probably not worth your time.
zookietwo, nelldan, vaina, gadzookie, fatpogo Oweodd ftw
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Mar '04
Date Posted:
12/13/04 5:17pm
RE: Enchanter pets?
- Date Edited:
12/13/04 5:32pm (1 edits total)
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How much would the compatriot/ally hit for in the same situation? Must be a reason noone (but you then :P) uses the friend?
I will have to log in and test it some
Edit by Edith. Yes, indeed. The friend hits harder than the other 2 "melee"- pets. Alot harder infact. Just did a melee test now. How well does that pet tank?
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Jun '03
Date Posted:
12/13/04 5:45pm
RE: Enchanter pets?
The friend sucks against high con mobs though like runi. He cant even hit em, where the campatriot hits runi for 200 a pop.
Jib gimpy ranger Schitzo, Chanter, Likes to die alot! Pestulence, easy mode mid!
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Mar '03
Date Posted:
12/13/04 6:59pm
RE: Enchanter pets?
The friend swings a lot slower than the compatriot. This is the reason why it hits harder. Funnily enough, this also the reason why the compatriot is used more often then the friend.
More swings = more hits = more agro for pet = less agro for caster.. Or something like that.
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Sep '04
Date Posted:
12/15/04 5:05am
RE: Enchanter pets?
As a solo (really solo, no BB) enchantment Enchanter (stupid term) now at lvl 47 I never would use the friend or the ally pet. They just go down to fast. The compatriot does deal enough damage and takes less damage because of his AF. Less damage means less healing means chainpull yellow/ora con mobs. Along with his heal-procc I seldom have to heal and can waste my mana with nuking the mobs when they are below 20%.
Btw: Juggernaut 1 is definately worth the 5 points. At lvl 47 my pet is level 41 and with my red specc enchantment-buffs and Jugger 1 Chisisi (lvl60) is no problem at all.
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Oct '03
Date Posted:
12/15/04 6:48pm
RE: Enchanter pets?
it all matters what you using the enchanter for. if going to use for leveling others with no buff bot or as a baseline chr then enchant enchanter takes the cake hands down for the enchanter class.
As a newly seasoned 50 enchant enchanter I have so far had little if no problem killing mobs, as in pet has 30% life kill single yellow/orange mobs without any healing and still have 10% life left afterwards.
At level 49 I was doing the lost seed quest with ease by popping juggernaught 1.
If you go enchantments make sure to get something that gives you max buff bonus, duration bonus is very nice for juggernaught, and malestrom.. Heal proc will save you against even in the worst situation.
Red DA tht stacks with warden DA helps any tanks in RvR (when tanks actually get to do something other than siege). You also get a pet piercing magic to help there spells not be resisted as much, and if the spells land against lower level players increases the damage.
I can't really say anything about light and mana specs since only have 20 mana
Bann Sidhe Legion Nimue Miradorm 50 ranger Miraneum 50 chant specced enchanter Alb Gareth Miradorm 50 Friar Holy Order of Lunar Knights "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason." Wizards 6th rule
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Dec '03
Date Posted:
12/16/04 7:15am
RE: Enchanter pets?
- Date Edited:
12/16/04 7:15am (1 edits total)
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nvm :P
Brack 50 Elph Enchanter 8L4 ML10 Convoker Hib/Excal Vengeance
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