DAoC - DualWield vs. Blocking Test Results by Artemis

Attacker stats: 367str, 322 con, 298 dex, 251 qui         35+16 slash, 50+16 dw, 1+16 parry

Defender stats: 355 str, 325 con, 325 dex, 218 qui        1609 ws, 2190 hp, af: 765    50 thrust, 50 shield, mastery of blocking 2 (+5%)

Defender armor af98 30% bonus, everything 100 condition df seal bought

RESULTS:  35.5% blocking rate is reduced to 26% by dual wielding (66 dw spec). A reduction of about 27%. NOT cut in half.

Note: Test sample size is small, thus the results are not definitive although I believe it to be representative.The dual wield rate is about 70% and this certainly has an impact why it is not cut in half. A test with LeftAxe mechanics with a sample log of 1000+ attacks per hand would give a much more accurate picture.

Log1, Log2

Statistics: Amethyst Slash style (single attacks) (35+16 slash)
Name Weapon Attacks Double Attacks Hits Avg Base Dmg Min/Max Base Dmg Crits Avg Crit Dmg Procs Avg Proc Dmg Misc Hits Avg Misc Dmg Ablat Evades Parries Blocks Misses Intercepts Bladeturns Bladeturn Fail Fumbles Too Far Away Strafing Misses
TOTAL sword110 62 (56.4%)152.9 (-17.0)127 - 17711 (17.7%)62.6     2 (1.8%)7 (6.5%)
39 (38.6%)

TOTAL - Avg Base Dmg: 152.9
Style Weapon Uses Hits Perfect / Fail Avg Dmg Missed Blocked Parried Evaded Fumbled
Amethyst Slashsword11062 (56.4%)62 / 62 (100.0%)54.6 39 (35.5%)7 (6.4%)2 (1.8%) 


Statistics: Dual shadows (dw) style attacks (50+16 dw, 35+16 slash)
Name Weapon Attacks Double Attacks Hits Avg Base Dmg Min/Max Base Dmg Crits Avg Crit Dmg Procs Avg Proc Dmg Misc Hits Avg Misc Dmg Ablat Evades Parries Blocks Misses Intercepts Bladeturns Bladeturn Fail Fumbles Too Far Away Strafing Misses
TOTAL sword10580 (76.2%)69 (65.7%)150.9 (-16.7)121 - 1818 (11.6%)61.2  2517.6 3 (2.9%)5 (4.9%)
27 (27.8%)
1 (1.4%)
sword (left)80 49 (61.3%)145.4 (-16.1)122 - 1675 (10.2%)34.0  8917.2 1 (1.2%)6 (7.6%)
19 (26.0%)
4 (7.4%)
   1 (1.2%)  

TOTAL - Avg Base Dmg: 150.9
Style Weapon Uses Hits Perfect / Fail Avg Dmg Missed Blocked Parried Evaded Fumbled
Dual Shadowssword10468 (65.4%)68 / 68 (100.0%)66.51 (1.0%)27 (26.0%)5 (4.8%)3 (2.9%) 


Neil's Parser was used for these tests. These tests were conducted by Artemis_daoc (VN).