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New Frontiers Version
DAoC Realm Ability Calculator
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Overall: 227

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Visitors: 16
Members: 0
Total: 16

Hit Counter


Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
0.04 2 Shining Blade H L- - - Anytime -
0.88 4 Return Blade L M M - After You Block Target is Slowed
0.58 6 Taunting Blade M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.00 8 Enervating Blade M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
0.64 10 Glowing Blade M M M - From Beside Target Target is Hindered
0.88 12 Lunging Blade M M M L After 'Return Blade' Target is Bleeding
0.88 15 Auroric Blade L M M - After 'Glowing Blade' Target is Slowed
0.48 18 Fire Blade H M L -L Anytime -
0.89 21 Horizon Blade L H M L After You Block Target is Stunned
0.93 25 Kinetic Blade M H M - After 'Lunging Blade' -
0.88 29 Dancing Blade L M H - After 'Horizon Blade' Target is Bleeding
0.77 34 Revenging Blade M M M -M From Behind Target -
0.80 39 Spectrum Blade M M L M After 'Fire Blade' Target is Slowed
0.94 44 Prismatic Blade L H M - After 'Dancing Blade' -
0.99 50 Brilliant Blade M H H+ - After 'Revenging Blade' -

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
  2 Contusions H L- - - Anytime -
  4 Bruiser L M M - After You Block Target is Stunned
  6 Blunt Trauma M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
  8 Slam M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
  10 Side Bash M M L - From Beside Target Target is Slowed
  12 Impact L M M -L After 'Bruiser' Target is Bleeding
  15 Windfall L M H L After 'Impact' Target is Slowed
  18 Force of Might H M L - Anytime -
  21 Unstoppable Force M M M L After 'Side Bash' Target is Hindered
  25 Back Crush M H M -M From Behind Target -
  29 Bone Crusher L M M L After 'Windfall' Target is Bleeding
  34 Mauler M H M M After 'Unstoppable Force' -
  39 Stunning Blow L M M L After You Parry Target is Slowed
  44 Crushing Blow M M H+ L After 'Back Crush' -
  50 Devastating Blow M M M - After 'Stunning Blow' Target is Stunned

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Draw Time Special
  3 Critical Shot I 2x Normal Increased Damage
  6 Critical Shot II 1.9x Normal Increased Damage
  9 Critical Shot III 1.8x Normal Increased Damage
  12 Critical Shot IV 1.7x Normal Increased Damage
  15 Critical Shot V 1.6x Normal Increased Damage
  18 Critical Shot VI 1.5x Normal Increased Damage
  21 Critical Shot VII 1.4x Normal Increased Damage
  24 Critical Shot VIII 1.3x Normal Increased Damage
  27 Critical Shot IX 1.2x Normal Increased Damage

Celtic Duel
Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
0.04 2 Misty Gloom H L- - - Anytime -
0.88 4 Blinding Rain L M M - After You Evade Target is Bleeding
0.59 6 Squall M L L -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.65 8 Snow Shower M H M - From Behind Target Target is Hindered
0.88 10 Gale L M M -L After 'Snow Shower' Target is Bleeding
0.92 12 Blizzard L H M - After 'Blinding Rain' Target is Slowed
0.88 15 Thunderstorm L M M H After 'Snow Shower' Detaunts Target
0.68 18 Ice Storm M H M - From Beside Target -
0.49 21 Hurricane H M L -M Anytime -
0.88 25 Tornado L M H M After You Parry Target is Hindered
0.88 29 Tempest M M M - After 'Ice Storm' Target is Bleeding
0.88 34 Meteor Shower L M M - After 'Tornado' -
0.81 39 Solar Flare M H L L After 'Hurricane' -
0.88 44 Twin Star M M M - After 'Meteor Shower' Target is Bleeding
0.85 50 Supernova M H H L After 'Tempest' Target is Slowed

Celtic Spears
Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
0.04 2 Hunter's Spear H L- - - Anytime -
0.88 4 Entrap L M M - After You Evade Target is Bleeding
0.62 6 Hunter's Boon M M M -M From Behind Target Target is Hindered
0.00 8 Hunter's Barb M - - H Anytime Detaunts Target
0.59 10 Forest Spear M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.88 12 Hunter's Largess M M M -L After 'Entrap' Target is Slowed
0.45 15 Hunter's Lance H M M -M Anytime -
0.89 18 Javelin M H M - After 'Hunter's Boon' Target is Bleeding
0.88 21 Tracking Spear L M M L After You Parry Target is Stunned
0.88 25 Hunter's Gift M M H L After 'Javelin' Target is Slowed
0.95 29 Hawk's Talon M H L L After 'Tracking Spear' -
0.65 34 Eagle Talon H M L - Anytime -
0.88 39 Wyvern Talon M M M - After 'Hawk's Talon' Target is Bleeding
0.77 44 Dragon Talon M M M - From Beside Target -
0.88 50 Cuchulain's Revenge M M H - After 'Dragon Talon' Target is Bleeding

Critical Striking
Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Stealth? Opening Requirement Special
N/A 2 Backstab M L- M -M Yes From Behind Target Target is Stunned
0.64 4 Eviscerate M H L -L No After 'Backstab' Target is Slowed
0.69 6 Kidney Rupture L H L -M No After 'Eviscerate' Target is Bleeding
0.91 8 Pincer M H H -H No From Beside Target -
N/A 10 Backstab II H H H -M Yes From Behind Target Target is Stunned
1.15 12 Hamstring L H M M No After You Evade Target is Bleeding
1.08 15 Thigh Cut M H M -L No After 'Backstab II' -
0.75 18 Garrote H H M -M No Anytime Target is Hindered
N/A 21 Perforate Artery M H H -M Yes In Front of Target Target is Bleeding
1.03 25 Achilles Heel M H M - No After 'Garrote' Target is Slowed
1.33 29 Leaper M H H L No After 'Hamstring' Target is Bleeding
1.11 34 Creeping Death L H H - No After 'Perforate Artery' Target is Stunned
1.26 39 Stunning Stab L H H+ L No After 'Creeping Death' Target is Bleeding
1.32 44 Rib Separation L H H - No After 'Leaper' Target is Hindered
1.40 50 Ripper L H H L No After 'Rib Separation' Target is Bleeding

Large Weapons
Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
0.04 2 Celtic Might H L- - - Anytime -
0.90 4 Celtic Rage L H M L After You Parry -
0.59 6 Celtic Fury M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.00 8 Hibernian Wrath M - - H Anytime Detaunts Target
0.64 10 Hibernian Force M H M -L From Beside Target Target is Bleeding
0.88 12 Hibernian Vigor M M M L After 'Celtic Rage' Target is Stunned
0.44 15 Domination H M L -L Anytime -
0.88 18 Obliteration M M M - After 'Hibernian Force' Target is Slowed
0.69 21 Frontal Assault H M M - In Front of Target Target is Hindered
0.98 25 Gigantic Blow L H H - After 'Hibernian Vigor' -
&npsp; 29 Ultimate Recovery M H M -L After Your Target Parries Target is Stunned
0.88 34 Demolish M M H M After 'Obliteration' -
0.88 39 Shatter M M M L After Your Target Blocks Target is Bleeding
  44 Devastate L M M H After 'Ultimate Recovery' Target is Slowed
0.88 50 Annihilation M M H+ -M From Behind Target Target is Stunned

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
0.04 2 Dragonfly H L- - - Anytime -
0.60 4 Wasp's Sting L M M - From Behind Target Target is Bleeding
0.58 6 Bumblebee's Sting M L M -H Anytime Taunts Target
0.87 8 Hornet's Sting M M M - After 'Wasp's Sting' Target is Slowed
0.00 10 Scorpion M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
0.40 12 Black Widow H M L -L Anytime -
  15 Tarantula L M M L After You Block Target is Bleeding
0.27 18 Sidewinder M H M - After 'Black Widow' -
0.68 21 Copperhead M M M -L From Beside Target Target is Hindered
0.87 25 Diamondback L M M M After You Evade Target is Stunned
0.93 29 Viper's Bite M H M M After 'Copperhead' -
0.87 34 Asp's Bite L M H+ M After 'Sidewinder' Target is Slowed
0.93 39 Cobra's Bite L H H L After 'Asp's Bite' -
0.87 44 Dragonspider M M M - After 'Diamondback' Target is Bleeding
0.96 50 Wyvern's Bite M H H L After 'Dragonspider' Target is Bleeding

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
  2 Reaper H L- - - Anytime -
0.90 4 Sawgrass L H L - After You Parry Proc 'Pierce Armor'
0.58 6 Taunting Scythe M L - -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.88 8 Arboreal Fire L M M - After You Evade Proc 'Scythe of Flame'
0.88 10 Stunning Blade M M - - From Beside Target Target is Stunned
0.94 12 Foxfire L H H - After 'Arboreal Fire' Proc 'Flickering Flame'
1.18 15 Thorny Shield L H L H After You Parry Proc 'Thornsprout'
0.87 18 Winter's Scythe L M - - After 'Stunning Blade' Proc 'Scythe of Ice'
1.31 21 Grasping Roots L- H M H After 'Thorny Shield' Proc 'Spray of Needles'
  25 Nature's Shield M - - - Anytime Can Block Ranged Attacks
0.88 29 Blizzard Blade L M - - After 'Winter's Scythe' Proc 'Frigid Mists'
  34 Arboreal Shield M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
1.17 39 Flaming Scythe L- H - - After 'Foxfire' Proc 'Immolating Sphere'
1.29 44 Damaging Grasp L- H M - After 'Grasping Roots' Target is Hindered
1.44 50 Conflagration - H H - After 'Flaming Scythe' Proc 'Conflagaration'

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Requirement Special
  3 Numb H H - - Anytime Target is Stunned
  8 Stun H H - - After You Block Target is Stunned
  13 Disable H H - - From Beside Target Target is Stunned
  18 Incapacitate H+ H - M After You Block Target is Stunned
  23 Paralyze H H - - From Behind Target Target is Stunned
  29 Bash H M - - After You Block Target is Stunned
  35 Mangle H M - - From Beside Target Target is Stunned
  42 Slam H+ M - - Anytime Target is Stunned
  50 Brutalize M M - - After You Block Target is Stunned

Style lists sampled from Classes of Camelot
DAoC Server Status
 182  Pendragon (Test)
 683  Gaheris (Coop)
 689  Bors
 740  Gawaine
 786  Iseult
 787  Palomides
 792  Kay
 803  Igraine
 826  Bedevere
 833  Nimue (RP)
 901  Pellinor
 955  Tristan
 996  Mordred (PvP)
 1048  Morgan
 1293  Galahad
 1459  Percival (RP)
 1790  Guinevere (RP)
 2103  Lancelot
 2313  Merlin
 19979 Total

New Frontiers

Bad. More Imbalance
Needs More Work
Pretty good


Votes: 2611
Comments: 0

About Me

Malice of Palomides

Alerion Knight
50 Infiltrator
ML6 Battlemaster
50 Scout
ML10 Sojourner
[LGM Fletcher]
51 Theurgist
ML10 Stormlord
[LGM Tailor]
51 Paladin
51 Enh/Rej Cleric
ML10 Perfector
50 Rej/Enh Cleric
50 Ice Wizzie
50 Mercenary
50 Minstrel
[LGM Alchemist]

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