Whyrl Wynds Ranger Guide v4.1
Special thanks to GuyGrim for posting this guide. It can be found and printed out from here.
He may have the previous version up so if you want the update just wait a few days.
A final thanks to all those who help contribute to this guide.
PLEASE SEND ALL INQUIRIES AND CORRECTIONS TO KABER. I have taken over updating the guide for Whyrl, so please send your info to me if something needs to be changed or added.
This is a big update, I have finally settled on a format for this to give me the easiest possible way of explaining things in a more dynamic way rather than having things repeated multiple times in different sections. Let me know what you think (Did you like it better before and I screwed it all up? Is it easier to understand now? Do you even care?)
Recent changes:
- Table of contents added for easier navigation
- What could be better than some cool names for our variants?!? Still working on them, but changed one of the titles of our variant builds in section 1
- Added information about autotraining to the bottom of section 1.
- New information about level 9 and 10 materials in section 2 (bottom of the player made vs merchant section)
- Added information about how Bonus affects weapons and armor to section 2
- Updated and moved (slightly) how quality effects weapons (section 2)
- Moved the section about WeapDam and WeapSkill to the Melee section from the Equipment section
- Added description to Celtic Dual in Melee Styles (section 7)
- Split up the Speccing Weapon vs CD section (section 6) into an exaplanation of what each does, then a comparison
- Added information about weapon speeds and celtic dual to section 6.
- Extra use for pathfinding speed buff (bottom of section 5)
- I moved a lot of the sections around hoping to make things more dynamic and reduce the amount of repeated information in different sections
1) Starting Off
2) Equipment
3) Basic Setup
4) Using Our Bow
5) Pathfinding
6) Melee Skills
7) Melee Styles
9) Sample Templates
10) Miscellaneous
11) Tactics
12) Spells
I believe there are 3 types of Rangers with many variations.
1) Stealth Sniper
2) Melee Sniper
3) Bladedancer
What is a Stealth Sniper?
The Sniper is a solo artist capable of sneaking within bow range of multiple opponents, fire off a few shots and than disappear in the landscape. Their victim has usually fallen dead to the ground with their companions scrambling around in multiple directions. This is still possible after the recent patches however a little more difficult. The main weakness of this template was the Stealth Snipers reluctance to put any points into melee skills. Recently this has changed. The Stealth Sniper is, now, by level 50 having their weapon skills around 2/3rds of their level allowing them to deal out descent damage to opponents when bow turns out not to be an option. Top 3 skills: Bow, stealth, and weapon. (Note from Kaber: often this template will completely ignore all melee to increase Pathfinding buffs. The Dex/qui buff is considered important for reduced bow draw times.)
What is a Melee Sniper?
A Melee Sniper is a versatile ranger capable of shining in both the solo and grouping arena. This build is more of a cross between a Blademaster and a Stealth Sniper, but unlike the Stealth Sniper, Melee Snipers do not have the bow skill to kill, solo and in RVR, a yellow con opponent surrounded by multiple allies until the mid 40s. The Melee Sniper can kill yellow and orange opponents with bow, however it is usually done in a large battle and takes a few more arrows than a Sniper would. The Melee Sniper shines more with his melee skills, capable of taking out any low yellow con opponent melee only. Top 3 skills: Weapon, Bow, and path.
What is a Bladedancer?
A Bladedancer is a ranger designed for grouping. Many people believe this is what the Blademaster class should have been, and quit their Blademasters to start this variant of the ranger. The bow skill of this ranger is always at 25% of their level until the late 40s (from autotraining). This provides the ranger the ability to do slight damage from afar, which is great for pulling without drawing aggro. The melee skill of this ranger is a phenomenon to behold, especially when provided with buffs by group-mates. This ranger really shines in battles with his ability to sneak up to foes and deal quick death melee only. Most often this ranger circles around his casters and healers stealthily in a battle trying to draw attacks from enemy assassins, sneak up on enemy snipers or surprise attack any opponent deemed to close. This template may also ignore stealth a bit to increase further its incredible melee abilities. While in the solo arena a Bladedancer will always outdamage a Blademaster because of the self buffs, many argue that a true Blademaster can still out-damage the Bladedancer in a group atmosphere with the perfect setup (i.e. Druid buffs/enchanter weap buff). But a rangers self damage add buff stacks with the enchanters, boosting his damage to equal, if not higher amounts than a Blademaster. This variant is much more versatile than a standard Blademaster because of the stealth, self buffs, bow range of an archer, and an auto-trained.
What race should I choose?
Choose the Race you like better. However, if you want to delve into the attributes here you go.
Starting attributes (Str, Con, Dex, Qui, and Total of the 4 attributes)
Celt S60, C60, D60, Q60, T240
Elf S40, C40, D75, Q75, T230
Lurikeen S40, C40, D80, Q80, T240
What are the impact of the 4 main attributes and how should I spend my 30 bonus points?
STR: Increase Weapon damage for Blades and Pierce. Determines encumbrance of a player. Due to debuffs, I, a melee sniper, plan on not carrying more than 400 arrows into RvR. If you chose a Lurikeen or an Elf it is my suggestion to put 10 points into STR.
CON: Provides hit points. I plan on wearing as much con gear as I can get. If you chose a Lurikeen or an Elf it is my suggestion to put 20 points into con to raise it 15 points. As a Celt I recommend 10 points in CON.
DEX: This increases your weapon damage for bow and pierce. Due to our increase every level and the caps are fairly easily met I do not recommend Lurikeens and Elves put any points into Dex. As a Celt I would recommend putting 10 points into DEX.
QUI: Reduces melee/ranged weapon delay. Every full 6 points of QUI above 60 will reduce a weapon's delay by exactly 0.1 seconds until 90. After 90 it is not currently known how much QUI reduces draw times, but I am currently working on the new numbers. Previously, it was every full 8 points that would reduce a weapons delay by 0.1 after 108. Somewhere around 230+ QUI in the upper 40s, people have reported getting draw times on 4.4 spd bows down to 2.8-2.9 seconds. Due to our increase in Quickness every other level and the caps are fairly easily met I do not recommend Lurikeens and Elves put any points into Qui. For Celts I recommend 10 points in QUI.
How many bonus points can I put into an attribute?
The first 10 points to put into an attribute (example STR) will provide an increase of 10points Str, 1:1 ratio. If a person decides to add another 10 points to the same attribute it will provide only an increase of 5 points, 2:1 ratio. If the person decides to add the last 10 points to the same attribute it will provide only an increase of 3 points, 3:1 ratio. At most, you can raise 1 stat by 18 points by spending 29 character points.
Another thing to consider is there are attribute caps at higher levels. Due to this I do not recommend putting all your points into one attribute. You will get the most benefit by spreading the 30 points out.
What is Auto-training?
For every class there is one skill that a trainer will automatically train for you for free if it dropped below 25% of your level. For Rangers it is the bow that is auto-trained. Starting at level 8 and every 4 levels afterwards your trainer will increase your bow skill by 1 without taking any of your precious skill points. For example at level 20 if you never touched your bow specialization you will automatically have a skill level of 5 from autotraining.
I found the below quotes from a Tradeskill site (site listed in lower potion of guide)
"Effective AF is all the combat algorithm looks at, if blue gear is giving better AF than yellow because of higher Quality, the blue gear *is* better. I've tested this extensively, 50 percent quality 30th level armor gives the same performance as 100% 15th level armor of the same type (assuming you are 30th). We're going to be changing the right-click item info to display effective AF so people are more aware of this."
"Effective AF" is derived from base AF (the number currently displayed on right-click). Every armor item has a base Armor Factor, base AF divided by 2 equals Item Level for everything but Cloth, where AF = Level. But when you're in combat, the base AF is affected by Quality and Condition. Quality affects both the chance the armor will completely absorb the blow, and the amount of damage you take when it does, so the impact of quality "double dips". Condition only affects the damage taken. So "Effective AF" equals Base AF times Quality times Condition.
The "ArmorFact" field on the character display has always reflected this effective AF rather than base AF. Soon, right-click will also show effective AF, and base AF will only be shown on Shift+I."
So after reading the above I surmised the following.
Quality affect on Actual AF:
Af 42, quality 85%, condition 100%
AF 40, quality 92%, condition 100%
Which would you say is the better piece. If you picked AF 42 piece you are wrong.
42*.85*1 = 35.7 actual AF
40*.94*1 = 36.8 actual AF
Condition effect on Actual AF:
42*.90*.85 = 32.13 actual AF
40*.90*1 = 36.8 actual AF
Player made vs. Merchant bought:
40*.90*1 = 36 actual AF (lowest player made, 90%)
40*.85*1 = 34 actual AF (merchant bought, 85%)
Quality factors into how much damage you can do to a mob. For instance let say a dagger can deal 8.5 DPS. We have 2 daggers one merchant bought at 85%quality and the other at 92% quality player made. The maximum damage for the 85% dagger would be 7.2 DPS and for the 92% dagger would be 7.8 DPS. It uses the exact same formulas armor does. Simply multiply DPS * Qua * Con and you get your effective DPS. It is currently not known whether this affects arrows or not, since they do not display any form of Quality or Condition.
What makes armor and weaponry made from the new material types better than monster drops?
Well, for one thing, they last longer. The 10th type lasts 50% longer than high level drops, and the 9th type lasts 25% longer. More durability means less cost in the long run.
- Sanya Thomas (Internet Public Relations, Mythic)
Buy player made!
This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hitting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearing a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then have is a 5% addition to your "to hit" (which is simply your chance to hit the opponent). It doesn't affect how MUCH you hit for, it increases your chances of landing a hit on him at all.
- Sanya Thomas
Enchanting a player made item will add Bon: to it for a price. If you have the money, enchant your player made gear.
I plan on carry both Great Recurve and Short Recurve eventually. Great Recurve for a couple of high damage shots. Short Recurve for the lessor damage but fast shooting to disrupted casters and other archers. At the moment I carry just a Recurve bow.
Short Recurve and Great Recurve should have ranges:
clout 21 paces
normal 25 paces
flight 33 paces
Recurve bows should have ranges:
clout 23 paces
normal 27 paces
flight 35 paces
At starting levels money is very scarce, and it is difficult to keep gear upgraded. So, I buy my pieces in Rotation.
Here is the rotation I started at lvl 10 for reinforced armor:
Lvl 10 : Vine Cailiocht Gloves, Boots and sleeves 2.3gp for all three pieces
Lvl 11: Shell Tacuil Jerkin 3.6gp
Lvl 12: Shell Nadurtha Helm and Legs 5.2 gp for the 2 pieces
Lvl 13: Shell Cailiocht Gloves, Boots, and sleeves 6.9 gp for all three pieces
Lvl 14: Weapons (Your choice Range or Melee)
Lvl 15: Weapons (See above and do the opposite)
Lvl 16: Fossil Tacuil Jerkin 9.2 gp
Lvl 17: Fossil Nadurtha Helm and Legs 15.5gp for the 2 pieces
Lvl 18: Fossil Cailiocht Gloves, Boots and sleeves 20.6gp for all three pieces
Lvl 19: Weapons
See the pattern.
By following this rotation I have been in all orange and yellow armor and have had orange and yellow weapons at all times in a very inexpensive manner.
Also, quests and drops will provide some equipment. Plan ahead and when you have to buy a piece make sure it is player-made.
After around level 20 the cheapest armor type is Tacuil, and usually in full sets since each step of the same armor type jumps by 10 AF. It should be noted adding 10 AF to your armor increases it 5 levels. So you will only need to be purchasing new armor every 5 levels, and usually when it turns blue or green. To figure out what AF would be yellow to you at your level, multiply your level by 2. If you are level 15 you need AF 30, and if you are level 30 you need AF 60 armor.
Suppose you have AF 30 and you're looking for an upgrade. Your choices:
AF 36 20g (Cailiocht)
AF 40 22g (Tacuil)
AF 42 30g (Nadurtha)
You could upgrade to AF 36 but since it costs almost exactly the same to make AF 40, let's go with AF 40. Instead of AF 40 you could consider AF 42 but look at the price difference: almost 50% more gold for an AF that is only slightly higher.
This trend continues all the way up the chart. Buy tacuil (when you want the most for your money). The price skew gets worse past AF 40. For example: AF 66 (Cailiocht) costs 181g to make. But AF 70 (Tacuil) only costs 97g to make! It's crazy.
- Fren_Armorsmith
A command is something you type into the text box, and the program will execute it. Some of the more common commands are:
/follow by typing this in you will automatically follow your target
/stick very similar to follow, but you follow much much closer. Its primary use is in combat so you do not lose your target if it moves.
/face similar to follow, but rather than actually moving forward or backward to follow the target, you only face it (mainly used lining up bow shots or casting spells)
/task by choosing a NPC or a named guard, they will give you a Task to complete for money and experience
/assist By selecting a friendly member of your realm (usually a party member) this will select the target he is attacking as your target. Very useful with multiple enemies near.
What is a macro?
A macro is a command that you have turned into a quick key to place on your quick bar. So instead of having to type in each command manually, you only have to setup a macro and click it once to activate it just like any other key on your quick bar. Once you have typed in the macro, an icon apears on your mouse. You simply drag the command to your quick bar like you would any other skill.
To set up a macro you type:
/macro <name> <command>
So to make a macro for the follow command you would type in:
/macro foll /follow
This is also possible with regular text in any format. For instance you could make a help macro in group chat by typing:
/macro help /g Help!!! Im being attacked!
Shift F1- F8: Targets individuals in your group
Shift 1 8: Shifts between banks of hot keys
1 8 (above letter keys): activates hot key in bank your are in.
q: sideways movement to left
w: sideways movement to right
~ and arrow key: Changes the over head look
What are some of the basic Hot Keys?
Each player has 8 banks capable of supporting 8 hot keys. Players can maneuver to different Banks by clicking the mouse on the arrow buttons or by pressing the shift key and number key (1-
. Example, to get to bank 8 press shift and the 8 key above letters u and I.
Basic Banks are may be needed for the following:
Soloing, Grouping (Puller), Grouping (non-puller), Buffs, Trade skills, Styles, and RvR.
I recommend placing styles and RvR Hotkeys in the first 3 banks and soloing and group hotkeys in the middle banks. The reason is that the RvR hotkeys and style hotkeys will be needed quickly and switching to banks 1 3 can be done easily and quickly with the left hand. Also I would recommend putting hotkeys that appear in most Banks, like Sprint, in the same location. Example I keep Sprint in the first hot key for each Bank.
Can you provide an example of hot keys and banks?
Here is what I use as a melee sniper:
Bank 1 RvR Travel/Escape
Speed buff
Black Widow
1 sos /y Enemy upon us
Bank 2 - styles
A-Time /Stick
Black Widow
Blank (Cobras Bite lvl 39)
Evade /Stick
Blinding Rain (dot)/ Diamondback (Stun)
Blizzard (Speed >)/ Blinding Rain (Dot)
Stealth / Blizzard (Speed >)
Bank 3 - styles
Behind /stick
Snow Shower (Slow)
Gale (Dot)
Side /stick
Copperhead (slow)/ IceStorm (stun)
Vipers bite / Copper Head (slow)/ Tempest (Dot)
Blank / Vipers bite /Copperhead (slow)
Stealth / Stealth / Vipers bite
Bank 4 Solo
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Black Widow
Range Weapon
Crit Shot
Bank 5 Group-PVE
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Taunt /stick
Range Weapon
1 add /g ADD heads up
Bank 6 Group - RvR
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Black Widow
Range Weapon
1 sos /y Enemy upon us
Bank 7 Buffs
DPS buff
AF buff
D/Q buff
Str Buff
Speed buff
Bank 8 Miscellaneous
/whisper task
Ground target will bring up a target on the gound. Once you bring it up, you can set it to a location in front of you. To set it up for an archer. find a stationary target or NPC and target them and than draw an arrow (click on bow hotkey). If it says you are in range, move back and repeat. Repeat until you get out of range. Once out of range step forward until you can target again. Now bring up your ground target by pressing F5. Hold the F5 key down and press your forward key until you move the ground target under the mob/npc. F5 will now appear at your maximum range. Note: Keep in mind your range changes by arrow type and elevation of land. Also, You will have to set up the Ground Target every time you log on.
Ground Target benefits RVR since you dont have to unstealth to check if your target is in range.
Raising your bow spec has an effect on the damage done by your normal shots, exactly the same way melee specialization has on melee skills. If your modified bow specialization is half of your level, damage will be 50% to 100% (average 75%) of the "standard" amount. If your modified bow specialization is two-thirds of your level, damage will be 75% to 125% (average 100%) of the "standard" amount. If your modified bow specialization is equal or over your level, damage will be 100% to 150% (average 125%) of the "standard" amount. This "standard" amount is based on the item's DPS and delay, and the targets ABS.
- Oakleif
First make macros for your bow and Crit shot. Next find a grey to practice on. If you do not already have bow equipped do so by clicking on bow hot key. Click on your Ground Target to verify range. Click on the Crit shot hot key. This will show you how long you have to aim and whether you are in range. Once you receive word that you are ready click on the bow hot key. Note: I then hit the bow hotkey twice more to draw and fire automatically the next arrow.
How come crit shot does not work on occasion?
Crit shot does not work when the target is engaged/in attack mode or running. Players, the inexperience ones, can be Crit shot multiple times as long as they dont go into attack mode. NPCs quickly go into attack mode once they get hit. However, multiple rangers can crit shot the same NPC if timing is correct.
How does the Crit damage work?
So with 1.45 patch to live servers, they changed the critical shot calculation to approximate:
Targets that would con high grey to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 2.0 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con green to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 2.0 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con blue to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 2.0 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con yellow to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 2.0 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con orange to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 1.7 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con red to your bow spec would have a multiplier of 1.4 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con purple to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 1.1 applied to their normal shot.
The multiplier would never decrease below 1.1 times the normal shot, nor be larger than 2.0 times your normal shot.
- Oakleif
How does Crit shot and draw time work?
Critical Shot I is obtained at the third train in bow and has a draw time of 2.0 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot II is obtained at the sixth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.9 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot III is obtained at the ninth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.8 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot IV is obtained at the twelfth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.7 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot V is obtained at the fifteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.6 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VI is obtained at the eighteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.5 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VII is obtained at the twenty-first train in bow and has a draw time of 1.4 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VIII is obtained at the twenty-fourth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.3 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot IX is obtained at the twenty-seventh train in bow and has a draw time of 1.2 times your normal draw time.
Multiple rangers have to time their crit shot to fire at the same time.
Setup the following macros and place them on your quick bar:
/macro aim /g AIM
/macro 3 /g 3
/macro 2 /g 2
/macro 1 /g 1
Timing is the main reason why I have Macros called Aim, 3, 2 and 1. In a group with multiple rangers, I notify group of location of mob I am targeting. I than click the Aim Macro key notifying others to aim at target. They can either target mob by my description prior to attacking or use assist macro. I than wait until the you are ready to fire prompt and than hit the 3 macro, followed by the 2 macro and then the 1 macro and then I fire. Once the other members see me say 1 they fire. I have gotten 5 rangers to all crit shot the same mob this way. Takes a little bit of practice but once everyone has the hang of it, it works beautifully.
When you click on the bow or crit shot hot key to aim the arrow selected is the one at the top of the inventory compared to the other arrows. If you want to change arrow types just move the specific arrows to the top of the inventory. You will fire the arrow previously selected and draw and aim the most recent arrow type.
Note: Part of this is pre-patch 1.44, some have been updated with recent numbers, but any and all help with the current numbers would be greatly appreciated.
Name Lvl Effect
Determination 2 +12 af
Vigorous Will 3 +13 str
Perseverance 4 +14 af
Piercing Strike 5 +1.4 DPS
Sharpened Senses 6 +19 dex/qui
Strength of Will 7 +20 str
Self Control 8 +18 af
Forest Shadow 9 +35% speed for 20secs
Incisive Strike 10 +1.8 DPS
Iron Will 11 (removed?)
Keen Sight 12 (removed?)
Fortification of Will 13 (removed?)
Resolution 14 +24 af
Cutting Strike 15 +2.9 DPS
Greater Forest Shadow 16 +50% speed for 25secs
Devotion 18 +28 af
Enhanced Senses 19 +31 dex/qui
Focus of Will 20 +32 str
Sharpened Strike 21 +4.2 DPS
Steel Mind 23 +49 af
Forest Spirit 25 +65% speed for 35secs
Precision Strike 27 +5.4 DPS
Honed Reflexes 29 +38 dex/qui
Power of Will 30 +39 str
Inner Strength 31 +61 af
Greater Forest Spirit 34 +80% speed for 45secs
Unerring Strike 36 +7.3 DPS
Force of Will 39 +46 str
Superior Coordination 40 +52 dex/qui
Invincibility 42 +78 af
Forest Phantom 43 +95% speed for 50secs
Perfect Strike 46 +9.4 DPS
Perfect Acuity 48 +60 dex/qui
Sovereign Will 50 +62 str
The reason I broke them up this way is that a lot of rangers choose their maximum Pathfinding spec by our speed buffs.
How do I use the speed buff and when should I use it?
The speed buff can only be used once every 10 minutes, and increases your run speed greatly. Unfortunately if can be interupted and canceled if you take any damage after you turn it on, making it a waste if not used properly. My preference is to hit sprint first. After I hit sprint I wait until after the second or third hit from the mob and than I hit speed buff. One other very good use for the speed buff is catching people quickly without burning too much endurance. Using the speed buff alone will often allow you to keep up with a sprinting enemy; if you sprint for a few moments you can often catch up and use styles while they are out of endurance. To use this your must put your melee weapons away, so I usually put away my weapons, wait a second, then hit the sprint buff and continue to follow my enemy until I see he is no longer sprinting. At that point I pull out my weapons and cancel the speed buff by doing so.
Piercing is dependent on strength and dexterity while blades is dependent on strength alone. Which to choose is subjective, but I will try to give both sides of the argument as best I can.
Blades: Slower swing times mean higher damage output as studied in the link I provide at the end of this section. Not only that, but Blades are on a completely different damage table, and do more damage per swing than a piercer with the exact same speed and DPS. Being based on Strength is arguably the only pitfall here for a Ranger, since rangers have very high Dex in comparison to Str. But that is actually off-set by a number of factors as described above. So a ranger will still do more damage with a Blade than a Piercer. Blades also have a bonus against Leather and Reinforced armor, which are arguably the most common armor types you will be pulling your weapons out against (assassins are the bane of rangers). Blades receive a penalty against Plate, Chain, and Scale armor.
Piercing: Faster swing times mean piercing weapons will have a lower over-all damage output. But the Pierce styles are geared toward Rangers and Nightshades, the lvl 25 Diamondback 6 sec stun is what really makes this spec line worth it. The 4 chain use anytime combo is also excellent (see section 6 for details about each weapons styles). Piercing gets a bonus against Chain armor, and a penalty against Leather (again, the type you will be fighting most), Plate, and Reinforced.
Make your decision based on whether you want very high damage output (Bladedancer would probably do better this route with blades), or if you want those incredibly good styles and are willing to do slightly less damage for them.
Link to Weapon Speed post:
The more you spec in your weapon, the higher your maximum damage will go. As you may notice when you actually take swings there is a variance, which is based on a number of factors (armor, racial weakness, and your damage range). Your damage range is also dependant on weapon spec, and is listed below. So not only is your maximum damage increased with more spec points, your minimum damage range is also boosted.
Weapon damage range @ 1 spec = 25-125%
Weapon damage range @ 50 spec = 100-125%
(minimum increases by 1.5% per spec pt)
CD on the other hand does not increase your damage range, it simply increases you chances to swing both hands at once.
CD base (1) = 25%
CD max (50) = 62.5%
(increases by 0.5% per spec pt, and 0.25% per level)
If I dont use Celtic Dual styles can I still swing both weapons at once?
Yes. You can use pierce or blade styles and still swing both weapons. The only difference is CD styles get slightly higher bonus damage. The chance to double swing remains the same under all circumstances.
Note: When you use a CD style and it is evaded, blocked, or parried and you swing both weapons, neither one will hit your oponent. If you use a pierce/blade style and your main hand is parried, evaded, or blocked and you swing both weapons your second hand has a chance to hit (assuming it doesnt miss) just like using no styles at all.
Weapon Damage is your effective DPS being used. It usually reads something similar to 508 or 1201 on your stats page. The 0 (zero) translates into a . (decimal point), so 508 is 5.8 and 1201 is 12.1. That is how much DPS your weapon has. Go ahead and check it. Now if you are using a higher level item (orange and up), you will notice your WeapDam reads much lower than the actual DPS on your weapon. That is because WeapDam is capped by your level, and usually yellow items are right around where your cap is in DPS. If you are using a blue or yellow weapon, and its DPS read the same as your WeapDam, that could mean you are not at your maximum potential damage. If it reads a number lower than the DPS listed on your weapon, then you are ruining a perfectly good high level weapon for nothing (higher level items degrade much faster than yellow and lower). Try to keep your weapons yellow or low orange con.
Weapon Skill is a modifier that takes into account your stats, specs, buffs, and item bonuses. The higher your stats and specs the higher WeapSkill will go. It is always lower than WeapDam (at least from my experience), and how it helps damage is described below.
Note: I forget where I found this.
Damage is calculated by the following formula. In the part where it says DPS replace that with your WeapDam described above converted to DPS (i.e. 609 to 6.9). Recall from section 2 that your damage is effected by quality and condition as well, its role is better defined here.
(WeapSkill / enemy AF) * DPS * quality * condition * delay
Note: Bows do not follow this formula.
This is your maximum damage per swing, but things such as absorbsion, weakness to that damage type, and others are also calculated in after this. Note that WeapSkill is devided by Enemy AF. This is where the quality and total armor factor come into play for reducing the amount of damage you take from an enemy (described in the AF section above).
Weapon Damage Formula (Found on a post created by Zilence)
y = percentage of max weapon damage, represented in decimal
x = (trained weapon spec + (item and RP bonus)/lvl
Min damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = .75x + .25
Max damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = 1.25
Average damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = .375x + .75
Min damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .25
Max damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .75
Average damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .50
(Note from Kaber: I am unsure that this Weapon Damage Formula is correct or current, I am currently researching this)
Chance to block w/ shield vs. melee: 5%
Chance to block ranged (arrows): 30%
Celtic dual Explained above
I have done a large number of calculations on shields, to which I will place a link if you wish to delve into the numbers. I will spare the calculations here, however, for the sake of easy reading.
What I found is that you should start off using your shield. Low level characters are usually pretty poor, and you get a free shield at level 2 as a stalker. Shields are also cheaper than another weapon. Realistically you should hold off until level 10-20 to start dual wielding depending on how well you are specced in melee. Do not bother dual wielding until you actually get the skill at level 10, you have NO chance to swing both weapons at once until you are able to spec it.
At higher levels you should do some personal tests between CD and using a shield. Generally the response I get from people is when they are specced about or less of their level in melee, they do better using a shield. And generally people with 2/3s of their level or higher in melee do better with Celtic Dual. At this time I believe DEX affects your ability to block, so a Rangers high base DEX should make for more than adequate blocking skills.
For RvR you will have to decide whether you want to be able to block 1 or 2 hits a fight (often those hits will do 300+ damage each), or dish out some extra damage with your off-hand. Like I stated above, it will probably depend on your weapon spec, so you will have to do some testing yourself.
Link to calculations:
I will spare you my many, many calculations for the sake of easier reading. But your optimum damage is for every 5 points you have in your weapon, place 2 points in CD. Basically all you really need to do is keep CD at about of your weapon spec. The idea with keeping CD at half, is that most items add to Weapon specs rather than CD. So generally with +items you will wind up having the best possible damage range (besides, half is a lot easier to keep track of than 2/5s, and the damage difference is not much).
Link to calculations:
Use 2 weapons with very similar speeds. The one big problem with Celtic Dual is that when you double swing, instead of using the speed you actually swing at to calculate both damages, your off-hand uses its own speed. So why does that matter?
Well look at it this way: you have a weapon with a 3.5 delay in your main hand, and a weapon with a 2.2 delay in your off-hand, and they both have the exact same DPS (lets say 8 DPS). Ignore how everything else (WeapDam, WeapSkill, Quality, Quickness, etc) modifies damage for the time being for the sake of keeping this simple. 8 x 3.5 = 28 damage. So you swing with your main hand and do 28 damage.
Now lets say you double swing this round, since your weapons have the same DPS, you would expect the off-hand to do 28 damage as well, right? Wrong. The off-hand swing uses its own delay to calculate damage even though you are swinging every 3.5 seconds. So your off-hand does 17.6 damage (8 x 2.2 = 17.6). To see how much total damage you did that round, add both swings together (28 + 17.6 = 45.6). So you just did 45.5 damage in 3.5 seconds. If you translate that into how much damage you did per second, it comes out to around 13 (45.6 / 3.5 = 13.02).
Now lets say you use both weapons at 2.2 delay. You will do 17.6 damage per swing on both hands, so you did 35.2 damage on that double swing. It looks like a lot less damage, but you are actually doing MORE. If you divide 35.2 by 2.2 (like above), you get 16 damage per second. In the same amount of time (3.5s) you will do 56 damage with both weapon speeds equal compared to around 45 with one slow one fast.
Since styles only use the delay for your main hand weapon, the closer the 2 weapons are in speed the better damage you will do over time. If you are worried about not getting as much Style Bonus damage with faster weapons, the fatigue cost and bonus damage scale down depending on how fast your weapon is. So with faster weapons you get the exact same fatigue usage and bonus damage over time as you would with slower weapons.
Now that this is all said and done, some recent information about weapon speeds affect on over-all damage has cast a small amount of doubt on this. It may be quite possible that using a very slow mainhand weapon could still be better for damage than 2 that are of similar speeds. Still working out the calculations.
Link to Weapon Speed post:
Pathfinding damage add per swing:
7pf = 4 damage average
15pf = 7 damage
21pf = 10 damage
27pf = 15 damage
36pf = 20 damage
46pf = 25 damage
Again if you would like to see my calculations, follow the link below. Pathfinding affects your over-all effectiveness as a ranger. The buffs increase weapon skill, defensive abilities, and your quickness factor for draw times and attack speed. If you simply take the damage add numbers, their effectiveness is directly in between speccing weapon and CD. So roughly your Pathfinding should be around 2/3s of your weapon skill strictly speaking from a melee standpoint. However, the other buffs effect on damage also increases its usefulness, and to what degree I currently do not know. General consensus is that high level buffs (40+) increase WeapSkill by roughly 100-150. Not nearly as much as weapon spec affects your WeapSkill, but it is far better than CD. So Pathfinding is a poor way of making up for a lack of melee skills, but it is still better than CD. Generally your melee skills should be higher than path, and path should be higher than CD. Same thing goes for your bow, dont spec in Pathfinding thinking it will completely make up for a lack of bow skills, you would be better off making sure your bow skills are higher than pathfinding.
Link to calculations:
Use Anytime:
Lvl 2 Dragonfly High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 12 Black Widow High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 18 Sidewinder Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Black Widow, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 34 Asps Bite Low fatigue cost, use after successful Sidewinder, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, very high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 39 Cobras Bite Low fatigue cost, use after successful Sidewinder, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 50 Wyverns Bite Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Asp's Bite, very high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 6 Bumblebee Sting Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to TAUNT target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
Lvl 10 Scorpion Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to TAUNT target off you, medium bonus to defense
Use from behind Enemy:
Lvl 4 Wasp Sting Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 8 Hornet Sting Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Wasp's Sting, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use from beside Target:
Lvl 21 Copperhead Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 29 Vipers Bite Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Copperhead, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Use after Blocking target:
Lvl 15 Tarantula Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Use after evading Target:
Lvl 25 Diamondback Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 44 Dragonspider Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Diamondback, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Use any time:
Lvl 2 Shining Blade High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 18 Fire Blade High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 39 Spectrum Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Fire Blade, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 44 Prismatic Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Spectrum Blade, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 6 Taunting Blade Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy to attack you, medium penalty to defense
Lvl 8 Enervating Blade Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, medium bonus to defense
Use from the side:
Lvl 10 Glowing Blade Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 15 Auroric Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Glowing Blade, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use from Behind:
Lvl 34 Revenging Blade Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Use after Parry:
Lvl 4 Return Blade Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 12 Lunging Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Return Blade, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 25 Kinetic Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Lunging Blade, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Use after Block:
Lvl 21 Horizon Blade Low fatigue cost, use after blocking enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 29 Dancing Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Horizon Blade, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit
Use after target fumbles:
Lvl 50 Brilliant Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, very high bonus to hit
Use at anytime:
Lvl 2 Misty Gloom High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 21 Hurricane High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Lvl 39 Solar Flare Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Hurricane, High bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 6 Squall Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Use from behind:
Lvl 8 Snow Shower Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 10 Gale Low fatigue cost, use after successful Snow Shower, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 15 Thunderstorm Low fatigue cost, use after successful Snow Shower, medium bonus damage, attempt to de-taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defense
Use from the side:
Lvl 18 Ice Storm Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 29 Tempest Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ice Storm, Medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 50 Supernova Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Tempest, very high bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Use after evading target:
Lvl 4 Blinding Rain Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 12 Blizzard Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blinding Rain, high bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use after parrying target:
Lvl 25 Tornado Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 34 Meteor Shower Low fatigue cost, use after successful Tornado, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 44 Twin Star Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Meteor Shower, Medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Stealth creates a bubble of invisibility around you. The size of the bubble is determined by your skill measured against the level of the enemy(s).
How does stealth and firing work?
From Version 1.35 Release Notes
November 8, 2001
Archer classes now have a chance of becoming visible when they nock their arrow. The way it worked up until now is that archers would always be invisible if they were using stealth until they fired their bow. Now, a skill check is performed when they "nock" their arrow. If they fail the check, they become visible. The chance to become visible is based on their specialization in Stealth. On normal (i.e. NOT critical shots), if they are 50% specc'ed in stealth, they will have a 50% chance of becoming visible; if they are 100% specc'ed, they will have a 100% chance of remaining hidden. On Critical Shots, the chance is the same as a normal shot, minus 20% - so an archer max specced in stealth will have an 80% of remaining hidden after nocking his bow. Please note that in all cases, an archer will become visible once the shot is actually fired.
What causes or does not cause stealth to break?
Posted 1/24/02 9:00am
** Being stunned while stealthed does NOT break stealth.
** Being mezzed while stealthed does NOT break stealth.
** If not stealthed, and stunned or mezzed, you may NOT stealth until the 10 second combat timer has elapsed (assuming you are not hit once mez/stun lands) but once 10 seconds has elapsed stealth is possible.
** If affected by a DoT, each 'tick' of the DoT resets the 10 second timer, and it is not possible to stealth until DoT wears off. Was unable to test bleed damage, but I expect that the results would be the same (bleed is just a DoT with different messages).
** If stealthed and hit with a DoT, the DoT damage DOES break stealth. As anticipated.
** If stealthed and you evade a melee hit, the evade does NOT break stealth.
** If stealthed and you are missed in melee, the miss does NOT break stealth.
** Resisting a DD spell does NOT break stealth.
These test results obtained on Pendragon over the last 2 days, version 1.43/1.44. Standard test server disclaimer applies.
Whyrl Wynds Suggested templates:
Templates should be made in progression. First determine your level 50 template and than determine how it will look at level 15, 25, 39, and 45. As stated in the first section, I believe there are 3 types of Ranger templates: Stealth Sniper, Melee Sniper and Melee Stealther. I have listed the templates that I, Whyrl, and Kaber would follow and they are in no way to be seen as the best choice for others.
What is a good Stealth Sniper template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
There are many variations of a Stealth Sniper.
Bow = 50
Stealth = 36
Weapon = 34
Pathfinding = 29
Remaining points = 30ish (Most likely CD to 7)
Kabers suggested template:
Bow = 45
Pathfinding = 48
Stealth = 35
Weapon = 15
CD = 0
What is a good Melee Sniper template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
Weapon = 44
Bow = 44
Stealth = 25
PathFinding = 29
CD = 20
Note: This is the template I am doing.
Kabers suggested template:
Weapon = 39
Bow = 39
Stealth = 35
Pathfinding = 36
CD = 15
What is good Melee Stealther template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
Weapon = 50
Stealth = 40
CD = 30
Pathfinding = 27
Bow = 12 (all auto-trained)
Remaining points = 300ish (Most likely start at lvl 48 to bring bow from 12 to 25 and maybe bring path up to 29).
Kabers suggested template:
Weapon = 39
Pathfinding = 46
CD = 39
Stealth = 25
Bow = 12 (autotrained)
How many realm points do I need to get bonuses for my skills?
Rank 1: 0 - 7200
Rank 2: 7201 - 61800 (+1)
Rank 3: 61801 - 214,000 (+2)
Rank 4: 214,001 - 514,000 (+3)
What are the Ranger drop equipment?
Good questions and Smallpp came up with the answer on this thread.
I dislike your guide are there any others out there?
Where can I go hunt at my level?
There are 2 threads on different sights that have an ongoing list of spots.
How come you dont have any quest information?
It is due to my laziness. Go the site below.
Note: Click onto site, add in realm and class to appropriate fields, and hit filter button.
Where can I find out information about tradeskills?
I dont do trade skills due to my laziness but here is a site.
I would like to create a spreadsheet to list my specs for each level, see the spells in a different format, and determine damage done by various weapons?
See below, these are worth downloading and reviewing.
What are some solo tactics I can use in RVR?
Plan your escape route ahead of time.
Be patient. Impatience will get you killed.
When shooting from a concealed spot do not move until you know that you have been spotted.
Attack any stragglers or those that stray away from group. Be careful though, the person may be bait.
Shoot anyone sitting down first
When attacking a group, aim for the healer first. If you cant determine who the healer is than go for the rogue/archer next, mages third, and than tank.
After a kill move to a new spot and try to find a new target.
Use water and land to your advantage. (A popular example - Draw the enemy into water, hit stealth, and circle around and than take out a member of their group who stayed on land).
Buff behind a tree or at bottom of valley(or similar type of land) with a lot of concealment.
Re-stealth after each buff
What are some group tactics I should use in PVE?
The core elements of a group; Communication between members, Individuals know their roles, Individuals know what will cause mobs to AGGRO on themselves, and pick-up groups practice on yellow/orange mobs first.
Due to the diversity of characters/specialization it is hard to submit one tactic for a group. I decided I would submit various tactics for roles. Be aware one group member may be handling multiple roles. Tanks and some Secondary tanks should be, with taunt and de-taunt styles, sharing aggro.
Learn area. (Spawn points, mob routes, etc)
Learn pulling range.
Learn mobs aggro range.
Keep pull rate steady.
Dont wait until Group is 100% to pull.
Inform group you will pull to them
Judge groups condition vs. mobs con
Know when to pull without causing high aggro (Use regular bow shot over Crit shot).
Primary Tank:
Taunt style attacks
De-Taunt Style of attacks
Know your styles.
Determines the next mob to attack.
Let puller bring mob to you.
Protect the Resser at all cost.
Engage F6 prior to mob reaching group or use hotkey style attack
Secondary Tanks:
Dont attack MESSED mobs.
/assist primary Tank
/stick mob
Use q and w to set self up for positional styles
Taunt style of attacks
De-taunt style of attacks
Know your styles
Dont attack ADDs unless they are pounding on your CCer.
Depending on group may have a secondary tank pick up an add/ 1 tank per add.
Protect the Resser at all cost.
Engage F6 prior to mob reaching group or use hotkey style attack
Crowd Controller:
Communicate to party not to interfere until you are hit.
Step a little ahead of group as puller is bringing in mobs (personal opinion).
Depending on group may have a secondary tank pick up an add/ 1 tank per add.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
** Need some input on tactics with multiple CCers in group**
Primary Healer:
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
Have some distance between you and main tank.
Communicate with secondary healer(s).
Assign secondary healers as a primary for a specific group member.
Secondary Healer(s):
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
Communicate with the primary healer.
WAIT until tanks have aggro before casting.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
WAIT until tanks have aggro before casting.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
What are some tactics for Multi-group in RvR?
A few of the Core elements; Communication between Groups, Mobilization of groups, Organization of Classes, Individuals know their roles and Individual Groups know their roles.
Communication between Groups:
Chat group containing group leader and 1 member from each group. My preference is that the transport member (Bard (Nuture), Warden (Nuture), and Enchanter (empowering)) of each group should be the communication member and included in chat. The communication member needs to provide to the leader the qualifications of the group, class & level.
Mobilization of Groups:
A leader needs to be set up quickly and who than needs to set up the chat group.
Depending on time, the leader needs to take groups as they are or organize groups via classes. It is much better if time can be taken to mobilize groups via classes.
Note: There are multiple ways to organize the classes. However due to over population of rangers, druids and wardens on my server I am showing this sample. I believe melee types, including rangers and nightshades should be teamed up in-groups of 3. Example the flanking group could comprise of 6 rangers or 2 teams of 3. Each team has a leader who will determine what foe to target and attack while the other members assist.
Flanking group
1 Regrowth or Weapon Warden (Light speed), 1 druid (AE root Nature?) and the rest Rangers
Note: When rangers scouting Warden and Druid are back with the whole assault force. This group focuses on casters, healers and other archers. Rangers dont need much health so if one drops the druid or warden does a quick rez allowing the ranger to quickly begin firing on enemy again.
Frontal assault group
1 Nuture Warden (Speed), 3 heroes/ blademasters, 1 Nuture or Nature Druid, 1 mind/mana Mentalist, and a nuker (example Void Eldritch)
Note: The casters and healers stay as far back as possible. Mentalist provides some crowd control, Dots for any enemy casters, dd and etc. Nuker assist the main tank with stuns and DDs.
Roaming Group
1 Enchanter , 1 Nuture or Nature Druid and the rest Nightshades
Note: When Nightshades our scouting the healers stay back with the whole assualt force. Nightshade have multiple options; Help out the frontal assault group with various attacks, go after their counterparts, provide help to the Second wave group, or go through the lines and target casters and healers.
Second Wave assault group
1 enchanter, 1Nuture or Nature Druid, a mentalist and the rest Champions and any extra Night shade.
Note: This group systematically removes the mezzed/rooted enemy.
Caster Groups
1 Nuture/music bard, light eldritch, 2 Regrowth Druids, 1 Nurture Warden and nukers
Note: Want at least 2 of these groups. Multiple roles Crowd control, Nuke and resurrect.
Kamikaze group
Low levels (non healer types) sent against enemy casters, diversion tactics, scouting mission, and such.
Lower level Wardens, Enchanters or bard.
Note: They provide transport for other Hibs to bring them to the main group quickly.
Note: Wardens and Druids can some times replace the other if short. However, Caster Group needs Regrowth Druids.
What are the spells that are used by Hibernian Characters beside Rangers?
Dability Str/Con debuff
Submission Dex/Qui debuff
Demoralization Attack Speed Debuff
Blast of Defiance DD
Languor Snare
Nightshade Magic
Dusk Dart DD shout
Dusk Strike - DD
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Notes of Health Group Heal
Group Regen Song Heal
Reconstitution Rez 30% health, 10% power
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Clear Path Group run buff
Rhythm of Nature Endurance regen
Rhyme of Nature Power Regen
Music (All Bards)
Lullaby Confuse mob shout
Entrancing Melody Mez
Music (Spec)
Confusing Cadence Confuse Mob
Concussive Shout DD shout
Captive Crowd AoE Mez
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Greater Regrowth Heal
Healing Conflux Group Heal
Reconstitution Rez x% health, y% power
Cure Cure poison and disease
Natures Blessing Instant heal x% every 15min
Biths Blessing Group Instant heal x% every 30min
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Hunters Attack x% attack speed buff
Strength of Grove Str/Con Buff
Storms Dance Dex/Qui Buff
Natures Wisdom Int buff
Strength of the sun Heat Resistance Buff
Warmth of the Bear Cold Resistance Buff
Earth Affinity Matter Resistance Buff
Nature Affinity (All Druid)
Grasping Vines snare
Claws of the Wild Self only Dps buff
Natures Affinity (Spec)
Call of the Nature Summon Pet
Field of Vines AoE snare
Wither Dot
Thornsprout Damage shield
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Solar Regeneration Heal
Attack Unending Endurance Regen
Reconstitution Rez 30% health, 10% power
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Ferocity of Nature Self only attack speed buff
Natures Revenge Group Dps buff
Natures Ward Bladeturn
Encouragement Group speed
Wardens Spirit Spirit Resistance buff
Defy Lightning Energy Resistance Buff
Bolster Resilience Body Resistance Buff
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare - Paralyze
Shadow Control (Light - spec)
Shadowburst DD
Negate Sight Range debuff 2 minutes
Negate Coordination Dex/Qui Debuff
Paralyzing Wind Mez AE(?)
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Vacuumancy (Moon spec)
Ensnaring Blast DD + snare
Mana Ripple PBAE DD
Strength Disperal Con/Str debuff
Entropic Afflication AE Snare, Str debuff and heal debuff
Kinetic Disperal AE DD attack speed debuff
Way of the Eclipse (All)
Void Rift DD line of sight
Ethereal Concussion DD
Void (Spec)
Null bolt DD Line of sight
Null Storm AoE DD
Nullify Spirit Spirit resistance buff
Nullify Hardiness Body resistance buff
Nullify Dissipation Energy resistance buff
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare Paralyze
Bedazzling (Sun spec)
Misleading Rapture DD
Distracting Scintillation Attack Speed debuff
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Empowering (Moon spec)
Aura of Echoing Pet dmg shield
Effervescence Group running buff
Disenchanting Emanation AoE damage
Amplify Heat Heat Resistance buff
Amplify cold Cold Resistance buff
Amplify Matter Matter Resistance Buff
Enchantment (All Enchanters)
Underhill Friend summon Pet
Assit Ally Heal Pet
Enchantment Pet (Spec)
Craftiness - Pet Dex/Qui buff
Strength of the Underfoot Pet Str/Con buff
Twinkling Arms Dps buff
Mentalist www.mypetmage.com
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare - Paralyze
Illusions (Sun spec)
Twinkling Visions Dd
Illusory Enemy Charm Humaniod
Sea of Illusion AoE Damage
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Holism (Moon spec)
Mind Fade Dot
Curative Trance Heal Regen
Empowering Unity Power Regenerate
Shroud of Madness AoE Dot
Mentalism (all Mentalists)
Somatic Reconstitution Heal
Illusory Ache Dot
Mind (Spec)
Enfeeble Mind Mez
Major Somatic Renewal Heal
Delusion Confuse Mob
Braemaar - 44 Warden
Kaber - 25 Ranger
More chars than I can list
'Guild of the Zodiac'
"Wow, that Shadowblade turned into a bear as I killed her. Wait a minute..." - Kaber
Bloodwyrm: 41st Enchanter/Spellcrafter Legio IX Bors
Bloodgeon: Thane Guinivere
wh40k: Dark Angels, Ulthwe, TAU
Special thanks to GuyGrim for posting this guide. It can be found and printed out from here.
He may have the previous version up so if you want the update just wait a few days.
A final thanks to all those who help contribute to this guide.
PLEASE SEND ALL INQUIRIES AND CORRECTIONS TO KABER. I have taken over updating the guide for Whyrl, so please send your info to me if something needs to be changed or added.
This is a big update, I have finally settled on a format for this to give me the easiest possible way of explaining things in a more dynamic way rather than having things repeated multiple times in different sections. Let me know what you think (Did you like it better before and I screwed it all up? Is it easier to understand now? Do you even care?)
Recent changes:
- Table of contents added for easier navigation
- What could be better than some cool names for our variants?!? Still working on them, but changed one of the titles of our variant builds in section 1
- Added information about autotraining to the bottom of section 1.
- New information about level 9 and 10 materials in section 2 (bottom of the player made vs merchant section)
- Added information about how Bonus affects weapons and armor to section 2
- Updated and moved (slightly) how quality effects weapons (section 2)
- Moved the section about WeapDam and WeapSkill to the Melee section from the Equipment section
- Added description to Celtic Dual in Melee Styles (section 7)
- Split up the Speccing Weapon vs CD section (section 6) into an exaplanation of what each does, then a comparison
- Added information about weapon speeds and celtic dual to section 6.
- Extra use for pathfinding speed buff (bottom of section 5)
- I moved a lot of the sections around hoping to make things more dynamic and reduce the amount of repeated information in different sections
1) Starting Off
2) Equipment
3) Basic Setup
4) Using Our Bow
5) Pathfinding
6) Melee Skills
7) Melee Styles

9) Sample Templates
10) Miscellaneous
11) Tactics
12) Spells
I believe there are 3 types of Rangers with many variations.
1) Stealth Sniper
2) Melee Sniper
3) Bladedancer
What is a Stealth Sniper?
The Sniper is a solo artist capable of sneaking within bow range of multiple opponents, fire off a few shots and than disappear in the landscape. Their victim has usually fallen dead to the ground with their companions scrambling around in multiple directions. This is still possible after the recent patches however a little more difficult. The main weakness of this template was the Stealth Snipers reluctance to put any points into melee skills. Recently this has changed. The Stealth Sniper is, now, by level 50 having their weapon skills around 2/3rds of their level allowing them to deal out descent damage to opponents when bow turns out not to be an option. Top 3 skills: Bow, stealth, and weapon. (Note from Kaber: often this template will completely ignore all melee to increase Pathfinding buffs. The Dex/qui buff is considered important for reduced bow draw times.)
What is a Melee Sniper?
A Melee Sniper is a versatile ranger capable of shining in both the solo and grouping arena. This build is more of a cross between a Blademaster and a Stealth Sniper, but unlike the Stealth Sniper, Melee Snipers do not have the bow skill to kill, solo and in RVR, a yellow con opponent surrounded by multiple allies until the mid 40s. The Melee Sniper can kill yellow and orange opponents with bow, however it is usually done in a large battle and takes a few more arrows than a Sniper would. The Melee Sniper shines more with his melee skills, capable of taking out any low yellow con opponent melee only. Top 3 skills: Weapon, Bow, and path.
What is a Bladedancer?
A Bladedancer is a ranger designed for grouping. Many people believe this is what the Blademaster class should have been, and quit their Blademasters to start this variant of the ranger. The bow skill of this ranger is always at 25% of their level until the late 40s (from autotraining). This provides the ranger the ability to do slight damage from afar, which is great for pulling without drawing aggro. The melee skill of this ranger is a phenomenon to behold, especially when provided with buffs by group-mates. This ranger really shines in battles with his ability to sneak up to foes and deal quick death melee only. Most often this ranger circles around his casters and healers stealthily in a battle trying to draw attacks from enemy assassins, sneak up on enemy snipers or surprise attack any opponent deemed to close. This template may also ignore stealth a bit to increase further its incredible melee abilities. While in the solo arena a Bladedancer will always outdamage a Blademaster because of the self buffs, many argue that a true Blademaster can still out-damage the Bladedancer in a group atmosphere with the perfect setup (i.e. Druid buffs/enchanter weap buff). But a rangers self damage add buff stacks with the enchanters, boosting his damage to equal, if not higher amounts than a Blademaster. This variant is much more versatile than a standard Blademaster because of the stealth, self buffs, bow range of an archer, and an auto-trained.
What race should I choose?
Choose the Race you like better. However, if you want to delve into the attributes here you go.
Starting attributes (Str, Con, Dex, Qui, and Total of the 4 attributes)
Celt S60, C60, D60, Q60, T240
Elf S40, C40, D75, Q75, T230
Lurikeen S40, C40, D80, Q80, T240
What are the impact of the 4 main attributes and how should I spend my 30 bonus points?
STR: Increase Weapon damage for Blades and Pierce. Determines encumbrance of a player. Due to debuffs, I, a melee sniper, plan on not carrying more than 400 arrows into RvR. If you chose a Lurikeen or an Elf it is my suggestion to put 10 points into STR.
CON: Provides hit points. I plan on wearing as much con gear as I can get. If you chose a Lurikeen or an Elf it is my suggestion to put 20 points into con to raise it 15 points. As a Celt I recommend 10 points in CON.
DEX: This increases your weapon damage for bow and pierce. Due to our increase every level and the caps are fairly easily met I do not recommend Lurikeens and Elves put any points into Dex. As a Celt I would recommend putting 10 points into DEX.
QUI: Reduces melee/ranged weapon delay. Every full 6 points of QUI above 60 will reduce a weapon's delay by exactly 0.1 seconds until 90. After 90 it is not currently known how much QUI reduces draw times, but I am currently working on the new numbers. Previously, it was every full 8 points that would reduce a weapons delay by 0.1 after 108. Somewhere around 230+ QUI in the upper 40s, people have reported getting draw times on 4.4 spd bows down to 2.8-2.9 seconds. Due to our increase in Quickness every other level and the caps are fairly easily met I do not recommend Lurikeens and Elves put any points into Qui. For Celts I recommend 10 points in QUI.
How many bonus points can I put into an attribute?
The first 10 points to put into an attribute (example STR) will provide an increase of 10points Str, 1:1 ratio. If a person decides to add another 10 points to the same attribute it will provide only an increase of 5 points, 2:1 ratio. If the person decides to add the last 10 points to the same attribute it will provide only an increase of 3 points, 3:1 ratio. At most, you can raise 1 stat by 18 points by spending 29 character points.
Another thing to consider is there are attribute caps at higher levels. Due to this I do not recommend putting all your points into one attribute. You will get the most benefit by spreading the 30 points out.
What is Auto-training?
For every class there is one skill that a trainer will automatically train for you for free if it dropped below 25% of your level. For Rangers it is the bow that is auto-trained. Starting at level 8 and every 4 levels afterwards your trainer will increase your bow skill by 1 without taking any of your precious skill points. For example at level 20 if you never touched your bow specialization you will automatically have a skill level of 5 from autotraining.
I found the below quotes from a Tradeskill site (site listed in lower potion of guide)
"Effective AF is all the combat algorithm looks at, if blue gear is giving better AF than yellow because of higher Quality, the blue gear *is* better. I've tested this extensively, 50 percent quality 30th level armor gives the same performance as 100% 15th level armor of the same type (assuming you are 30th). We're going to be changing the right-click item info to display effective AF so people are more aware of this."
"Effective AF" is derived from base AF (the number currently displayed on right-click). Every armor item has a base Armor Factor, base AF divided by 2 equals Item Level for everything but Cloth, where AF = Level. But when you're in combat, the base AF is affected by Quality and Condition. Quality affects both the chance the armor will completely absorb the blow, and the amount of damage you take when it does, so the impact of quality "double dips". Condition only affects the damage taken. So "Effective AF" equals Base AF times Quality times Condition.
The "ArmorFact" field on the character display has always reflected this effective AF rather than base AF. Soon, right-click will also show effective AF, and base AF will only be shown on Shift+I."
So after reading the above I surmised the following.
Quality affect on Actual AF:
Af 42, quality 85%, condition 100%
AF 40, quality 92%, condition 100%
Which would you say is the better piece. If you picked AF 42 piece you are wrong.
42*.85*1 = 35.7 actual AF
40*.94*1 = 36.8 actual AF
Condition effect on Actual AF:
42*.90*.85 = 32.13 actual AF
40*.90*1 = 36.8 actual AF
Player made vs. Merchant bought:
40*.90*1 = 36 actual AF (lowest player made, 90%)
40*.85*1 = 34 actual AF (merchant bought, 85%)
Quality factors into how much damage you can do to a mob. For instance let say a dagger can deal 8.5 DPS. We have 2 daggers one merchant bought at 85%quality and the other at 92% quality player made. The maximum damage for the 85% dagger would be 7.2 DPS and for the 92% dagger would be 7.8 DPS. It uses the exact same formulas armor does. Simply multiply DPS * Qua * Con and you get your effective DPS. It is currently not known whether this affects arrows or not, since they do not display any form of Quality or Condition.
What makes armor and weaponry made from the new material types better than monster drops?
Well, for one thing, they last longer. The 10th type lasts 50% longer than high level drops, and the 9th type lasts 25% longer. More durability means less cost in the long run.
- Sanya Thomas (Internet Public Relations, Mythic)
Buy player made!
This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hitting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearing a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then have is a 5% addition to your "to hit" (which is simply your chance to hit the opponent). It doesn't affect how MUCH you hit for, it increases your chances of landing a hit on him at all.
- Sanya Thomas
Enchanting a player made item will add Bon: to it for a price. If you have the money, enchant your player made gear.
I plan on carry both Great Recurve and Short Recurve eventually. Great Recurve for a couple of high damage shots. Short Recurve for the lessor damage but fast shooting to disrupted casters and other archers. At the moment I carry just a Recurve bow.
Short Recurve and Great Recurve should have ranges:
clout 21 paces
normal 25 paces
flight 33 paces
Recurve bows should have ranges:
clout 23 paces
normal 27 paces
flight 35 paces
At starting levels money is very scarce, and it is difficult to keep gear upgraded. So, I buy my pieces in Rotation.
Here is the rotation I started at lvl 10 for reinforced armor:
Lvl 10 : Vine Cailiocht Gloves, Boots and sleeves 2.3gp for all three pieces
Lvl 11: Shell Tacuil Jerkin 3.6gp
Lvl 12: Shell Nadurtha Helm and Legs 5.2 gp for the 2 pieces
Lvl 13: Shell Cailiocht Gloves, Boots, and sleeves 6.9 gp for all three pieces
Lvl 14: Weapons (Your choice Range or Melee)
Lvl 15: Weapons (See above and do the opposite)
Lvl 16: Fossil Tacuil Jerkin 9.2 gp
Lvl 17: Fossil Nadurtha Helm and Legs 15.5gp for the 2 pieces
Lvl 18: Fossil Cailiocht Gloves, Boots and sleeves 20.6gp for all three pieces
Lvl 19: Weapons
See the pattern.
By following this rotation I have been in all orange and yellow armor and have had orange and yellow weapons at all times in a very inexpensive manner.
Also, quests and drops will provide some equipment. Plan ahead and when you have to buy a piece make sure it is player-made.
After around level 20 the cheapest armor type is Tacuil, and usually in full sets since each step of the same armor type jumps by 10 AF. It should be noted adding 10 AF to your armor increases it 5 levels. So you will only need to be purchasing new armor every 5 levels, and usually when it turns blue or green. To figure out what AF would be yellow to you at your level, multiply your level by 2. If you are level 15 you need AF 30, and if you are level 30 you need AF 60 armor.
Suppose you have AF 30 and you're looking for an upgrade. Your choices:
AF 36 20g (Cailiocht)
AF 40 22g (Tacuil)
AF 42 30g (Nadurtha)
You could upgrade to AF 36 but since it costs almost exactly the same to make AF 40, let's go with AF 40. Instead of AF 40 you could consider AF 42 but look at the price difference: almost 50% more gold for an AF that is only slightly higher.
This trend continues all the way up the chart. Buy tacuil (when you want the most for your money). The price skew gets worse past AF 40. For example: AF 66 (Cailiocht) costs 181g to make. But AF 70 (Tacuil) only costs 97g to make! It's crazy.
- Fren_Armorsmith
A command is something you type into the text box, and the program will execute it. Some of the more common commands are:
/follow by typing this in you will automatically follow your target
/stick very similar to follow, but you follow much much closer. Its primary use is in combat so you do not lose your target if it moves.
/face similar to follow, but rather than actually moving forward or backward to follow the target, you only face it (mainly used lining up bow shots or casting spells)
/task by choosing a NPC or a named guard, they will give you a Task to complete for money and experience
/assist By selecting a friendly member of your realm (usually a party member) this will select the target he is attacking as your target. Very useful with multiple enemies near.
What is a macro?
A macro is a command that you have turned into a quick key to place on your quick bar. So instead of having to type in each command manually, you only have to setup a macro and click it once to activate it just like any other key on your quick bar. Once you have typed in the macro, an icon apears on your mouse. You simply drag the command to your quick bar like you would any other skill.
To set up a macro you type:
/macro <name> <command>
So to make a macro for the follow command you would type in:
/macro foll /follow
This is also possible with regular text in any format. For instance you could make a help macro in group chat by typing:
/macro help /g Help!!! Im being attacked!
Shift F1- F8: Targets individuals in your group
Shift 1 8: Shifts between banks of hot keys
1 8 (above letter keys): activates hot key in bank your are in.
q: sideways movement to left
w: sideways movement to right
~ and arrow key: Changes the over head look
What are some of the basic Hot Keys?
Each player has 8 banks capable of supporting 8 hot keys. Players can maneuver to different Banks by clicking the mouse on the arrow buttons or by pressing the shift key and number key (1-

Basic Banks are may be needed for the following:
Soloing, Grouping (Puller), Grouping (non-puller), Buffs, Trade skills, Styles, and RvR.
I recommend placing styles and RvR Hotkeys in the first 3 banks and soloing and group hotkeys in the middle banks. The reason is that the RvR hotkeys and style hotkeys will be needed quickly and switching to banks 1 3 can be done easily and quickly with the left hand. Also I would recommend putting hotkeys that appear in most Banks, like Sprint, in the same location. Example I keep Sprint in the first hot key for each Bank.
Can you provide an example of hot keys and banks?
Here is what I use as a melee sniper:
Bank 1 RvR Travel/Escape
Speed buff
Black Widow
1 sos /y Enemy upon us
Bank 2 - styles
A-Time /Stick
Black Widow
Blank (Cobras Bite lvl 39)
Evade /Stick
Blinding Rain (dot)/ Diamondback (Stun)
Blizzard (Speed >)/ Blinding Rain (Dot)
Stealth / Blizzard (Speed >)
Bank 3 - styles
Behind /stick
Snow Shower (Slow)
Gale (Dot)
Side /stick
Copperhead (slow)/ IceStorm (stun)
Vipers bite / Copper Head (slow)/ Tempest (Dot)
Blank / Vipers bite /Copperhead (slow)
Stealth / Stealth / Vipers bite
Bank 4 Solo
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Black Widow
Range Weapon
Crit Shot
Bank 5 Group-PVE
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Taunt /stick
Range Weapon
1 add /g ADD heads up
Bank 6 Group - RvR
R-Hand Weapon
L-Hand Weapon
Black Widow
Range Weapon
1 sos /y Enemy upon us
Bank 7 Buffs
DPS buff
AF buff
D/Q buff
Str Buff
Speed buff
Bank 8 Miscellaneous
/whisper task
Ground target will bring up a target on the gound. Once you bring it up, you can set it to a location in front of you. To set it up for an archer. find a stationary target or NPC and target them and than draw an arrow (click on bow hotkey). If it says you are in range, move back and repeat. Repeat until you get out of range. Once out of range step forward until you can target again. Now bring up your ground target by pressing F5. Hold the F5 key down and press your forward key until you move the ground target under the mob/npc. F5 will now appear at your maximum range. Note: Keep in mind your range changes by arrow type and elevation of land. Also, You will have to set up the Ground Target every time you log on.
Ground Target benefits RVR since you dont have to unstealth to check if your target is in range.
Raising your bow spec has an effect on the damage done by your normal shots, exactly the same way melee specialization has on melee skills. If your modified bow specialization is half of your level, damage will be 50% to 100% (average 75%) of the "standard" amount. If your modified bow specialization is two-thirds of your level, damage will be 75% to 125% (average 100%) of the "standard" amount. If your modified bow specialization is equal or over your level, damage will be 100% to 150% (average 125%) of the "standard" amount. This "standard" amount is based on the item's DPS and delay, and the targets ABS.
- Oakleif
First make macros for your bow and Crit shot. Next find a grey to practice on. If you do not already have bow equipped do so by clicking on bow hot key. Click on your Ground Target to verify range. Click on the Crit shot hot key. This will show you how long you have to aim and whether you are in range. Once you receive word that you are ready click on the bow hot key. Note: I then hit the bow hotkey twice more to draw and fire automatically the next arrow.
How come crit shot does not work on occasion?
Crit shot does not work when the target is engaged/in attack mode or running. Players, the inexperience ones, can be Crit shot multiple times as long as they dont go into attack mode. NPCs quickly go into attack mode once they get hit. However, multiple rangers can crit shot the same NPC if timing is correct.
How does the Crit damage work?
So with 1.45 patch to live servers, they changed the critical shot calculation to approximate:
Targets that would con high grey to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 2.0 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con green to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 2.0 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con blue to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 2.0 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con yellow to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 2.0 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con orange to your bow spec level would have a multiplier 1.7 of applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con red to your bow spec would have a multiplier of 1.4 applied to their normal shot.
Targets that would con purple to your bow spec level would have a multiplier of 1.1 applied to their normal shot.
The multiplier would never decrease below 1.1 times the normal shot, nor be larger than 2.0 times your normal shot.
- Oakleif
How does Crit shot and draw time work?
Critical Shot I is obtained at the third train in bow and has a draw time of 2.0 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot II is obtained at the sixth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.9 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot III is obtained at the ninth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.8 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot IV is obtained at the twelfth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.7 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot V is obtained at the fifteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.6 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VI is obtained at the eighteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.5 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VII is obtained at the twenty-first train in bow and has a draw time of 1.4 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot VIII is obtained at the twenty-fourth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.3 times your normal draw time.
Critical Shot IX is obtained at the twenty-seventh train in bow and has a draw time of 1.2 times your normal draw time.
Multiple rangers have to time their crit shot to fire at the same time.
Setup the following macros and place them on your quick bar:
/macro aim /g AIM
/macro 3 /g 3
/macro 2 /g 2
/macro 1 /g 1
Timing is the main reason why I have Macros called Aim, 3, 2 and 1. In a group with multiple rangers, I notify group of location of mob I am targeting. I than click the Aim Macro key notifying others to aim at target. They can either target mob by my description prior to attacking or use assist macro. I than wait until the you are ready to fire prompt and than hit the 3 macro, followed by the 2 macro and then the 1 macro and then I fire. Once the other members see me say 1 they fire. I have gotten 5 rangers to all crit shot the same mob this way. Takes a little bit of practice but once everyone has the hang of it, it works beautifully.
When you click on the bow or crit shot hot key to aim the arrow selected is the one at the top of the inventory compared to the other arrows. If you want to change arrow types just move the specific arrows to the top of the inventory. You will fire the arrow previously selected and draw and aim the most recent arrow type.
Note: Part of this is pre-patch 1.44, some have been updated with recent numbers, but any and all help with the current numbers would be greatly appreciated.
Name Lvl Effect
Determination 2 +12 af
Vigorous Will 3 +13 str
Perseverance 4 +14 af
Piercing Strike 5 +1.4 DPS
Sharpened Senses 6 +19 dex/qui
Strength of Will 7 +20 str
Self Control 8 +18 af
Forest Shadow 9 +35% speed for 20secs
Incisive Strike 10 +1.8 DPS
Iron Will 11 (removed?)
Keen Sight 12 (removed?)
Fortification of Will 13 (removed?)
Resolution 14 +24 af
Cutting Strike 15 +2.9 DPS
Greater Forest Shadow 16 +50% speed for 25secs
Devotion 18 +28 af
Enhanced Senses 19 +31 dex/qui
Focus of Will 20 +32 str
Sharpened Strike 21 +4.2 DPS
Steel Mind 23 +49 af
Forest Spirit 25 +65% speed for 35secs
Precision Strike 27 +5.4 DPS
Honed Reflexes 29 +38 dex/qui
Power of Will 30 +39 str
Inner Strength 31 +61 af
Greater Forest Spirit 34 +80% speed for 45secs
Unerring Strike 36 +7.3 DPS
Force of Will 39 +46 str
Superior Coordination 40 +52 dex/qui
Invincibility 42 +78 af
Forest Phantom 43 +95% speed for 50secs
Perfect Strike 46 +9.4 DPS
Perfect Acuity 48 +60 dex/qui
Sovereign Will 50 +62 str
The reason I broke them up this way is that a lot of rangers choose their maximum Pathfinding spec by our speed buffs.
How do I use the speed buff and when should I use it?
The speed buff can only be used once every 10 minutes, and increases your run speed greatly. Unfortunately if can be interupted and canceled if you take any damage after you turn it on, making it a waste if not used properly. My preference is to hit sprint first. After I hit sprint I wait until after the second or third hit from the mob and than I hit speed buff. One other very good use for the speed buff is catching people quickly without burning too much endurance. Using the speed buff alone will often allow you to keep up with a sprinting enemy; if you sprint for a few moments you can often catch up and use styles while they are out of endurance. To use this your must put your melee weapons away, so I usually put away my weapons, wait a second, then hit the sprint buff and continue to follow my enemy until I see he is no longer sprinting. At that point I pull out my weapons and cancel the speed buff by doing so.
Piercing is dependent on strength and dexterity while blades is dependent on strength alone. Which to choose is subjective, but I will try to give both sides of the argument as best I can.
Blades: Slower swing times mean higher damage output as studied in the link I provide at the end of this section. Not only that, but Blades are on a completely different damage table, and do more damage per swing than a piercer with the exact same speed and DPS. Being based on Strength is arguably the only pitfall here for a Ranger, since rangers have very high Dex in comparison to Str. But that is actually off-set by a number of factors as described above. So a ranger will still do more damage with a Blade than a Piercer. Blades also have a bonus against Leather and Reinforced armor, which are arguably the most common armor types you will be pulling your weapons out against (assassins are the bane of rangers). Blades receive a penalty against Plate, Chain, and Scale armor.
Piercing: Faster swing times mean piercing weapons will have a lower over-all damage output. But the Pierce styles are geared toward Rangers and Nightshades, the lvl 25 Diamondback 6 sec stun is what really makes this spec line worth it. The 4 chain use anytime combo is also excellent (see section 6 for details about each weapons styles). Piercing gets a bonus against Chain armor, and a penalty against Leather (again, the type you will be fighting most), Plate, and Reinforced.
Make your decision based on whether you want very high damage output (Bladedancer would probably do better this route with blades), or if you want those incredibly good styles and are willing to do slightly less damage for them.
Link to Weapon Speed post:
The more you spec in your weapon, the higher your maximum damage will go. As you may notice when you actually take swings there is a variance, which is based on a number of factors (armor, racial weakness, and your damage range). Your damage range is also dependant on weapon spec, and is listed below. So not only is your maximum damage increased with more spec points, your minimum damage range is also boosted.
Weapon damage range @ 1 spec = 25-125%
Weapon damage range @ 50 spec = 100-125%
(minimum increases by 1.5% per spec pt)
CD on the other hand does not increase your damage range, it simply increases you chances to swing both hands at once.
CD base (1) = 25%
CD max (50) = 62.5%
(increases by 0.5% per spec pt, and 0.25% per level)
If I dont use Celtic Dual styles can I still swing both weapons at once?
Yes. You can use pierce or blade styles and still swing both weapons. The only difference is CD styles get slightly higher bonus damage. The chance to double swing remains the same under all circumstances.
Note: When you use a CD style and it is evaded, blocked, or parried and you swing both weapons, neither one will hit your oponent. If you use a pierce/blade style and your main hand is parried, evaded, or blocked and you swing both weapons your second hand has a chance to hit (assuming it doesnt miss) just like using no styles at all.
Weapon Damage is your effective DPS being used. It usually reads something similar to 508 or 1201 on your stats page. The 0 (zero) translates into a . (decimal point), so 508 is 5.8 and 1201 is 12.1. That is how much DPS your weapon has. Go ahead and check it. Now if you are using a higher level item (orange and up), you will notice your WeapDam reads much lower than the actual DPS on your weapon. That is because WeapDam is capped by your level, and usually yellow items are right around where your cap is in DPS. If you are using a blue or yellow weapon, and its DPS read the same as your WeapDam, that could mean you are not at your maximum potential damage. If it reads a number lower than the DPS listed on your weapon, then you are ruining a perfectly good high level weapon for nothing (higher level items degrade much faster than yellow and lower). Try to keep your weapons yellow or low orange con.
Weapon Skill is a modifier that takes into account your stats, specs, buffs, and item bonuses. The higher your stats and specs the higher WeapSkill will go. It is always lower than WeapDam (at least from my experience), and how it helps damage is described below.
Note: I forget where I found this.
Damage is calculated by the following formula. In the part where it says DPS replace that with your WeapDam described above converted to DPS (i.e. 609 to 6.9). Recall from section 2 that your damage is effected by quality and condition as well, its role is better defined here.
(WeapSkill / enemy AF) * DPS * quality * condition * delay
Note: Bows do not follow this formula.
This is your maximum damage per swing, but things such as absorbsion, weakness to that damage type, and others are also calculated in after this. Note that WeapSkill is devided by Enemy AF. This is where the quality and total armor factor come into play for reducing the amount of damage you take from an enemy (described in the AF section above).
Weapon Damage Formula (Found on a post created by Zilence)
y = percentage of max weapon damage, represented in decimal
x = (trained weapon spec + (item and RP bonus)/lvl
Min damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = .75x + .25
Max damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = 1.25
Average damage from [0,2/3) spec
y = .375x + .75
Min damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .25
Max damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .75
Average damage from [2/3,1] spec
y = .75x + .50
(Note from Kaber: I am unsure that this Weapon Damage Formula is correct or current, I am currently researching this)
Chance to block w/ shield vs. melee: 5%
Chance to block ranged (arrows): 30%
Celtic dual Explained above
I have done a large number of calculations on shields, to which I will place a link if you wish to delve into the numbers. I will spare the calculations here, however, for the sake of easy reading.
What I found is that you should start off using your shield. Low level characters are usually pretty poor, and you get a free shield at level 2 as a stalker. Shields are also cheaper than another weapon. Realistically you should hold off until level 10-20 to start dual wielding depending on how well you are specced in melee. Do not bother dual wielding until you actually get the skill at level 10, you have NO chance to swing both weapons at once until you are able to spec it.
At higher levels you should do some personal tests between CD and using a shield. Generally the response I get from people is when they are specced about or less of their level in melee, they do better using a shield. And generally people with 2/3s of their level or higher in melee do better with Celtic Dual. At this time I believe DEX affects your ability to block, so a Rangers high base DEX should make for more than adequate blocking skills.
For RvR you will have to decide whether you want to be able to block 1 or 2 hits a fight (often those hits will do 300+ damage each), or dish out some extra damage with your off-hand. Like I stated above, it will probably depend on your weapon spec, so you will have to do some testing yourself.
Link to calculations:
I will spare you my many, many calculations for the sake of easier reading. But your optimum damage is for every 5 points you have in your weapon, place 2 points in CD. Basically all you really need to do is keep CD at about of your weapon spec. The idea with keeping CD at half, is that most items add to Weapon specs rather than CD. So generally with +items you will wind up having the best possible damage range (besides, half is a lot easier to keep track of than 2/5s, and the damage difference is not much).
Link to calculations:
Use 2 weapons with very similar speeds. The one big problem with Celtic Dual is that when you double swing, instead of using the speed you actually swing at to calculate both damages, your off-hand uses its own speed. So why does that matter?
Well look at it this way: you have a weapon with a 3.5 delay in your main hand, and a weapon with a 2.2 delay in your off-hand, and they both have the exact same DPS (lets say 8 DPS). Ignore how everything else (WeapDam, WeapSkill, Quality, Quickness, etc) modifies damage for the time being for the sake of keeping this simple. 8 x 3.5 = 28 damage. So you swing with your main hand and do 28 damage.
Now lets say you double swing this round, since your weapons have the same DPS, you would expect the off-hand to do 28 damage as well, right? Wrong. The off-hand swing uses its own delay to calculate damage even though you are swinging every 3.5 seconds. So your off-hand does 17.6 damage (8 x 2.2 = 17.6). To see how much total damage you did that round, add both swings together (28 + 17.6 = 45.6). So you just did 45.5 damage in 3.5 seconds. If you translate that into how much damage you did per second, it comes out to around 13 (45.6 / 3.5 = 13.02).
Now lets say you use both weapons at 2.2 delay. You will do 17.6 damage per swing on both hands, so you did 35.2 damage on that double swing. It looks like a lot less damage, but you are actually doing MORE. If you divide 35.2 by 2.2 (like above), you get 16 damage per second. In the same amount of time (3.5s) you will do 56 damage with both weapon speeds equal compared to around 45 with one slow one fast.
Since styles only use the delay for your main hand weapon, the closer the 2 weapons are in speed the better damage you will do over time. If you are worried about not getting as much Style Bonus damage with faster weapons, the fatigue cost and bonus damage scale down depending on how fast your weapon is. So with faster weapons you get the exact same fatigue usage and bonus damage over time as you would with slower weapons.
Now that this is all said and done, some recent information about weapon speeds affect on over-all damage has cast a small amount of doubt on this. It may be quite possible that using a very slow mainhand weapon could still be better for damage than 2 that are of similar speeds. Still working out the calculations.
Link to Weapon Speed post:
Pathfinding damage add per swing:
7pf = 4 damage average
15pf = 7 damage
21pf = 10 damage
27pf = 15 damage
36pf = 20 damage
46pf = 25 damage
Again if you would like to see my calculations, follow the link below. Pathfinding affects your over-all effectiveness as a ranger. The buffs increase weapon skill, defensive abilities, and your quickness factor for draw times and attack speed. If you simply take the damage add numbers, their effectiveness is directly in between speccing weapon and CD. So roughly your Pathfinding should be around 2/3s of your weapon skill strictly speaking from a melee standpoint. However, the other buffs effect on damage also increases its usefulness, and to what degree I currently do not know. General consensus is that high level buffs (40+) increase WeapSkill by roughly 100-150. Not nearly as much as weapon spec affects your WeapSkill, but it is far better than CD. So Pathfinding is a poor way of making up for a lack of melee skills, but it is still better than CD. Generally your melee skills should be higher than path, and path should be higher than CD. Same thing goes for your bow, dont spec in Pathfinding thinking it will completely make up for a lack of bow skills, you would be better off making sure your bow skills are higher than pathfinding.
Link to calculations:
Use Anytime:
Lvl 2 Dragonfly High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 12 Black Widow High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 18 Sidewinder Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Black Widow, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 34 Asps Bite Low fatigue cost, use after successful Sidewinder, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, very high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 39 Cobras Bite Low fatigue cost, use after successful Sidewinder, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 50 Wyverns Bite Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Asp's Bite, very high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 6 Bumblebee Sting Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to TAUNT target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
Lvl 10 Scorpion Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to TAUNT target off you, medium bonus to defense
Use from behind Enemy:
Lvl 4 Wasp Sting Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 8 Hornet Sting Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Wasp's Sting, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use from beside Target:
Lvl 21 Copperhead Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 29 Vipers Bite Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Copperhead, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Use after Blocking target:
Lvl 15 Tarantula Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Use after evading Target:
Lvl 25 Diamondback Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 44 Dragonspider Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Diamondback, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Use any time:
Lvl 2 Shining Blade High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 18 Fire Blade High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 39 Spectrum Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Fire Blade, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 44 Prismatic Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Spectrum Blade, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 6 Taunting Blade Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy to attack you, medium penalty to defense
Lvl 8 Enervating Blade Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, medium bonus to defense
Use from the side:
Lvl 10 Glowing Blade Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 15 Auroric Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Glowing Blade, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use from Behind:
Lvl 34 Revenging Blade Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Use after Parry:
Lvl 4 Return Blade Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 12 Lunging Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Return Blade, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 25 Kinetic Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Lunging Blade, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
Use after Block:
Lvl 21 Horizon Blade Low fatigue cost, use after blocking enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 29 Dancing Blade Low fatigue cost, use after successful Horizon Blade, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit
Use after target fumbles:
Lvl 50 Brilliant Blade Medium fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, very high bonus to hit
Use at anytime:
Lvl 2 Misty Gloom High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
Lvl 21 Hurricane High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Lvl 39 Solar Flare Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Hurricane, High bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Lvl 6 Squall Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Use from behind:
Lvl 8 Snow Shower Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 10 Gale Low fatigue cost, use after successful Snow Shower, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
Lvl 15 Thunderstorm Low fatigue cost, use after successful Snow Shower, medium bonus damage, attempt to de-taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defense
Use from the side:
Lvl 18 Ice Storm Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 29 Tempest Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ice Storm, Medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 50 Supernova Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Tempest, very high bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Use after evading target:
Lvl 4 Blinding Rain Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 12 Blizzard Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blinding Rain, high bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
Use after parrying target:
Lvl 25 Tornado Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
Lvl 34 Meteor Shower Low fatigue cost, use after successful Tornado, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
Lvl 44 Twin Star Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Meteor Shower, Medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit

Stealth creates a bubble of invisibility around you. The size of the bubble is determined by your skill measured against the level of the enemy(s).
How does stealth and firing work?
From Version 1.35 Release Notes
November 8, 2001
Archer classes now have a chance of becoming visible when they nock their arrow. The way it worked up until now is that archers would always be invisible if they were using stealth until they fired their bow. Now, a skill check is performed when they "nock" their arrow. If they fail the check, they become visible. The chance to become visible is based on their specialization in Stealth. On normal (i.e. NOT critical shots), if they are 50% specc'ed in stealth, they will have a 50% chance of becoming visible; if they are 100% specc'ed, they will have a 100% chance of remaining hidden. On Critical Shots, the chance is the same as a normal shot, minus 20% - so an archer max specced in stealth will have an 80% of remaining hidden after nocking his bow. Please note that in all cases, an archer will become visible once the shot is actually fired.
What causes or does not cause stealth to break?
Posted 1/24/02 9:00am
** Being stunned while stealthed does NOT break stealth.
** Being mezzed while stealthed does NOT break stealth.
** If not stealthed, and stunned or mezzed, you may NOT stealth until the 10 second combat timer has elapsed (assuming you are not hit once mez/stun lands) but once 10 seconds has elapsed stealth is possible.
** If affected by a DoT, each 'tick' of the DoT resets the 10 second timer, and it is not possible to stealth until DoT wears off. Was unable to test bleed damage, but I expect that the results would be the same (bleed is just a DoT with different messages).
** If stealthed and hit with a DoT, the DoT damage DOES break stealth. As anticipated.
** If stealthed and you evade a melee hit, the evade does NOT break stealth.
** If stealthed and you are missed in melee, the miss does NOT break stealth.
** Resisting a DD spell does NOT break stealth.
These test results obtained on Pendragon over the last 2 days, version 1.43/1.44. Standard test server disclaimer applies.
Whyrl Wynds Suggested templates:
Templates should be made in progression. First determine your level 50 template and than determine how it will look at level 15, 25, 39, and 45. As stated in the first section, I believe there are 3 types of Ranger templates: Stealth Sniper, Melee Sniper and Melee Stealther. I have listed the templates that I, Whyrl, and Kaber would follow and they are in no way to be seen as the best choice for others.
What is a good Stealth Sniper template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
There are many variations of a Stealth Sniper.
Bow = 50
Stealth = 36
Weapon = 34
Pathfinding = 29
Remaining points = 30ish (Most likely CD to 7)
Kabers suggested template:
Bow = 45
Pathfinding = 48
Stealth = 35
Weapon = 15
CD = 0
What is a good Melee Sniper template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
Weapon = 44
Bow = 44
Stealth = 25
PathFinding = 29
CD = 20
Note: This is the template I am doing.
Kabers suggested template:
Weapon = 39
Bow = 39
Stealth = 35
Pathfinding = 36
CD = 15
What is good Melee Stealther template to 50?
Whyrls suggested template:
Weapon = 50
Stealth = 40
CD = 30
Pathfinding = 27
Bow = 12 (all auto-trained)
Remaining points = 300ish (Most likely start at lvl 48 to bring bow from 12 to 25 and maybe bring path up to 29).
Kabers suggested template:
Weapon = 39
Pathfinding = 46
CD = 39
Stealth = 25
Bow = 12 (autotrained)
How many realm points do I need to get bonuses for my skills?
Rank 1: 0 - 7200
Rank 2: 7201 - 61800 (+1)
Rank 3: 61801 - 214,000 (+2)
Rank 4: 214,001 - 514,000 (+3)
What are the Ranger drop equipment?
Good questions and Smallpp came up with the answer on this thread.
I dislike your guide are there any others out there?
Where can I go hunt at my level?
There are 2 threads on different sights that have an ongoing list of spots.
How come you dont have any quest information?
It is due to my laziness. Go the site below.
Note: Click onto site, add in realm and class to appropriate fields, and hit filter button.
Where can I find out information about tradeskills?
I dont do trade skills due to my laziness but here is a site.
I would like to create a spreadsheet to list my specs for each level, see the spells in a different format, and determine damage done by various weapons?
See below, these are worth downloading and reviewing.
What are some solo tactics I can use in RVR?
Plan your escape route ahead of time.
Be patient. Impatience will get you killed.
When shooting from a concealed spot do not move until you know that you have been spotted.
Attack any stragglers or those that stray away from group. Be careful though, the person may be bait.
Shoot anyone sitting down first
When attacking a group, aim for the healer first. If you cant determine who the healer is than go for the rogue/archer next, mages third, and than tank.
After a kill move to a new spot and try to find a new target.
Use water and land to your advantage. (A popular example - Draw the enemy into water, hit stealth, and circle around and than take out a member of their group who stayed on land).
Buff behind a tree or at bottom of valley(or similar type of land) with a lot of concealment.
Re-stealth after each buff
What are some group tactics I should use in PVE?
The core elements of a group; Communication between members, Individuals know their roles, Individuals know what will cause mobs to AGGRO on themselves, and pick-up groups practice on yellow/orange mobs first.
Due to the diversity of characters/specialization it is hard to submit one tactic for a group. I decided I would submit various tactics for roles. Be aware one group member may be handling multiple roles. Tanks and some Secondary tanks should be, with taunt and de-taunt styles, sharing aggro.
Learn area. (Spawn points, mob routes, etc)
Learn pulling range.
Learn mobs aggro range.
Keep pull rate steady.
Dont wait until Group is 100% to pull.
Inform group you will pull to them
Judge groups condition vs. mobs con
Know when to pull without causing high aggro (Use regular bow shot over Crit shot).
Primary Tank:
Taunt style attacks
De-Taunt Style of attacks
Know your styles.
Determines the next mob to attack.
Let puller bring mob to you.
Protect the Resser at all cost.
Engage F6 prior to mob reaching group or use hotkey style attack
Secondary Tanks:
Dont attack MESSED mobs.
/assist primary Tank
/stick mob
Use q and w to set self up for positional styles
Taunt style of attacks
De-taunt style of attacks
Know your styles
Dont attack ADDs unless they are pounding on your CCer.
Depending on group may have a secondary tank pick up an add/ 1 tank per add.
Protect the Resser at all cost.
Engage F6 prior to mob reaching group or use hotkey style attack
Crowd Controller:
Communicate to party not to interfere until you are hit.
Step a little ahead of group as puller is bringing in mobs (personal opinion).
Depending on group may have a secondary tank pick up an add/ 1 tank per add.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
** Need some input on tactics with multiple CCers in group**
Primary Healer:
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
Have some distance between you and main tank.
Communicate with secondary healer(s).
Assign secondary healers as a primary for a specific group member.
Secondary Healer(s):
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
Communicate with the primary healer.
WAIT until tanks have aggro before casting.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
WAIT until tanks have aggro before casting.
Stand still if you pick up Aggro.
What are some tactics for Multi-group in RvR?
A few of the Core elements; Communication between Groups, Mobilization of groups, Organization of Classes, Individuals know their roles and Individual Groups know their roles.
Communication between Groups:
Chat group containing group leader and 1 member from each group. My preference is that the transport member (Bard (Nuture), Warden (Nuture), and Enchanter (empowering)) of each group should be the communication member and included in chat. The communication member needs to provide to the leader the qualifications of the group, class & level.
Mobilization of Groups:
A leader needs to be set up quickly and who than needs to set up the chat group.
Depending on time, the leader needs to take groups as they are or organize groups via classes. It is much better if time can be taken to mobilize groups via classes.
Note: There are multiple ways to organize the classes. However due to over population of rangers, druids and wardens on my server I am showing this sample. I believe melee types, including rangers and nightshades should be teamed up in-groups of 3. Example the flanking group could comprise of 6 rangers or 2 teams of 3. Each team has a leader who will determine what foe to target and attack while the other members assist.
Flanking group
1 Regrowth or Weapon Warden (Light speed), 1 druid (AE root Nature?) and the rest Rangers
Note: When rangers scouting Warden and Druid are back with the whole assault force. This group focuses on casters, healers and other archers. Rangers dont need much health so if one drops the druid or warden does a quick rez allowing the ranger to quickly begin firing on enemy again.
Frontal assault group
1 Nuture Warden (Speed), 3 heroes/ blademasters, 1 Nuture or Nature Druid, 1 mind/mana Mentalist, and a nuker (example Void Eldritch)
Note: The casters and healers stay as far back as possible. Mentalist provides some crowd control, Dots for any enemy casters, dd and etc. Nuker assist the main tank with stuns and DDs.
Roaming Group
1 Enchanter , 1 Nuture or Nature Druid and the rest Nightshades
Note: When Nightshades our scouting the healers stay back with the whole assualt force. Nightshade have multiple options; Help out the frontal assault group with various attacks, go after their counterparts, provide help to the Second wave group, or go through the lines and target casters and healers.
Second Wave assault group
1 enchanter, 1Nuture or Nature Druid, a mentalist and the rest Champions and any extra Night shade.
Note: This group systematically removes the mezzed/rooted enemy.
Caster Groups
1 Nuture/music bard, light eldritch, 2 Regrowth Druids, 1 Nurture Warden and nukers
Note: Want at least 2 of these groups. Multiple roles Crowd control, Nuke and resurrect.
Kamikaze group
Low levels (non healer types) sent against enemy casters, diversion tactics, scouting mission, and such.
Lower level Wardens, Enchanters or bard.
Note: They provide transport for other Hibs to bring them to the main group quickly.
Note: Wardens and Druids can some times replace the other if short. However, Caster Group needs Regrowth Druids.
What are the spells that are used by Hibernian Characters beside Rangers?
Dability Str/Con debuff
Submission Dex/Qui debuff
Demoralization Attack Speed Debuff
Blast of Defiance DD
Languor Snare
Nightshade Magic
Dusk Dart DD shout
Dusk Strike - DD
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Notes of Health Group Heal
Group Regen Song Heal
Reconstitution Rez 30% health, 10% power
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Clear Path Group run buff
Rhythm of Nature Endurance regen
Rhyme of Nature Power Regen
Music (All Bards)
Lullaby Confuse mob shout
Entrancing Melody Mez
Music (Spec)
Confusing Cadence Confuse Mob
Concussive Shout DD shout
Captive Crowd AoE Mez
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Greater Regrowth Heal
Healing Conflux Group Heal
Reconstitution Rez x% health, y% power
Cure Cure poison and disease
Natures Blessing Instant heal x% every 15min
Biths Blessing Group Instant heal x% every 30min
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Hunters Attack x% attack speed buff
Strength of Grove Str/Con Buff
Storms Dance Dex/Qui Buff
Natures Wisdom Int buff
Strength of the sun Heat Resistance Buff
Warmth of the Bear Cold Resistance Buff
Earth Affinity Matter Resistance Buff
Nature Affinity (All Druid)
Grasping Vines snare
Claws of the Wild Self only Dps buff
Natures Affinity (Spec)
Call of the Nature Summon Pet
Field of Vines AoE snare
Wither Dot
Thornsprout Damage shield
Regrowth (all)
Minor Regrowth Heal
Regrowth Heal
Reconstituion Rez 10% health
Regrowth (Spec)
Major Regrowth Heal
Solar Regeneration Heal
Attack Unending Endurance Regen
Reconstitution Rez 30% health, 10% power
Nuture (All)
Strength of the Oak Str buff
Oaks Girth Con Buff
Bark Skin AF buff
Dexterity of the Lynx Dex buff
Nuture (Spec)
Ferocity of Nature Self only attack speed buff
Natures Revenge Group Dps buff
Natures Ward Bladeturn
Encouragement Group speed
Wardens Spirit Spirit Resistance buff
Defy Lightning Energy Resistance Buff
Bolster Resilience Body Resistance Buff
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare - Paralyze
Shadow Control (Light - spec)
Shadowburst DD
Negate Sight Range debuff 2 minutes
Negate Coordination Dex/Qui Debuff
Paralyzing Wind Mez AE(?)
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Vacuumancy (Moon spec)
Ensnaring Blast DD + snare
Mana Ripple PBAE DD
Strength Disperal Con/Str debuff
Entropic Afflication AE Snare, Str debuff and heal debuff
Kinetic Disperal AE DD attack speed debuff
Way of the Eclipse (All)
Void Rift DD line of sight
Ethereal Concussion DD
Void (Spec)
Null bolt DD Line of sight
Null Storm AoE DD
Nullify Spirit Spirit resistance buff
Nullify Hardiness Body resistance buff
Nullify Dissipation Energy resistance buff
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare Paralyze
Bedazzling (Sun spec)
Misleading Rapture DD
Distracting Scintillation Attack Speed debuff
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Empowering (Moon spec)
Aura of Echoing Pet dmg shield
Effervescence Group running buff
Disenchanting Emanation AoE damage
Amplify Heat Heat Resistance buff
Amplify cold Cold Resistance buff
Amplify Matter Matter Resistance Buff
Enchantment (All Enchanters)
Underhill Friend summon Pet
Assit Ally Heal Pet
Enchantment Pet (Spec)
Craftiness - Pet Dex/Qui buff
Strength of the Underfoot Pet Str/Con buff
Twinkling Arms Dps buff
Mentalist www.mypetmage.com
Way of the Sun (All)
Gleam Ray - DD
Prismatic Flare - Paralyze
Illusions (Sun spec)
Twinkling Visions Dd
Illusory Enemy Charm Humaniod
Sea of Illusion AoE Damage
Way of the Moon (All)
Powerward AF Buff Self only
Aura of Turning Damage Shield
Bladeturn Self-only Single hit
Barrier of Power Damage Absorption
Holism (Moon spec)
Mind Fade Dot
Curative Trance Heal Regen
Empowering Unity Power Regenerate
Shroud of Madness AoE Dot
Mentalism (all Mentalists)
Somatic Reconstitution Heal
Illusory Ache Dot
Mind (Spec)
Enfeeble Mind Mez
Major Somatic Renewal Heal
Delusion Confuse Mob
Braemaar - 44 Warden
Kaber - 25 Ranger
More chars than I can list
'Guild of the Zodiac'
"Wow, that Shadowblade turned into a bear as I killed her. Wait a minute..." - Kaber

Bloodwyrm: 41st Enchanter/Spellcrafter Legio IX Bors
Bloodgeon: Thane Guinivere
wh40k: Dark Angels, Ulthwe, TAU