high end weaponskill, comparison please.
Hola Safehousers.
Just trying to dispell some myths mostly. I would appreciate it if some higher rank (RR5+) *fully* SCed/stat/spec capped (i.e. no nubs in epic) could post their fully buffed up capped stats.
Example: My NS, with 42 Weap spec blades, 15 str given at creation, with aug str 1, RR6, with top tier buffs+MoA3 = 1365 WS.
Those would be the relevant details to include if you can please I am mostly curious to see how the various realms stack up weaponskill wise; do not worry, this is not some secret "get xxx class nerfed" information collection dump, promise :P
Basically, while playing on Lancelot for a bit, I noticed there are some pretty huge myths surrounding other assassins' weaponskill.
I had a group of SBs try to convince me that one of them saw pics of a buffed Inf with a WS of 1871, and a pierce NS with a 1670.
So by getting some info here, I wanted to let them know that these numbers they had been recieving were pretty far off the reality scale. In addition to that, I hoped to give some ideas/suggestions to SBs since the new TL post pretty much informed the SB community to not expect any changes anytime soon.
Ideas to keep in mind!
1) Drugs are bad
2) Information from a friend of a friend is generally *not* reliable, either in court or in DAOC
3) A Sac Inf has the highest potential for WS by 5 stat points. Configured this by either adding the base dex+str/2 for pierce specs, or by taking the flat str of blade specs/Sbs. 5 stat points equates to 3 WS per point for a single stat, or 15 WS; however, I am not sure how that dileneates to a dex/str spec; let's say for now its 1/2, so 7.5 extra WS, rounded up to 8 WS. Note that this WS is assumed with all specs being equal; i.e. same weapspec lvl, same aug xxx's. NOTE: The 3 ws per 1 stat point is equated from buying aug str 1 at lvl 50; this RA gives 18 WS per tier, thus 6/18 = 3.
4) Norse race will have the highest WS by 15 str over the next choice, the Valk. This equates to 45 WS, all other variables being static. 60 WS over a kobold. While the Valk has the lowest const by 5, it should be noted that the Valk also has the best racial resists of any assassin toon; 5% cold (NS DD), 5% body (all rogue poisons) 3% slash to give a minor offset to blade vuln armor, 2% thrust - both melee dmg types they will encounter in pvp. The kobold has the worst racial resists and starting stats WS wise of any SB class that can be chosen, however it can be argued that a fully buffed kobold SB in maxxed gear and say dodger 1 can hit his evade cap more easily, but generally WS > defense in a 20-30second stealther fight.
5) To any starting Sbs: I recommend, whatever race you choose, to go 15 str/10 con at creation, and at least attempt to autotrain stealth. I also suggest the use of LA as a spec path while you level, due to the more utility/general usefulness of the line towards non-CS/stealth dependent styles.
6) 2h is still a viable spec, but won't really shine until MoArms gets fixed...some day.
watermnp Registered User
Posts: 78
(7/9/03 6:33 am) Reply
Re: Hola G
A couple notes:
- All assassin are on exactly the same weapskill table (the hybrid/rogue table). This means with the same weapon spec and the same effective weapon stat, they have the same weapskill
- 65 Weapon spec and 300 Weapon stat will net exactly 1405 Weapskill.
- The highest "sane" weapskill an assassin is likely to see would be a Saracen with dex/str to start, who can potentially reach around 1600 at RR7+ if I remember correctly.
- If you want to read a summary of assassin stats for weapon stat potential (and weapon stat only, doesn't discuss con/quickness/etc.), I have a summary document here. It doesn't actually correlate the numbers to weapskill as spec plays a large component in this (weapskill seems to be roughly 1/3 level, 1/3 spec, and 1/3 stats).
Water, I understand that all assassins are on the same WS table; I hope I did not make it unclear that I thought one was inherently higher than the other. I am speaking in terms of ws as initiated from *starting stats*. Thus, the sac with the 5 extra stat points from the get-go will net those few extra points versus any other assassin class, if that sac specs thrust.
Re: high end weaponskill, comparison please.
I actually did some playing around with this a while back on Pendragon to see what my potential was on WS. A couple of things I should point out.
The WS increases alternated every time I put a “point” into something that would increase WS. In other words, by adding Aug Dex 1, I got 8 WS, then by adding Aug Dex 2, I got 12 WS, then 8 more again for Aug Dex 3… This pattern repeated itself while adding up to Aug dex 5 and through the Aug Str as well.
The same thing happened as I was adding Thrust spec points, with a couple of exceptions. At the lower spec points, ie: starting at 2 points in Thrust, the increase was pretty minimal, like 3 WS, and as I put more spec points in, the numbers rose up to those above. So by putting more spec points into weapon spec, I was getting a greater return per point in WS, however, going from 49-50 weaponspec doesn’t give you 50x the first point you put in.
At the end when I had made the absolute highest weaponskill I could get, sacrificing every other RA I had, and with the best buffs, I had about 1630 WS.
My normal stats on Ghosty as I remember them (sorry been a few weeks since I played him) was on a Saracen Inf, 377 Dex, 317 Str, Aug Dex/Str 2, 68 Thrust, giving me 1577 normal WS.
Suffice it to say that what you give up to get to 1600+ is just NOT worth it. Nor is anyone running around with 1650-1800 WS on any assassin. I've asked around a few times in the past, and while I'm sure some people have higher WS than Ghosty, I haven't found them yet.
Some people need to see things like this in print so that they can understand and help dispell some myths. Inf's have it pretty good, but the wild tales need to be curbed a tad.
sentania Registered User
Posts: 20
(8/14/03 10:33 am) Reply
Re: thanks
I am working on a formula for weapon skill.
If you want to help me figure it out for other classes, please provide:
Weapon Stat
Weapon Spec
Weapon Skill
Hopefully in the next week or so, I will be able to publish a formula that determines how AF and Weapon Skill interact to determine what % of your damage cap you hit a target for.
I have to many toon's to list.
They include:
50 Champ, 50 bard
LM Armorsmith, LM Tailor
And assorted lowbies.
50 SB RR 5L6
Aug str II, Mop3, DR3, tough1, AugCon1, 6pts to spend saving for see hidden. I put 15pts into str at creation.
I have SC'd/Alc gear and maxed stats:
Using 2 different aug Shammies, 1 has MoA4 + 12% TOA buff enhance and the other has TOA 20% buff enhance + no MoA and there is no difference with my stats while buffed (bug?)
WS 1444
I had Aug str3 and that brought WS up to 1450.
Kloked 50 Shadowblade RR 5L6
Gwooor 50 Savage
Black Flag Guild