Posts : 1733
Weaponskill results against parry |
01/07/04 12:16 AM |
In the second series of my weaponskill testing, I went against a few DF mobs, around level 58, that like to parry, with the goal of determining what effect, if any, weaponskill has on the chance my attack will be parried. Baseline testing info: level 50 thane 42+15 shield 1+15 parry shaman buffs of dex/qui, dex, con, af, end regen ======================================================= Test 1 stats: additional shaman buffs of str, str/con 49+15 axe weaponskill 1566 weapondamage 1650 hits 1821 af 647 str 354 con 299 dex 238 qui 140 pie 158 ================================================== Test 2 stats: only buffs listed in baseline test info above 1+15 axe weaponskill 825 weapondamage 1650 hits 1562 af 647 str 226 con 227 dex 238 qui 140 pie 158 ======================================= TEST RESULTS Test 1 parser results, Test 1 game log Test 2 parser results, Test 2 game log ======================================= Totals Test 1: 1281 attacks dished out, 192 parried (15.0%) Test 2: 1325 attacks dished out, 293 parried (22.1%) (for detailed breakdown by mob, check links above) ========================================== CONCLUSION: It is clear that a higher weaponskill means a higher chance my attack will get through my opponent's parry. In this extreme case (weapskill of 825 vs. weapskill of 1566), my chances were improved by 7.1%. I also want to mention I realize this test is against mobs only, and may not accurately depict life in RvR, where we actually care about this stuff. We really only care about weaponskill when we are trying to decide between a weapon spec of 29+11, 34+11, 39+11, 44+6, or 50+0, or anything inbetween. We want to get the best spec possible without wasting spec points! Because of this, my next series of tests will be 50 vs 50 dueling, with a couple of the specs mentioned above. |
Posts : 9285
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/07/04 12:56 AM |
Thanks again Fum'. Your tests are confirming what many of us have suspected for a while. I'm also impressed w/ your presentation, short and to the point. I spent less than 2mins reading your post and yet don't feel like you left anything out. /nod Quote from Dirshaun -Intelligent discourse with someone who has intellect is is far more gratifying then nearly any other pursuit. I enjoy the debate, even if I lose. In this case I really can't lose because I learn more about the game. |
Posts : 85
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/07/04 4:57 AM |
How boring Oo! Dont u american play for fun ? |
(This Space For Rent)
Posts : 4320
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/07/04 10:40 AM |
dont listen to him, fumigator. your tests are very helpful. thanks for doing them. |
Posts : 320
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/07/04 1:24 PM |
Awesome for Bhusta..all i have to do is laugh Anakele Grimshield - 50th Paladin Nimue 4L1 Detram Sandstorm - 50th Theurgist Nimue 4L4 Wraene - 50th Cleric Nimue 5L2 Armadax - 50th Runemaster Tristan 6L0 Aramadax - 50th Bainshee Mordred 6L0 Klandojax - 50th Enchanter Ector 4L8 |
Posts : 1733
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/08/04 1:10 PM |
Heheh Wize with the carrot in the name, yeah I play for fun, but the thing is, I've done everything there is to do in the game about a thousand times over, so something like this weaponskill test is a nice little diversion. |
Posts : 177
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/08/04 5:37 PM |
thanks man, knoooowww i noooowwww Strength. Courage. Desire. Thats what it takes. Can u handle it. Live the legend. Be a hero. Do you have what it takes? TO be a hero. Decide the fate of yourself, your realm, what side will you choose. A world in conflict. An enemy to be reckoned with. A Hero ready to take command. Are u the quiete, the unnoticed, well u better be, other wise u won't survive in this world, u won't be loud. If your the quiet, the unnoticed, then your most definatly loud |
(Lightswitch raves!!)
Posts : 1214
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 12:13 AM |
Do you foriners stop bitching for one moment? I appreciate when people do these tests. It helps out everyone and they have fun doing it and seeing the end result. Symp...  | | |
Posts : 616
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 3:39 AM |
Good test, very nice. Although it scared me a bit that a str and a str/con buff would DOUBLE your weaponskill ... that's just plain scary ... interesting though, that for roughly 2x the weaponskill, you get a roughly 50% better chance to penetrate parry ... Was your axe spec the same in both tests? I'm assuming you accidently put it wrongly under test 1 instead of baseline ... also ... what's the difference between 49+13 and 50 total? is there any difference in weaponskill? Don't know if you've already posted this in another test though ... would be nice if you could get all the tests and put them on a homepage, if possible, for reference :) Edit: Spelling Edit 2: LoL ... just looked at the test 1 parser ... heheheh ... with your 1+15 parry, you parried more than the average mob *LoL* Juanita <= Retired, lvl 50 Friar, Church of Dawn, Galahad, (25 Rejuve, 45 Enhance, 39 Staff, 12 Parry) Enairett <= Retired, lvl 50 Bainshee, Celtic Tribe, Guinevere, (49 SF, 22 PW, 5 ES) Dainshaid <= Retired, lvl 13 Warlock, Aegir Adventurers, Merlin, (49 Hex, 20 Witchcraft, 10 Cursing) Now playing Lamorak
New Characters: Grumsnar the Reaver, Lamorak Juanita the friar, Lamorak |
Posts : 1733
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 1:59 PM |
Doh, StarBorn you are right I forgot to mention in test 2 my axe spec was 1+15; that was the major reason for the weaponskill difference. The two strength buffs only boosted weapskill a little (maybe 200? I forget). I just edited it to include 1+15 axe spec in test 2. I actually wanted to be 50+15 axe for test 1, but screwed up the respec and didn't notice until I was in DF, and was too lazy to go all the way back to Jord to change it :) >>also ... what's the difference between 49+13 and 50 total? is there any difference in weaponskill? Don't know if you've already posted this in another test though ...<< I'm sure weapskill goes up from 49+13 to 50+13, but as has been stated many a-time in grab bags, it makes no difference against level 50 opponents. That level 63 mob better watch out though! Heheh. |
Posts : 317
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 6:24 PM |
Thanks for all the effort. I'm sorry to say I am left kind of feeling like I did when I read about the scientest that had finally figured out how water spiders move across water. The scentist's after elaborate testing and high speed cameras and who knows what all esle at a cost of millions to tax payers found out that water spiders move there legs to propell themselfs across the water. Something when i was six i felt confident of after having tried to hit them with rocks for a few hours. This is a lovly study of yours. But did you really need to do it to know that being buffed was better then not being buffed and that higher weapon skill is better then low?? Signed puzzled. |
Posts : 3916
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 6:45 PM |
Well, several months ago if you had asked 'what exactly does weaponskill do' we could have answered 'well...its good.' Now we actually know what it does. Its good information to have as as long as he didnt spent a million dollars to figure it out I think its great that we know. YOu could say the same thing, do you really need to know that dex buffs make you cast faster? Or qui buffs make you attack faster? Or con buffs give you more hit points? Or con buffs give pets more absorb? I guess you dont need any of that since we know that its better to have buffs than to go unbuffed. You dont have to use the info if you dont want to. :) People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they dont realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. |
Posts : 1733
RE: Weaponskill results against parry |
01/09/04 7:54 PM |
Actually Gandie, this test was the only way to prove higher weaponskill helps get through opponent's parry/block/evade. I personally was not convinced of this, and casual observance is often wrong. For example: If you get parried 4 times in a row, you're going to think you get parried like crazy, when in reality it's just a matter of luck that put four parries in a row. It's a matter of perception. Case in point: People used to swear up and down that weapskill made a difference in regards to chance-to-hit. They based their opinion on a perception that they missed more with lower weapskill. In reality, that's a myth which only testing of this nature could determine. So to completely belabor the point: My goal wasn't to prove that high weapskill is "better" than low weapskill, but to determine what effect if any weapskill has on getting blocked/evaded/parried. |