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Albion styles

Style Line: Bows
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteDraw TimeDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Critical Shot I ? 2x Increased Damage
6Critical Shot II ? 1.9x Increased Damage
9Critical Shot III ? 1.8x Increased Damage
12Critical Shot IV ? 1.7x Increased Damage
15Critical Shot V ? 1.6x Increased Damage
18Critical Shot VI ? 1.5x Increased Damage
21Critical Shot VII ? 1.4x Increased Damage
24Critical Shot VIII ? 1.3x Increased Damage
27Critical Shot IX ? 1.2x Increased Damage
30Penetrating Arrow I ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 50% damage
35Rapid Fire I ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
40Penetrating Arrow II ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 75% damage
45Rapid Fire II ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
50Penetrating Arrow III ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 100% damage
Style Line: Critical Strike
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Backstab spc'lStealthed, behind foeMM-ML-Stun 2s
4Eviscerate 0.65BackstabLL-MHSlowed 20s
6Kidney Rupture 0.70EviscerateLM-LHBleed 20s 4h/4s, 24 total
8Pincer 0.90Beside foeHH-MH
10Backstab II spc'lStealthed, behind foeHM-HHStun 3s
12Hamstring 1.15You evadeMMLHBleed 30s 5h/4s, 40 total
15Thigh Cut 1.10Backstab IIML-MH
18Garrote 0.75 MM-HHHindered 40% for 4s
21Perforate Artery spc'lStealthed, facing foeHM-MHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
25Achilles' Heel 1.05GarroteM MHSlowed 20s
29Leaper 1.35HamstringHLMHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
34Creeping Death 1.10Perforate ArteryH LHStun 7s
39Stunning Stab 1.25Creeping DeathHLLHBleed 40s 10h/4s, 110 total
44Rib Separation 1.35LeaperH LHHindered 100% for 20s
50Ripper 1.40Rib SeparationHLLHBleed 40s 11h/4s, 121 total
Style Line: Crush
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Daze 0.05HL-
4Back Crush 0.60Behind targetMLMStun 2s
6Maul 0.35HL-HH
8Bludgeon 0.60MM-LLTaunt
10Bruiser 0.65Back CrushMMMBleed 20s 3h/4s, 18 total
12Concussion 0.45You parryLMHSlowed 20s
15Contusions 0.65BludgeonMMMStun 6s
18Blackjack 0.65MaulMHMStun 2s
21Protector 0.00HMDetaunt
25Divine Hammer 0.70Behind targetMMM
29Skull Breaker 0.90You blockHL-LH
34Side Crush 0.75To side of targetMMMBleed 40s 8h/4s, 88 total
39Bone Crusher 0.85ConcussionMMLMRoot 23s
44Body Masher 0.85Skull BreakerMMMSlowed 20s
50Devastate 0.90Side CrushHM-HH
Style Line: Dual Wield
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Twin Spikes 0.05 ML-
4Twin Return 0.90You evadeMLLMBleed 20s 3h/4s, 18 total
6Shadow's Edge 0.65Behind foeM MH
8Inflame 0.60 M-MLTaunt
10Orbit 0.90Twin ReturnM MMHindered 100% for 12s
12Eclipse 0.90Shadow's EdgeM MHSlowed 20s
15Misty Gloom 0.45 L HM
18Obscure 0.00 HM Detaunt
21Penumbra 0.90Shadow's EdgeH MH
25Reflection 0.90You parryLLLM
29Flank 0.85Beside foe MMHHindered 100% for 12s
34Dark Tendrils 0.90Merc=parry, Inf=evadeM LMBleed 40s 15h/4s, 165 total
39Shadow's Rain 1.05FlankMLMHSlowed 20s
44Hypnotic Darkness 0.90ReflectionH MMStun 7s
50Dual Shadows 0.80Facing foeMM-MMBleed 40s 25h/4s, 275 total
Style Line: Flexible
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Blacksnake 0.05 ML-
4Kingsnake 0.85You parryMLLHBleeding
6Diamondback 0.55 M-MLTaunt
8Asp 0.85Behind targetM HMIncreased range
10Viper 0.90You blockMLLHStunned
12Copperhead 0.90ViperMMLHSlowed
15Tigersnake 0.90KingsnakeH LH
18Indigosnake 0.60To side of targetM MMReave Spirit
21Boomslang 0.00 H+M Detaunt
25Python 0.25 LLVHLReaver Curse
29Taipan 0.95CopperheadH LH
34Constrictor 1.15IndigosnakeH+ LHHindered
39Anaconda 1.10TigersnakeHLMHStunned
44Cobra 0.95TaipanH LHReave Soul
50Leviathian 0.80Behind targetM MMReaver Soulrend
Style Line: Polearm
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Impale 0.05 HL-
4Defender's Cross 0.60To side of targetM MMHindered
6Deflect 0.00 HM Detaunt
8Defender's Faith 0.35 LL-HMBleeding
10Executioner 0.90You parryL MHSlowed
12Distract 0.10 LM-MLTaunt
15Defender's Courage 0.65Defender's FaithM MMSlowed
18Crippling Blow 0.45 M MMHindered
21Disabler 0.70Defender's CrossM LMSlowed
25Phalanx 0.70Behind targetM MM
29Mangle 0.80Crippling Blow MH
34Defender's Rage 1.20Target uses a styleH LHBleeding
39Poleaxe 0.85Defender's RageH HH
44Defender's Revenge 0.90PhalanxH+ MMStunned
50Defender's Aegis 0.90PhalanxHLMHHindered
Style Line: Shields
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Numb 0.05HHStun 2s
8Stun 0.86You BlockHHStun 3s
13Disable 0.64Beside TargetHHStun 4s
18Incapacitate 0.85You BlockMHHStun 5s
23Paralyze 0.70Behind TargetHHStun 6s
29Bash 0.85You BlockHMStun 7s
35Mangle 0.75Beside TargetHMStun 8s
42Slam 0.78HMStun 9s
50Brutalize ?You BlockMMStun 10s
Style Line: Slash
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Ruby Slash 0.05HL-
4Cross Slash 0.60Beside foeMMLM
6Uppercut 0.35LMM
8Enrage 0.60M-MLTaunt
10Bloodletter 0.50Cross SlashHMMBleed 20s 3h/4s, 18 total
12Reflect 0.00MMDetaunt
15Opal Slash 0.45UppercutMMHBleed 25s 4h/4s, 28 total
18Riposte 0.90You blockMMLH
21Side Slicer 0.60Beside foeLMRoot 12s
25Cleave 0.90UppercutMLM
29Amethyst Slash 0.60HMM
34Befuddler 0.90RiposteMMMStun 5s
39Back Slash 0.85Behind foeHHH
44Sapphire Slash 0.90EnrageMH-LHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
50Diamond Slash 0.90Amethyst SlashHHH
Style Line: Staff
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Spinning Staff 0.05 LML-
4Figure Eight 0.90You evadeMLLH
6Friar's Ally 0.85Figure EightM MMStunned
8Defender's Fury 0.35 L MHSlowed
10Quick Strike 0.60Defender's Fury MM
12Friar's Redress 0.00 H+M Detaunt
15Double Strike 0.85Figure EightMLLMBleeding
18Friar's Friend 0.70To side of targetM HHHindered
21Counter Evade 0.90You evadeLMLHHindered
25Banish 0.95Friar's FriendMMLH
29Friar's Boon 0.70 M MHTaunt
34Holy Staff 0.60 L HM
39Friar's Fury 0.85Counter EvadeMLLMBleeding
44Stunning Wrath 0.85BanishHMMMStunned
50Excommunicate 0.90You parryMLMH
Style Line: Thrust
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Thistle 0.05HL-
4Ratfang 0.85You evadeMLLMStun 2s
6Puncture 0.30MHLBleed 20s 3h/4s, 18 total
8Sting 0.60MH-MLTaunt
10Wolftooth 0.90RatfangMMHHindered 100% for 12s
12Bloody Dance 0.65PunctureML-MHBleed 25s 4h/4s, 28 total
15Beartooth 0.90You blockHLMStun 6s
18Tranquillize 0.00MMDetaunt
21Lunge 0.70PunctureHMM
25Ricochet 0.85Foe blocksMLMBleed 30s 5h/4s, 40 total
29Pierce 0.75Behind foeHM-MHBleed 35s 6h/4s, 54 total
34Liontooth 0.85WolftoothMLLMBleed 40s 9h/4s, 99 total
39Basiliskfang 0.75To sideLLMMSlowed 20s
44Wyvernfang 0.85TranquillizeMLMHindered 100% for 27s
50Dragonfang 0.90You evadeHL-LMStun 5s
Style Line: Two Handed
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Half Moon 0.05 HL-
4Double Back 0.60Behind targetM MMStunned
6Rile 0.60 LM-MLTaunt
8Pacify 0.00 HM Detaunt
10Two Fists 0.85Double BackM MMBleeding
12Bone Bruiser 0.40 L MMSlowed
15Onslaught 0.90To side of targetM MMHindered
18Fury 0.85You parryMH-LMBleeding
21Bone Splitter 0.70Bone BruiserL MMHindered
25Recenter 0.85FuryLHLM
29Bone Breaker 0.90Bone SplitterL MHBleeding
34Obfuscate 0.85FuryM MMSlowed
39Doubler 0.70Behind targetL HMTarget snared
44Two Moons 0.85OnslaughtH LMStunned
50Sun and Moon 0.95DoublerL MHTarget stunned
Hibernia styles

Style Line: Blades
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Shining Blade 0.04 HL-
4Return Blade 0.88You parryM LMSlowed
6Taunting Blade 0.58 MM-MLTaunt
8Enervating Blade 0.00 MM Detaunt
10Glowing Blade 0.64To side of targetM MMHindered
12Lunging Blade 0.88Return BladeMLMMBleeding
15Auroric Blade 0.88Glowing BladeM LMSlowed
18Fire Blade 0.48 LL-HM
21Horizon Blade 0.89You blockMLLHStunned
25Kinetic Blade 0.93Lunging BladeM MH
29Dancing Blade 0.88Horizon BladeH LMBleeding
34Revenging Blade 0.77Behind targetMM-MM
39Spectrum Blade 0.80Fire BladeLMMMSlowed
44Prismatic Blade 0.94Dancing BladeM LH
50Brilliant Blade 0.99Revenging BladeH+ MH
Style Line: Blunt
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Contusions? HL-
4Bruiser?You blockM LMStunned
6Blunt Trauma? MM Detaunt
8Slam? MM-MLTaunt
10Side Bash?To side of targetL MMSlowed
18Force of Might? L HM
21Unstoppable Force?Side BashMLMMHindered
25Back Crush?Behind targetMMMH
29Bone Crusher?WindfallMLLMBleeding
34Mauler?Unstoppable ForceMMMHNo
39Stunning Blow?You parryMLLMSlowed
44Crushing Blow?Back CrushH+LMM
50Devastating Blow?Stunning BlowM MMStunned
Style Line: Bows
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteDraw TimeDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Critical Shot I ? 2x Increased Damage
6Critical Shot II ? 1.9x Increased Damage
9Critical Shot III ? 1.8x Increased Damage
12Critical Shot IV ? 1.7x Increased Damage
15Critical Shot V ? 1.6x Increased Damage
18Critical Shot VI ? 1.5x Increased Damage
21Critical Shot VII ? 1.4x Increased Damage
24Critical Shot VIII ? 1.3x Increased Damage
27Critical Shot IX ? 1.2x Increased Damage
30Penetrating Arrow I ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 50% damage
35Rapid Fire I ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
40Penetrating Arrow II ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 75% damage
45Rapid Fire II ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
50Penetrating Arrow III ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 100% damage
Style Line: Celtic Dual
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Misty Gloom 0.04 HL-
4Blinding Rain 0.88You evadeM LMBleeding
6Squall 0.59 LM-MLTaunt
8Snow Shower 0.65Behind targetM MHHindered
10Gale 0.88Snow ShowerML-LMBleeding
12Blizzard 0.92Blinding RainM LHSlowed
15Thunderstorm 0.88Snow ShowerMHLMDetaunt
18Ice Storm 0.68To side of targetM MHStunned
21Hurricane 0.49 LM-HM
25Tornado 0.88You parryHMLMHindered
29Tempest 0.88Ice StormM MHBleeding
34Meteor Shower 0.88TornadoM LM
39Solar Flare 0.81HurricaneLLMH
44Twin Star 0.88Meteor ShowerM MMBleeding
50Supernova 0.85TempestHLMHSlowed
Style Line: Celtic Spear
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Hunter's Spear 0.04 HL-
4Entrap 0.88You evadeM LMBleeding
6Hunter's Boon 0.62Behind targetMM-MMHindered
8Hunter's Barb 0.00 HM Detaunt
10Forest Spear 0.59 MM-MLTaunt
12Hunter's Largess 0.88EntrapML-MMSlowed
15Hunter's Lance 0.45 MM-HM
18Javelin 0.89Hunter's BoonM MHBleeding
21Tracking Spear 0.88You parryMLLMStunned
25Hunter's Gift 0.88JavelinHLMMSlowed
29Hawk's Talon 0.95Tracking SpearLLMH
34Eagle Talon 0.65 L HM
39Wyvern Talon 0.88Hawk's TalonM MMBleeding
44Dragon Talon 0.77To side of targetM MM
50Cuchulain's Revenge 0.88Dragon TalonH MMBleeding
Style Line: Critical Strike
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Backstab spc'lStealthed, behind foeMM-MLStun 2s
4Eviscerate 0.65BackstabLL-MHSlowed 20s
6Kidney Rupture 0.70EviscerateLM-LHBleed 20s 4h/4s, 24 total
8Pincer 0.90Beside foeHH-MH
10Backstab II spc'lStealthed, behind foeHM-HHStun 3s
12Hamstring 1.15You evadeMMLHBleed 30s 5h/4s, 40 total
15Thigh Cut 1.10Backstab IIML-MH
18Garrote 0.75 MM-HHHindered 40% for 4s
21Perforate Artery spc'lStealthed, facing foeHM-MHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
25Achilles' Heel 1.05GarroteM MHSlowed 20s
29Leaper 1.35HamstringHLMHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
34Creeping Death 1.10Perforate ArteryH LHStun 7s
39Stunning Stab 1.25Creeping DeathHLLHBleed 40s 10h/4s, 110 total
44Rib Separation 1.35LeaperH LHHindered 100% for 20s
50Ripper 1.40Rib SeparationHLLHBleed 40s 11h/4s, 121 total
Style Line: Large Weaponry
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Celtic Might 0.04 HL-
4Celtic Rage 0.90You parryMLLH
6Celtic Fury 0.59 MM-MLTaunt
8Hibernian Wrath 0.00 HM Detaunt
10Hibernian Force 0.64To side of targetML-MHBleeding
12Hibernian Vigor 0.88Celtic RageMLMMStunned
15Domination 0.44 LL-HM
18Obliteration 0.88Hibernian ForceM MMSlowed
21Frontal Assault 0.69In front of targetM HMHindered
25Gigantic Blow 0.98Hibernian VigorH LH
29Ultimate Recovery ?Target parriedML-MHStunned
34Demolish 0.88ObliterationHMMM
39Shatter 0.88Target blockedMLMMBleeding
44Devastate ?Ultimate RecoveryMHLMSlowed
50Annihilation 0.88Behind targetH+M-MMStunned
Style Line: Piercing
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Dragonfly 0.04 HL-
4Wasp's Sting 0.60Behind targetM LMBleeding
6Bumblebee's Sting 0.58 MH-MLTaunt
8Hornet's Sting 0.87Wasp's StingM MMSlowed
10Scorpion 0.00 MM Detaunt
12Black Widow 0.40 LL-HM
15Tarantula ?You blockMLLMBleeding
18Sidewinder 0.27Black WidowM MH
21Copperhead 0.68To side of targetML-MMHindered
25Diamondback 0.87You evadeMMLMStunned
29Viper's Bite 0.93TarantulaMMMH
34Asp's Bite 0.87SidewinderH+MLMSlowed
39Cobra's Bite 0.93CopperheadHLLH
44Dragonspider 0.87DiamondbackM MMBleeding
50Wyvern's Bite 0.96DragonspiderHLMHBleeding
Style Line: Scythe
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Reaper ? HL-
4Sawgrass 0.90You parryL LHPierce Armor
6Taunting Scythe 0.58 M-MLTaunt
8Arboreal Fire 0.88You evadeM LMScythe of Flame
10Stunning Blade 0.88To side of targetM MMStunned
12Foxfire 0.94Arboreal FireH LHFlickering Flame
15Thorny Shield 1.18SawgrassLHLHThornsprout
18Winter's Scythe 0.87Stunning BladeL LMScythe of Ice
21Grasping Roots 1.31Thorny ShieldMHVLHSpray of Needles
25Nature's Shield ? M Block ranged
29Blizzard Blade 0.88Winter's ScytheM LMFrigid Mists
34Arboreal Shield ? MM Detaunt
39Flaming Scythe 1.17FoxfireH VLHImmolating Sphere
44Damaging Grasp 1.29Behind targetM VLHStunned
50Conflagration 1.44Flaming ScytheH HConflagaration
Style Line: Shields
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Numb 0.05HHStun 2s
8Stun 0.86You BlockHHStun 3s
13Disable 0.64Beside TargetHHStun 4s
18Incapacitate 0.85You BlockMHHStun 5s
23Paralyze 0.70Behind TargetHHStun 6s
29Bash 0.85You BlockHMStun 7s
35Mangle 0.75Beside TargetHMStun 8s
42Slam 0.78HMStun 9s
50Brutalize ?You BlockMMStun 10s
Midgard styles

Style Line: Axe
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Splitter 0.05 HL-
4Cleave 0.85You parryM LMSlowed
6Plague 0.60 MM-MHTaunt
8Thrym's Strength 0.90CleaveM MM
10Pillager 0.40 L HMSlowed
12Hoarfrost ? LMM Detaunt
15Evernight 0.60Behind targetM LMBleeding
18Plunderer 0.65PillagerM MMHindered
21Valkyrie's Shield ?You block MLM
25Raider 0.95You evade LHBleeding
29Havoc 0.75In front of targetLL-MH
34Midnight Sun ?Valkyrie's ShieldH MMStunned
39Glacial Movement 0.75To side of targetML-MMSlowed
44Arctic Rift 0.95EvernightM LH
50Tyr's Fury 0.90HavocH MHBleeding
Style Line: Bows
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteDraw TimeDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Critical Shot I ? 2x Increased Damage
6Critical Shot II ? 1.9x Increased Damage
9Critical Shot III ? 1.8x Increased Damage
12Critical Shot IV ? 1.7x Increased Damage
15Critical Shot V ? 1.6x Increased Damage
18Critical Shot VI ? 1.5x Increased Damage
21Critical Shot VII ? 1.4x Increased Damage
24Critical Shot VIII ? 1.3x Increased Damage
27Critical Shot IX ? 1.2x Increased Damage
30Penetrating Arrow I ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 50% damage
35Rapid Fire I ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
40Penetrating Arrow II ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 75% damage
45Rapid Fire II ? Timer-based Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
50Penetrating Arrow III ? Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 100% damage
Style Line: Critical Strike
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Backstab spc'lStealthed, behind foeMM-MLStun 2s
4Eviscerate 0.65BackstabLL-MHSlowed 20s
6Kidney Rupture 0.70EviscerateLM-LHBleed 20s 4h/4s, 24 total
8Pincer 0.90Beside foeHH-MH
10Backstab II spc'lStealthed, behind foeHM-HHStun 3s
12Hamstring 1.15You evadeMMLHBleed 30s 5h/4s, 40 total
15Thigh Cut 1.10Backstab IIML-MH
18Garrote 0.75 MM-HHHindered 40% for 4s
21Perforate Artery spc'lStealthed, facing foeHM-MHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
25Achilles' Heel 1.05GarroteM MHSlowed 20s
29Leaper 1.35HamstringHLMHBleed 40s 7h/4s, 77 total
34Creeping Death 1.10Perforate ArteryH LHStun 7s
39Stunning Stab 1.25Creeping DeathHLLHBleed 40s 10h/4s, 110 total
44Rib Separation 1.35LeaperH LHHindered 100% for 20s
50Ripper 1.40Rib SeparationHLLHBleed 40s 11h/4s, 121 total
Style Line: Hammer
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Thor's Anvil 0.04 HL-
4Crushing Blow 0.88You parryM LMStunned
6Placate 0.00 MM Detaunt
8Slam 0.88Crushing BlowM MMBleeding
10Ruiner 0.41 L MH
12Frost Hammer 0.69To side of targetM MHHindered
15Provoke 0.58 MM-LLTaunt
18Demolish 0.66Frost HammerM MMStunned
21Revenge 0.88You blockML-LMSlowed
25Crumble 0.76RuinerM MH
29Conquer 0.74Behind target H-LHHindered
34Thor's Answer 0.88RevengeM MMStunned
39Lambast 0.88You parryMLLMBleeding
44Sledgehammer 0.94ConquerH MH
50Mjolnir's Fury 0.92LambastM MHSlowed
Style Line: Hand to Hand
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Kelgor's Bane ? LL-Increased Parry
4Tribal Rage ?You parryL VLH
6Wild Call ? M-MHTaunt
8Clan's Call ?Behind targetM LHStunned
10Tribal Assault ?Tribal RageLL-VLHHits 2 targets
12Kelgor's Might ? H PBAOE Haste Debuff
15Taunting Call ? HM Detaunt
18Clan's Might ?Clan's Call VLHHits 2 targets
21Totemic Fear ?You evadeH VLHHindered
25Totemic Wrath ?Totemic FearM VLHHits 3 targets
29Kelgor's Claw ? M Increased evade
34Tribal Wrath ?Tribal AssaultHMVLHIncreased parry
39Kelgor's Fist ?To side of targetM LH
44Kelgor's Wrath ?Kelgor's FistH VLHStunned
50Totemic Sacrifice ?Totemic WrathH+ HHits 4 targets
Style Line: Left Axe
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Counter Slash 0.05 HL-
4Doubler 0.60Behind targetLL-MLBleeding
6Ravager 0.35 L ML
8Polar Light 0.90You parryHLLLSlowed
10Snowblind 0.60 LM-MLTaunt
12Atrophy 0.65RavagerL MLHindered
15Frost Shadow 0.95Polar LightMLML
18Comeback 0.90You evadeM LL
21Scathing Blade 1.00AtrophyMM-MMSlowed
25Decaying Rage 0.95AtrophyMHLLDetaunt
29Snowsquall 0.95Behind targetM MM
34Doublefrost 0.75 L HL
39Frosty Gaze 1.00ComebackM MLStunned
44Icy Brilliance 1.10SnowsquallH MMBleeding
50Aurora Borealis 1.25Target parriedH LHSlowed
Style Line: Shields
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
3Numb 0.05HHStun 2s
8Stun 0.86You BlockHHStun 3s
13Disable 0.64Beside TargetHHStun 4s
18Incapacitate 0.85You BlockMHHStun 5s
23Paralyze 0.70Behind TargetHHStun 6s
29Bash 0.85You BlockHMStun 7s
35Mangle 0.75Beside TargetHMStun 8s
42Slam 0.78HMStun 9s
50Brutalize ?You BlockMMStun 10s
Style Line: Spear
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Dazzling Spear ? HL-
4Return Thrust ?You evadeM LMBleeding
6Engage ? MM-MLTaunt
8Extend Reach ?Return ThrustL LMSlowed
10Lancer ? ML-MM
12Dismissal ? HM Detaunt
15Wounding Thrust ?EngageL MMHindered
18Stab ?LancerM L Bleeding
21Perforate ?To side of target M-MMSlowed
25Lunging Thrust ?LancerM MH
29Raze ?StabM MLBleeding
34Whirling Spear ? LL-HM
39Razor Edge ?Behind targetML-MMStunned
44Odin's Wrath ?Razor EdgeHLLH
50Gungnir's Fury ?PerforateM MHBleeding
Style Line: Sword
LevelName GrowthPrerequisiteAttackDefenseFatigueDamageEffect
2Whirling Blade 0.05 HL-
4Frost Cut 0.85You blockL LMBleeding
6Draw Out 0.60 HM-MLTaunt
8Northern Lights 0.60To side of targetL MMSlowed
10Assault 0.40 M MM
12Temper 0.00 MM Detaunt
15Aurora 0.90Northern LightsM MHHindered
18Baldur's Fury 0.65AssaultM HMHindered
21Reinforcement 0.85You parryML-LMBleeding
25Ice Storm 0.90You evadeM MH
29Rush 0.90Reinforcement M-LHSlowed
34Polar Rift 0.60 L HM
39Niord's Fury 0.90Frost CutM LHStunned
44Sif's Revenge 0.85Ice StormM MMBleeding
50Ragnarok 0.85Behind targetML-MMSlowed