Welcome to Pete's Geeky DAOC Page!
Misc. DAOC Related Documents:
Random Musings/Discoveries:
- Baseline Buffs and Spec Variance (6/14/03) - Did a little bit of math to see how the baseline buffs varied with spec. The results are kinda strange. Basically, 1 spec in the buff line (Enhance/Aug/Nurture) gives you 75% of the delve value of the baseline buff. At delve/2 spec, you will be getting 100% of the value. At level+1 of the buff, you will be getting 125% of the value. So it's a non-linear curve... kinda odd. More details here.
- Listed SPD of weapons (5/9/03) - heh.... had a developer offer to share some exact weapon stats to help with testing. After I asked the developer to make absolutely sure it was okay because I would like to publicize the findings based on the info (and thus the info), they said they checked with the big boys and was told they couldn't give me the info after all. /sigh. Amazingly frustrating to have developers that want to help but management that won't let them.
- Listed SPD of weapons (5/4/03) - Confirmed that the listed SPD of a weapon is truncated, hence a 3.9SPD weapon might be a 3.901SPD weapon or a 3.999SPD weapon (knew this already, just never had raw confirmation before).
- Slow Weapon Bonus (4/20/03) - Still trying to pin this down for sure. It's obvious there's a bonus for slower SPD weapons. Based on the current data, it looks like it's .03% for each .1SPD over 2.0SPD. Unfortunately it's hard to be sure due to issues with SPD printing. Assuming that's accurate we can determine true weapon speed to within .02 from the damage cap, though.. problem is, is it 100% accurate? Still checking various data.
- Two Handed Damage Formula (4/16/03 - Proven that the 2H damage formula (for Mid only so far) is a base bonus of 10% and grows exactly .5% for each spec. The interesting thing turned up
in this testing was that you have to have at least one spec in the weapon to get this bonus, thus unspec'd melee such as Healers and Shaman do not gain the 2H 10% bonus as many previously thought. Trying to get Hib/Alb confirmation that it's the same there (already confirmed the 10% bonus is the same, just gotta confirm the .5% is the same)
Who is this geek anyway?
Most of the stuff I work on is for my own clarification. I'm a bit of a hobbyist - when I start a hobby, I like to know a lot about it.
My hobbies have ranged from sports to books to anime to cars, and lately has been DAOC (which is amazingly cheaper than my last hobby,
cars, which I spent waaaaaay too much money on). Yeah, I'm a geek, and no, I don't care (and yes, I do "have a life" if anyone knows what
that really means! :P)
I've been playing DAOC since the day after release. I tend to go in cycles, I pick a realm and a char and I play it for awhile until
either I get bored or something else interests me more. For a list of my toons, click here.
I post on most boards under the username "watermnp" and on VN under the username vn_SquawkingTiger.