Here you can discover Midgard weapon style data.
Axe Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.05 2 Splitter H L- - - Anytime -
0.85 4 Cleave L M M - After Parry
(Shadowblade: Evade)
Target is Slowed
0.60 6 Plague M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.90 9 Thrym's Strength M M M - After 'Cleave' Target is Stunned
0.90 9 Thrym's Strength M M M - After 'Cleave' Energy DD
0.40 10 Pillager H M L - Anytime Target is Slowed
0.00 12 Hoarfrost M - L M Anytime Detaunts Target
0.60 15 Evernight L M M - From Behind Target Target is Bleeding
0.65 18 Plunderer M M M - After 'Pillager' Target is Hindered
0.90 21 Valkyrie's Shield L M - M After Block
(Shadowblade: Evade)
(Berzerker: Evade)
0.95 25 Raider L H L -M After Block
(Shadowblade: Evade)
Target is Bleeding
0.95 25 Raider M H L -M After Block Energy DD
0.75 29 Havoc M H L -L In Front of Target -
0.90 34 Midnight Sun M M H - After 'Valkyrie's Shield' Target is Stunned
0.75 39 Glacial Movement M M M -L From Beside Target Target is Slowed
0.95 44 Arctic Rift L H M - After 'Evernight' -
0.95 44 Arctic Rift L H M - After 'Evernight' Energy DD
0.90 50 Tyr's Fury M H H - After 'Havoc' Target is Bleeding
0.90 50 Tyr's Fury M H H - After 'Havoc' Energy DD
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Bow Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Draw Time Special
Special 3 Critical Shot I 2x Normal Increased Damage
Special 6 Critical Shot II 1.9x Normal Increased Damage
Special 9 Critical Shot III 1.8x Normal Increased Damage
Special 12 Critical Shot IV 1.7x Normal Increased Damage
Special 15 Critical Shot V 1.6x Normal Increased Damage
Special 18 Critical Shot VI 1.5x Normal Increased Damage
Special 21 Critical Shot VII 1.4x Normal Increased Damage
Special 24 Critical Shot VIII 1.3x Normal Increased Damage
Special 27 Critical Shot IX 1.2x Normal Increased Damage
Special 30 Penetrating Arrow III - Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 50% damage
Special 35 Rapid Fire I - Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
Special 40 Penetrating Arrow II - Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 75% damage
Special 45 Rapid Fire II - Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
Special 50 Penetrating Arrow III - Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 100% damage
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Critical Strike Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Stealth? Opening Special
Ignore Absorbtion 2 Backstab M L- M -M Yes From Behind Target Target is Stunned
?.?? 4 Eviscerate M H L -L No After 'Backstab' Target is Slowed
?.?? 6 Kidney Rupture L H L -M No After 'Eviscerate' Target is Bleeding
?.?? 8 Pincer M H H -H No From Beside Target -
Ignore Absorbtion 10 Backstab II H H H -M Yes From Behind Target Target is Stunned
?.?? 12 Hamstring L H M M No After You Evade Target is Bleeding
?.?? 15 Thigh Cut M H M -L No After 'Backstab II' -
?.?? 18 Garrote H H M -M No Anytime Target is Hindered
Ignore Absorbtion 21 Perforate Artery M H H -M Yes In Front of Target Target is Bleeding
?.?? 25 Achilles Heel M H M - No After 'Garrote' Target is Slowed
?.?? 29 Leaper M H H L No After 'Hamstring' Target is Bleeding
?.?? 34 Creeping Death L H H - No After 'Perforate Artery' Target is Stunned
?.?? 39 Stunning Stab L H H+ L No After 'Creeping Death' Target is Bleeding
?.?? 44 Rib Separation L H H - No After 'Leaper' Target is Hindered
?.?? 50 Ripper L H H L No After 'Rib Separation' Target is Bleeding
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Hammer Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.04 2 Thor's Anvil H L- - - Anytime -
0.88 4 Crushing Blow L M M - After You Parry Target is Stunned
0.00 6 Placate M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
0.88 8 Slam M M M - After 'Crushing Blow' Target is Bleeding
0.41 10 Ruiner M H L - Anytime -
0.69 12 Frost Hammer M H M - From Beside Target Target is Hindered
0.69 12 Frost Hammer M H M - From Beside Target Energy DD
0.58 15 Provoke L L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.66 18 Demolish H M L - Frost Hammer Target is Stunned
0.88 21 Revenge L M M -L After You Block Target is Slowed
0.76 25 Crumble M H M - After 'Ruiner' -
0.76 25 Crumble M H M - After 'Ruiner' Energy DD
0.74 29 Conquer L H - -H From Behind Target Target is Hindered
0.88 34 Thor's Answer M M M - After 'Revenge' Target is Stunned
0.88 39 Lambast L M M L After You Parry Target is Bleeding
0.88 39 Lambast L M M L After You Parry Energy DD
0.94 44 Sledgehammer M H H - After 'Conquer' -
0.92 50 Mjolnir's Fury M H - -H Lambast Target is Slowed
0.92 50 Mjolnir's Fury M H - -H Lambast Energy DD
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Hand to Hand Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.14 2 Kelgor's Bane L L- - - Anytime Proc 'Increased parry'
1.18 4 Tribal Rage L- H L - After You Parry -
0.89 6 Wild Call M H - -M Anytime Taunts Target
1.19 8 Clan's Call L H M - From Behind Target Target is Stunned
1.19 10 Tribal Assault L- H L -L After 'Tribal Rage' Proc 'Hits multiple targets'
0.49 12 Kelgor's Might H - - - Anytime Proc 'PBAOE Haste Debuff'
0.00 15 Taunting Call M - - H Anytime Detaunts Target
1.46 18 Clan's Might L- H - - After 'Clan's Call' Proc 'Hits multiple targets'
1.12 21 Totemic Fear L- H H - After You Evade Target is Hindered
1.46 25 Totemic Wrath L- H M - After 'Totemic Fear' Proc 'Hits multiple targets'
0.69 29 Kelgor's Claw M - - - Anytime Proc 'Increased evade'
1.46 34 Tribal Wrath L- H H M After 'Tribal Assault' Proc 'Increased parry'
1.25 39 Kelgor's Fist L H M - From Beside Target -
1.46 44 Kelgor's Wrath L- H H - After 'Kelgor's Fist' Target is Stunned
1.46 50 Totemic Sacrifice - H H+ - After 'Totemic Wrath' Proc 'Hits multiple targets'
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Left Axe Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.05 2 Counter Slash H L- - - Anytime -
0.60 4 Doubler M M L -L From Behind Target Target is Bleeding
0.35 6 Ravager M M L - Anytime -
0.90 8 Polar Light L M H L You parry (Shadowblade: Evade) Target is Slowed
0.60 10 Snowblind M L L -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.65 12 Atrophy M M L - After 'Ravager' Target is Hindered
0.95 15 Frost Shadow M H M L After 'Polar Light' -
0.90 18 Comeback L H M - After You Evade -
1.00 21 Scathing Blade M H M -M After 'Atrophy' Target is Slowed
0.95 25 Decaying Rage L M M H From Beside Target Target is Stunned
0.95 29 Snowsquall M H M - From Behind Target -
0.75 34 Doublefrost H H L - Anytime -
1.00 39 Frosty Gaze M H M - After 'Comeback' Target is Stunned
1.10 44 Icy Brilliance M H H - After 'Snowsquall' Target is Bleeding
1.25 50 Aurora Borealis L H H - After 'Decaying Rage' Target is Slowed
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Shield Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.05 3 Numb H H - - Anytime Target is Stunned
0.90 8 Stun H H - - After You Block Target is Stunned
0.65 13 Disable H H - - From Beside Target Target is Stunned
0.85 18 Incapacitate H+ H - M After You Block Target is Stunned
0.70 23 Paralyze H H - - From Behind Target Target is Stunned
0.85 29 Bash H M - - After You Block Target is Stunned
?.?? 34 Maneuver L L - H Anytime -
0.75 35 Mangle H M - - From Beside Target Target is Stunned
?.?? 40 Pin - L - - Maneuver Root
?.?? 41 Shield Swipe H H - M - PBAoE Crush DD
0.75 42 Slam H+ M - - Anytime Target is Stunned
?.?? 43 Sideswipe - H H - Maneuver -
?.?? 47 Brace H - H - Pin Ablative
0.85 50 Brutalize M M - - After You Block Target is Stunned
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Spear Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.05 2 Dazzling Spear H L- - - Anytime -
0.88 4 Return Thrust L M M - After You Evade
(Valkiery: Parry)
Target is Bleeding
0.59 6 Engage M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.88 8 Extend Reach L M L - After 'Return Thrust' Target is Slowed
0.41 10 Lancer M M M -L Anytime -
0.00 12 Dismissal M - - H Anytime Detaunts Target
0.88 15 Wounding Thrust M M L - After 'Engage' Target is Hindered
0.38 18 Stab L - M - After 'Lancer' Target is Bleeding
0.70 21 Perforate M M - -M From Beside Target Target is Slowed
0.84 25 Lunging Thrust M H M - After 'Lancer' -
0.70 29 Raze M L M - After 'Stab' Target is Bleeding
?.?? 32 Windmill H L L - Anytime PBAoE Crush DD
0.68 34 Whirling Spear H M L -L Anytime -
0.81 39 Razor Edge M M M -L From Behind Target Target is Stunned
?.?? 41 Roundhouse H H M -L After 'Windmill' PBAoE Crush DD
0.93 44 Odin's Wrath L H H L After 'Razor Edge' -
0.85 50 Gungnir's Fury M H M - After 'Perforate' Target is Bleeding
0.85 50 Gungnir's Fury M H M - After 'Perforate' High Delve DoT Bleed
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate

Sword Style Information:

Growth Rate Lv. Style Name Fat. Dam. Atk. Def. Opening Special
0.05 2 Whirling Blade H L- - - Anytime -
0.85 4 Frost Cut L M L - After You Block
(Huntere: Evade)
(Shadowblade: Evade)
(Savage: Evade)
Target is Bleeding
0.60 6 Draw Out M L - -M Anytime Taunts Target
0.60 8 Northern Lights M M L - From Beside Target Target is Slowed
0.40 10 Assault M M M - Anytime -
0.40 10 Assault M M M - Anytime Energy DD
0.00 12 Temper M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target
0.90 15 Aurora M H M - After 'Northern Lights' Target is Hindered
0.65 18 Baldur's Fury H M M - After 'Assault' Target is Hindered
0.85 21 Reinforcement L M M -L After You Parry
(Hunters: Evade)
Target is Bleeding
0.90 25 Ice Storm M H M - Block
(Hunter: Evade)
(Shadowblade: Evade)
0.90 25 Ice Storm M H M - Block Energy DD
0.90 25 Ice Storm M H M - Block Energy DD
0.90 29 Rush L H - -M After 'Reinforcement' Target is Slowed
0.60 34 Polar Rift H M L - Anytime -
0.60 34 Polar Rift H M L - Anytime Energy DD
0.60 34 Polar Rift H M M - Anytime Energy DD
?.?? 36 Odin's Clip M M L M Anytime Energy DD
0.90 39 Niord's Fury L H M - After 'Frost Cut' Target is Stunned
?.?? 40 Odin's Bite H M M -L From Beside Target Power Rend
0.85 44 Sif's Revenge M M M - Ice Storm Target is Bleeding
?.?? 47 Odin's Deathblow M H M - Odin's Bite Energy DD
0.85 50 Ragnarok M M M -L From Behind Target Target is Slowed
0.85 50 Ragnarok M M M -L From Behind Target Energy DD
0.85 50 Ragnarok M M M -L From Behind Target Energy DD
- - Thane Only - - Warrior Only - - Valkiery Only - - Penalty - - Growth Rate
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